Individual Project Assignment for COMP4336/9336 Mobile Data Networking
Semester 2, 2018
Due: 11:59pm Friday 12 October
Weighting: 20% [20 marks]
Version 030918 – Released on 03 September 2018
Title: Mobile Gesture Communications using Light Sensor
Background and Motivation
With advancements in Internet of Things (IoT), we need to interact with many objects around us.
Conventional methods for interacting with mobile devices, such as touch screen, verbal commands,
etc. will not always be feasible, convenient or privacy-preserving. Instead, hand gesture is expected
to become the preferred mode for communicating with many IoT devices. Researchers are looking
to exploit various sensors such as camera, accelerometer, microphone, and light sensor to recognize
gestures. Tech giants such as Microsoft Kinect and Leap Motion have already implemented some
form of gesture recognition in their products. In this assignment, you are required to design a
mobile gesture communication system for Android devices using light sensors.
Learning objectives
Upon completing this assignment, students will:
1. Master the access and manipulation of light sensor in mobile devices,
2. Design and implement a real-time gesture recognition system for mobile devices, and
3. Develop an application that takes input from hand gestures.
Assignment Tasks
Task 1 Graphical Display of Light Sensor Data [3 marks]
A light sensor measures the light intensity of the environment. The brighter the environment, the
higher the sensor readings, and vice versa. The key idea of light-based gesture recognition is that
specific hand movements (gestures) near the device block ambient light in specific ways, leaving
their unique signatures on the light sensor readings. Hence, the first step is to obtain the time series
of light sensor data from your Android device. In this task, you should develop an App that can
continuously read light sensor data and display a real-time graph of the sensor values (only display
the latest five seconds values).
Task 2 Gesture Counter [3 marks]
In this task, you should define a basic gesture, Down-Up, which represents moving a hand towards
the light sensor and then moving away from it (assuming the device is lying on a table). In the realtime
graph, you can expect a trough as the sensor value would decrease when the hand is
? Dong Ma and Mahbub Hassan 2018
approaching the device, and vice versa. Your aim in this task is to count the number of troughs
within the last five seconds and display the trough counter in a TextView. To achieve this, you will
have to design an algorithm to detect troughs in light sensor time series data.
Task 3 Gesture Recognition [5 marks]
By exploiting the counts, as detected in Task 2, you can define a set of gestures with different
counts. For example, one count (only one trough detected) represents Gesture1, two counts (two
troughs detected) represents Gesture2, and so on. In this task, you are required to develop a
practical App that can recognize count-based hand gestures and react to them. Examples of
practical apps can be a gesture-controlled music player that allows the user to control the
functions of the player, such as play, pause, turn up the volume, turn down the volume, etc. using
hand gestures. Another example app can be a gesture-assisted photo sharing via Bluetooth. In
Lab7, you will learn Bluetooth based device-to-device communication. However, all the actions in
that lab experiment are based on your typing inputs (e.g., click buttons). In this example app, you
are expected to share a photo with a nearby Bluetooth receiver (another smartphone or laptop) by
relying only on your gesture inputs (without typing). You are allowed to design any other similar
apps (should be a practical app) that exploit count-based gestures. Your apps should recognize at
least 3 gestures.
After you implement your application, you should measure its recognition performance under
different lighting environments (e.g., indoor vs. outdoor). In terms of the performance, you should
report two metrics:
Miss rate: the percentage of gestures miss detected.
Recognition accuracy: the percentage of the correctly recognized gestures among all the detected
For example, if you performed 10 gestures, 8 gestures are detected in which 6 are correctly
recognized (i.e., your app correctly reacts to the gestures), the two metrics should be: miss rate =
(10-8)/10 = 20%, recognition accuracy = 6/8 = 75%.
Some Useful Links
Gesture recognition
Android music player (if you are developing a gesture-controlled music player)
Bluetooth file transfer (if you are developing gesture-assisted device-to-device photo sharing)
Moodle Discussion Forums
You can discuss any issues with the assignment specs in Moodle Forum.
? Dong Ma and Mahbub Hassan 2018
Assignment Submission and Marking
Assignment will be marked based on a report (8 marks) as well as a demo (12 marks) that you will
have to perform during Week 13 (demo slots will be advertised later). You are required to submit
your code and the report by 11:59pm 12 October. Late penalty at the rate of 10% per day late will
apply for the report submission. S submissions will be accepted after 19 October.
Demo [12 marks = 3 (Task1) + 3 (Task2) + 5 (Task3) + 1 (Questions)]
Each student will be allocated 15 minutes for demo on Week 13. During the demo, you should
download the code you submitted by 12 October and run it on an Android phone (personal laptop
and phone are accepted). You can get corresponding marks for each task if the functionality is
accomplished. You will also be asked questions about your design, e.g., (1) have you tried different
counting algorithms and compare their performance? (2) what is the most difficult part in your
implementation and why? Based on your answer, you can get the marks for questions.
Report Submission [8 marks]
Write a report including the following:
Conduct a literature review on gesture recognition with at least two pages, in which you
should (1) investigate different modalities (e.g., Wi-Fi, sound wave, light, and etc.) and
algorithms used for gesture recognition; (2) compare their performance and analyze their
strengths and limitations. [2 marks]
Describe the algorithm you designed and implemented for counting the number of DownUp
gesture. [Task2, 0.5 mark]
Which functionalities of your application are gesture-controlled and what are the
corresponding gestures. [Task3, 0.5 mark]
What is the performance of your application under different lighting conditions [Task3, 2
What is the challenges you encountered and how you solve them [1 mark].
The report must be submitted in PDF format using Turnitin in Moodle. The report must comply
with the following format [1 mark]:
Name of the file should be in the format of <first name>_<last name>.pdf
The first page of the report must include the name and ID of the student
The report must be limited to a maximum of 10 pages, 2 cm margins on all sides, 10-pt
Times New Roman font, single spacing and single column.
The size of the PDF file should be less than 10 MB
The remaining [1 mark] is for the grammar.
The End (We hope you enjoy doing this assignment)
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