Module Title:Object-Oriented Modelling and Design
Module Number:KF6024, LD06024
Module Tutor Name(s):Tom Prickett, Shelagh Keogh
Academic Year:2019/19
% Weighting (to overall module):40%
Coursework Title:Assignment 2
Average Study Time Required by Student:16 hours
Dates and Mechanisms for Assessment Submission and Feedback
Date of Handout to Students: W/C 3rd December 2018 (after the 1st assignment is submitted)
Mechanism for Handout to Students: via eLP (Blackboard)
Date and Time of Submission by Student: By 10am, Monday 14th January 2019
Mechanism for Submission of Work by Student:
an electronic copy must be submitted to Blackboard.
The submission will be a single Microsoft Word or pdf file.
Turnitin will be used for the submission.
Date by which Work, Feedback and Marks will be returned to Students:
Written feedback will made available in the week beginning 11th February 2019
Mechanism for return of assignment work, feedback and marks to students:
Feedback will be provided by Email or Blackboard
Learning outcomes addressed2
Marking Scheme3
General guidance7
Learning outcomes addressed
A mapping to the individual questions is provided later in this document.
If you are studying KF6024 / LD6024 the learning outcomes addressed are:
Knowledge & Understanding:
1.Explain and critically appraise the main principles, concepts and techniques of object-oriented development.
Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
4.Critically apply the principles of good object-oriented design to the specification of applications.
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):
5.Communicate about information system problems and solutions using a visual modelling language
Four tasks set. Answer all tasks/questions. This assignment is weighted as 40% of the assessed work for the module. Please complete the assignment individually. (This is NOT a group assignment)
Tasks relate to the scenario from the first assignment which accompanies this brief.
You are required to
1. Define and explain the concepts of coupling and cohesion in object-oriented modelling ( 20 marks)
2. Critically appraise the coupling and cohesion of the classes you supplied in your answer to Assignment 1. If appropriate provide suggestions for how coupling and cohesion could be improved? If appropriate supply an updated class diagram to summarise these changes. (30 marks)
3. Define and explain what is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern (20 Marks)
4. Critically apply the MVC pattern appropriately to your originally submitted in first assignment class diagram. Submit both the original and the modified class diagram. Discuss and explain any interesting points in the application of MVC to your model. (30 marks)
Typically, you would submit:
1.An essay in the region of 1500-1800 words
2.Your original class diagram from Assignment 1
3.Your class diagram updated to address the expectations of questions 1 and 4.
Marking Scheme
Learning Outcome Task Exceptional Outstanding Excellent GoodSatisfactory Weak but satisfactory Unsatisfactory Very poor and unsatisfactory No meaningful attempt
1 1. Explain and critically appraise the main principles, concepts and techniques of object-oriented development Define and explain the concepts of coupling and cohesion in object-oriented modelling
( 20 marks)
Guide: About 300 words18-20
Difficult to fault. An Exceptional explanation of coupling and cohesion in their various forms. Definitions are derived from good quality literature sources. The definition is supported by a clear and concise explanation of the concepts. This is supported by references using appropriate grammar. Any issues are extremely minor16-17
An outstanding explanation of coupling and cohesion in their various forms. Definitions are derived from good quality literature sources. The definition is supported by a clear and concise explanation of the concepts. This is supported by references using appropriate grammar. Any issues are very minor.13-14
An excellent answer. There will be minor issues. The explanation might be slightly unclear in parts. Some of the literature sources may not be of expected quality. There might be minor issues with the referencing. Definition of the concepts themselves will be solid. All areas are at least good. 12-13
A good answer. There are issues that prevent the answer from being excellent. Part of the explanation might be unclear. Not all the answer might be supported by the literature. Possibly the choice of supporting references could be improved. Or a combination of these. At least satisfactory in all areas.10-11
A satisfactory answer. The answer defines clearly, what coupling and cohesion are and in the main explains them effectively. There are issues that prevent the answer from being good. Part of the explanation maybe unclear. Maybe support from literature is weak. Maybe the referencing could be significantly improved. Or a combination of these. No worse than weak but satisfactory all areas.8-9
A weak but satisfactory answer. There is an attempt to define coupling and cohesion. This may have flaws but is broadly correct. The explanation of the concepts is likely to be weak. An attempt will have been made to base the answer upon the literature. Sources may not be ideal. Referencing may be poor but it will have been attempted. Or a combination of these.6-8
Attempts to address the question but has significant flaws. Definition of coupling and cohesion likely to be unclear. There may be limited evidence of referencing. May be entirely dependent upon unreliable sources. Likely that explanation is very unclear or seriously flawed. The scope of the question may not have been appropriately addressed.1-5
Fails to address the question. Maybe the question was misunderstood. Maybe no attempt was made to support the answer with references to the literature. Maybe incorrect in a significant way. Possible extremely brief and hence very incomplete.0
No meaningful attempt
2 1. Explain and critically appraise the main principles, concepts and techniques of object-oriented development
5.Communicate about information system problems and solutions using a visual modelling language Critically appraise the coupling and cohesion of the classes you supplied in your answer to Assignment 1. If appropriate provide suggestions for how coupling and cohesion could be improved? If appropriate supply an updated class diagram to summarise these changes.
