STAT0041 Algorithms and Data
Structures: ICA 2022
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The deadline is 9th of December, 5pm, via Moodle. Please see Moodle
instructions for submission.
This ICA must be done in pairs. If you have problems finding a pair, contact
The first question is worth 20% of the total marks. The other two, 40% each.
You can write solutions in either Python or R, or a combination of both for different
questions. No single question should be written in two different languages!
In my instructions, I always refer to arrays starting from index 1. If you are using
Python, feel free to make them always start from index 0. This is not an important
point. Just be coherent.
Commenting code is recommended, but keep it light. If you think particular pieces
of code are clear enough, no need to clutter them with redudant comments. Your
future co-workers will thank you for your habit of keeping code uncluttered.
No need to worry about language-specific efficiency, e.g. both Python and R are
terrible with loops, but let's not worry about this. Programming language
pyrotechnics is not the point of STAT0041.
It's OK to deliver questions in separate files, .py or .R , but no more than one
file per question! Jupyter notebooks or R Markdown are especially welcome (if you
follow this route, please just create one file for all answers). You can only upload
one file, so you need to zip whatever files you have. No unusual compression
formats like RAR please! Zip only.
Any questions where you need to write in plain English must be done as
comments/Markdown text in the respective .py / .R / .ipynb / .Rmd files.
Indicate very clearly which answer corresponds to which question.
Despite the verbosity of each question (needed to remove ambiguities), rest
assured that each deliverable amounts to actually fairly little coding. Expect that
your full solution for each question will be shorter than the corresponding question
The deadline is 9th of December, 5pm, via Moodle. Please see Moodle
instructions for submission.
Question 1
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Question 1
Calculating order statistics is a very standard task in descriptive statistics. Let's
investigate empirically how much of a cost it is to use sorting as a way of
calculating them.
Long story short: you will investigate how long it takes to compute order
statistics using sorting, if every now and then you need to sort the data. This will
be done by implementing a pretend simulation of changes to the data that force a
re-sorting. You will compare your implementation against whatever built-in way of
finding medians R or Python has to offer.
Here are the details. At this end of this question there are several suggestions on
how to code some of the finer details in R or Python.
Deliverable 1: Write a function simulate_order_sort(m, n, p) to simulate
requests for order statistics as if they were coming from real people. Argument m
indicates that we are going to run m simulated requests for order statistics.
Argument n indicates that we are going to simulate arrays of length n from
which order statistics will come: this will be done by sorting the data and picking
the corresponding position o in the sorted data, where o is chosen randomly in
. Argument p is a number between 0 and 1 that controls how often
we need to re-sort the data because of pretend changes to it.
The simulator must work as follows:
1. Simulate an array x of length n , each entry drawn independently from a
standard Gaussian.
2. Sort x .
3. Create an array y of length m that will store results.
4. Repeat the following m times. First, draw an integer o in
uniformly at random (assuming x starts from index 1), and copy x[o] to
y[i] at the corresponding iteration number i in . As seen in
Chapter 2, x[o] will be the order statistic corresponding to the request o .
At the end of the iteration, with probability p you will change the data: this
means drawing x again and re-sorting it (therefore, with probability
there is no change of data and no re-sorting).
5. Add the end of the m iterations, return y .
Deliverable 2: Write a short script to test your simulate_order_sort
function. For some (say, ) and (say, also), choose a
range of values for p (say, ) and print the wall-clock time
1, 2, 3,… ,n
{1, 2,… ,n}
1, 2, 3,… ,m
1? p
m m = 10000 n n = 10000
{0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5}
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required to run simulate_order_sort for each choice of p . Follow up the
code by writing a sentence or two explaining where the variability in wall-clock
time caused by p comes from.
Deliverable 3: Say all we care about is the median (here defined as the order
statistic at position ). Create a modified version of
simulate_order_sort , to be called simulate_median_sort , where the
only difference is that o is always set to . Write a second function,
simulate_median(m, n, p) , with analogous inputs but which does no sorting
at all: all medians are calculated by some existing choice of median computation
function you can choose from R or Python. Do the wall-clock time analysis for
both functions at different choices of p . Report the differences you see and
whether they correspond to your expectations.
Programming hints:
As we have seen in the notes/slides, for any we have that is the
"rounded-up" version of . This corresponds to functions like ceiling in R
or numpy.ceil in Python.
If you are answering this question in Python, it's OK to use Python lists instead
of a "proper" array of the likes you would see in NumPy. Feel free to use
arrays/lists which start at 0, but adapt the range of o accordingly.
