arXiv:1611.06653v1 [stat.ME] 21 Nov 2016
SIMEX estimation for single-index model with
covariate measurement error
Yiping Yang1,
1College of Mathematics and Statistics, Chongqing Technology and Business University,
Chongqing 400067, P. R. China
2Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
3Beijing Institute for Scientific and Engineering Computing, Beijing University of
Technology, Beijing 100124, P. R. China
In this paper, we consider the single-index measurement error
model with mismeasured covariates in the nonparametric part. To
solve the problem, we develop a simulation-extrapolation (SIMEX)
algorithm based on the local linear smoother and the estimating
equation. For the proposed SIMEX estimation, it is not needed to
assume the distribution of the unobserved covariate. We transform
the boundary of a unit ball in R
to the interior of a unit ball in
p−1 by using the constraint kβk = 1. The proposed SIMEX estimator
of the index parameter is shown to be asymptotically normal
under some regularity conditions. We also derive the asymptotic
bias and variance of the estimator of the unknown link function.
Finally, the performance of the proposed method is examined by
simulation studies and is illustrated by a real data example.
Key Words: Single-index model; Measurement error; Local linear smoother; SIMEX;
Estimating equation.
AMS2000 Subject Classifications: primary 62G05, 62G08; secondary 62G20
1 Introduction
One major problem in fitting multivariate nonparametric regression models is the
“curse of dimensionality”. To overcome the problem, the single-index model has
played an important role in the literature. In this paper, we consider the singleindex
model of the form
Y = g(β
TX) + ε, (1.1)
where Y is the response variable, X is a p × 1 covariate vector, g(·) is the unknown
link function, β = (β1, . . . , βp)
is the unknown index parameter, and ε is a random
error with E(ε|X) = 0 almost surely. We further assume the Euclidean norm
kβk = 1 for the identifiability purpose. Model (1.1) reduces the covariate vector
into an index which is a linear combination of covariates, and hence avoids the
“curse of dimensionality”.
Single-index models have been extensively studied in the literature. See, for example,
H¨ardle & Tsybakov (1993), H¨ardle, Hall & Ichimura (1993), Carroll, Fan,
Gijbels & Wand (1997), Xue & Zhu (2006), Li, Zhu, Xue & Feng (2010), Lai, Li
& Lian (2013), Li, Lai & Lian (2015), among others. For estimating the index
parameter and the unknown link function, Duan & Li (1991) developed the sliced
inverse regression method. H¨ardle & Tsybakov (1993) proposed the average derivative
method to obtain a root-n consistent estimator of the index vector β. Carroll
et al. (1997) used the local linear method to estimate the unknown parameters and
the unknown link function for generalized partially linear single-index models. Naik
& Tsai (2000) proposed the partial least squares estimator for single-index models.
Xue & Zhu (2006) and Zhu & Xue (2006) proposed the bias-corrected empirical
likelihood method to construct the confidence intervals or regions of the parameters
of interest. Liang, Liu, Li & Tsai (2010) proposed the semiparametrically efficient
profile least-squares estimators of regression coefficients for partially linear singleindex
models. Zhang, Huang & Lv (2010) extended the generalized likelihood ratio
test to the single-index model. Cui, H¨ardle & Zhu (2011) introduced the estimating
function method to study the single-index models. Pang & Xue (2012) and Yang,
Xue & Li (2014) investigated the single-index random effects models with longitudinal
data. Li, Peng, Dong & Tong (2014) constructed the simultaneous confidence
bands for the nonparametric link function in single-index models.
In this paper, we are interested in estimating the index parameter β and the
unknown link function g(·) in model (1.1) when the covariate vector X is measured
with error. We assume an additive measurement error model as
W = X + U, (1.2)
where W is the observed surrogate, U follows N(0, Σu) and is independent of (X, Y ).
When U is zero, there is no measurement error. For simplicity, we consider only the
case where the measurement error covariance matrix Σu is known. Otherwise, Σu
need to be first estimated, e.g., by the replication experiments method in Carroll,
Ruppert, Stefanski & Crainiceanu (2006). We refer to the models characterized by
(1.1) and (1.2) as the single-index measurement error model.
