CSC148 Summer 2018: Assignment 1
Due: Sunday, June 17th @ 11PM
In this assignment, you'll be implementing a Battle Game. This game consists of two types of
characters which can perform various attacks against each other. In this assignment, you'll be
implementing various classes and designing their functionality (in order to fit the
requirements of the client code), getting practice with inheritance and composition, as well as
implementing a type of queue.
This assignment contains lots of small parts for you to implement, and may require some
planning. It's recommended that you organize your code on paper first (write out what classes
you'll need, what attributes they should have, what methods, their relationship to other
classes) before you start coding in order to save yourself from re-writing and re-organizing
your code.
This document is fairly verbose, as we've decided to explain parts of the client code and classes
provided in some detail. Most of this documentation is also present in the starter code, of
which a description is provided below. Please take your time to read through it!
You will still have to read the client code to understand the names of methods that we expect.
At the end of this document, the grading scheme for this assignment has also been provided to
you. There should be no surprises when the assignments are graded, as you should be able to
estimate 60% of your final grade prior to submitting.
As with all exercises and assignments: there is no tolerance for plagiarism. We do have tools to
detect plagiarism, and it does so extremely well. This assignment is also being used for the first
time, so searching online for a solution won't be too helpful. Remember: If you can search for a
solution online, so can we.
Absolutely do not post any of your assignment code or show it to anyone aside from the
CSC148 course staff! If someone plagiarises your work, you're both at risk.
A typical penalty for a first offence is a zero on the assignment. The case will also be entered
into the UofT academic offence database. (If you get caught a second time ever as an
undergrad, the penalties are much, much more severe.)
Our tips to avoiding plagiarism:
● Remember that figuring out what code needs to be written is the most important part of
the assignment. Typing out code based on steps that someone else gave you is
considered cheating, as you are submitting someone else's ideas as your own.
● Don't search the web for solutions. We've already done that and will be comparing what
we found with what you submit. It doesn't help to change variable names and move
functions around. Our software will still find you.
● Don't ask your friend for their solution, even if you just want it to "see how to solve it".
Don't show your friends your solution either.
● Don't get solutions, or partial solutions, from a tutor. They frequently provide the same
code or ideas to more than one person. We know because we frequently catch people
who do it.
● Only ask for detailed help on your code from official CSC148 course staff, including the
Help Centre.
● If you can't figure out how to write a function, it's often because you haven't fully
understood an underlying concept. Review the materials on that topic, experiment in
the Python shell, and ask us for help!
● Remember that it is better to submit an assignment with a few missing functions than
to cheat!
Please also see the Collaboration Policy on the Assignment page.
Your Task
For this assignment, you will need the pygame library.
If you don't have it: You can download this through Pycharm (similar to how we installed
python-ta), or by opening terminal/cmd.exe (depending on what system you're using) and
running the command:
py -m pip install pygame
Download and extract the files in it. This contains all of the starter code and files used by
the starter code:
● The file with client code for you to read and understand. Fill in the
dictionaries at the top of the file, putting in the class names as needed.
○ The perform_attack() function gets called whenever an action is to be made. It
tries to decide on a move to make by using the next player's playstyle and
selecting an attack. It then tries to make the next player in the battle_queue
perform that action, removing the player from the queue if it can. This is called
whenever a key is pressed if the next player in the battle_queue is using the
Manual playstyle, or every few seconds if the next player in the battle_queue is
using a non-Manual playstyle.
○ The set_up_game() function is called before a game is created. It sets up the
parameters of which characters to use, what names to give them, which
playstyle to use, and which player acts first.
○ The update_ui() function is called repeatedly (every 100 milliseconds) and
updates the ui by giving the next sprites to draw and updating the Health Points
(HP) and Skill Points (SP) displays. Most of the getters you'll need to write are
called here.
● When you want to run the game, run! You do not need to read or
understand any of the code in this file (although you can if you want). is the
file that actually runs your code and draws it in pygame, making calls to the functions
and looking at the variables defined in We've moved it to another file so
that you can focus on the client code as opposed to the details of pygame.