(30 marks)
Guide: about 500 words27-30
Difficult to fault. Comprehensively and correctly critically evaluates the coupling and cohesion of the models supplied in Assignment 1. The various forms of coupling and cohesion are insightfully addressed. The answer is appropriately concise. Where appropriate insightful suggestions for improvements are made. These are fully documented in the form of an updated class diagram. Overall an exceptional answer. 24-26
Comprehensively and correctly critically evaluates the coupling and cohesion of the models supplied in Assignment 1. The various forms of coupling and cohesion are insightfully addressed. The answer is appropriately concise. Where appropriate insightful suggestions for improvements are made. These are fully documented in the form of an updated class diagram. Overall an outstanding answer. Any flaws are very minor.21-23
This is an excellent evaluation of the coupling and cohesion of the models supplied in assignment 1. There may be oversights, omissions or mistakes that prevent the answer from being outstanding. The answer is critical in tone. Coupling and cohesion will be addressed however, some forms of coupling and cohesion may have been over looked. The answer may be slightly more verbose than is ideal. Where appropriate suggestions for improvements are made. These may fall short of insightful. These are mostly documented in the form of an updated class diagram. Any flaws are minor.18-20
This is a good to very good evaluation of the coupling and cohesion of the models supplied in assignment 1. There may be oversights, omissions or mistakes that prevent the answer from being excellent. The answer is largely critical in tone. Coupling and cohesion will be addressed however, some forms of coupling and cohesion may have been over looked. The answer may be more verbose than is ideal. Where appropriate suggestions for improvements are made. These may be slightly incomplete. The suggestions are in the majority documented in the form of an updated class diagram. The class diagram may be very slightly incomplete. There are flaws but the answer remains good overall.15-17
This is a satisfactory evaluation of the coupling and cohesion of the models supplied in assignment 1. There will be oversights, omissions or mistakes that prevent the answer from being good. The answer attempts to be critical in tone. Coupling and cohesion will be addressed however, a number of forms of coupling and cohesion may have been over looked. The answer may be more verbose than is ideal. Where appropriate some suggestions for improvements are made. These may be incomplete. A clear attempt has been made to document the suggestions in the form of an updated class diagram. The class diagram may be incomplete.12-14
This is a weak but satisfactory evaluation of the coupling and cohesion of the models supplied in assignment 1. There will be oversights, omissions or mistakes that prevent the answer from being satisfactory. The answer attempts to be critical in tone, although probably tends towards the descriptive. Coupling and cohesion will be addressed however, a number of forms of coupling and cohesion will probably have been over looked. The answer may be more verbose than is ideal. Where appropriate some suggestions for improvements are made. These may be quite incomplete, however some sensible adjustments have been provided. A clear attempt has been made to document the suggestions in the form of an updated class diagram. May be incomplete.9-11
Answer is not satisfactory however, there has been a clear attempt to address the question posed. An attempt has been made to evaluate coupling and cohesion. Suggestions for improvement exist. If appropriate, an attempt has been made to update the class diagram. The extent of the errors, omissions or oversights prevent the answer from being satisfactory.1-8
Fails to address the question. Maybe the question was misunderstood. Maybe incorrect in a significant way. Possible extremely brief and hence very incomplete.0
No meaningful attempt
34.Critically apply the principles of good object-oriented design to the specification of applications.Define and explain what is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
(20 Marks)
Guide: about 300 words18-20
Difficult to fault. An exceptionally good explanation of MVC. Definitions are derived from good quality literature sources. The definition is supported by a clear and concise explanation of the concept. This is supported by references using appropriate grammar. 16-17
An outstanding explanation of MVC. Definitions are derived from good quality literature sources. The definition is supported by a clear and concise explanation of the concept. This is supported by references using appropriate grammar. Any issues are very minor.14-15
An excellent answer. There will be minor issues. The explanation might be slightly unclear in parts. Some of the literature sources may not be of expected quality. There might be minor issues with the referencing. Definition of the concepts themselves will be solid. All areas are at least good.12-13
A good answer. There are issues that prevent the answer from being excellent. Part of the explanation might be unclear. Not all the answer might be supported by the literature. Possibly the choice of supporting references could be improved. Or a combination of these. At least satisfactory in all areas.10-11
A satisfactory answer. The answer defines clearly what MVC is and in the main explains it effectively. There are issues that prevent the answer from being good. Part of the explanation maybe unclear. Maybe support from literature is weak. Maybe the referencing could be significantly improved. Or a combination of these. No worse than least weak but satisfactory all areas.8-9
A weak but satisfactory answer. There is an attempt to define MVC. This may have flaws but is broadly correct. The explanation of the concepts is likely to be weak. An attempt will have been made to base the answer upon the literature. Sources may not be ideal. Referencing may be poor but it will have been attempted. Or a combination of these.6-7
Attempts to address the question but has significant flaws. Definition of MVC likely to be unclear. There may be limited evidence of referencing. May be entirely dependent upon unreliable sources. Likely that explanation is very unclear or seriously flawed. The scoped of the question may not be appropriately addressed.1-5
Fails to address the question. Maybe the question was misunderstood. Maybe no attempt was made to support the answer with references to the literature. Maybe incorrect in a significant way. Possible extremely brief and hence very incomplete.0
No meaningful attempt
44.Critically apply the principles of good object-oriented design to the specification of applications.
