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日期:2021-02-12 11:46

CSE 143: Computer Programming II Winter 2021

Take-home Assessment 5: Grammar Solver due February 11, 2021 11:59pm

This assignment will assess your mastery of the following objectives:

• Implement a well-designed Java class to meet a given specification.

• Implement recursive methods to solve a naturally-recursive problem.

• Implement a public-private recursive pair.

• Choose an appropriate data structure to represent specified data.

• Follow prescribed conventions for code quality, documentation, and readability.

Overview: Languages, Grammars, and BNF

In this assessment, you will write a class GrammarSolver that will be able to generate random sentences

(or other output) from a set of specially-formatted rules. These rules are called a grammar and are used

to define a language. Our grammars will be written in Backus-Naur Form (BNF).

Formal Languages

A formal language is a set of words and symbols along with a set of rules defining how those symbols may

be used together. These rules dictate what are considered valid constructions in the defined language.

For example, in English, “A boy threw the ball.” is a valid sentence, but “A threw boy ball the” is not,

despite consisting of the same words, because the words are put together in an invalid way.


A grammar is a way of describing the syntax and symbols of a formal language. Grammars have two types

of “symbols” (e.g., words, phrases, sentences): terminals and non-terminals. A terminal is a fundamental

word or symbol in the language. For example, in English, any single word would be considered a terminal.

A non-terminal is a symbol that is used to define specific groups of symbols that may be used in the

language. In a grammar for English, we might have non-terminals such as “adjective,” “noun phrase,”

and “sentence” to name a few.








For example, consider the following simple language:

• Terminals: the, a, cat, dog, runs, walks

• Non-terminals:

– sentence: “article and object and verb”

– article: “the or a”.

– object: “cat or dog”.

– verb: “runs or walks”.

This language allows the following sentences:

“the cat runs” “the cat walks” “a cat runs” “a cat walks”

“the dog runs” “the dog walks” “a dog runs” “a dog walks”

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Backus-Naur Form (BNF)

Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is a specific format for specifying grammars. Each line of BNF looks like the



Each “rule” is some sequence of terminals or non-terminals separated by whitespace. The ‘|’ character

separates different possible rules for the same non-terminal. For example, the grammar specified above

written in BNF would look like:

sentence::=article object verb




Notice that the non-terminal sentence has a single option consisting of multiple non-terminals, whereas

the others non-terminals each consist of multiple options.

Rules may be duplicated for the same non-terminal to make a particular expansion more likely than others.

For example, suppose the above grammar were modified as follows:

sentence::=article object verb




This grammar would produce the same sentences as the original grammar, but sentences containing “cat”

would be twice as likely to occur as sentences containing “dog.”

In addition, for this assessment, you may assume the following about all BNF rules:

• Each line will contain exactly one occurrence of ::= which will be the separator between the name

of a non-terminal and its options.

• A pipe (|) will separate each option for a non-terminal. If there is only one option for a particular

non-terminal (like with sentence above), there will be no pipe on that line.

• Whitespace separates tokens but doesn’t haven any special meaning. There will be at least one

whitespace character between each part of a single rule. Extra whitespace should be ignored.

• Symbols are case-sensistive. (For example, <S> would not be considered the same symbol as <s>.)

• A terminal is any symbol that does not appear on the left-hand side of a rule.

• The text before the “::=” is not empty, does not contain a pipe (|) character, and does not contain

any whitespace.

• The text after the “::=” will be nonempty.

Program Behavior

In this assessment you will write a class that accepts a list of rules for a grammar in Backus-Naur Form

and allows the client to randomly generate elements of the grammar. You will use recursion to implement

the core of your algorithm.

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We have provided you with a client program, GrammarMain.java, that handles the file processing and

user interaction. This program reads a BNF grammar input text file and passes its entire contents to you

as a List of Strings. You will write a class GrammarSolver that generates random results based on

the rules provided.


