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您当前位置:首页 >> Web作业Web作业

日期:2018-09-20 03:58

Instructions 2

Overview 2

Requirements 3

1. Website Page Structure 3

2. Page Details / Content (4 pages) 3

3. Colour, Layout and Style (CSS and Design Component) 4

4. Product Page Content (Javascript Component) 4

Marks Allocation 5

20 marks or 20% of your final grade 5

Website structure (5 marks) 5

Layout and style (9 marks) 5

Forms on Login and Product pages (2 marks) 5

Quantity buttons and form validation (4 marks) 5

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Students may work individually or in groups of 2 for this assignment, but are encouraged to seek help from

classmates and teaching staff.

Students must make sure that their assignment 2 is available from this url:


An official submission must be made by 11:59pm Friday 7th September via Canvas.

Please zip up your wp folder and rename it with your student id(s), ie

wp-s1234567.zip (individual)

wp-s1234567-s1234568.zip (leader / partner)

This submission will be used for plagiarism testing and as a reference should problems arise.

If all these things are not done, you may receive zero marks.

Keep the wireframe.css stylesheet and button intact, this will help you during the development process and

also your assignment marker to visually assess your website structure.

Please Note: If there are issues with your assignment that you need to fix before marking can the place, a

temporary mark of 0.25 will be assigned until your assignment is ready for marking.

Do not use a framework in assignment 2, eg Bootstrap is not allowed. You may use Skeleton in assignment

3: http://getskeleton.com/


Have a look around your local area. Find a business, a shop, a community organisation etc to develop a

website for. Alternatively you may know someone who needs a website for their own business or

community. Imagine now that the owner or manager (ie the client) has engaged you to develop their website.

The website must sell at least 3 things that has two options, for example a clothing business must sell 3

things (eg TShirt, skirt, hat) that has at least 2 options (eg large, small). If this is not the case (ie for an actual

"real world" assignment), please contact the lecturer / head tutor to negotiate alternative tasks. These must be

equivalent to or slightly exceed the assignment specifications.

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1. Website Page Structure

The client would like HTML5 standard pages constructed with a uniform structure across all pages:

1. Masthead area <header>

Contains a logo and a business name, a chance to use your photoshopping skills

2. Navigation area <nav>

Styled links to other pages (http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_link.asp may come in handy)

3. Main content area <main>

More details in next sections, but essentially "all the page details/content" inside other HTML 5

semantic elements such as articles, sections, asides; ie in addition to generic divs.

4. Footer <footer>

Client copyright notice, student name and id.

2. Page Details / Content (4 pages)

1. Home page: index.php

With complete copy and content (ie no placeholder text/lorem ipsum) - ideally a mix of paragraphs

and images that explain the client's background, history and focus.

2. ALL Products/Services page: products.php or services.php

One page that displays small images (or thumbnails) and brief descriptions of ALL the products /

services. (at least 3 separate products/services, and we suggest no more than 10).

3. SINGLE Product/Service page: product.php or service.php - or facility

A page or facility that displays a larger image and full description on ONE of your products /

services, plus form controls. This page should submit to the course testing script, ie the form's action

should be set to https://titan.csit.rmit.edu.au/~e54061/wp/processing.php. Detailed

information on this task can be found in point 4.

4. Members login page: login.php - o r facility

A page or facility that is designed to allow the user to log in but it does not need to be functional.

The page will only ask for an email address and a password and must have a submit button. As per

the above page, this page should submit to the course testing script, ie the form's action should be set

to https://titan.csit.rmit.edu.au/~e54061/wp/processing.php

NB: The processing script expects form data from login.php, product.php or service.php. If you are

using a facility, add ?ref={{facility}} to the end of the url, eg:




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3. Colour, Layout and Style (CSS and Design Component)

Your pages must make extensive use of CSS to attract marks, with all CSS (... ie at least 95%) in shared

external stylesheet(s). Pages must look good, have a neatly spaced layout, and uniform look and feel.

4. Product Page Content (Javascript Component)

For at least one of the products, there must be a form that uses javascript and submits form data (ie shopping

cart information) to a test processing script. This script is found at the following url:


The form must submit using the post method and have the following properties:

● A visible unit price to 2 decimal places for the product or service that is not submitted to the server.

← 03/09: This does not need to change in assignment 2, updating is part of assignment 3.

● A hidden form field (eg name='id') that contains a unique product or service code for this item.

● A quantity field (eg name='qty') allowing only a positive integer (0 is allowed) which represents the

number of items being ordered. A customer must also be able to enter an amount directly.

● A minus ( - ) and a plus ( + ) button that updates the quantity field described above by 1 unit. A

version of this (taken from Dick Smith / Kogan's website) is below:

● A drop down field (ie name='option') that contains secondary information, ie size, color or some

other product / service differentiation that will be dependent on your client.

● A submit button (can be called "Add" or "Buy" etc)

● The form won't submit if the quantity field is not 0 or a positive integer. ← 28/08: Language updated

to match the marking guide. To be clear, 0 is allowed in the field BUT the form should not submit

unless the customer is ordering a positive quantity of items.

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Marks Allocation

20 marks or 20% of your final grade

Website structure (5 marks)

1. All 4 pages (or facilities) present at correct urls. 1 mark

2. Uniformly indented and well formed HTML code throughout. 1 mark

3. Appropriate use of key HTML5 semantic elements. 1 mark

4. No HTML4 styling tags or attributes present. 1 mark

5. Thoughtful and well composed page imagery and content throughout. 1 mark

Layout and style (9 marks)

6. Colour scheme has good contrast, there is a clear brand guideline in place. 1 mark

7. Attention to alignment and proximity is evident, logical areas visually distinct. 1 mark

8. Good use of padding and margin, no dead spaces or cramped content. 1 mark

9. Thoughtful and stylish navigation styling, distinct hover / active effects. 1 mark

10. Navigation links styled using the grouped LoVe HAte rule. 1 mark

11. At least two webfonts are used extensively throughout the site. 1 mark

12. Webfonts are readable, heading fonts larger and more stylish than normal text. 1 mark

13. Efficient and extensive use of external CSS, contextual selectors used throughout. 1 mark

14. Advanced CSS styles are used tastefully such as shadows, transitions etc. 1 mark

Forms on Login and Product pages (2 marks)

15. Form controls are correct, data is sent to the processing script using the post method. 1 mark

16. All fields present and are correctly named. 1 mark

Quantity buttons and form validation (4 marks)

17. Quantity buttons exist, minus on left and plus on right of quantity field. 1 mark

18. Clicking buttons updates the quantity by 1 and -1. 1 mark

19. Clicking buttons do not update with negative or non-integer quantities. 1 mark

20. Form does not submit unless a positive integer (1 or more) is entered. 1 mark

Total: 20 marks (or 20% of your final grade)

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