The measurement error models arise frequently in practice and are attracting
attention in medical and statistical research. For example, covariates such as the
blood pressure (Carroll et al. 2006) and the CD4 count (Lin & Carroll 2000, Liang
2009) are often subject to measurement error. For a class of generalized linear
measurement error models, Stefanski & Carroll (1989) and Nakamura (1990) used a
method of moment identities to construct the corrected score functions, Yang, Li &
Tong (2015) further developed the corrected empirical likelihood method. Cook &
Stefanski (1994) developed the SIMEX method to correct the effect estimates in the
presence of additive measurement error. Carroll, Lombard, K¨uchenhoff & Stefanski
(1996) further investigated the asymptotic distribution of the SIMEX estimator.
Since then, the SIMEX method has become a standard tool for correcting the biases
induced by measurement error in covariates for many complex models. Carroll,
Maca & Ruppert (1999) and Delaigle & Hall (2008) applied the SIMEX technique
to local polynomial nonparametric regression and spline-based regression. Liang &
Ren (2005) applied the SIMEX technique to the generalized partially linear models
with the linear covariate being measured with additive error. Other interesting
works in SIMEX include, for example, Cui & Zhu (2003), Ma & Carroll (2006),
Apanasovich & Carroll (2009), Ma & Li (2010), Ma & Yin (2011), Sinha & Ma
(2014), Zhang, Zhu & Zhu (2014), Cao, Lin, Shi, Wang & Zhang (2015), and Wang
& Wang (2015).
Note that the aforementioned SIMEX methods may not be able to handle the
multivariate nonparametric measurement error regression models owing to the “curse
of dimensionality”. In view of this, Liang & Wang (2005) considered the partially
linear single-index measurement error models with the linear part containing the
measurement error, where they applied the correction for attenuation approach to
obtain the efficient estimators of the parameters of interest. Their method, however,
is not applicable for the occurrence with measurement errors in the nonparametric
part. This motivates us to develop a new SIMEX method to solve this problem.
Specifically, we combine the SIMEX method, the local linear approximation method,
and the estimating equation to handle the single-index measurement error model.
Our method has several desirable features. First, our proposed method can deal
with multivariate nonparametric measurement error regression and avoids “curse of
dimensionality” by introducing the index parameter. Second, we use the SIMEX
technique to construct the efficient estimation and reduce the bias of the estimator,
and do not assume the distribution of the unobservable X. Third, to obtain
the efficient estimator of β, we regard the constraint kβk = 1 as a piece of prior
information and adopt the “delete-one-component” method.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we develop the
SIMEX algorithm to obtain the estimators of the index parameter and the unknown
link function, and investigate their asymptotic properties. In Section 3, we present
and compare the results from simulation studies and also apply the proposed method
to a real data example for illustration. Some concluding remarks are given in Section
4, and the proofs of the main results are given in the Appendix.
2 Main Results
2.1 Methodology
To conduct efficient estimation for β in the presence of covariate measurement error,
Cook & Stefanski (1994) introduced the SIMEX algorithm. The SIMEX algorithm
consists of the simulation step, the estimation step, and extrapolation steps. It aims
to add additional variability to the observed W in order to establish the trend between
the measurement error induced bias and the variance of induced measurement
error, and then extrapolate this trend back to the case without measurement error
(Carroll et al. 2006). In this section, we use the SIMEX algorithm, the local linear
smoother and the estimating equation to estimate β and g(·). First, we estimate g(·)
as a function of β by using the local linear smoother. We then estimate the parametric
part based on the estimating equation. The proposed algorithm is described
as follows.
(I) Simulation step
For each i = 1, . . . , n, we generate a sequence of variables
Wib(λ) = Wi + (λΣu)
1/2Uib, b = 1, . . . , B,
where Uib ∼ N(0, Ip), Ip is a p × p identity matrix, B is a given integer, and
λ ∈ Λ = {λ1, λ2, . . . , λM} is the grid of λ in the extrapolation step. We set the
range from 0 to 2.
(II) Estimation step
Suppose that g(·) has a continuous second derivative. For t in a small neighborhood
of t0, g(t) can be approximated as g(t) ≈ g(t0) + g
(t0)(t − t0) ≡ a + b(t − t0).