Your GrammarSolver class should have the following constructor:

public GrammarSolver(List<String> rules)

This constructor should initialize a new grammar over the given BNF grammar rules where each rule

corresponds to one line of text. You should use regular expressions (see below) to break apart the

rules and store them into a Map so that you can look up parts of the grammar efficiently later.

You should not modify the list passed in. You should throw an IllegalArgumentException if the

list is empty or if there are two or more entries in the grammar for the same non-terminal.

Your GrammarSolver should also implement the following public methods:

public boolean grammarContains(String symbol)

This method should return true if the given symbol is a non-terminal in the grammar and false


For example, for the grammar above, grammarContains("sentence") would return true and

grammarContains("foo") or grammarContains("boy") (“boy” is a terminal in the language)

would return false.

public String getSymbols()

This method should return a string representation of the various nonterminal symbols from the

grammar as a sorted, comma-separated list enclosed in square brackets

For example, calling getSymbols() for the previous grammar would give: “[article, object,

sentence, verb]”.

public String[] generate(String symbol, int times)

This method should generate times random occurrences of the given symbol and return them as

a String[]. Each string generated should be compact in the sense that there should be

exactly one space between each terminal and there should be no leading or trailing spaces.

If times is negative, you should throw an IllegalArgumentException. If the String argument

passed is not a non-terminal in your grammar you should throw an IllegalArgumentException.

When generating a non-terminal symbol in your grammar, each of the rules on the right-hand side

of the grammar should be applied with equal probability.

Each written

rule should

equally likely,

but a rule may

occur more often

if it appears

as an option

more than once.

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Sample Grammar and Executions

Complex BNF (sentence.txt)

<sentence>::=<nounp> <verbp>

<nounp>::=<det> <adjs> <noun>|<propnoun>


<adjs>::=<adj>|<adj> <adjs>




<verbp>::=<transverb> <nounp>|<intransverb>

<transverb>::=taught|honored|waved to|helped


Example Random Sentence Diagram



















Partial Example Execution (user input underlined)

Welcome to the cse143 random sentence generator.

What is the name of the grammar file? sentence.txt

Available symbols are:

[<adj>, <adjs>, <det>, <intransverb>, <noun>, <nounp>, <propnoun>, <sentence>, <transverb>, <verbp>]

What do you want generated (return to quit)? <sentence>

How many do you want me to generate? 5

Hadi found Jazmin

Spot helped the big cat

Elmo died

the green mother wept

the subliminal green man laughed

Available symbols are:

[<adj>, <adjs>, <det>, <intransverb>, <noun>, <nounp>, <propnoun>, <sentence>, <transverb>, <verbp>]

What do you want generated (return to quit)?

More example program executions are found at the end of the spec.

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Implementation Guidelines

GrammarSolver Constructor

For this assessment, you MUST represent your grammar using a Map, where the keys of the map are

the non-terminals of the grammar, and the values are the options for expansion the corresponding nonterminal.

You should choose an appropriate data structure for the values in your Map to effectively

represent the grammar rules and make the operations required by the class convenient and efficient.

generate Algorithm

The generate method will generate a random occurrence of a given non-terminal NT. You MUST use

the following recursive algorithm in your implementation of this method:

Choose a random expansion rule R for the non-terminal NT. For each of the symbols in the

rule R, generate a random occurrence of that symbol. If the symbol is a terminal, the expansion

is simply the symbol itself. If the symbol is a non-terminal, you should generate an expansion

using a recursive call.

Remember that it is acceptable to have a loop inside your recursion. (In fact, you will likely want one as

part of this algorithm!) The directory crawler program from class will serve as a good guide for how to

write this program. In that example, we iterated over the different files in a directory and used recursion

to list the files in each subdirectory. For your GrammarSolver, you will iterate over the different symbols

in the chosen role and use recursion to generate an expansion for each symbol. You may also find that

you will want to use a public/private pair for this recursive task.

Testing Your Solution

We are providing another tool that is linked on the section for this assignment to check the output of

your generate method to make sure it is producing valid output.

Remember to

remove any


code when you


You can test that the correct whitespace is produced from generate by using some non-whitespace

character (e.g. ~) instead of spaces and inspecting the output visually.

