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日期:2020-12-18 10:57

Coursework: Colliding suns

Parallel Scientific Computing I

Tobias Weinzierl

November 16, 2020

In this assignment, you will write a very simple N-body solver which runs efficiently on a

single node of a supercomputer. It simulates N objects (bodies) in space—think of suns—

which all move and fuse when they hit each other. I have broken down the assignment into

steps of increasing difficulty. Each step’s result is to be handed in separately (see instructions

below), so I can mark them independently.

The assignment steps mirror content from the lecture. I strongly recommend that you

revise the lecture script while you complete the coursework. Consult the script’s appendix for

hints and helpful material how to produce high-quality solutions. The challenges within the

assignment cover both topics from Parallel Scientific Computing: numerical algorithms and

parallelisation. This assignment is to be completed and handed in via DUO. For

deadlines, please consult the relvant level rubric on DUO (3rd Year Computing).

Submission format

• You are given a code assignment-code.cpp. Use this one as starting point. It is

slightly different than the demo code we have used throughout the lecture (it plots two

additional lines).

• You submit exactly one zip file which contains files named step-1.cpp, step-2.cpp,

step-3.cpp and step-4.cpp, plus one PDF file report.pdf. If you don’t stick to the

naming conventions, your submission will not be marked. There is a Python validation

script on DUO. You can run it via python3 validate.py my-zip and it will tell you

whether your zip file conforms to the submission guidelines.

• Do not make the code output any additional information to the terminal, i.e. do not

alter any screen output.

• Do not make the code accept any additional arguments. No matter how you alter your

code, it should still only read the parameters my template code accepts, too.

• I will translate your code on a Linux machine with the Intel compiler. My tests will use

the compiler options -fopenmp -O3 -xhost --std=c++0x. On Hamilton, you can try

out these flags with

module load intel/2019.5

icpc -fopenmp -O3 -xhost --std=c++0x assignment-code.cpp


• You can reorganise the code in whichever way you want, but all the implementation has

to end up in the single .cpp file per step. Do not split up your code into multiple files

per step!

• DUO provides a Python script that allows you to generate arbitrary complex, random

initial configurations of particles. I’ll use this same script to generate scenarios. My

masses of choice for the suns mi will be normalised, i.e. drawn from mi ∈]0, 1].

Step 1: Multiple free objects

This first step extends the given assignment code into a real N-body code. This is the baseline

of the whole coursework. It is used in all follow-up steps.

In the template code given to you, one object (the first one specified on the command

line) is free, while all the other bodies are fixed in space. Alter the code such that all objects

move freely through space. Furthermore, make two objects fuse into one if they collide and

ensure that the terminal output of the code (minimal object distances, maximum velocities,

final number of objects and object’s position) remains valid.

• Two objects collide if they end up in positions p1 and p2 with

|p1 − p2| ≤ C(m1 + m2) with C = 10−2


after a time step. N is the object count at the simulation startup. There is no need to

check the actual trajectory. Simply use the final position after each step.

• The merger has a new mass of m1 + m2.

• You can average the objects’ positions. Use the weighted average here, too,

Marks will be given for the correctness of the solution. The solution to this step is to be

handed in as a single file called step-1.cpp. The step assesses your understanding of the test

code that I used throughout the lecture. It touches on the principle of numerical imprecision

due to time stepping. Finally, it establishes a baseline to assess workload imbalances for the

next steps. I do recommend that you use some basic profiling to eliminate major runtime


This step is worth 20 marks (correct movement: 6, fusion: 6, speed of implementation: 8).

Step 2: Vectorisation

This step extends the source code from step 1 and makes it exploit vectorisation.

Assess the vector efficiency of your solution. Where appropriate—you might want to use

performance analysis tools—add OpenMP vectorisation pragmas. The step assesses your

understanding of the vector paradigm and basic OpenMP vectorisation pragmas. Marks will

preliminary be awarded for performance, but you have to ensure that you don’t break the

code semantics. The solution to this step is to be handed in as a single file called step-2.cpp.

This step is worth 20 marks (correctness: 5, obtained efficiency: 15).


Step 3: Higher order time integration

This step extends the source code from step 2, and adds a better numerical scheme. If you

struggle with step 2, you are allowed to start with the solution of step 1.

Implement an RK(2) (Runge-Kutta 2) algorithm for your particle movement. This scheme

is also called Runge’s method (cmp. script).

The step assesses your understanding of numerical time integrators. Your lecture script

discusses multiple variants of time stepping schemes with second-order accuracy. The most

widely used scheme for N-body codes is the leapfrog scheme. I however want you to implement

Runge-Kutta here to assess that you understand RK’s data flow.

Marks will be awarded for the correctness of the implementation. The solution to this

step is to be handed in as a single file called step-3.cpp.

This step is worth 20 marks.

Step 4: OpenMP

This step should extend the source code from step 3 and adds multicore parallelism. If you

struggle with step 3, you are allowed to fall back to the solution from step 1 or step 2.

Parallelise your code with OpenMP vectorisation pragmas. Ensure that you do not break

the global statistics v max and dx min which are plotted after each step.

The step assesses your understanding of the OpenMP parallelisation paradigm. Marks will

be awarded for performance, but you have to ensure that you don’t break the code semantics.

The solution to this step is to be handed in as a single file called step-4.cpp.

This step is worth 20 marks (correctness: 5, obtained efficiency: 15).

Step 5: Report

This step assesses your ability to run numerical/HPC experiments. You should use your

solution of step 4 for your experiments.

Study the scalability of your code and compare it to a strong scaling model. What are

the involved constants? You can either use your own machine (if it is reasonably powerful)

or use Durham’s supercomputer Hamilton or use another Durham machine.

Furthermore, assess the convergence order of your time stepping scheme for both the

scheme from step 1 and the scheme from step 3. For this, I recommend that you take a

two-particle setup and you track where the particles collide. Rely solely on numerical data,

i.e. do not try to use any analytical solution.

The step assesses your understanding of how to design numerical and upscaling experiments,

how to present findings and how to calibrate models. Marks will be awarded for

the data and the presentation. Besides some background information about the machine et

al, your report should consist of two plots (one for the scaling and one for the convergence

behaviour) and a brief paragraph that interprets the data. The solution to this step is to be

handed in as a one-page PDF report report.pdf.

This step is worth 20 marks (data: 5, speedup plot: 5, convergence plot: 5, interpretation: 5)


If you plan to use Hamilton, please consider:

• Start early. If you submit tests to run on the machine, these tests are queued—you

share the resources with others—so you have to expect a few hours until they start.

• Familiarise yourself with the machine early. To use a supercomputer, you have to write

some startup scripts, you have to familiarise yourself with the modules environment,

and so forth. It is not difficult, but you might have to invest some time.


• Make your supercomputer runs as brief as possible. This way, the scheduler on the

supercomputer will squeeze them in whenever some idle time arises on a node. For the

speedup studies, a few minutes of simulation time typically do the job.


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