With the simulated Wib(λ), we first estimate g(t0) as a function of β by a local linear
smoother, denoted by ˆg(β, λ;t0), in Step 1. We then propose a new estimator of
β(λ) in Steps 2 and 3, denoted by βˆ(λ). The specific procedure is as follows.
Step 1. For each fixed t0 and β, ˆg(β, λ;t0) and ˆg
(β, λ;t0) are estimated by
with respect to a and b, where Kh(·) = h
−1K(·/h), K(·) is a kernel function with h
the bandwidth. Let ˆa and ˆb be the solutions to problem (2.1). Then, ˆg(β, λ;t0) = ˆa
and ˆg
(β, λ;t0) = ˆb. Let
Mni(β, λ;t0) = Uni(β, λ;t0)
Unj (β, λ;t0),
Mfni(β, λ;t0) = Ueni(β, λ;t0)
Unj (β, λ;t0),
where Uni(β, λ;t0) = Kh(β
TWib(λ)−t0){Sn,2(β, λ;t0)−[β
TWib(λ)−t0]Sn,1(β, λ;t0)},
Ueni(β, λ;t0) = Kh(β
TWib(λ) − t0){[β
TWib(λ) − t]Sn,0(β, λ;t0) − Sn,1(β, λ;t0)}, and
Sn,l(β, λ;t0) = 1
TWib(λ) − t0) for l = 0, 1, 2. Simple calculation
Chang, Xue & Zhu (2010) showed that the coverage rate of the estimator of g
is slower than that of g(t) if the same bandwidth is used. Because of this, we have
suggested another bandwidth h1 to control the variability in the estimator of g
We use h1 to replace h in ˆg′(β, λ;t0) and write it as ˆg′h1(β, λ;t0).
Step 2. To estimate β, we use the “delete-one-component” method in Zhu &
Xue (2006) to transform the boundary of a unit ball in R
to the interior of a unit ball in R p−1
. Let β
(r) = (β1, . . . , βr−1, βr+1, . . . , βp) be a (p − 1) dimensional vector
deleting the rth component βr. Without loss of generality, we assume there is a
positive component βr; otherwise, we may consider βr = −(1 − kβ(r)k2)1/2. Let
β = (β1, . . . , βr−1,(1 − kβ(r)k)2)1/2, βr+1, . . . , βp)T.
Note that β
satisfies the constraint kβ
(r)k < 1. We conclude that β is infinitely differentiable
in a neighborhood of β
(r) and the Jacobian matrix is Jβ
(r) = (γ1, . . . , γp)T,
where γs(1 ≤ s ≤ p, s 6= r) is a (p − 1) dimensional vector with the sth component
being 1, and γr = −(1 − kβ(r)k2)− 12 β(r). Given the estimators ˆg(β, λ;t0) and gˆ′h1
(β, λ;t0) in (2.2) and (2.3), respectively, an estimator of β(r), βˆ(r)b
(λ), is obtained
by solving the following equation:
Next, we can obtain an estimator of β, say βˆ
b(λ), by implementing the Fisher’s
method of scoring version of the Newton-Raphson algorithm to solve the estimating
equation (2.4). We summarize the iterative algorithm in what follows.
(1) Choose the initial values for β, denoted by βe
b(λ), where b = 1, . . . , B.
(2) Update βeb(λ) with βeb(λ) = βˆ∗b
(3) Repeat Step (2) until convergence.
In the iterative algorithm, the initial values of β, βint, with norm 1 is obtained
by fitting a linear model.
Remark 1. Similar to Cui et al. (2011), we discuss the solution of the estimating
equation. In fact, the solution of the estimating equation Qnb(β
(r), λ) is just the
least-squares estimator of β(r). The least-squares objective function is defined by
G(β(r), λ) = Xn
{Yi − gˆ(β, λ; β
The minimum of the objective function G(β
, λ) with respect to β
is the solution
of the estimating equation Qnb(β
, λ) because the estimating equation Qnb(β
, λ)
is the gradient vector of G(β
, λ). Note that {kβ
(r)k < 1} is an open, connected
subset of R
. By the regularity condition (C2), we known that the least-squares
objective function G(β
, λ) is twice continuously differentiable on {kβ
(r)k < 1}
such that the global minimum of G(β
, λ) can be achieved at some point. By some
simple calculations, we have
where A(β(λ), λ) is a positive definite matrix for λ ∈ Λ defined in Condition (C6).
