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您当前位置:首页 >> Algorithm 算法作业Algorithm 算法作业

日期:2019-12-20 09:09

(Exercise 10) This week you will revise the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm and at the

same time think about implementing it on a computer. It is not a simple algorithm

to write so I don’t expect you to complete it. Various useful bits of code and elements

of performing the algorithm are broken up for this week’s exercise. You can choose

which parts to tackle in whatever order you like. Although some parts are advised

before others.

This week it would be great to see you use a variety of the functions you’ve been

using so far this term. Here’s a reminder of some of the clever things I’ve seen used

this term which are useful for the exercises this week:

• For a random vector v <−sample(1:9), what does v > 4 look like?

• What does the as.integer function do?

• Type ?union for a the help file relating to a number of popular set functions.

• In R you can perform a for loop not only over a range like 1:10 but also over

a set, via syntax like this:

W <− c(1 , 2 , 7 , 8 )

X <− c(3 , 4 )

for ( i in W) {

for ( j in X ) {

print(1000 ∗ i + j )}}

• For vectors, and even matrices you can use the all () function to find out if

every element satisfies some property.

• What does matrix(0, nrow=7, ncol=7) create?

• The which function, when applied to matrices, doesn’t return something entirely

helpful. There is a parameter called arr.ind you can set to TRUE which

returns answers in terms of co-ordinates. e.g. try the following

M <− matrix ( sample(1 :16 ) , nrow = 4 )M

which(M > 8 )

which(M > 8 , arr . ind = TRUE)

• If you desire the 1st, 3rd and 7th rows from a matrix M, then if B <−c(1, 3, 7)

then M[B, ] is what you want. Similarly, M[ , 2] is the second column of M.

You can even combine these ideas with conditions. Have a look at these


M <− matrix(1 :24 , ncol = 2 )

M[ , 1 ] %% 3

M[ , 1 ] %% 3 == 0

M[M[ , 1 ] %% 3 == 0 , ]

M[ , 2 ] == max(M[ , 2 ] )

M[M[ , 2 ] == max(M[ , 2 ] ) , ]


Exercise 10 (Hunayn). The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm

For all tasks below:

• You should set n=7, or keep n unknown if you are very adventurous.

• You can then also assume all flows are from vertex 1 to vertex 7 (or n).

• Code in later parts should not, however, exploit any specific known values of

other parameters/variables, and so should work for general M, S, cij , and

flows – not just the for M, S, etc. . . with which you are working.

• The idea behind writing general code is that it will also work when someone

comes along with a different starting graph G = (V, E) without any changes to

the code.

You should all attempt these three parts: Code up the problem from the start of

the chapter (with the proposed flow) as follows:

• Type out the capacity matrix M, where M[i, j ]=cij , (or 0 if no edge exists).

e.g M[1, 2]=12, M[1, 3]=10, etc. . . . (Hint: Start with a matrix full of zeroes!)

• Type out a flow matrix representing a particular flow. By hand type the entries

of the flow drawn during lectures onto the diagram in the notes.

• Write some code to create an adjacency matrix, A: entry (i, j) is 1 if the edge

(i, j) edge exists in the graph, 0 if not. You should use the variable M as

a starting point. (Not by hand! There are short solutions to this, but long

solutions are more instructive.)

You should select some of the below exercises:

(A) Get R to create a list of all the edges in the network, using the capacity or

adjacency matrix. (Not by hand! Hints in accompanying text.)

(B) Write a function to check a flow is feasible (meets all the constraints). This code

should take M, and a flow matrix as the starting point.

(C) (i) Given n, and a given subset S of V , create the complement S


(ii) Create code to list all the edges between a given set S, and the complement

of S. (You may assume you have a capacity matrix or adjacency matrix,

and are given S)

(D) For a given list of edges, and a given flow matrix, identify if there are any edges

along which flow could be increased.

You should all comment briefly how the parts you attempted might be

useful in a full version of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. Describe also the

elements of the algorithm that haven’t been discussed.

HW Exercise 4.8. Useful related non-computing exercise: By hand try performing

the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm starting from the feasible flow described at the start

of the chapter. In comments give details of the set(s) S formed and the paths along

which flow is increased. What maximal flow do you get to? Can you identify the

minimal cut?


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