5. Communicate about information system problems and solutions using a visual modelling languageCritically apply the MVC pattern appropriately to your originally submitted in first assignment class diagram. Submit both the original and the modified class diagram.
Discuss and explain any interesting points in the application of MVC to your model.
(30 marks)
Guide 500 words27-30
Difficult to fault. Comprehensively and correctly critically evaluates the application of MVC to models supplied in Assignment 1. The answer is appropriately concise. This is fully documented in the form of an updated class diagram. MVC has not been added inappropriately. Overall an exceptional answer.24-30
Comprehensively and correctly critically evaluates the application of MVC to models supplied in Assignment 1. The answer is appropriately concise. This is fully documented in the form of an updated class diagram. MVC has not been added inappropriately. Overall an outstanding answer. Any flaws are very minor.21-23
This is an excellent evaluation of the application of MVC to the models supplied in assignment 1. There may be oversights, omissions or mistakes that prevent the answer from being outstanding. The answer is critical in tone. The answer may be slightly more verbose than is ideal. The proposals are are mostly documented in the form of an updated class diagram. Any flaws are minor.18-20
This is a good to very good evaluation of the application of MVC to the models supplied in assignment 1. There may be oversights, omissions or mistakes that prevent the answer from being excellent. The answer is largely critical in tone. The answer may be more verbose than is ideal. In the main this is well documented in the form of an updated class diagram. The class diagram may be very slightly incomplete.15-17
This is a satisfactory evaluation of the application of MVC to the models supplied in assignment 1. There will be oversights, omissions or mistakes that prevent the answer from being good. The answer attempts to be critical in tone. The answer may be more verbose than is ideal. A clear attempt has been made to document the suggestions in the form of an updated class diagram. The class diagram may be slightly incomplete.12-14
This is a weak but satisfactory evaluation of the application of MVC to the models supplied in assignment 1. There will be oversights, omissions or mistakes that prevent the answer from being satisfactory. The answer attempts to be critical in tone, although probably tends towards the descriptive. The answer may be more verbose than is ideal. A clear attempt has been made to document the suggestions in the form of an updated class diagram. The class diagram may be incomplete.9-11
Answer is not satisfactory however, there has been a clear attempt to address the question posed. An attempt has been made to apply MVC. An updated class diagram has been supplied. The extent of the errors, omissions or oversights prevent the answer from being satisfactory.1-8
Fails to address the question. Maybe the question was misunderstood. Maybe incorrect in a significant way. Possible extremely brief and hence very incomplete.0
No meaningful attempt.
The module team will not provide feedback upon draft versions of sent via email. The model team will however be happy to attempt to answer your other questions related to the assignment including looking at your script. To ensure parity of access to this support this will only be available at the seminars in the week beginning 17th December. To ensure fair access to this support can you please ask your questions related to the assignment either at the lecture or seminar. If some reason you cannot attend in that week, please discuss this with the module tutor.
Academic Integrity Statement: You must adhere to the university regulations on academic conduct. Formal inquiry proceedings will be instigated if there is any suspicion of plagiarism or any other form of misconduct in your work. Refer to the University’s Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards if you are unclear as to the meaning of these terms. The latest copy is available on the University website.
Where coursework is submitted without approval, after the published hand-in deadline, the standard penalties will apply.
Students must NOT collude with other students or plagiarize their work.
As is the norm for academic work, sources should be appropriately referenced and a reference list of sources used included. For further guidance please refer to
Please do not include references to lecture notes.
Hand-written and scanned answers are not acceptable and will score 0 (zero) marks.
General guidance
Please help us to handle and mark your work efficiently. Clearly label your assignment with module code, module title, ‘Assignment 2’, your name, your programmes and your student ID (not your computer ID). You are advised to keep a copy of your work until you have received your formal results for the year.
Palgrave McMillan (2016), Cite Them Right Online, Available at: (Accessed: 16/06/18)
See Assignment 1
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