Several exercises in the Exercise Sheets do wall-clock computations and
simulated data. For instance, see Exercise 8 of Exercise Sheet #1. In R,
function Sys.time() has a similar functionality.
To sample from a set of integers in Python, you can look at the NumPy
function np.random.choice , which by the way was used in the solution of
Exercise 2 from Exercise Sheet #2. In R, function sample has a similar
functionality. The same functions can be used to simulate a coin flip with
probability p , which you need in order to decide whether it's time to pretend
that the data has changed. For standard Gaussians, np.random.normal in
Python and rnorm in R is what you will look for.
To calculate medians in Python, feel free to use function median from the
package statistics . In R, function median is built-in already.
Question 2
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You will implement a set of functions that manipulate an array-like data structure.
Let's call this data structure a "stretchable array" (s-array), for the lack of a better
name. The idea is to build upon a standard array, but delivering a data structure
that allows for extending its size in a way that the user of such a data structure
doesn't need to know.
Long story short: every time we modify an element that is outside the range of
the array, we will double the array in size. You will write the record and relevant
functions that manipulate this data structure.
Here are the details. They are long and somewhat tedious in order to make the
question as clear as possible. Your solution will probably be shorter than the
framing of the question...
Background: A variable of "type" s-array is a record which we will describe
shortly. We will assume that the data in a s-array are always integers. We will
operate on a s-array only via the following functions:
s_array_create(l) . Creates a s-array of capacity at least l with all
entries initialised to 0 . It should return a new record of "type" s-array. The
definition of "capacity" is given below. The idea of "at least l " will also be
explained below.
s_array_set(x, i, value) . Set the -th position of s-array x to
value . Informally, this is what we would normally code as x[i] = value
in Python or R. But x is not meant to be a standard built-in array that comes
pre-defined in the language. To avoid fiddling with Python's or R's syntax, all
operations in a s-array will be done by explicit functions. This function doesn't
need to return anything (but see the very bottom of the Programming hints
section if you are using R).
s_array_get(x, i) . This function returns the value stored at the -th
position of s-array x . Informally, this is equivalent to returning x[i] if we
were to use a friendlier syntax. This will be a trivial function to implement, as
you should quickly realise from the specification below.
s_array_len(x) . This function returns the attribute length of x , as
described below.
A s-array must be implemented as a record with the following attributes.
data : an internal standard array where the data is actually stored. This
means that e.g. s_array_get(x, i) should, under the hood, return[i] .
capacity : the length of data .
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length : that's where things get interesting. Here, length is the highest
index among all elements which have been modified by a call to
s_array_set .
What's this weird business about the difference between capacity and
length ? The idea is that we are allowed to set the value of an entry which lies
beyond the size of data . Since data is an array that is assumed to be of fixed
size, this will mean creating a new, larger, array and destroying the old, while
copying information. In particular, everytime there is a call s_array_set(x, i,
value) where i > x.capacity then, inside the s_array_set function, the
following should happen:
1. We create a new array new_data that has twice as many elements as
data , setting all of its entries to zero.
2. We copy all entries of to the corresponding positions of
new_data .
3. We set to now point to new_data .
4. We update x.capacity and x.length accordingly (the former is just the
size of data , the latter is just i if we start counting positions from 1
instead of 0).
The idea is, if we want to print the entries of some s-array x , we stop at the last
position that we know to be non-zero. We will treat zeroes as a special,
"uninteresting", value. Given this explanation, your functions must also do the
If we call s_array_set(x, i, value) where i exceeds the length but
not the capacity of x , then all we do is to update the length of x to indicate
where the highest-indexed modified element can be found.
For what follows, you will provide code in either R or Python. For instance, step 3
above can be done in Python and R by simply assigning an array (or list) to
another. A record in R can be implemented just as a list with named fields (you do
need to name the fields, e.g. you want your code to read as x$data as opposed
to x[[1]] , for instance). A record in Python can be implemented as a class. A
"standard array" in Python can be just a Python list. No need to invoke NumPy or
any other special data structures for this question.
Deliverable 1: Write all functions above, adding some basic comments to the
code to explain the logic of what you are doing. A special requirement is the
following: assume that you have a project manager that tells you that the length of
the data attribute should always be a power of 2, with minimal waste. That is, a
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call that creates a s-array by, say, x = s_array_create(12) should create a
record where attribute data is an array of length 16, which is the smallest power
of 2 greater than or equal to 12. A call to s_array_create(17) should create
an array data of size 32 and so on. The 12 in the call x =
s_array_create(12) just means that x.capacity must be at least 12, not
exactly 12.