Then, the Hessian matrix 1
is positive definite for all values of β
(r) and
λ ∈ Λ. Hence, the estimating equation (2.4) has a unique solution.
Step 3. With the estimated values βˆ
b(λ) over b = 1, . . . , B, we average them
and obtain the final estimate of β as
(III) Extrapolation step
For the extrapolant function, we consider the widely used quadratic function
G(λ, Ψ) = ψ1 + ψ2λ + ψ3λ
2 with Ψ = (ψ1, ψ2, ψ3)
(Lin & Carroll 2000, Liang &
Ren 2005). We fit a regression model of {βˆ(λ), λ ∈ Λ} on {λ ∈ Λ} based on G(λ, Γ),
and denote Γ as the estimated value of Γ. The SIMEX estimator of ˆ β is then defined
as βˆ
SIMEX = G(−1, Γ). When ˆ λ shrinks to 0, the SIMEX estimator reduces to the
naive estimator, βˆ
Naive = G(0, Γ), that neglects the measurement error with a direct ˆ
replacement of X by W.
The SIMEX estimator, ˆgSIMEX(t0), is obtained in the same way. β in Step 1 of
the estimation step is replaced by βˆ
SIMEX and the estimator ˆgb(λ;t0) is obtained with
the bandwidth h2. ˆgb(λ;t0) over b = 1, . . . , B is averaged, then ˆg(λ;t0) is obtained
The extrapolation step results in Aˆ, which minimizes P
{gˆ(λ;t0)−G(λ; A)}
2 with
respect to A. The SIMEX estimator of ˆgSIMEX(t0) is given by
gˆSIMEX(t0) = G(−1, Aˆ ).
2.2 Asymptotic properties
To investigate the asymptotic properties of the estimators for the index parameter
and the link function, we first present some regularity conditions.
(C1) The density function, f(t), of β
T X is bounded away from zero. It also satisfies
the Lipschitz condition of order 1 on T = {t = β
T x : x ∈ A}, where A is the
bounded support set of X.
(C2) g(·) has a continuous second derivative on T .
(C3) The kernel K(·) is a bounded and symmetric density function with a bounded
support satisfying the Lipschitz condition of order 1 and R ∞
−∞ u
2K(u)du 6= 0.
(C6) A(β(λ), λ) is a positive definite matrix for λ ∈ Λ, where
A(β(λ), λ) = E
(C7) The extrapolant function is theoretically exact.
Remark 2. Condition (C1) ensures that the the density function of β
T X is positive.
Condition (C2) is the standard condition in smoothness. Condition (C3) is
the common assumption for the second-order kernels. Condition (C4) is a necessary
condition for deriving the asymptotic normality for the proposed estimator.
Condition (C5) specifies some mild condition for the choice of bandwidth. Finally,
Condition (C6) ensures that there is asymptotic variance for the estimator βˆ
and Condition (C7) is the common assumption for the SIMEX method.
To derive the theoretical results, we introduce some new definitions and notations.
For the given Λ = {λ1, . . . , λM}, let βˆ(Λ) be the vector of estimators
(βˆ(λ1), . . . , βˆ(λM)), denoted by vec{βˆ(λ), λ ∈ Λ}. Let also Γ = (
where Γj
is the parameter vector estimated in the extrapolation step for the jth
component of βˆ(λ) for j = 1, . . . , p. We define G(Λ, Γ) = vec{G(λm, Γj ), j =
1, . . . , p, m = 1, . . . , M}, Res(Γ) = βˆ(Λ) − G(Λ, Γ),
Theorem 1. Suppose that the regularity conditions (C1)–(C7) hold. Then, as n →
∞, we have
−→ denotes the convergence in distribution, GΓ(λ, Γ) = {∂/∂(Γ)
T }G(λ, Γ),
Theorem 1 indicates that βˆ
SIMEX is a root-n consistent estimator. Its asymptotic
distribution is similar to that of the parametric estimator of β without measurement
error, whereas the asymptotic covariance matrix of the resulting estimator is more
Let f0(·) be the density function of β
(λ, A)Eq, where Eq is the q × q matrix of all elements being
zero except for the first element being one and q is the dimension of A.
