MSC-BDT5002 Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining, Fall 2018
Assignment 2
Deadline: Oct. 25th, 11:59pm, 2018
Task Description
The dataset come from 1994 Census database. Prediction task is to
determine whether a person makes over 50K a year.
Files Description
1.trainFeatures.csv: 34189 individual’s basic information with 14
attributes for training.
2.testFeatures.csv: 14653 individual’s basic information with 14 attributes
for testing.
3.trainLabels.csv: 34189 individual’s incomes, 0: <=50k, 1: >50k.
4.sampleSubmission.csv: The sample submission file you may refer.
5.dataDescription.pdf: 14 attributes information.
1.You must use ensemble learning algorithm to do Prediction.
2.Real-world data contains noise, missing values or even mistakes. Preprocessing
is necessary.
3.Your assignment will be graded by the testing accuracy and
clarification for your feature engineering (in readme.pdf).
4.TA will check your source code carefully, so your code must be
runnable. Keep your code clean and comment it clearly.
5.You can use any programming language. In principle, python is
6.Cheating is not allowed. Your result MUST be reproducible.
7.Plagiarism will lead to zero mark.
Submission Guidelines
1.Assignment should be submitted to as
2.You need to zip the following three files together:
A2_itsc_stuid_readme.pdf. Write your feature engineering in it The zip file contains all your source codes.
A2_itsc_stuid_prediction.csv: The prediction result.
3.Attachment should be named in the format of: E.g.
4.Submissions after the deadline or not following the rules above are
NOT accepted.
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