Splitting Strings

In this assignment, it will be useful to know how to split strings apart in Java. In particular, you will need

to split the various options for rules on the | character, and then, you will need to split the pieces of a

rule apart by spaces.

To do this, you should use the split method of the String class, which takes a String delimiter

(e.g. “what to split by”) as a parameter and returns your original large String as an array of smaller


The delimiter String passed to split is called a regular expression, which are strings that use a particular

syntax to indicate patterns of text. A regular expression is a String that “matches” certain sequences.

For instance, “abc” is a regular expression that matches “a followed by b followed by c”.

You do not need to have a deep understanding of regular expressions to complete this assessment. Here

are some specific regular expressions that will help you with particular splitting steps for your class:

• Splitting Non-Terminals from Rules. Given a String, line, to split line based on where

::= occurs, you could use the regular expression “::=” (since you are looking for these literal

characters). For example:

String line = "example::=foo bar |baz";

String[] pieces = line.split("::="); // ["example", "foo bar |baz"]

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• Splitting Different Rules. Given a String, rules, to split rules based on where the | character

is, it looks similar to the above, except, in regular expressions, | is a special character. So, we must

escape it (just like \n or \t). So, the regular expression is “\\|”. (Note that we need two slashes

because slashes themselves must be escaped in Strings.) For example:

String rules = "foo bar|baz |quux mumble";

String[] pieces = rules.split("\\|"); // ["foo bar", "baz ", "quux mumble"]

• Splitting Apart a Single Rule. Given a String, rule, to split rule based on whitespace, we

must look for “at least one whitespace”. We can use \\s to indicate “a single whitespace of any

kind: \t, space, etc. And by adding + afterwards, the regular expression is interpreted as “one or

more of whitespace”. For example:

String rule = "the quick brown fox";

String[] pieces = rule.split("\\s+"); // ["the", "quick", "brown", "fox"]

Removing Whitespace from the Beginning and the End of a String

One minor issue that comes up with splitting on whitespace as above is that if the String you are splitting

begins with a whitespace character, you will get an empty String at the front of the resulting array.

Given a String, str, we can create a new String that omits all leading and trailing whitespace removed:

String str = " lots of spaces \t";

String trimmedString = str.trim(); // "lots of spaces"

Development Strategy and Hints

The generate method is the most difficult, so we strongly suggest you write it last. Remember that it

is helpful to tackle difficult methods using “iterative development” where you solve simple versions of the

problem first.

Random programs can be difficult to validate correctness, and the generate method you will implement

uses randomness to decide which rule for a given non-terminal to use. To help you debug and validate

your output, we have provided a grammar verifier tool on the course website that verifies your output

follows the grammar rules (but ignores whitespace).

If your recursive method has a bug, try putting a debug println that prints your parameter values to

see the calls being made.

Code Quality Guidelines

In addition to producing the behavior described above, your code should be well-written and meet all

expectations described in the grading guidelines, Code Quality Guide, and Commenting Guide. For this

assessment, pay particular attention to the following elements:


Because we want you to guarantee the keys of your map are sorted, we will ask you to use the

SortedMap<K, V> interface for this assignment instead of the Map<K, V> interface. The SortedMap

interface is essentially the same as the Map interface, except it requires the keys be sorted. This means

TreeMap is a valid SortedMap implementation, but HashMap is not. You can use all the same methods

on a SortedMap as you could on a Map.

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Generic Structures

You should always use generic structures. If you make a mistake in specifying type parameters, the

Java compiler may warn you that you have “unchecked or unsafe operations” in your program. If you

use jGRASP, you may want to change your settings to see which line the warning refers to. Go to

Settings/Compiler Settings/Workspace/Flags/Args and then uncheck the box next to “Compile”

and type in: -Xlint:unchecked

Data Fields

Properly encapsulate your objects by making data your fields private. Avoid unnecessary fields; use

fields to store important data of your objects but not to store temporary values only used in one place.

Fields should always be initialized inside a constructor or method, never at declaration.


