**Experiment Summary: Influence of Emotional State on Curiosity-Driven Language Learning**
To investigate how emotional state affects curiosity-driven learning in the context of acquiring new words.
1. **Participants:**
- Complete 70 trials in total.
- In each trial, participants are given two options:
- **Reading Test:** Participants read 3 sentences ending with the same word. This option checks participants' attention (i.e., if they are reading or not), but there is no specific test on comprehension.
- **Discovery Method:** Participants discover the meaning through context or hints. They read 3 sentences ending with a fictional word and then type the meaning of the fictional word.
For example:
- Sentence 1: "Desde que era pequeña me encanta comer ateloso."
- Sentence 2: "Ha subido mucho el precio del ateloso."
- Sentence 3: "El bocadillo estará mucho más bueno con ateloso."
- The expected translation from the participant is: "tomate."
- Each option is associated with a monetary reward ranging from 1 to 10 euros, indicating the potential reward in a final lottery (recompensa_discovery and recompensa_reading). When an option is chosen, there is a 1/35 chance of winning that reward after completion.
2. **Trial Structure:**
- There are 2 blocks, easy and hard.(bloque 2 and bloque 4)
- Each participant completes 35 trials per block.
- In each trial, the two options are presented along with their associated rewards.
- The difference between the rewards for the Reading Test and Discovery Method ranges from -5 to +5 euros.
- The probability of earning a reward is independent of task performance, and participants are aware of this.
3. **Task Performance:**
- **Discovery Method:** After selecting this option and learning the new word, participants write down the meaning of the fictional word.
- Answers are checked for correctness.
4. **Emotional and Confidence Assessment:**
- Emotional valence and confidence (only for the Discovery Method) in their responses are assessed for each trial. Participants are asked to rate them from 1 to 9.
5. **Recognition Test:**
- After the learning phase (after all trials), a recognition test is conducted (only for the Discovery Method).
- Participants are presented with the words they saw before and must choose the correct translation from two presented options.
6. **Attentional Check:**
- Every 5 trials, participants perform. an attention check task.
- They are shown a sentence and asked if they saw it in the last 5 trials.
The columns in the CSV file are the following.
columns <- c(
"acierto", # Response accuracy
"bloque", # Categorical data: Refers to difficulty (2 easy, 4 hard)
"check_resp.time", # Response time of attention check test
"Código.participante.", # Participant ID
"correccion_ensayo_atencional", # Correctness of attention check response (1 is correct 0 is wrong)
"cuadros_apuesta.started", # Trial options presented start time
"cuadros_apuesta.stopped", # Trial options presented end time (the participant selected the option)
"date", # Date of experiment
"Edad.", # Age of participant
"ensayo_atencional", # 1 indicates that the sentence has been seen by participant in the previous 5 trials. 0 indicates it has not been shown.
"fragmento", # Sentence shown to participant for attention check
"ganancia_conseguida", # Final lottery reward in euro
"Hombre.Mujer.", # Sex of participant
"metodo_discovery", # 1 indicates the participant chose discovery method, 0 that they've chosen reading test
"palabra", # Fictional word
"palabra_pack", # ID of pack of words where the words for Discovery Method come from. The column is empty until the recognition test begins.
"palabra_trad", # Translation of fictional word (used also for recognition test).
"palabra_trad_falsa", # Fake translation of the word used only in the recognition test.
"pos_palabra_trad", # Position of the translated word in the recognition test. (either left or right)
"queso_recompensa_R.started", # Monetary value chart presented time.
"raton_cuadro.clicked_name", # SKIP (don't consider)
"raton_cuadro.time", # SKIP (don't consider)
"recompensa_discovery", # Monetary value (1 - 10) that user sees in discovery method option.
"recompensa_reading", # Monetary value (1 - 10) that user sees in reading test option.
"respuesta_participante", # Response of participant at end of discovery method.
"respuesta.started", # Response time started. After discovery method and before writing word.
"respuesta.stopped", # Response time end. After confirming word for discovery method.
"valor_felicidad", # Emotional valance of participant response in discovery method.
"valor_felicidad.started", # Evaluation of emotional valance started
"valor_felicidad.stopped", # Evaluation of emotional valance stopped
"valor_seguridad", # Confidence value of participant response in discovery method.
"valor_seguridad.started", # Evaluation of confidence value started
"valor_seguridad.stopped", # Evaluation of confidence value stopped
"Versión." # Version of experiment to balance the order of the blocks and option position )
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