Theorem 2. Suppose that the regularity conditions (C1)–(C7) hold, and assume
that nh5
2 = O(1). Then, as n → ∞ and B → ∞, the SIMEX estimator gˆSIMEX(t0)
is asymptotically equivalent to an estimator whose bias and variance are given respectively
Theorem 2 implies that the βˆ
SIMEX does not affect the estimator of ˆgSIMEX(t0)
because βˆ
SIMEX is root-n consistent. As pointed out in Carroll et al. (1999), the
variance of ˆgSIMEX(t0) is asymptotically the same as if the measurement error was
ignored, but multiplied by a factor, C(Λ, A)DCT
(Λ, A), which is independent of the
regression function.
3 Numerical studies
3.1 Simulation study
In this section, we evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed method
via simulation studies. Consider the following model
is a two-dimensional vector with independent
N(0, 1) components, the error εi
is generated from N(0, 0.22), Yi
is generated
according to the model, Ui
is generated from N(0, diag(σ2u, 0)). We take σu = 0.2, 0.4
and 0.6 to represent different levels of measurement errors. In simulation study,
we compare the naive estimates (Naive) that ignore measurement errors and the
SIMEX estimates with quadratic extrapolation function. The sizes of the samples
are n = 50, 100 and 150. For each setting, we simulate 500 times to assess the performance.
Using the SIMEX algorithm, we take λ = 0, 0.2, . . . , 2 and B = 50. We
use the Epanechnikov kernel K(u) = 0.75(1−u
)+. As pointed out in Liang & Wang
(2005), the computation is quite expensive for the SIMEX method. In view of this,
we apply a “rule of thumb” to select the bandwidths, which is the same in spirit as
the selection method in Apanasovich & Carroll (2009). Specifically, the bandwidths
h, h1 and h2 are taken to be cn−1/4
(log n)
, cn−1/5 and cn−1/5
, where c is the
standard deviation of β
intW. To explained the rationality of the “rule of thumb”
(RT), we compare with the results of simulations by using the cross-validation (CV)
method to select the bandwidths. We apply the same bandwidths for each λ and b
since it is time consuming for the CV method. The CV statistic is given by
CV(h) = 1
where ˆg[i](·) and βˆ
[i] are the SIMEX estimators of g(·) and β which are computed with
all of the samples but the ith subject deleted. The hopt is obtained by minimizing
CV(h). It can be shown hopt = Cn−1/5
for a constant C > 0. Therefore, we use the
h = hoptn
−1/20(log n)
, h1 = hopt, h2 = hopt.
To evaluate the performance of the bandwidth selection for the CV method, we
first plot the CV(h) versus the bandwidth h. The simulation result is shown in
Figure 1 with n = 100 and σµ = 0.4 for one run, and other cases are similar. Figure
1 shows the relationship of CV(h) versus h with h ranging from [0.1, 1]. From Figure
1, we can see that the CV(h) function is convex, and reaches the minimum value
when h is around 0.35.
Table 1 summarizes the biases and standard deviations (SD) of the parameter
β obtained by the SIMEX and naive estimators with the two different bandwidth
selections. From Table 1, the results of the SIMEX and naive estimators made by
different bandwidths have little difference. Hence, to reduce the calculation time,
we use the “rule of thumb” to select the bandwidths in the real data analysis.
Next, we compare the naive estimators and the SIMEX estimators. From Table
1, we can see that the SIMEX estimates of β1 and β2 have smaller biases than the
naive estimates. However, the standard deviations based on the SIMEX estimates
are larger than those based on the naive estimates. We can also see that the bias and
SD decrease as n increases and the estimators depend on the measurement error.
The performance of the estimator for the link function g(t) is discussed by 500
replications. The estimator ˆg(t) is ˆg(t) = 1
gˆm(t). To assess the estimator
gˆ(t), we use the root mean squared error (RMSE), which is given by
RMSE = "
Figure 1: Plot of the CV(h) versus the bandwidth h with n = 100 and σµ = 0.4.
where ngrid is the number of grid points, and {tk, k = 1, 2, . . . , ngrid} are equidistant
grid points. In the simulation study, we take ngrid = 15. The estimated link function
and the boxplot for the 500 RMSEs are given in Figure 2. From Figure 2 (a), we
see that the SIMEX estimated curve is closer to the real link function curve than
the naive estimated curve. Figure 2 (b) shows that the RMSEs of the SIMEX and
naive estimators for the link function are not large, but the RMSEs of the SIMEX
estimator are slightly larger than the naive estimator.
