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日期:2019-09-29 10:43

FIT2086 Assignment 2

Due Date: 11:55PM, Sunday, 29/9/2019

1 Introduction

There are total of four questions worth 10 + 10 + 9 + 10 = 39 marks in this assignment. There is one

bonus question worth an additional 2 marks. The total marks awarded will be capped at 39, but the

bonus marks can compensate for marks lost in the four compulsory questions.

This assignment is worth a total of 20% of your final mark, subject to hurdles and any other matters

(e.g., late penalties, special consideration, etc.) as specified in the FIT2086 Unit Guide or elsewhere

in the FIT2086 Moodle site (including Faculty of I.T. and Monash University policies).

Students are reminded of the Academic Integrity Awareness Training Tutorial Activity and, in particular,

of Monash University’s policies on academic integrity. In submitting this assignment, you

acknowledge your awareness of Monash University’s policies on academic integrity and that work is

done and submitted in accordance with these policies.

Submission Instructions: Please follow these submission instructions:

1. No files are to be submitted via e-mail. Correct files are to be submitted to Moodle, as given


2. Please provide a single file containing your report, i.e., your answers to these questions. Provide

code/code fragments as required in your report, and make sure the code is written in a

fixed width font such as Courier New, or similar, and is grouped with the question the code is

answering. You can submit hand-written answers, but if you do, please make sure they are clear

and legible. Do not submit multiple files for the written component of the assignment – all your

files should be combined into a single PDF file as required. Please ensure that the written component

of your assignment answers the questions in the order specified in the assignment. Multiple

files and questions out of order make the life of the tutors marking your assignment much more

difficult than it needs to be, so please ensure you assignment follows these requirements.

3. If you are completing the bonus question then please ZIP the PDF of your written answers

along with your CSV of predictions and submit this single ZIP file. Please read these submission

instructions carefully and take care to submit the correct files in the correct places.


Question 1 (10 marks)

It was believed for a long time by medical practitioners that the full moon influenced the expression of

medical conditions including fevers, rheumatism, epilepsy and bipolar disorder – in fact, the antiquated

term “lunatic” derives from the word lunar, i.e., of the moon. In the late 1990’s a (tongue in cheek)

study was undertaken to test if the full moon induced dogs to become more aggressive, with a resulting

increased likelihood of biting people. In addition to being a little bit of fun, examining a problem like

this through the lense of data science is an instructive example on how quantitative methods can be

used to answer “folk-lore” questions/hypotheses.

The file dogbites.fullmoon.csv contains the daily number of admissions to hospital of people

being bitten by dogs from 13th of June, 1997 through to 30th of June, 19981

. It also contains a second

column indicating whether the day in question was a full moon or not. Use this data to answer the

following questions. We know from Assignment 1 that the Poisson distribution is not a good fit to

the daily dog-bite data: instead, for this question we will use a normal distribution as it provides an

improved fit to the data due to its increased flexibility, while accepting this assumption is also not

necessarily correct; to quote the famous statistician G.E.P.Box: “all models are wrong – but some are

more useful than others”.

Important: you may use R to determine the means and variances of the data, as required, and the

R functions pt() and pnorm() but you must perform all the remaining steps by hand. Please provide

appropriate R code fragments and all working out.

1. Calculate an estimate of the average number of dog-bites for days on which there was a full

moon. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for this estimate using the t-distribution, and summarise/describe

your results appropriately. Show working as required. [4 marks]

2. Researchers asked the question: do dogs bite more on the full moon? Using the provided data and

the approximate method for difference in means with unknown variances presented in Lecture

4, calculate the estimated mean difference in mean dog bite occurences between full moon days

and non-full moon days, and a 95% confidence interval for this difference. Summarise/describe

your results appropriately. Show working as required. [3 marks]

3. Test the hypothesis that dogs bite more frequently on full moon days than on non-full moon

days. Write down explicitly the hypothesis you are testing, and then calculate a p-value using

the approximate hypothesis test for differences in means with unknown variances presented in

Lecture 5. What does this p-value suggest about the behaviour of dogs on full moon days vs

non-full moon days? Show working as required. [3 marks]

1Data source is taken from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Database of Australian Hospital Statistics.


