5MMCS007W – 3D Interactive Media Development Assignment Specification CW2 (2024/25) |
Unit |
Coursework 2 – 3D Interactive Media Product |
Weighting: |
50% |
Qualifying mark |
30% |
Description |
The coursework rationale is to introduce the students to the practical nature of 3D interactive media development. It realizes the above by setting two pieces of coursework that assess student knowledge and understanding in different aspects of composing a 3D interactive media product: |
Learning Outcomes Covered in this Assignment: |
This assignment contributes towards the following Learning Outcomes (LOs): - LO3 - Demonstrate an applied understanding of 3D animation concept, properties, controllers and use of scripting techniques to create in 3D animation; - LO4 - Demonstrate an applied understanding of scripting techniques to incorporate interactive behaviours on 3D concept; - LO5 - Work individually, as well as an effective team member to develop a common 3D interactive media product; - LO6 - Communicate design concepts by oral and visual means and provide documentation for a 3D interactive media product in written form. |
Handed Out: |
October 2024 |
Due Date |
A. Work in Progress Video - 12th December 2024 B. Peer Review Video - 19th December 2024 C. All CW2 files including the above video files - 9th January 2025 |
Expected deliverables |
A. Submit 1 YouTube video Link per Group on Spreadsheet link in Blackboard DO NOT DO NESTED ZIPS! |
Method of Submission: |
Group Electronic submission on BB via a provided link close to the submission time. |
Type of Feedback and Due Date:
Written feedback on the CW will be provided within 3 weeks after the submission (the mark and comments on marking scheme form). All marks will remain provisional until formally agreed by an Assessment Board. |
2.1.1 Knowledge and understanding of facts, concepts, principles & theories 2.1.2 Use of such knowledge in modelling and design 2.1.3 Problem solving strategies 2.1.4 Analyse if/how a system meets current and future requirements 2.17 Knowledge and understanding of commercial and economic issues 2.1.8 Knowledge of management techniques to achieve objectives 2.2.1 Specify, design or construct computer-based systems 2.2.4 Deploy tools effectively 2.3.1 Work as a member of a development team 2.3.2 Development of general transferable skills 3.1.3 Knowledge of systems architecture 3.2.2 Defining Problems, managing design process and evaluating outcomes 4.1.1 Knowledge and understanding of scientific and engineering principles 4.1.3 Knowledge and understanding of computational modelling |
Assessment regulations
Refer to section 4 of the “How you study” guide for undergraduate students for a clarification of how you are assessed, penalties and late submissions, what constitutes plagiarism etc.
Penalty for Late Submission
If you submit your coursework late but within 24 hours or one working day of the specified deadline, 10 marks will be deducted from the final mark, as a penalty for late submission, except for work which obtains a mark in the range 40 – 49%, in which case the mark will be capped at the pass mark (40%). If you submit your coursework more than 24 hours or more than one working day after the specified deadline you will be given a mark of zero for the work in question unless a claim of Mitigating Circumstances has been submitted and accepted as valid.
It is recognised that on occasion, illness or a personal crisis can mean that you fail to submit a piece of work on time. In such cases you must inform. the Campus Office in writing on a mitigating circumstances form, giving the reason for your late or non-submission. You must provide relevant documentary evidence with the form. This information will be reported to the relevant Assessment Board that will decide whether the mark of zero shall stand. For more detailed information regarding University Assessment Regulations, please refer to the following website: https://www.westminster.ac.uk/current-students/guides-and-policies/academic-matters/academic-regulations
Coursework Description
The coursework rationale is to introduce the students to the practical nature of 3D interactive media development. It realizes the above by setting two pieces of coursework that assess student knowledge and understanding in different aspects of composing a 3D interactive media product:
Coursework 2 Description
Assesses the student practical ability to use appropriate scripting language to
create required animation and interactivity to a proposed 3D interactive media product. In
addition, it assesses the student’s skills documenting their implementation in a report using a professional style. and their entrepreneurial skills by the creation of a working video demo of their
Padlet: https://uowdigital.padlet.org/fergusj/3DIMD_CWSamples
Schedule: Schedule 3DIMD 2024.docx
IMP: Interactive Media Product
Groups: Each group will be represented by different students in weeks 10, 11 and 12 to present progress on CW2, in second half of lecture or tutorial as time permits. Peer review will occur between lectures and is based on padlet review of video blogs.