(This may sound arbitrary, but it has a reason: this is because the hypothetical
manager believes that empirically, given the experience they have, this will provide
a good trade-off between memory use and multiple array destruction/copying.
Such trade-offs are not that uncommon when engineering a data structure.)
Deliverable 2: Write a short explanation (< 200 words) of what you personally
think are the good and bad properties of the above implementation when the goal
is to have a data structure where: (i) most of the entries are 0s and are not
interesting; (ii) the size of the data structure may change as we use it. Briefly
compare to some alternative way, of your choice, of implementing such a
structurethat is not based on standard arrays but another starting point like a
linked list.
Deliverable 3: Say that from time to time you may want to check whether you
could shrink the physical length of the data attribute of a particular s-array x
(as some non-zero values of data get turned to 0 by s_array_set calls).
Implement a function s_array_pack(x) which checks the position of the last
entry of that is not zero (we assume that 0s mean "irrelevant"). We then
check whether it is possible to resize to a smaller power of 2 size while
not losing any "relevant" data, and do the reduction. For example: if is
an array of size 64 ( x.capacity == 64 ) and the non-zero element of
of highest index is x[30] ( x.length == 30 , assuming we start counting from
1), then we can update to a size 32 array, updating x.capacity to 32,
Deliverable 4: Provide a short criticism (< 200 words) of your implementation of
s_array_pack , and how you could improve it for a future version (no need to
write any further code!). Or, if you think it is perfect, you can make the case of why
you think so!
Deliverable 5: Write a short piece of code demonstrating the functionality of a s-
array, in any way you want. Feel free to be minimalist. Just make sure that each
function above is called at least once. The main point of this question is to force
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you to test your code.
Programming hints:
check out how logarithms can be calculated in R or Python so that you know
how to "round up" numbers to the closest power of 2 (for instance,
, which means that is the capacity that should
be allocated initially). So basically you need something like to get
the smallest power of 2 no smaller than . Look for functions like ceil or
ceiling , pow or ^ , numpy.log2 or just log2 , depending on your
choice of language. Make sure the result is converted to an integer in the end
( int() in Python or round() in R etc.)
You can make your s-array start at index 0 or index 1, it's up to you (probably
whatever it's easier in your doing it in Python or R). Bear in mind that if you
start at 0, you may want to think a bit what x.length and x.capacity
should be...
If you are implementing this in R, you may have difficulties with functions that
modify the contents of an array: R's default behaviour is "passing by value".
Unfortunately there is no elegant way out (if you find one that doesn't require
obnoxious overuses of object-oriented programming, let me know!). You may
need to use a function like s_array_set(x, i, value) by ridiculously
returning the entire array back, resulting in calls like x <- s_array_set(x,
i, value) . R wasn't created having efficiency in mind, but readability, and
there is something positive to be said about avoiding calls by reference. Still,
don't shoot the messenger...
Question 3
Graph traversal algorithms like breadth-first (BFS) and depth-first (DFS) search
are among the most common framings of search problems that exist in practice.
How they perform empirically may depend on the type of problem and how they
are coded, as in the worst-case scenario they are equivalent.
Long story short: you will analyse empirically how BFS and DFS work across a
variety of simulated problems and metrics.
Here are the details.
log2(12) ≈ 3.58 < 4 24 = 16
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Background: You will use the package igraph, which exists for both Python and R
(find installation instructions at Here's the Python
documentation and here's the R documentation. Both Python and R users may
benefit from the Python tutorial, keeping in mind that the syntax will be different in
Part of the idea of this question is that you will be (partially) left to your own wits
on how to understand a package documentation based on your knowledge of
algorithms and data structures (without which the documentation would look like
gibberish). That's what you should expect in your professional life! But I know your
time is limited, so I'll point out some of the functions you will need.
There are different ways graphs can be represented in igraph. I'd recommend you
to first browse the Graph generation section of the documentation. It suffices the
understand that we can use adjacency matrices and adjacency lists to represent a
Deliverable 1: Write a function, to be called search_eval(m, n, p) , which
runs m simulations as follows. In each simulation, this function generates a
random directed graph over n vertices. At the end of each simulation, we report
two numbers: the wall-clock time of running BFS and DFS on each of the m
cases. So, search_eval(m, n, p) must return a matrix r , where the
first column of r are the wall-clock times for BFS, and the second column are
the corresponding times for DFS.
