EMCH/MATSE 440 Homework 4
Due: 11/12/18
Directions: Use the publish feature in MatLab. Modify the code so that your answers are relevantly and
clearly placed in the code.
Background on data: The data used in the example is downloaded from The Prognostics Center of
Excellence (PCoE) at Ames Research Center (https://ti.arc.nasa.gov/tech/dash/groups/pcoe/prognosticdata-repository/).
The data is from the publication:
Saxena, Abhinav, et al. "Damage propagation modeling for aircraft engine run-to-failure simulation."
Prognostics and Health Management, 2008. PHM 2008. International Conference on. IEEE, 2008
Refer to plm.html for more information or to the publication.
Download: EMCH440 PHM Example
Phm.m – Prognostic health monitoring example presented in class
Phm.asv – backup file
M2tex.m – converts matlab file into Latex
Html\ - folder containing images when you publish using MatLab
CMAPSSData\ - repository containing data used in the example
Question 1: Use the second dataset and
…\CMAPSSData\RUL_FD002.txt (Remaining useful life)
…\CMAPSSData\test_FD002.txt (test dataset)
…\CMAPSSData\train_FD002.txt (training dataset)
(a) Plot each of the operational setting values versus time.
(b) Modify this plot to answer the question, is the operational setting for each engine constant?
Question 2: Plot feature ‘T30’ versus time in cycles
(a) Modify this plot to answer the question, is the temperature T30 constant for each operating
Question 3: Run the linear regression analysis as is.
(a) Does the linear regression model produce a good estimate of the remaining useful life?
(b) Name one feature that might make this model better. Explain why
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