## Part 5: advanced natural language processing using udpipe package,
## and a slew of other nifty ones..
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## If it works, adapted by dino from code on a kaggle competition,
## otherwise i have no idea who wrote this!
## You don't have to do this because you already installed these.. But
## you would have to do the below if you did not do my previous labs on
## this machine...
## install.packages("tibble")
## install.packages("ggplot2")
## install.packages("dplyr")
# Bring in the namespaces in a NEW RStudio session in this order..
## udpipe is available on CRAN and you may install it now
## &reply 'y' to 'Do you want to install from sources the package which needs compilation?'
## Input Dataset includes the entire corpus of articles published by the ABC
## website in the given time range. With a volume of 200 articles per day
## and a good focus on international news. Unpack abcnews-date-text.csv and
## put the file in RStudio's current work directory (getwd()/setwd())
# Session | Set Working Directory | Choose directory..
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## Section 1: Data cleaning and exploration
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## let's read in the data
news <- read.csv('abcnews-date-text.csv', header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
## this is a SQL-like construct that groups news by publish date and count,
## in dscending count order
news %>% group_by(publish_date) %>% count() %>% arrange(desc(n))
## Let抯 split year, month and date and see the distribution of data based on year
## This uses the stringr library and dplyr's mutate functionality to create new data
## columns
news_more <- mutate(news, year = str_sub(publish_date,1,4),
month = str_sub(publish_date,5,6),
date = str_sub(publish_date,7,8))
## This plot will allow us to see the distribution of data based on year:
## Almost 100K articles in 2013!
news_more %>% group_by(year) %>% count() %>% ggplot() + geom_bar(aes(year,n), stat ='identity')
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## Section 2: Staging with pretrained language model
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## Let's download the english data model
## At first time model download execute the below line
model <- udpipe_download_model(language = "english")
## And then
udmodel_english <- udpipe_load_model(file = 'english-ud-2.0-170801.udpipe')
## Now subset data only for 2008
news_more_2008 <- news_more %>% filter(year == 2008 & month == 10)
## It is not enough to simply provide a computer with a large amount of data
## and expect it to understand it. The data has to be prepared in such a way
## that the program can more easily find patterns and inferences. This is usually
## done by adding relevant and accurate metadata to a dataset. Any metadata tag
## used to mark up elements of the dataset is called an annotation over the input.
## Datasets of natural language are referred to as corpora (one dataset is a corpus),
## and a single set of data annotated with the same specification is called an
## annotated corpus.
## There the different aspects of language that are studied and used for annotations.
## Grammar is the name typically given to the mechanisms responsible for creating
## well-formed structures in language. Most linguists view grammar as itself consisting
## of distinct modules or systems, either by cognitive design or for descriptive convenience.
## These areas usually include syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics, and the lexicon.
## Areas beyond grammar that relate to how language is embedded in human activity include
## discourse, pragmatics, and text theory.
## udpipe_annotate() takes the language model and annoates the given text data
s <- udpipe_annotate(udmodel_english, news_more_2008$headline_text)
x <- data.frame(s)
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## Section 3: Analysis
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## To plot Part-of-speech tags from the given text, use package lattice
stats <- txt_freq(x$upos)
stats$key <- factor(stats$key, levels = rev(stats$key))
barchart(key ~ freq, data = stats, col = "yellow",
main = "UPOS (Universal Parts of Speech)\n frequency of occurrence",
xlab = "Freq")
## Since we抳e got the text annotated with Part of Speech, let抯 tally up the
## most common nouns
stats <- subset(x, upos %in% c("NOUN"))
stats <- txt_freq(stats$token)
stats$key <- factor(stats$key, levels = rev(stats$key))
barchart(key ~ freq, data = head(stats, 20), col = "cadetblue",
main = "Most occurring nouns", xlab = "Freq")
## In the english language, you exaggerate with adjective. So, let抯 explore
## the most occurring adjectives
stats <- subset(x, upos %in% c("ADJ"))
stats <- txt_freq(stats$token)
stats$key <- factor(stats$key, levels = rev(stats$key))
barchart(key ~ freq, data = head(stats, 20), col = "purple",
main = "Most occurring adjectives", xlab = "Freq")
## We can conduct a sentiment analysis with verbs used. Do the bring any
## signs of optimision or infuse pessimism instead?
stats <- subset(x, upos %in% c("VERB"))
stats <- txt_freq(stats$token)
stats$key <- factor(stats$key, levels = rev(stats$key))
barchart(key ~ freq, data = head(stats, 20), col = "gold",
main = "Most occurring Verbs", xlab = "Freq")
## RAKE is one of the most popular unsupervised algorithms for extracting
## keywords in Information retrieval. RAKE is short for Rapid Automatic
## Keyword Extraction. It is a domain independent algorithm which tries to
## determine key phrases in a body of text by analyzing the frequency of
## word appearance as well as its co-occurrence with other words in the corpus
## Let's goup nouns and adjectives for a better understanding of the roles of
## nouns
stats <- keywords_rake(x = x, term = "lemma", group = "doc_id",
relevant = x$upos %in% c("NOUN", "ADJ"))
stats$key <- factor(stats$keyword, levels = rev(stats$keyword))
barchart(key ~ rake, data = head(subset(stats, freq > 3), 20), col = "red",
main = "Keywords identified by RAKE",
xlab = "Rake")
## A noun and a verb form a simple phrase. For example, "man died".
## That may help us understand the context of sentences
## Using a sequence of POS tags (noun phrases / verb phrases)
x$phrase_tag <- as_phrasemachine(x$upos, type = "upos")
stats <- keywords_phrases(x = x$phrase_tag, term = tolower(x$token),
pattern = "(A|N)*N(P+D*(A|N)*N)*",
is_regex = TRUE, detailed = FALSE)
stats <- subset(stats, ngram > 1 & freq > 3)
stats$key <- factor(stats$keyword, levels = rev(stats$keyword))
barchart(key ~ freq, data = head(stats, 20), col = "magenta",
main = "Keywords - simple noun phrases", xlab = "Frequency")
## Let's plot a word cloud
wordcloud(words = stats$key, freq = stats$freq, min.freq = 3, max.words = 100,
random.order = FALSE, colors = brewer.pal(6, "Dark2"))
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## The 2008 financial crisis was not just a US market meltdown but also
## a hot topic all over the world, with Australian market not an exception,
## since Financial Crisis is at the top of the list and Wall st not too far off.
## Climate change and the Bali terrorist attack was also hot on the minds of
## Australians in 2008. The government of New South Wales (nsw) also a hot
## topic of discussion :-)
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