Homework 3 - 131/231
Due on Friday May 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm
For this homework you will need use the following packages.
Analyzing drug use
The first half of this homework involves the analysis of drug use. The data set includes a total of 1885
observations on 32 variables. A detailed description of the data set can be found here. For each observation,
12 attributes are known:
• ID: number of record in original database. Used for reference only.
• Age: Age of the participant
• Gender: Gender of the participant (M/F)
• Education: Level of education of the participant
• Country: Country of current residence of the participant
• Ethnicity: Ethnicity of the participant
Many of the covariates have been transformed: some ordinal or categorical variables have been given numeric
codes. Part of this problem will involve appropriately re-transforming these variables. The data also contains
the following personality measurements:
• Nscore: NEO- FFI- R Neuroticism (Ranging from 12 to 60)
• Escore: NEO- FFI- R Extraversion (Ranging from 16 to 59)
• Oscore: NEO- FFI- R Openness (Ranging from 24 to 60)
• Ascore: NEO- FFI- R Agreeableness (Ranging from 12 to 60)
• Cscore: NEO- FFI- R Conscientiousness (Ranging from 17 to 59)
• Impulsive: Impulsiveness measured by BIS- 11
• SS: Sensation Seeking measured by ImpSS
Finally, participants were questioned concerning their use of 18 legal and illegal drugs (alcohol, amphetamines,
amyl nitrite, benzodiazepine, cannabis, chocolate, cocaine, caffeine, crack, ecstasy, heroin, ketamine, legal
highs, LSD, methadone, mushrooms, nicotine and volatile substance abuse) and one fictitious drug (Semeron)
which was introduced to identify over-claimers. All of the drugs use the class system of CL0-CL6: CL0 =
“Never Used”, CL1 = “Used over a decade ago”, CL2 = “Used in last decade”, CL3 = “Used in last year”,
CL4 = “Used in last month”, CL5 = “Used in last week”, CL6 = “Used in last day”.
drug_use <- read_csv('drug.csv',
col_names = c('ID','Age','Gender','Education','Country','Ethnicity',
1. Logistic regression for drug use prediction
This problem has 3 parts for 131 students and 4 parts for 231 students. As mentioned, the data uses some
strange encodings for variables. For instance, you may notice that the gender variable has type double. Here
the value -0.48246 means male and 0.48246 means female. Age was recorded at a set of categories but rescaled
to a mean 0 numeric variable (we will leave that variable as is). Similarly education is a scaled numeric
quantity (we will also leave this variable as is). We will however, start by transforming gender, ethnicity, and
country to factors, and the drug response variables as ordered factors:
drug_use <- drug_use %>% mutate_at(as.ordered, .vars=vars(Alcohol:VSA))
drug_use <- drug_use %>%
mutate(Gender = factor(Gender, labels=c("Male", "Female"))) %>%
mutate(Ethnicity = factor(Ethnicity, labels=c("Black", "Asian", "White",
"Mixed:White/Black", "Other",
"Mixed:Black/Asian"))) %>%
mutate(Country = factor(Country, labels=c("Australia", "Canada", "New Zealand",
"Other", "Ireland", "UK", "USA")))
(a). Define a new factor response variable recent_cannabis_use which is “Yes” if a person has used cannabis
within a year, and “No” otherwise. This can be done by checking if the Cannabis variable is greater than
or equal to CL3. Hint: use mutate with the ifelse command. When creating the new factor set levels
argument to levels=c("No", "Yes") (in that order).
drug_use <- drug_use %>%
mutate(recent_cannabis_use=factor(ifelse(Cannabis >= "CL3", "Yes", "No"),
levels=c("No", "Yes")))
(b). We will create a new tibble that includes a subset of the original variables. We will focus on all variables
between age and SS as well as the new factor related to recent cannabis use. Create drug_use_subset with
the command:
drug_use_subset <- drug_use %>% select(Age:SS, recent_cannabis_use)
Split drug_use_subset into a training data set and a test data set called drug_use_train and drug_use_test.
