ith booking made on the system B
i may be written as
where tb is the booking time, ta the arrival time and td is the departure time.
In order to keep track of all bookings made over time and their effect on the number of cars in
the car park, and also the revenue generated by the bookings, we split the problem into discrete
time steps. Take the interval in time t > a,
In this project we set the basic unit of time to be a day, and ∆t
1 represents a time period of one
This function f B simply describes the fact that a car is regarded as being in a car park for a full
day if it either arrives during that day, leaves during that day, or arrives on a previous day and
leaves on a later day.
This is useful in our model as the price paid will be linked to the duration of stay.
Now let the price per day for a booking B
i be given by a pricing function pD
where D is
the duration of stay.
4.1.1 Generating events from a Poisson Process
To generate the set of bookings we suppose that bookings are generated by a Poisson process,
i.e. they are generated independently and continuously at some average rate λb bookings per
day. For such a process, the time between subsequent bookings is given by an exponential distribution.
If u
is an independent random draw from a uniform distribution (0 @ u
n B 1) then the
function to generate the time of the next event t
n of a Poisson process with intensity λb,
4.1.2 Generating a Booking
Given that we have generated the time of the next booking, we need to know when the customer
will arrive in the car park and how long they will stay. Note that if the arrival intensity is given by
λ, then the average time of the next event will be 1
. So if we wish to have a process where the
average time between booking and arrival is say, 28 days, and the average time between arrival
and departure is 7 days, then we may use Poisson processes with intensity λa
28 and λd
the arrival and departure times respectively.
Put simply, given three random draws from a uniform distribution and the time the previous
booking was made t
b we may generate the next booking as:
0). The sequence of booking times tb is generated
by a Poisson process with rate λb. For each booking, the time between booking and arrival, and
the time between arrival and departure, are each exponentially distributed with mean 1~λa and
1~λb respectively. Note that this booking model is not very realistic, but it is very easy to generate,
and could easily be extended to allow the intensity parameters to become functions of time to
capture weekly or seasonal effects.
4.1.3 Calculated expected values of car park measures
We can use the random bookings that we generate as input to our car park model in section 4.1,
and in doing so evaluate various measures of our car park, such as the revenue, and occupancy
(number of cars in the car park) for a given day. These values will depend on the parameters
intrinsic to the car park model (for example, the size of the car park, and the pricing function), but
will also depend on the particular booking times chosen by our random booking process. To study
the effect of car park parameters (size, pricing function etc.) on our measurements (of revenue,
occupancy, etc.) we would like these measurements to be independent of the randomness in the
booking times. To do this by taking the expected value, or average, of our measurement over all
the possible random bookings. For very simple measurements it may be possible to calculate this
expected value algebraically, for most measurements we will need to calculate these expected
values numerically, using a so-called Monte Carlo technique.
The idea behind Monte Carlo methods is very straightforward. Suppose we wish to measure
the expected value of R
, the revenue of the car park on the kth day. The expected value of the revenue is approximated by the mean of
these samples,(4.11)
When N is large this expected value ER
is approximately normally distributed (from the central
limit theorem), (4.12)
This standard deviation decreases with increasing N, so by choosing sufficiently large N our expected
value becomes relatively insensitive to the particular random booking times.
Note that we cannot take N arbitrarily large – it may take too long to simulate the car park
model a very large number of times – so the choice of N is a compromise between program run
time and accuracy.
4.1.4 Optimal Revenue Management
The explanation of Revenue Management in this project will be brief but we will lay out the basics
relevant to our simplified model. This project focuses on the problem of capacity allocation.
The problem arises when the same product (a space in a car park) is sold to different customers
at different prices, so the question arises of how many bookings we should allow the low-price
customers to make when there is a possibility that high-price customers may arrive later on.