Question 2 (10 marks)

The exponential distribution is a probability distribution for non-negative real numbers. It is often

used to model waiting or survival times. The version that we will look at has a probability density

function of the form


where y ∈ R+, i.e., y can take on the values of non-negative real numbers. In this form it has one

parameters: a log-scale parameter v. If a random variable follows a gamma distribution with log-scale

v we say that Y ∼ Exp(v). If Y ∼ Exp(v), then E [Y ] = e

v and V [Y ] = e

1. Produce a plot of the exponential probability density function (1) for the values y ∈ (0, 10), for

v = 1, v = 0.5 and v = 2. Ensure the graph is readable, the axis are labeled appropriately and

a legend is included. [2 marks]

2. Imagine we are given a sample of n observations y = (y1, . . . , yn). Write down the joint probability

of this sample of data, under the assumption that it came from an exponential distribution

with log-scale parameter v (i.e., write down the likelihood of this data). Make sure to simplify

your expression, and provide working. (hint: remember that these samples are independent and

identically distributed.) [2 marks]

3. Take the negative logarithm of your likelihood expression and write down the negative loglikelihood

of the data y under the exponential model with log-scale v. Simplify this expression.

[1 mark]

4. Derive the maximum likelihood estimator ˆv for v. That is, find the value of v that minimises the

negative log-likelihood. You must provide working. [2 marks]

5. Determine the approximate bias and variance of the maximum likelihood estimator ˆv of v

for the exponential distribution. (hints: utilise techniques from Lecture 2, Slide 21 and the

mean/variance of the sample mean) [3 marks]


Question 3 (9 marks)

It is frequent in nature that animals express certain asymmetries in their behaviour patterns. It has

been suggested that this might be nature’s way of “breaking gridlocks” that might occur if we were

to act purely rationally (think: why does a beetle decide to move one way over another when put in a

featureless bowl?). An interesting observational study, undertaken by a European researcher in 2003

examined the head tilting preferences of humans when kissing.

The data was collected by observing kissing couples of age ranging from 13 to 70 in public places

(mostly airports and train stations) in the United States, Germany and Turkey. The observational

data found that of 124 kissing pairs, 80 turned their heads to the right and 44 turned their heads to

the left.

You must analyse this data to see if there is an inbuilt preference in humans for the direction of

head tilt when kissing. Provide working, reasoning or explanations and R commands that you have

used, as appropriate.

1. Calculate an estimate of the preference for humans turning their heads to the right when kissing

using the above data, and provide an approximate 95% confidence interval for this estimate.

Summarise/describe your results appropriately. [3 marks]

2. Test the hypothesis that there is a preference in humans for tilting their head to one particular

side when kissing. Write down explicitly the hypothesis you are testing, and then calculate a

p-value using the approximate approach for testing a Bernoulli population discussed in Lecture

5. What does this p-value suggest? [2 marks]

3. Using R, calculate an exact p-value to test the above hypothesis. What does this p-value suggest?

Please provide the appropriate R command that you used to calculate your p-value. [1 mark]

4. It is entirely possible that any preference for head turning to the right/left could be simply a

product of right/left-handedness. To test this we obtain handedness of a sample of different

people. It was found that 83 people were right-handed and 17 were left handed. Using the

approximate hypothesis testing procedure for testing two Bernoulli populations from Lecture

5, test the hypothesis that the rate of right-handedness in the population is the same as the

preference for turning heads to the right when kissing this data. Summarise your findings. What

does the p-value suggest? [2 marks]

5. Can you identify any possible problems with your conclusions based on the way in which the

data was collected? Could there be alternative reasons for preference/lack of preference? [1



Question 4 (10 marks)

This question will require you to analyse a regression dataset. In particular, you will be looking at

predicting the fuel efficiency of a car (in kilometers per litre) based on characteristics of the car and

its engine. This is clearly an important and useful problem. The dataset fuel2017-20.csv contains

n = 2, 000 observations on p = 9 predictors obtained from actual fuel efficiency tables for car models

available for sale during the years 2017 through to 2020. The target is the fuel efficiency of the car

measured in kilometers per litre. The higher this score, the better the fuel efficiency of the car. The

data dictionary for this dataset is given in Table 1. Provide working/R code/justifications for each of

these questions as required.