The training data should include 1500 randomly sampled observation and the test data should include the
remaining observations in drug_use_subset. Verify that the data sets are of the right size by printing
dim(drug_use_train) and dim(drug_use_test).
train_index <- sample(nrow(drug_use_subset), 1500)
drug_use_train <- drug_use_subset[train_index,]
drug_use_test <- drug_use_subset[-train_index, ]
(c). Fit a logistic regression to model recent_cannabis_use as a function of all other predictors in
drug_use_train. Fit this regression using the training data only. Display the results by calling the summary
function on the logistic regression object.
(d). (231 only). Generalized linear models for binary data involve a link function, g which relates a linear
function of the predictors to a function of the probability p: g(p) = β0 +β1X1 +...βpXp. g is a function which
maps p ∈ [0, 1] to R. Logistic regression is based on the logit link function, g(p) = log(p/(1 − p)). In class we
mentioned another link function, called the probit: g(p) = Φ−1
(p) where Φ is the cumulative density function
of the normal distribution. Another often used link function is the “c-log-log” link: g(p) = log(−log(1 − p)).
Plot the fitted values for logistic regression fit of the training data on the x-axis and the fitted values for the
probit regression on y-axis. In the plot command (assuming you use the base plotting package, not ggplot)
set pch=19 and cex=0.2 (this makes the points smaller and more legible). Include the line y=x with the
command abline(a=0, b=1, col="red"). Make another identical plot, this time replacing the y-axis with
the predicted values from a cloglog regression.
Comment on the differences between the estimated probabilities in each plot. Things you should comment on
include: 1) which link function (probit or cloglog) leads to predictions that are most similar to the logistic
regression predictions? 2) for what range of probabilities are the probit and cloglog predictions values more or
less extreme than the logit values? 3) Does either probit or cloglog regression seem to estimate systematically
smaller or larger probabilities than the logistic regression for a certain range of probabilities?
Hint: in logistic regression we set family=binomial(link="logit""). To fit probit and cloglog regressions
change the value of the link argument appropriately.
2. Decision tree models of drug use
This problem has 3 parts for all students.
Construct a decision tree to predict recent_cannabis_use using all other predictors in drug_use_train.
Set the value of the argument control = tree_parameters where tree_parameters are:
tree_parameters = tree.control(nobs=nrow(drug_use_train), minsize=10, mindev=1e-3)
This sets the smallest number of allowed observations in each leaf node to 10 and requires a deviance of at
least 1e-3 to split a node.
(a). Use 10-fold CV to select the a tree which minimizes the cross-validation misclassification rate. Use the
function cv.tree, and set the argument FUN=prune.misclass. Note: you do not need to use a do.chunk
function since the tree package will do cross validation for you. Find the size of the tree which minimizes
the cross validation error. If multiple trees have the same minimum cross validated misclassification rate, set
best_size to the smallest tree size with that minimum rate.
(b). Prune the tree to the size found in the previous part and plot the tree using the draw.tree function
from the maptree package. Set nodeinfo=TRUE. Which variable is split first in this decision tree?
(c). Compute and print the confusion matrix for the test data using the function table(truth,
predictions) where truth and predictions are the true classes and the predicted classes from the tree
model respectively. Note: when generated the predicted classes for the test data, set type="class" in the
predict function. Calculate the true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR) for the confusion
matrix. Show how you arrived at your answer.
3. Model Comparison
This problem has 2 parts for all students.
(a). Plot the ROC curves for both the logistic regression fit and the decision tree on the same plot. Use
drug_use_test to compute the ROC curves for both the logistic regression model and the best pruned tree
(b). Compute the AUC for both models and print them. Which model has larger AUC?
4. Clustering and dimension reduction for gene expression data
This problem involves the analysis of gene expression data from 327 subjects from Yeoh et al (2002). The
data set includes abundance levels for 3141 genes and a class label indicating one of 7 leukemia subtypes the
patient was diagnosed with. The paper describing their analysis of this data can be found here. Read in the
csv data in leukemia_data.csv. It is posted on Piazza in the resources tab with the homework:
leukemia_data <- read_csv("leukemia_data.csv")
(a). The class of the first column of leukemia_data, Type, is set to character by default. Convert the
Type column to a factor using the mutate function. Use the table command to print the number of patients
with each leukemia subtype. Which leukemia subtype occurs the least in this data?