In our car park model, we assume that there exists a set of low price customers that take advantage
of the discount for staying in the car park for a long period. (By discount we mean that,
while the total price of a long stay is greater than that of a short stay (4.7), the price per day of
a long stay is less than that of a short stay (4.6).) They tend to book into the car park online in
advance, and are typically leisure passengers. In contrast, we assume that there exists a set of
high-price customers who turn up and pay a high price to stay for only a day or two. They are typically
business passengers, and do not book trips in advance, and therefore neither do they book
their parking in advance. In this model we do not assume that different customers are subject to
different prices, just that they will receive a discount the longer they stay in the car park. Price is
assumed to be given as a function of duration of stay as in equation (4.6) with positive constants
α and β.
At first we will decide whether to reject bookings by simply assigning a constant proportion
of the car park to each set of customers. By varying this proportion we can then investigate when
the maximum revenue is generated, and thus find the optimal proportion to assign to each set of
4.2 Exercises
4.2.1 The Customers class
• Create a function that returns the time of the next event for a Poisson process with intensity
λ. You may use the internal C++ random number generator rand() to generate samples
from a uniform distribution. Alternatively, look at the Mersenne Twister code provided for
the Gillespie Algorithm project in this booklet. Make sure that you enforce the constraint
n A 0 by excluding the case where rand() generates a value of 0.
• Enter the following data structure for bookings into your code:
class Booking
double bookingTime;
double arrivalTime;
double departureTime;
// compare for sort algorithms
bool operator<(const Booking &x,const Booking &y);
(Recall that a struct is simply a class with all members public by default.) Complete the implementationfor
the “less than” operator < so that bookings may be ordered by bookingTime
. You may also wish to overload stream outputs using operator<<.
• Now create a class (similar to the MVector) to store all of the bookings for one class of customer.
class Customers
std::vector<Booking> vectorBookings;
// generate a set of bookings
void generateBookings(double bookingRate,double arrivalRate,
double departureRate,double startTime,double finishTime);
Complete the implementation for the generateBookings method. The first three arguments
should be the intensity parameters for the Poisson process. Using startTime as
your initial time, keep generating bookings until you reach finishTime. See section 4.1.2
for information on how to generate bookings.
• Complete the class by writing member functions to allow access to vectorBookings and
also to return the number of bookings (see MVector for how we did this with double as
the data type.
• Generate bookings using λb
5, λa
1~14, and λd
1~7 with tb > 0,
150 and write them
to screen. These will be the low-price leisure customers. (Note that although we restrict
tb B 150, we may have bookings where ta A 150 and/or td A 150).
• Generate bookings using λb
25, λa
1, and λd
2 with tb > 0,
150 and compare them to
the previous booking set. These will be the high-price business customers.
• Write a member function of Customers to add bookings from another Customers class.
The function signature should look like:
void addBookings(Customers &C);
Complete the implementation. Try adding the business and leisure customers together to
form one single set of ordered bookings.
You can sort a vector using the std::sort function, in the <algorithm> include library.
For a std::vector vectorBookings we write
which sorts the vector by booking time, so long as the less than operator has been overloaded
correctly. Display your bookings to screen, and check that the sets have combined
4.2.2 The Car Park Class
• By writing a class, or otherwise, create storage for the number of cars present in the car park
in each period k and also the revenue they generate (you could combine both using your
own data structure).
• Now create a function CarsPresent that takes as input:
– a list of bookings stored in a Customers class
– the start time
– the number of days
and gives as output
– a vector containing the number of cars present in the car park for each day.
You will need to use equation (4.3) to calculate the cars present in the car park for each day
from the booking times. (Is there a faster way to calculate D
than simply summing over f
as in (4.4)?)
• What is the expected number of cars in the car park at t
150 using either of the sets of
customers? Choose what you think is a sensible number of simulations N when calculating
the expected value, and give your answer to an appropriate number of digits.
• Write in a price function of the form shown in equation (4.6) with α
10 and β
5 and use
it to calculate the revenues generated at each day, and also the total revenue.