● The file that contains basic test cases for the rogue character
you'll be implementing. Passing these tests ensures that our test scripts can run on
your code, and will determine a portion of your mark (see Grading Scheme).
● The file that contains basic test cases for the mage character
you'll be implementing. Passing these tests ensures that our test scripts can run on
your code, and will determine a portion of your mark (see Grading Scheme).
● The file containing your BattleQueue class. The method headers
and descriptions have been provided for you already, but not the implementation.
○ Fill in the docstrings, type annotations, implementation, and make sure to test
this on your own. No test cases have been provided for the battle queue!
● The file containing various Playstyle classes. The Manual playstyle
class has been provided for you, but you are tasked with implementing the Random
playstyle, which will pick one of the available skills at random.
● sprites (folder): This folder contains the sprites used by The sprites all have
the name format: [character]_[type]_#.png where [character] is rogue or mage, [type]
is idle, attack, or special, and # is a number from 0 - 9. Your get_next_sprite() method
for the classes you implement should return a name in that format. For example:
○ rogue_idle_0.png
○ mage_attack_2.png
○ mage_special_9.png
● a1_pyta.txt: The python_ta file to use for this assignment.
Description of Classes
Below is a description of the classes you'll encounter in this assignment. Note that you may
want to implement additional classes beyond those that are mentioned below, and that it's
highly recommended for you to do so.
In this assignment, there are 2 characters that are available: Rogue and Mage. These are the
characters that can be chosen to fight. All characters start with 100 Health Points ("HP"), 100
Skill Points ("SP"), and their respective defense stats (unique to each character). They also
have a name that they start with, a playstyle, an "animation state", certain skills that they can
use, and an enemy that they target. The BattleQueue that's being used is also passed into them
as an attribute for convenience.
There are 2 types of skills which the Manual Playstyle has key mappings for:
● "A": Attacks; these are the basic attacks performed by a character. Details are in the
character descriptions.
○ They are called using the attack() method.
● "S": Special attacks; these are special skills performed by a character. Details are in the
character descriptions. These skills can have additional effects beyond simply causing
damage to their enemy.
○ They are called using the special_attack() method.
When a character is hit by a skill, their HP is reduced by (Damage - Defense) amount. The
character performing a skill loses a certain number of SP based on the skill used.
The "animation state" keeps track of which sprite needs to be drawn next, and is based on the
action taken by the character. If the character isn't doing anything, or if an animation has just
ended, it should provide the sprites for its idle animation (e.g. [character]_idle_0, then
[character]_idle_1, and so on).
When a character attacks, the next sprite to be drawn should be the corresponding attack
frame (e.g., [character]_attack_0, then [character]_attack_1, and so on until
[character]_attack_9, after which it goes to [character]_idle_0) -- once that ends, it
should return to the idle animation.
The same goes for its special attack (e.g., [character]_special_0, then
[character]_special_1, and so on until [character]_special_9, after which it goes to
In this assignment, we won't be forcing you to use any specific implementation for this. The
only thing you need to do is make sure the get_next_sprite() method returns the next sprite
to be drawn (this should always return [character]_idle_0 first for a character that has yet to
perform any action, but if we call an action before our first call to get_next_sprite() such as
attacking, we should return the corresponding 0th frame, e.g. [character]_attack_0).
For more information about sprites/get_next_sprite():
Go to the end of the document "Appendix A: Sprites"
See the set_up_game() function in to see how a character is initialized. In addition
to its initialization, characters must have an .enemy attribute which will be set prior to any
attacks being called. This is also done in the set_up_game() function.
A rogue is a character with 10 defense. Their skills are as follows:
● "A" (Attacks): Deals 15 damage and adds the Rogue to the end of the BattleQueue. Takes
3 SP.
● "S" (Special Attacks): Deals 20 damage and adds the Rogue to the BattleQueue twice, so
it can attack twice in succession. Takes 10 SP.
A mage is a character with 8 defense. Their skills are as follows:
● "A" (Attacks): Deals 20 damage and adds the Mage to the end of the BattleQueue. Takes
5 SP.
● "S" (Special Attacks): Deals 40 damage and adds its enemy to the BattleQueue once
before adding the Mage itself into the BattleQueue (i.e. the enemy gets to attack an
additional time before the Mage is able to attack again). Takes 30 SP.