(b). Run PCA on the leukemia data using prcomp function with scale=TRUE and center=TRUE (this scales
each gene to have mean 0 and variance 1). Make sure you exclude the Type column when you run the PCA
function (we are only interested in reducing the dimension of the gene expression values and PCA doesn’t
work with categorical data anyway). Plot the proportion of variance explained by each principal component
(PVE) and the cumulative PVE side-by-side.
pve <- ## Fill this in
cumulative_pve <- ## Fill this in
## This will put the next two plots side by side
par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
## Plot proportion of variance explained
plot(pve, type="l", lwd=3)
plot(cumulative_pve, type="l", lwd=3)
(c). Use the results of PCA to project the data into the first two principal component dimensions. prcomp
returns this dimension reduced data in the first columns of x. Plot the data as a scatter plot using plot
function with col=plot_colors where plot_colors is defined
rainbow_colors <- rainbow(7)
plot_colors <- rainbow_colors[leukemia_data$Type]
This will color the points according to the leukemia subtype. Add the leukemia type labels to the plot using
text with labels argument set to the leukemia type and the col to plot_colors (it may help legibility to
make the points on the plot very small by setting cex to a small number). Which group is most clearly
separated from the others along the PC1 axis? Which genes have the highest absolute loadings for PC1 (the
genes that have the largest weights in the weighted average used to create the new variable PC1)? You can
find these by taking the absolute values of the first principal component loadings and sorting them. Print the
first 6 genes in this sorted vector using the head function.
(d). (231 Only) PCA orders the principal components according to the amount of total variation in the
data that they explain. This does not mean, however, that the principal components are sorted in terms of
how useful they are at capturing variation between the leukemia groups. For example, if gene expression
varied significantly with age and gender (independent of leukemia status), the first principal components
could reflect genetic variation due to age and gender, but not to leukemia. The first scatter plot shows that
the second PC is not a good discriminator of leukemia type. See if the 3rd PC is better at discriminating
between leukemia types by plotting the data projected onto the first and third principal components (not the
(e.) (231 Only) For this part we will be using the ggridges library. Create a new tibble where the first
column (call it z1) is the projection of the data onto the first principal component and the second column is the
leukemia subtype (Type). Use ggplot with geom_density_ridges to create multiple stacked density plots
of the projected gene expression data. Set the ggplot aesthetics to aes(x = z1, y = Type, fill = Type).
Make another identical plot, except replace z1 with z3, the projection of the data onto the third principal
component. Identify two leukemia subtypes that are nearly indistinguishable when the gene expression data
is projected onto the first PC direction, but easily distinguishable when projected onto the third PC direction.
(f.) Use the filter command to create a new tibble leukemia_subset by subsetting to include only rows
for which Type is either T-ALL, TEL-AML1, or Hyperdip50. Compute a euclidean distance matrix between
the subjects using the dist function and then run hierarchical clustering using complete linkage. Plot two
dendrograms based on the hierarchical clustering result. In the first plot, force 3 leukemia types to be
the labels of terminal nodes, color the branches and labels to have 3 groups and rotate the dendrogram
counter-clockwise to have all the terminal nodes on the right. In the second plot, do all the same things
except that this time color all the branches and labels to have 5 groups. Please make sure library dendextend
is installed. Hint: as.dendrogram, set_labels, color_branches, color_labels and plot(..., horiz =
TRUE) may be useful.
(g). (231 only). Use superheat to plot the distance matrix from the part above. Order the rows and
columns by the hierarchical clustering you obtained in the previous part. You should see a matrix with a
block diagonal structure. The labels (corresponding to leukemia types) will not be available to read on the
plot. Print them out by looking at leukemia_subset$Type ordered by clustering order. Based on this plot
which two leukemia types (of the three in the subset) seem more similar to one another? Hint: use heat.pal
= c("dark red", "red", "orange", "yellow")) for colorbar specification in superheat.
(h). (231 only). You can also use superheat to generate a hierachical clustering dendrogram or a kmeans
clustering. First, use leukemia_subset to run hierachical clustering and draw the dendrogram. Second, use
the same dataset to run kmeans clustering with three the optimal number of clusters, and order the genes
(columns) based on hierarchical clustering.
Hint: arguments row.dendrogram, clustering.method, n.cluster.rows and pretty.order.cols may be
useful, please read the argument descriptions before you attempt the problem.
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