Artificial Intelligence Content: You are not expected to use AI to assist you in your project.
If you chose to use it, you should adhere to the following university guidelines: https://www.westminster.ac.uk/current-students/studies/study-skills-and-training/guidance-for-students-on-using-generative-ai
You should demonstrate understanding of coding, and only use AI to better this understanding, if used at all. Currently all major companies will not allow general AI use, due to copyright issues, so this is in line with industry.
- For code assist or asset generation by AI, you are to fully reference the work in your individual report and also in comments in the project code. If you choose to use AI to assist with code, make sure it is for understanding code better, or to support debugging enhanced work, Not for the tutorial work that is handed in as part of the CW submission, and not for writing sections of code.
- Image or video AI can be referenced as normal, and can be used throughout the project, but does not receive as much marks as original work, unless it is used well or in an innovative way.
- AI for writing reports is not allowed, and any use to assist research should follow the guidance above.
- At all times, please do consult the Module Leader for acceptable AI use.
- Misuse of AI can result in 0 marks or an Assessment Offense.
Coursework Elements
1. Group Interactive Media Product Unity Project File and Video (1 per group)
a. Group Unity Project file with all Visual Studio code and assets included
b. Screengrab video (Final Video) of project in action with voiceover (Video in submission, youtube link in submission and on BB Padlet)
Assets – at a minimum this should be:
· Individual Modelling and Animation Contributions:
• 1 Lego Mini Figure model with animation per student created from tutorials (3DS Max File and Unity Implementation in scene – triggered animations)
• A variety of Lego Brick objects from Mecabricks or similar
• Note: This is the bare minimum of items and should be exceeded for full marks.
• More complex Mecabricks builds or modelling from 3D program with tutorials and researched techniques is an extra.
· Group work and design using assets above, other work modelled in class, and work outside of class or sourced online
• Part of total should be original from class - Lego Figures
• Up to 90% of total assets can be otherwise outside sourced: LeoCad, Mecabricks assets, or similar
• Additional original modelled assets is an extra
Design, Lighting, Materials
· 3D and 2D design aesthetics
· Lighting, Shaders, and Texturing
· Note: Investigate Unity Options or use those in Tutorial 12
Concept - Project should be at its most basic a 3D Diorama with interaction and animation - some extras to consider are:
· Exploding 3D Diagram (w/slider options and interaction and animation)
· Gameplay additions and Minigames
· Narrative Elements
· Advanced camera work
· Note: There should be aesthetic as well as technical and procedural design in evidence – for examples please see the padlet, lecture material, and book
Scripting, Navigation, Interaction, Animation:
Note: For more see Module Tutorials or “3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practices”
· Navigation Framework (with mouse and perhaps keyboard)
Some Examples are:
· 3rd person controller with collision, mouse for camera zoom and object selection
· Objects or Waypoints for navigation, with mouse orbit of Waypoint
· Interactivity (Selection and Manipulation, Triggers with mouse and keyboard)
Some Examples are:
· 3D Interaction – Unity UI 2D Buttons/Menus in 3D World Space
· 3D Interaction - Mouse interaction directly with object via 3D Gimbal
· 2D Interaction – Unity UI 2D Heads Up Display
· State changes/Triggers with keyboard
· Collisions
· Note: For more see the Tutorials, Lectures, or “3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice”
· Animation, Movement and Narrative
Some Examples are:
o Figure and non-figure Animation, Triggered and Narrative
o Transforms and Scripted Movement or Interaction
o Note: Investigate Unity Options or use those in Tutorials
2. Individual Report and roles (Individual Analysis Reports, 1 per student)