1. Fit a multiple linear model to the fuel efficiency data using R. Using the results of fitting the

linear model, which predictors do you think are possibly associated with fuel efficiency, and

why? Which three variables appear to be the strongest predictors of fuel efficiency, and why?

[2 marks]

2. Would your assessment of which predictors are associated change if you used the Bonferroni

procedure with α = 0.05? [1 marks]

3. Describe what effect the year of manufacture (Model.Year) appears to have on the mean fuel

efficiency. Describe the effect that the number of gears (No.Gears) variable has on the mean fuel

efficiency of the car. [2 marks]

4. Use the stepwise selection procedure with the BIC penalty to prune out potentially unimportant

variables. Write down the final regression equation obtained after pruning. [1 mark]

5. If we wanted to improve the fuel efficiency of our car, what does this BIC model suggest we could

do? [2 marks]

6. Imagine that you are looking for a new car to buy to replace your existing car. Load the dataset

fuel2017-20.test.csv. The characteristics of the new car that you are looking at are given by

the first row of this dataset.

(a) Use your BIC model to predict the mean fuel efficiency for this new car. Provide a 95%

confidence interval for this prediction. [1 mark]

(b) The current car that you own has a mean fuel efficiency of 8.5km/l (measured over the life

time of your ownership). Does your model suggest that the new car will have better fuel

efficiency than your current car? [1 mark]


Bonus Question – challenge (2 marks)

Explore the fuel efficiency data further and try to build a better linear model for the fuel efficiency of

a car. You could try using techniques such as interactions or other nonlinear transformations of the

variables or even the target to see if you can improve your model of fuel efficiency. For this assignment,

please restrict yourself to linear regression models as these provide an interpretability not available to

other methods such as random forests. To obtain these extra marks you should write a short report

(one page maximum) detailing the methods and models that you tried, the R commands that you

used and your reasoning for including/removing various predictors or transformations of predictors,

and what the resulting model suggests about fuel efficiency.

Additionally, once you have found a model that you think is the best, load the fuel2017-20.test.csv

dataset which contains the explanatory variables for 2, 352 new cars, but is missing associated values

of Comb.FE; use your best model to predict the fuel efficiency for each of the 2, 352 suburbs in this

dataset and write your predicted fuel efficiency to a CSV file called fuel.predictions.yourID.csv,

where yourID is your student ID number. To do this, use the write.csv() function in R. Submit this

file along with your assignment. After all the assignments are submitted I will calculate prediction

errors for all the people that have submitted predictions, and we will discuss briefly in class which

models predicted well and why. See if you can win the FIT2086 data prediction challenge! :) (note

that the awarding of marks is not connected to how well the final model predicts – rather it is based on

the things you tried and the discussion of your analysis) [2 marks]


Variable name Description Values

Model.Year Year of sale 2017 − 2020

Eng.Displacement Engine Displacement (litres, l) 0.9 − 8.4

No.Cylinders Number of Cylinders 3 − 16

Aspiration Engine Aspiration (Oxygen intake) N: Naturally∗

OT: Other

SC: Supercharged

TC: Turbocharged

TS: Turbo+supercharged

No.Gears Number of Gears 1 − 10

Lockup.Torque.Converter Lockup torque converter present? N

∗ and Y

Drive.Sys Drive System 4

: 4-wheel drive



P:Part-time 4-wheel


Max.Ethanol Maximum % of Ethanol allowed 10 − 85

Fuel.Type Type of Fuel G

: Regular Unleaded

GM: Mid-grade Unleaded Recommended

GP: Premium Unleaded Recommended

GPR: Premium Unleaded Required

Comb.FE Fuel Efficiency (km/l) 4.974 − 26.224

Table 1: Fuel efficiency data dictionary. The ∗ denotes the reference category for each categorical



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