To generate a random graph, I suggest using an adjacency matrix (say, called g )
for representation, and independently setting each entry g[i, j] to 1 with
probability p (the third argument in the call fo search_eval ), 0 otherwise. You
can implement this in a variety of ways using random number generators of your
choice, with or without loops, even in NumPy, but you should do this without
making using of any specific igraph function that generates random graphs.
For each simulation, your function must choose one vertex uniformly at random to
be a "source" (called a "root", by igraph's documentation) vertex from which a
search starts. Your function must then run BFS and DFS using igraph, recording
the wall-clock time separately for each. See Exercise 8 from Exercise Sheet #1 for
an example of wall-clock time experiment. There is no need for a "destination"
vertex. When we run a BFS or a DFS in a graph using igraph, it just calculates how
many steps it takes to reach all other vertices (if at all reachable).
The function for depth-first search is called igraph_dfs in R, and just dfs in
Python. You should figure it out the details on how to use them from the igraph
m× 2
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docs (you can just a web search to find the corresponding pages, for instance).
You are expected to be more independent here, as you would if someone assigned
you this task as part of a job.
Deliverable 2: In this question, we will test whether there is any empirical
difference in the DFS and BFS implementations in igraph for your randomly
generated graphs. You can think of this as a sanity check of this library. We will do
this in two ways.
First, write a script that calls r = search_eval(m, n, p) with m = 1000 , n
= 200 and a variety of choices of p (I suggest varying from small numbers, like
0.01 to up to 0.1 . It's up to you.). For each instance of p , do a z-test to
whether the difference between the first and second columns of r comes from a
distribution with zero mean. The hypothesis is rejected if the resulting p-value is
less than a threshold (say, 0.05).
Second, plot either a scatterplot of a qqplot of the two columns of r to visually
judge how different (if at all) the run-time of BFS and DFS in igraph may look to
you. Write a sentence or two with your interpretation.
Deliverable 3: A call to BFS or DFS in igraph returns an array (among other
outputs, read the docs) indicating the ordering by which each vertex was found in
our search (if they were found at all, as there might be no path linking the source
to a particular vertex). Let's call this array order from now on. This means that
the DFS/BFS implementation of igraph is meant to list how many steps it takes to
go to all vertices from a particular source vertex, according to the respective
search schedules of each algorithm.
Let's create a family of graphs to empirically see how it affects DFS vs BFS. You
will write a function depth_charge(m, w, d) . This function will create
simulations of a directed graph defined as follows. Each graph has a "root" vertex
, and chidren . We then choose one of ,
uniformly at random, to start a chain . We
then call BFS and DFS on this graph, and peek into output order to see how
many search steps it took to find starting from . We store this information
for all trials and return a matrix, similarly to what you did in Deliverable
Given your code for depth_charge , write a script that calls it for m = 1000 , w
= 100 and d = 100 . Do a comparison between igraph's implementation of BFS
and DFS by plotting a histogram of the first and second columns of the output r
v0 w v1, v2,… , vw vi v1, v2,… , vw
vi → vw+1 → vw+2 →?→ vw+d
vw+d v0
m m× 2
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= depth_charge(1000, 100, 100) .
Redo the analysis above, using a modified version of depth_charge (call it
depth_charge_1 ) which always chooses to be . Again, do the same by
setting to be , call that depth_charge_final .
What are your conclusions, particularly in light of the following conjecture?
a standard implementation of BFS or DFS would treat the ordering of the
children of in whatever order you entered them when creating the graph
variable. That is, if you created a adjacency matrix, then the children of a
vertex would be peeked into by following the same ordering of the columns of
the original matrix. This means that, in the second variation
( depth_charge_1 ), DFS would be much more efficient than BFS, taking
steps to find , while BFS would take steps instead.
I actually don't know whether this is true, as I haven't looked at how igraph is
implemented. Let's find out empirically, and assess its implications!
Programming hints:
The solution to Exercise 8 in Exercise Sheet #1 and several exercises in
Exercise Sheet #2 (Exercise 2 in particular) provide some ideas on how to run
simulations, including a demonstration of np.random.choice to simulate
drawing integer values (useful to draw whether an edge exists, and which
vertex among will grow a chain). In R, function sample is the
one to look for.
The Graph generation link above should tell you how to create a igraph graph
out of an adjacency matrix. For the R version, it should be reasonably clear
what the corresponding R function is after you realise what needs to be done
in Python.
to do a z-test in Python, check out this function. For a scatterplot or qqplot,
see here and here.
in R, a simple implementation of a z-test and a demonstration of
scatterplot/qqplot can be found here.
If you haven't done any statistics module before and need help with what a
scatterplot or a qqplot means, please feel free to contact me.
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