Other Notes
While only existent in the docstring examples for BattleQueue and in the unittests, your
Characters should have a __repr__ which takes the following form:
Name (Character): HP/SP
For example, for a Rogue named Sophia with 13 HP and 37 SP, the repr should return
Sophia (Rogue): 13/37
The Playstyle classes represent ways for us to choose attacks. There are 2 attributes for a
Playstyle: one representing whether it's a Manual mode or not, and another representing the
battle queue that the Playstyle is used in. When it's called to perform an action, it'll try to
decide an action for the first person in that BattleQueue. The Manual Playstyle has been
provided for you. It simply takes the key that is pressed and returns that key if it's a proper
attack ("A" or "S").
You are tasked with implementing the Random Playstyle, which returns a key for a move that
can be used by the player (e.g. if the character has enough SP for only a normal attack, it should
return 'A'. If they have enough SP for either a normal or a special attack, it should return either
'A' or 'S') at random.
Docstring examples are not required for Playstyles.
A BattleQueue is a queue that lets our game know in what order various characters are going to
attack. The method headers and descriptions have all been provided for you, but the
implementation will depend on you.
In addition to the regular queue methods (add(), remove(), and is_empty()), three additional
methods are required:
● peek() should return (but not remove) the next person in the BattleQueue who can use
a skill (similar to how remove() and is_empty() ignores characters who can't use
○ You may assume that we will call is_over() before calling peek(), and that we
won't call peek() on an empty BattleQueue.
● is_over() should check whether the game being carried out in the BattleQueue is over
or not. The game is considered over if any of these conditions are true:
○ Both players have no skills that they can use (because they have too little/no SP)
○ One player has 0 HP
○ The BattleQueue is empty (which should only happen if no players have any
skills that they can use).
● get_winner()should return the winner of the game, if there is one. If not, or if the
game is not over yet, it should return None. The winner of the game is considered to be
the one who has more than 0 HP when the game is over if the other player has 0 HP. In
all other cases (e.g. the game not being over or both players being unable to use any
skills), the winner is None.
○ The winner returned should refer to the object, not their name.
Additionally, remove() and is_empty() should ignore any characters that have no skills at
their disposal. I.e.:
● remove() should return the next character in the BattleQueue who can use a skill.
○ When testing, we will not try to remove from a BattleQueue that is empty (i.e. if
is_empty() returns True, we won't try to remove from the BattleQueue).
● is_empty() should return True if there are no characters in the BattleQueue who can
use skills.
You may add additional methods to your BattleQueue if you would like, but they won't be
tested. The documentation will, however, still be graded.
Exercises are to be submitted through MarkUs in the a1 folder. You only need to submit,, and any files you've written/imported into You do not need to submit any of the icons provided,, or the unittests
To log in to MarkUs, use your UTORid as the log-in name. The password is your teaching labs
password. If you have not set this up or have forgotten your password, go to the Teaching Lab's
Account Management Page and (re)set your password.
Lateness Penalty
If you are unable to complete course work due to an emergency (e.g. illness, injury, or other
serious situations), please e-mail Sophia as soon as possible.
You have 6 grace tokens shared across both assignments, with each of them being worth 2
hours each. Submitting an assignment late will reduce the total number of grace tokens (i.e. 1
minutes late will remove 1 token, 2 hours and 1 minute late will remove 2 tokens in total, etc.).
You can distribute these across your assignments however you like. Work submitted beyond
the extensions provided by grace tokens (i.e. you ran out) will not be graded unless you have
special circumstances.
Grading Scheme
Below is the grading scheme for this assignment. As this is provided, there shouldn't be many
surprises when you receive your mark, as you should be able to estimate at least 60% of your
grade following the below rubric.
20% Code Style
● 10% PythonTA: For every PythonTA violation, you'll lose a portion of this grade. Make
sure all of the files you submit are PythonTA compliant.
○ This excludes -- that file is not to have PythonTA run on it.