Individual Pdf detailing individual contributions to group and reflections on final IMP
Note: This helps me to mark you
a. Pdf will be approximately 1500 words and include rendered images of individual contributions to above group file, screenshots of the product, and diagrams expanded from CW1
b. All individual reports will be included in the group submission
c. Includes analysis of group contributions and overall group work (in relation to fulfilment of CW1 planning and report)
d. Includes analysis of Individual roles and contributions (pick 2 roles from below)
1. Assets: Asset sourcing and conversion
2. Assets: Asset creation
3. Management: Versioning and file management
4. Management: Presentations and milestone updates
5. Management: Meetings, Admin, Schedule
6. Design: Aesthetic design and design bible
7. Design: Interaction design and diagrams
8. Design: Concept and requirements
9. Coding: Interaction
10. Coding: Movement and camera
11. Coding: Animation and trigger
12. Animation: Animation and Implementation
13. Animation Coding: Scripted movement
3. 3DS Max Lego Minifigure and animation (Student individual work)
a. 3DS Max file of a modelled Lego Minifigure as per tutorials 8-10
b. 3DS Max Animation as per tutorial week 10
Note: 3DS Max required for this, additional models may be done in any program.
4. Group Collaboration
Any appropriate evidence of group collaborative work including contributions to Group work files seen in submission, contribution on videos and in class, and evidence of group meetings and planning (meeting minutes, online discussions). This is a good amount of points that should be easy to get, please do show your contribution in your report.
5. Videos (1 x Work in progress, 1 x Peer review, 1 x Final Video per group)
a. Group work-in-progress video (WIP - 1 per Group, approx 5 minutes)
b. Group peer review video (PR) of another Groups’s WIP video (PR - 1 per Group, approx 5 minutes - as assigned to your group)
c. Final CW1 Video (1 per Group, Approx 10 minutes – including):
CW2 Presentation - Screen capture of an interactive demonstration of the files in (1.) above (Unity3D) and a voiceover or presentation to camera.
6. Excelling Individual Expectations in any category of requirements
Individual Investigation, experimentation and work beyond tutorial material. This is to capture and reflect exceptional marks above 90/100, if they are achieved. Only truly exceptional work will achieve marks from here.
Coursework Marking scheme
The Coursework will be marked based on the following marking criteria:
Criteria |
Mark per component |
Mark provided |
Comments |
1.Group Unity Project File – Overall Group collaboration and effort reflected in final project |
25 |
Group collaboration on project and the submission content. |
- Assets - Design, Lighting and Materials - Navigation Framework - Interactivity, Selection, Manipulation - Animation, Movement, Narrative |
5 |
1/2. Group Unity Project – Individual Role Contributions
30 |
Individual Contributions - At least 2 group project contribution roles as defined in CW brief above and documented in below report |
- Role Contribution 1 – define in report - Role Contribution 2 – define in report |
15 15 |
2.Individual Report – with details of Individual Role contributions |
10 |
Self - Reflection, individual contributions and group collaboration information |
3. 3DS Max Lego Minifigure and animation |
15 |
- 3DS Max Modelling - 3DS Max Animation - Unity Import and functionality (at least to CW1 level) |
5 5 5
Individual Modelling and Animation in 3DS Max for Lego Minifigure (required, additional assets work can be done using any program) |
4.Individual Collaboration with Group |
5 |
Individual collaboration with group development |
5. Videos (WIP, PR, Final) |
5 |
Reflecting presentation and group and individual contributions |
6. Excelling Individual expectations in any category of requirements. Individual Investigation, experimentation and work beyond tutorial material. This is to capture and reflect exceptional marks above 90/100, if they are achieved. Only exceptional work will achieve marks from here.
10 |
Total |
100 |
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