• Now modify your car park class to include a capacity (number of spaces in the car park).
Write a function that takes a booking and checks if space is available in the car park for the
entire duration of that booking. Use this in your CarsPresent function to reject bookings
if there is no space.
• Using a combined set of both customer types, what is the expected time that a car park
with 50 spaces will first reach capacity? As before, think about how many simulations N
you should run when calculating the expectation.
4.2.3 Revenue management with a fixed allocation strategy
• For the combined set of customers, calculate the total expected revenue for car parks with
capacity 10, 20, 30, . . . , 100.
• Now create two different car parks for each set of customers so that the sum of the capacity
of each car park is equal to capacity of the combined car park. Investigate what is the optimal
proportion of the car park to reserve for each set of customers. For example, you could
create a plot of the optimal proportion as a function of total car park size. Optionally, can
you estimate the error in your calculation of the optimal proportion?
• You may wish to extend this idea by generating a contour plot of the revenue as a function
of both the car park size and the proportion allocated to business/leisure customers.
• How does the optimal proportion of the car park to allocate vary with the booking rates λb
for each type of customer?
4.2.4 Booking rejection strategies
So far we have used a very simple strategy for rejecting bookings, by allocating a fixed proportion
of the car park to each type of customer. Alternatively, we could generate a rejection rule based
on the number of spaces left in the car park, the price per period of the booking, and the time
remaining the period in question. We should reject a booking only if the total revenue generated
from the booking is less than the expectedrevenuefromfuture bookings that the car will displace
over all periods it is present. For example, imagine that it is Friday and we have one space left in
the car park on Monday and one space left for Tuesday. A booking is requested on the system that
will stay both days, and if we generate our price from (4.6) with α
10 and β
5 the the booking
will pay a rate of £10 per day. Now if we know that the probability that a someone will turn up and
stay for one day on Monday and Tuesday and pay £15 per period is 0.8, then we can say that the
net contribution from the booking is 10 15 0.8 10 15 0.8
£4. This means we should
4.3. REPORT 45
reject the booking and take our chances that the high-price customers will arrive. Alternatively
if the car park had 100 spaces left, then the car park is unlikely to fill, the value of the spaces
displaced is low (zero if there is no chance that the car park will fill up) and we should accept the
booking. How we should calculate the notional value of the space that is displaced is left for you
to discover.
Investigate booking rejection strategies of this type. The most interesting cases are likely to
be found for car parks that are large enough that they will not usually be filled by the highestpaying
customers alone, but small enough that some customers cannot be accommodated. Can
you design a method that improves on the optimal revenue generated when a fixed proportion
of the car park is allocated to each type of customer?
4.3 Report
Write your report as a connected piece of prose. Read the Guidelines section at the start of this
documentfor other instructions on theformat of the report. Some questions have marks in square
brackets, indicating the 30 marks available for correct numerical results and code. The other 30
marks are awarded for the overall quality of validation, analysis and the write-up, as detailed in
the grading criteria provided in the guidelines.
• Detail any classes that you have used in the problem. [3]
• Show some test cases to demonstrate that your car park model is working as expected. (For
example, you could generate a few bookings manually and check that the number of cars
in the car park for each day is as you expect, both for unlimited capacity and when the car
park is small enough that some bookings are rejected.) [4]
• For the unlimited capacity case, analyse the expected number of cars in the car park, and
also the expected revenue. [5]
• After including capacity to the problem, analyse the expected time that a car park with 50
spaces will first reach capacity. [6]
• Analyse of the optimal proportion of the car park that should be reserved for the business
customers, as described in §4.2.3 [6]
• Describe your investigation of new booking strategies in §4.2.4, including numerical results
from the strategies you chose. (If you did not have time to complete this part of the project,
discuss what you think might be good strategies). Do your new rejection strategies generate
higher revenue than that when an (optimal) fixed proportion of the car park is allocated
to each type of customer? [6]
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