● 10% Documentation: Documentation includes: type annotations, docstrings (the
existence of them, and the quality of them), and docstring examples for all code that
you write. Docstring examples are not needed for, and only the type
annotations and docstring examples in will be marked (as we have
done the majority of the documentation for you in that file).
80% Code Correctness
Code correctness is based entirely on passing test scripts.
● 40% for the Provided Unittests: You lose a portion of your mark for each test case you
fail (proportional to how many test cases are in the file).
○ 20% for
○ 20% for
Passing the provided unittests does not guarantee that your code is flawless. The tests
only provide a basic check for functionality, and ensures that our hidden tests are able
to run.
○ These tests also do not include detailed tests for the BattleQueue -- there are
part of our hidden tests. You are to test your BattleQueue on your own.
● 40% for Hidden Tests: The hidden tests will test for correctness of your code in various
scenarios. If you do not pass the provided unittests, you will likely also not pass most of
the hidden tests.
○ Examples of what the hidden tests may check for include (but are not limited
■ Edge cases.
■ Various combinations of (valid) method calls.
■ Various ways of 'finishing' a battle.
■ Whether you're using inheritance or not.
■ Whether you're using inheritance correctly.
■ Functionality of your BattleQueue class.
● Especially testing your BattleQueue to make sure it ignores
characters without enough SP to act.
● We may forcibly add/remove from a BattleQueue to put things
into a certain order.
○ We will not test on any invalid input. For example:
■ We will not try to remove from or peek at a BattleQueue if it's empty
(unless it's empty when it shouldn't be).
■ We will not try to make perform certain attacks if they're not valid, but
we will want check if it's valid or not.
■ We will not pass in anything unexpected: if a method is supposed to take
in an int, then we'll pass in an int.
■ We will not have a player's enemy in a different BattleQueue than what
the player has. (i.e. assume that a player and their enemy are both in the
same BattleQueue.)
■ We will not call is_empty() if is_over() is True because a character has 0
● We will, however, call is_empty() on cases where both players
don't have enough SP to act.
○ One thing that we may do (and which is done in the unittests provided) is ignore
the BattleQueue all together and just use skills.
■ We will not test the state of the BattleQueue if we do this though, since it
doesn't make sense; this is just to check other methods (such as
get_next_sprite(), is_valid_actions(), etc.)
○ We will also not test your the correctness of your Playstyle class. This is just for
you to be able to use your class, and to become familiar with how the Playstyle
functions should work, as they'll be important for A2.
■ With that said, your code should still be documented properly, as we will
check that. Docstring examples, however, are not required for Playstyle
○ If you have any questions about what might be tested, ask Sophia (Piazza is
particularly good for these types of questions). A list of clarifications and
assumptions you can make will be maintained.
Appendix A: Sprites
For context: Sprites are images. In a game sense, they're images that float above others (like
ghosts or sprites, hence the term, sprites). In the context of our: our characters use sprites
which float above the background of the game. So each character has "sprites" and each
"sprite" is a frame for an animation.
If you're not familiar with animation frames: imagine you have a bunch of images. You flip
through each of them, and when played sequentially, they make an animation. If you go
through the images in the sprites folder, you'll be able to run through the sprites and see that,
when played sequentially, an animation is formed.
● As an example of what get_next_sprite() should return: Let's say you have a new
● The first time you call get_next_sprite() it should return mage_idle_0
● The second time you call get_next_sprite() it should return mage_idle_1
● Continue in this way for each call, up until you return mage_idle_9
● The next call to get_next_sprite() should start back at mage_idle_0
● Suppose your mage calls attack(). Then the next call to get_next_sprite() should be
● The call after will return mage_attack_1
● And so on until mage_attack_9 (unless another call to attack() or special_attack()
happens, in which case you go to their animation at frame 0)
● Then the next call will return mage_idle_0
● The call after returns mage_idle_1
● And suppose we call special_attack(). Then the next call to get_next_sprite()
should return mage_special_0
● And so on until mage_special_9
Here's a visual guide for reference (the dotted arrows are jus omitting frames 2 ~ 8 for space).
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