Semester Two 2022
Mock Examination
Faculty of Engineering
TITLE OF PAPER: Advanced Geomechanics
EXAM DURATION: 130 minutes + 30 minutes scanning and uploading
TOTAL MARKS: 100 Marks
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Note: Mock assessment questions are selected from the practice or example problems. The aim of this mock exam is to provide you with guidance about the final assessment process (i.e., become familiar with the online uploading process). To prepare for the final assessment (final exam), you MUST coverall materials taught in this unit.
Q1. A plan view of a rectangular pad footing of 1mx 2m is shown in figure below. The footing is placed at a depth of 1 m below the ground level. Estimate the primary consolidation settlement of the footing. Use 2:1 method to estimate the incremental stress below the footing. [Answer: Sc=46 mm]
Q2. Undisturbed soil sample was collected from the field and tested in the laboratory under triaxial loading. The fully saturated clay sample was initially isotropically consolidated using 300 kPa cell pressure and then unloaded isotropically to a mean effective stress of 200 kPa. The sample was then shared under undrained triaxial condition. Assume λ=0.3, K=0.05, eo=1.10 and φ’cs=30o.
(a) Calculate M ande Γ for the CSL. [M=1.2, eΓ =2.62]
(b) Calculate the yield stresses (p’y, qy), (σ’1, σ’3)y and excess porewater pressure at yield [Answer: p’y=200kPa, Δuy=56.6 kPa, qy=169.7 kPa; σ’1y=313.3 kPa, σ’3y=143.4 kPa]
(c) Calculate the failure stresses (p’f, qf), (σ’1, σ’3)f and excess porewater pressure at failure [Answer: p’f=158.6kPa, Δuf=104.9 kPa, qf=190.4 kPa; σ’1f=285.5 kPa, σ’3y=95.1 kPa]
(d) Establish equations for the NCL, unloading/reloading line, and CSL [Answers: NCL: e=2.79-0.3lnp’; unloading/reloading: e=1.08+0.05ln(p’c/p’); CSL=e=2.62-0.3lnp’]
(e) Plot the TSP and ESP stress-paths with the yield surface.
Q3. A soil sample is tested under consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial loading with the soil parameters λ=0.25, K=0.05, eo=1.15, v’=0.3, p’o=200 kPa, p’c=250 kPa and φ’cs=24o. You are asked to calculate the total volumetric and deviatoric strains using MCC model. Use a single elastic and plastic stage for the strain calculation.
[Answers: M=0.94, eΓ=2.38, p’f=138 kPa, qf=129 kPa, p’y=200 kPa, qy=94 kPa, Δuf=105.8 kPa, εq=133x10-3]
Q4. An infinite slope consists of a soil layer 4m thick covering a bedrock inclined at 15oto the horizontal line. The properties of the soil layer are: c’ = 10 kPa, φ' = 24o andy = 19 kN/m3. What is the factor of safety of this slope? If there is steady-state seepage through the soil, with the water table coinciding with the ground level, what would be the factor of safety of this slope? Given: ysat = 20.5 kN/m3. [Answer: FoS = 2.19 and 1.35]
Q5. The cross-section of a concrete (y=23.58 kN/m3) cantilever retaining wallis shown below. Calculate the factor of safety against overturning, sliding and bearing. Assess these values against acceptable values. {Answer: FOS(overturning)=2.98, FOS(sliding)=2.73, FOS(bearing)=3.0].
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