Note that the SD and RMSE based on the SIMEX estimators are larger than
the naive estimators for the parameter β and the link function g(·), respectively.
This can be intuitively illustrated with the linear model. Consider the linear model
Y = β0 +βxx+ǫ, where E(ǫ) = 0 and Var(ǫ) = σ2ǫ. If replacing x with W +
where eb ∼ N(0, 1) and W = x + e with e have mean 0 and variance σ2e, then
βˆx(b, λ) has the asymptotic variance {σ2ǫ/[σ2x+(1+λ)σ2e]}. If λ = −1, then βx(b, −1)
is identical to the true parameter, with the asymptotic variance σ2ǫ /σ2x. If λ = 0,
βx(b, 0) is just the naive estimator, with the asymptotic variance σ2ǫ/(σ2x+σ2e). Hence,
it can be seen easily that the SD or RMSE of the naive estimators is smaller than
that of the SIMEX estimators.
Table 1: The biases and standard deviations (SD) of the parameters β1 and β2
obtained by the SIMEX and naive estimators.
Figure 2: (a) The real curve (solid curve), the naive estimated curve (dashed curve)
and the SIMEX estimated curve (dotted-dashed curve) for the link function g(t) when
n = 100 and σu = 0.4. (b) The boxplots of the 500 RMSE values for the estimate of
3.2 Real data analysis
We now analyze a data set from the Framingham Heart Study to illustrate the
proposed method. The data set contains 5 variables with 1615 males and it has
been used by many authors to illustrate semiparametric partially linear models (see
Liang, H¨ardle & Carroll (1999), Wang, Brown & Cai (2011)). We are interested in
whether the age and the serum cholestoral have an effect to the blood pressure. We
use the proposed model to analyze the Framingham data to compare the SIMEX and
naive estimators. We use the Epanechnikov kernel and the bandwidths h = 0.0589
and h1 = h2 = 0.2309. Let Y be their average blood pressure in a fixed two-year
period, W1 and W2 be the standardized variable for the logarithm of the serum
cholestoral level (log(SC)) and age, respectively. Similar to Liang et al. (1999),
W1 is subject to the measurement error U and σ
is estimated to be 0.2632 by
two replicates experiments. Figure 3 shows the duplicated serum cholestoral level
measurements from 1615 males. The estimators of β and g(·) based on the SIMEX
and naive methods are reported in Table 2, Figure 4 and Figure 5.
200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
First serum cholesterol level
Second serum cholesterol level
Figure 3: Duplicated serum cholestoral level measurements from 1615 males in
Framingham Heart Study.
Table 2: The estimators of the parameters obtained by the SIMEX and naive
methods for the Framingham data.
Method log(SC) Age
SIMEX 0.5237 0.8502
Naive 0.4194 0.9099
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Cholesterol (lambda)
SIMEX Estimate
Naive Estimate
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
SIMEX Estimate
Naive Estimate
Figure 4: The extrapolated point estimators for the Framingham data. The simulated
estimates {βˆ(λ), λ} are plotted (dots), and the fitted quadratic function (solid
lines) is extrapolated to λ = −1. The extrapolation results are the SIMEX estimates
−2 −1 0 1 2
120 125 130 135 140
Figure 5: The link function estimators for the Framingham data: the naive estimated
curve (solid curve) and the SIMEX estimated curve (dashed curve).
From Table 2, we can see that the SIMEX estimate of the index coefficient
log(SC) is larger, while the SIMEX estimate of Age is smaller than the naive estimate.
The results also show that the serum cholestoral and the age are statistically
significant. Figure 4 shows the trace of the extrapolation step for the SIMEX algorithm.
