Assignment 2, Digital Signal processing: FIR
Bernd Porr
The task of this assignment is to filter an ECG with FIR filters. Before you
record from yourself please read the info-sheet and sign the consent form.
1 ECG filtering
Form groups of 2 students. Submit one report. There are different amplifiers
with different gains and converter boards available. When you record the ECG
make sure that you take a note of the gain, bits, etc. If you record with a one
channel amplifier record Einthoven II (google it what it means). Upload the files
onto the ECG forum on moodle or e-mail it to yourself. Give the file a name
which anonymises the ECG. Use only numbers, characters and the underscore
for your filename.
Every group of two has to work on a different ECG. If your initial recording
has been too noisy just record another one. You can minimise artefacts
by lying down and/or placing the electrodes on the shoulders / hips instead of
wrists/ankles. In Python load the file with the command numpy.loadtxt(’myecg.dat’.
You’ll get a numpy matrix with time-stamps in ms in the first column and 3
columns of ecg with raw unsigned integer numbers. Choose the channel with
the highest amplitude. Also note that the ECG devices will be around all Oct
/ Nov so there is plenty of time to record your ECG. You can use one of the
example ECGs from moodle to kick start your work.
The Python code must be object oriented (i.e classes). Decide which Python
classes to create to structure your code and make it readable.
Make sure you scale the ECG properly so that it’s displayed at the right
1. Create a Python FIR filter class which implements an FIR filter which
has a method of the form value dofilter(value) where both the value
argument and return value are scalars and not vectors so that it could
be used in a realtime system. The constructor of the class takes the
coefficients as its input:
class FIR_filter:
def __init__(self,_coefficients):
# your code here
def dofilter(self,v):
# your code here
return result
2. Create a Python class which inherits or has an instance of the FIR class
above from 1 but is also able to calculate its own coefficients numerically
(=ifft) were the user can specicy the frequency response in a user friendly
way. Think of methods which can manipulate the frequency response so
that the user can specify a high/low/band/stopband filter. Then Filter
the ECG by removing the 50Hz interference and the DC. Let the Python
class automatically decide how many taps are needed. Also this filter class
needs to be able to perform realtime processing (i.e. scalar in and scalar
out for the filter operation). [30%].
2 ECG heartrate detection
The task is to detect the momentary heart rate r(t) over a longer period of
time. For example, after exercise you should see a slow decay of the heart rate
to the baseline of perhaps 60 beats per minute. It is not the average heart rate
but the frequency derived from the times between adjacent heartbeats.
Record a separate long ECG over a couple of minutes. Ask the person to
breathe in quite deeply which will change the heart rate or anything which
changes the heart rate for example sending the person up to level 8 and back.
1. Create a matched filter Python class which detects the individual heartbeats
in the ECG. Think of the optimum length of the filter and give a
reason. Optimise the detection by pre-filtering both the ECG and the
template. Remember the detection works best when both the signal and
the templates are completely DC free. Use your own FIR filter class for
it and square the output of the matched filter to increase the SNR.
Instead of taking your own ECG you can also use functions which look
like an ECG. Very popular are the so called Daubechies wavelets which
look like an ECG r-peak. Python can generate these for you.
Test your detector with an ECG which is clean and one where there are a
lot of artefacts. [20%]
2. Implement a Python class which uses the output of the matched filter
to calculate the momentary heart rate r(t) over time (not the average!)
by measuring the intervals between the detected hearbeats over the whole
period of the ECG. Detect the heartbeats by employing a threshold (adaptive,
if required). Generally use any heuristics to weed our wrong detection,
for example that a heartbeat is usually below 200bpm and above
30bpm. [20%]
Every report must be based on different ECG recordings. Please keep it short
but it should make clear what you have done and why you have done it. Include
the Python code (object oriented) as well as plots of the ECGs (timedomain)
and their frequency representation (with proper lables). If necessary enhance
the plots with InkScape and remember to use vector based image formats, for
example EPS, SVG, PDF or EMF and not pixel based formats for the report.
These figures need to be in the report not attached separately. Also, show
zoomed in ECG traces of one heartbeat so that it is possible to identify the
different parts of a single heartbeat (see Fig. 1) and that it’s possible to check
if it’s still intact.
No high level Python functions except of FFT/IFFT and the window functions
are allowed. Any use of “lfilter” or “firwin” will result in zero marks for
the whole report. If the same ECG data is spotted in two different reports this
will result in zero marks.
Hand in your report at the teaching office (Room 620 James Watt Building
South). Deadline is 12th November 3pm.
Figure 1: A normal ECG with P,Q,R,S,T waves (taken from Wikipedia)
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