The specified exceptions must be thrown correctly in the specified cases. Exceptions should be thrown

as soon as possible, and no unnecessary work should be done when an exception is thrown. Exceptions

should be documented in comments, including the type of exception thrown and under what conditions.


Each method should have a header comment including all necessary information as described in the

Commenting Guide. Comments should be written in your own words (i.e. not copied and pasted from

this spec) and should not include implemenation details.

Running and Submitting

If you believe your behavior is correct, you can submit your work by clicking the "Mark" button in the Ed

assessment. You will see the results of some automated tests along with tentative grades. These grades

are not final until you have received feedback from your TA.

You may submit your work as often as you like until the deadline; we will always grade your most recent

submission. Note the due date and time carefully—work submitted after the due time will not be


Getting Help

If you find you are struggling with this assessment, make use of all the course resources that are available

to you, such as:

• Reviewing relevant examples from class

• Reading the textbook

• Visiting office hours

• Posting a question on the message board

Collaboration Policy

Remember that, while you are encouraged to use all resources at your disposal, including your classmates,

all work you submit must be entirely your own. In particular, you should NEVER look at a solution

to this assessment from another source (a classmate, a former student, an online repository, etc.). Please

review the full policy in the syllabus for more details and ask the course staff if you are unclear on whether

or not a resource is OK to use.

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In addition to your code, you must submit answers to short reflection questions. These questions will

help you think about what you learned, what you struggled with, and how you can improve next time.

The questions are given in the file GrammarSolverReflection.txt in the Ed assessment; type your

responses directly into that file.

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Sample Execution #1 (user input underlined)

Welcome to the cse143 random sentence generator.

What is the name of the grammar file? sentence.txt

Available symbols to generate are:

[<adj>, <adjs>, <det>, <intransverb>, <noun>, <nounp>, <propnoun>, <sentence>, <transverb>, <verbp>]

What do you want generated (return to quit)? <det>

How many do you want me to generate? 5






Available symbols to generate are:

[<adj>, <adjs>, <det>, <intransverb>, <noun>, <nounp>, <propnoun>, <sentence>, <transverb>, <verbp>]

What do you want generated (return to quit)? <nounp>

How many do you want me to generate? 5


a green big pretentious green pretentious subliminal university

the pretentious cat


the pretentious subliminal mother

Available symbols to generate are:

[<adj>, <adjs>, <det>, <intransverb>, <noun>, <nounp>, <propnoun>, <sentence>, <transverb>, <verbp>]

What do you want generated (return to quit)? <sentence>

How many do you want me to generate? 20

a faulty dog laughed

Ali helped a wonderful dog

Spot collapsed

the green father wept

Spot laughed

Elmo taught Ali

the subliminal green man honored Fred

a wonderful faulty big father laughed

the faulty faulty university taught the faulty dog

Elmo helped the green university

Hadi helped the pretentious man

the pretentious man died

Ali laughed

the pretentious subliminal child found Hadi

Elmo wept

a wonderful wonderful faulty child collapsed

Spot found the subliminal subliminal pretentious university

the green father helped the wonderful cat

a faulty television wept

the faulty mother laughed

Available symbols to generate are:

[<adj>, <adjs>, <det>, <intransverb>, <noun>, <nounp>, <propnoun>, <sentence>, <transverb>, <verbp>]

What do you want generated (return to quit)?

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Sample Execution #2 (user input underlined)

Welcome to the cse143 random sentence generator.

What is the name of the grammar file? sentence2.txt

Available symbols to generate are:

[E, F1, F2, OP, T]

What do you want generated (return to quit)? T

How many do you want me to generate? 5


- y



( ( 1 ) )

Available symbols to generate are:

[E, F1, F2, OP, T]

What do you want generated (return to quit)? E

How many do you want me to generate? 10

x - 1


sin ( 1 + 92 + - 1 / 42 )

max ( y , 92 )

42 % 1

- 42




42 - sin ( 1 )

Available symbols to generate are:

[E, F1, F2, OP, T]

What do you want generated (return to quit)?

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