The estimates of the two index coefficients for the different λ values are
plotted. The SIMEX estimates of index coefficients correspond to −1 on the horizontal
axis, while the naive estimates correspond to 0 on the horizontal axis. Figure
5 shows that the estimates of g(·) are obtained by the SIMEX method and the naive
method. The patterns of the two curves are similar. Table 2 and Figure 5 show
that the age and the serum cholestoral have a positive association with the blood
pressure. As expected, when the measurement error is taken into account, we find a
somewhat stronger positive association between the serum cholestoral and the blood
pressure. Liang et al. (1999) also analyzed the relationship among the blood pressure,
the age, and the logarithm of serum cholesterol level by the partially linear
errors-in-variables model, where the logarithm of serum cholesterol level was the
covariate of the corresponding parameter and the age was a scalar covariate of the
corresponding unknown function. When they accounted for the measurement error,
the estimator of the parameter was larger than that of ignoring the measurement
error. It implied that the blood pressure and the serum cholestoral had a stronger
positive correlation when considering the measurement error. The estimator of the
unknown function showed that the age was positively associated with the blood
pressure. Our findings basically agree with those discovered in Liang et al. (1999).
4 Conclusion
We propose the SIMEX estimation of the index parameter and the unknown link
function for single-index models with covariate measurement error. The asymptotic
normality of the estimator of the index parameter and the asymptotic bias and
variance of the estimator of the unknown link function are derived under some
regularity conditions. The proposed index parameter estimator is root-n consistent,
which is similar to that of the estimator of a parameter without measurement error,
but the asymptotic covariance has a complicated form. The asymptotic variance
of the estimator of the unknown link function is of order (nh2)
. Our simulation
studies indicate that the proposed method works well in practice.
The proposed method can be extended to some other models, including partially
linear single-index models with measurement error in nonparametric components
and generalized single-index models with covariate measurement error. We can also
extend to single-index measurement error models with cluster data by assuming
working independence in the estimating equations. Future study is needed to investigate
how to take into account the within-cluster correlation for cluster data
to improve the efficiency of the estimator of the index parameter for single-index
measurement error models with cluster data.
The following notation will be used in the proofs of the lemmas and theorems. Set
β0 be true value, Bn = {β : kβk = 1, kβ − β0k ≤ c1n
−1/2} for some positive constant
c1. Let fλ(·) be the density function of β
TWb(λ). Note that if λ = 0, f0(·) is the
density function of β
Lemma 1. Let (ζ1, η1), . . . ,(ζn, ηn) be i.i.d. random vectors, where ηi
’s are scalar
random variables. Assume further that E|η1|
s < ∞, and supx R|y|
sf(x, y)dy < ∞,
where f(·, ·) denotes the joint density of (ζ1, η1). Let K(·) be a bounded positive
function with a bounded support, satisfying a Lipschitz condition.
Proof: This follows immediately from the result that was obtained by Mack &
Silverman (1982).
Lemma 2. Suppose that conditions (C1)–(C4) hold.
Proof: By the theory of least squares, we have
ξn(β, λ;t) = (ξn,0(β, λ;t)), ξn,1(β, λ;t))T
for l = 0, 1, 2. A simple calculation yields, for l = 0, 1, 2, 3,
−1Sn,l(β, λ;t)] = fλ(t)µl + O(h). (A.2)
By Lemma 1, we have
−1Sn,l(β, λ;t) − E[h
−1Sn,l(β, λ;t)] = Op
nh 1/2!,
which, combining with (A.2), proves that, for t ∈ T and β ∈ Bn,
where S(λ;t) = fλ(t) ⊗ diag(1, µ2), and ⊗ is the Kronecker product.
which has mean zero and the following asymptotic variance
var(Y |β
TW = t0)ν2. (A.10)
For λ > 0, using the similar argument of (A8) in Carroll et al. (1999), we have
var(ˆg(λ;t0)) = O{(nh2B)
Then, for B sufficiently large, the variability of ˆg(λ; ·) is negligible for λ > 0 compared
to λ = 0. Hence, in what follows, we will ignore this variability by treating B
as if it was equal to infinity.
We obtain Aˆ by solving the following equation
Applying the Taylor expansion for the left side of (A.11), we obtain
The left side of (A.12) has approximate mean
and its approximate variance is given by
Because ˆgSIMEX(t0) = G(−1, Aˆ), so that its asymptotic bias is
and its asymptotic variance is
ν2var(Y |β
TW = t0)C(Λ, A)DCT
(Λ, A).
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