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日期:2019-04-12 09:45

CS-UY 1114 — Final Project


1 Introduction 1

2 Projects 1

2.1 Pong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.2 Space invaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.3 n-bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.4 Automatic iris classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.5 Tic Tac Toe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.6 Something else . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3 Important information 10

3.1 Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.2 Hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.3 Academic honesty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.4 Getting help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4 Submission 15

4.1 Status report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.2 The README file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4.3 Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.4 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1 Introduction

You will complete a final project, accounting for 10% of your final grade.

2 Projects

You must choose one of the following projects to implement. All projects must be completed in Python 3,

using only built-in libraries. If you have previously taken this class, your final project must be different than

any project that you’ve attempted in the past.

You can see video demos of each program at the following address: https://drive.google.com/drive/


2.1 Pong

You will implement a version of the classic “pong” game, in which the player moves a virtual paddle to

deflect a bouncing ball, while an opponent with artificial intelligence does the same. The user interacts with

the game on the turtle canvas.




The gray horizontal bar represents a paddle, and the dotted line is the path of the ball

after impact. d represents the distance between the point of impact and the paddle’s

center point, which is the only factor in deciding θ.

The ball will move at a constant speed. Initially, the ball will be in the center of the window, moving in

a random direction. The player may control the player’s paddle by using the left and right arrow keys.

If the ball hits a paddle, it will deflect off at an angle depending only on what part of the paddle it hits.

If the ball hits the exact center of the paddle, it will bounce off straight, perpendicular to the paddle (i.e.

θ = 90). If the ball hits the extreme left end of the paddle, it will bounce off left, at a 30 degree angle

relative to paddle (i.e. θ = 30). If the ball hits the extreme right end of the paddle, it will deflect at a 30

degree angle to the right (i.e. θ = 150). The angle of bounce in other positions is proportional between the

extremes of 30 and 150 degrees.

If the ball hits a wall, its vertical velocity will not change, but its horizontal velocity will be mirrored,

i.e. it will move at the same speed in the opposite direction.

If a paddle fails to hit the ball, that player’s opponent will gain a point, and the game will continue with

the ball moved to the center of the window, with its direction randomized. The position of the paddles will

not be reset. The total number of points for each player is displayed on the left side of the screen.

The opponent’s paddle must make a reasonable attempt to deflect the ball. You are responsible for

designing its artificial intelligence.

The game ends when the player’s opponent reaches a score of 5 points. At that time, the player’s score

will be considered for inclusion in the high score table. The high score table will consist of the best 10 scores

that have been won by players, along with the players’ names. The high score table must be stored in a

file, so that its contents will persist between multiple plays of the game. If the player’s score is among the

10 highest, or if at least 10 scores have not yet ben recorded, then the player will be prompted in a dialog

box to enter their name, whereupon their name and score will be saved into the table. Whether or not the

player qualifies for a high score, the current high score table will be displayed, from highest to lowest, in the

turtle window when the game ends. If the game has never been played before, assume the high score table

is empty.

Getting started We provide you with starter code to help you begin this project. See the file in

starter.zip. This is a starting point; you should replace the pass lines with code to perform the appropriate

actions in strict accordance with the given specifications.

2.2 Space invaders

You will implement a version of the classic “space invaders” game, in which the player battles against an

army of invading monsters. The user interacts with the game on the turtle canvas.

In this game, the user uses the arrow keys to control a space ship that can move along the horizontal

axis. Pressing the space key will cause the ship to shoot a single bullet, which will move at a constant speed,

starting from the current position of the ship. If the bullet hits an enemy, both the enemy and the bullet

will be removed from the game. If the bullet leaves the visible area of the screen, it will be removed from

the game. There may be multiple bullets in flight at the same time. If no enemies remain, the player has

won, and the game ends.


The enemies are initially arranged in rows. As you can see in the video, the enemies move in a distinctive,

jerky pattern that your project must reproduce: they move all together at a regular intervals; initially, this

time interval is one second, but as the game progresses, the time interval will get smaller and smaller, causing

them to move increasingly fast. The enemies move horizontally (left or right), until the reach the end of the

window, whereupon they will move one row closer to the player, and then continue moving horizontally in

the opposite direction (if they were moving left in the previous row, they will move right in the subsequent

row), until they again reach the end of the window. Please consult the provided video for an example of

enemy movement. If an enemy touches the player’s ship, the player has lost, and the game ends.

You may choose to implement any of the following optional components: enemies that can shoot back;

attractive and colorful graphics; scoring; a high-score table. Please discuss these options with your instructor.

Getting started We provide you with starter code to help you begin this project. See the file in

starter.zip. This is a starting point; you should replace the pass lines with code to perform the appropriate

actions in strict accordance with the given specifications.

2.3 n-bodies

You will implement a visualization of the classic “n-bodies” problem, a simulation of the effects of gravitation

acting on various objects on a plane. Your program will graphically display the position all bodies in the

system on the turtle canvas.

You will be given a file named bodies.txt containing the initial state of the simulation. The state of

the simulation consists of: the gravitational constant G, as well as the name, position, velocity, and mass

of an arbitrary number of objects. Your program will read this file in and simulate subsequent interactions

between bodies, while displaying graphically a visualization of the simulation. Note that your program must

work with any valid bodies.txt file: you cannot assume the number of bodies, their attributes, or their

relationships. Here is an example file:


Sun 500 500 0 0 100000000

Splat 255 255 2 0 1

Arg 745 745 -2 0 2

Magnavolt 270 740 -1.5 -3 12000

Spatula 253 450 0 -2 50000

Smoo 500 0 3 0 1000000

Volt 504 0 4 4 0.000001

The first line contains a value for G, the gravitational constant. In the real universe, G is always

6.67384 × 1011m3kg, but in our simulation, it can be anything. Its magnitude is given as the first

line in the input file.

The subsequent lines contain information about each body. Each line gives:

The body’s name (a str).

The body’s initial horizontal position (a float).

The body’s initial vertical position (a float).

The body’s initial horizontal velocity (a float).

The body’s initial vertical velocity (a float).

The body’s mass (a float).


So, in the above file, the sun is the most massive object in the universe and it is not moving initially.

The heart of the simulation is the calculation of the forces acting on each body. Given a body located at

position x1, y1 and a body located at x2, y2, the distance between them is

The horizontal distance between the bodies is |x1 x2|, and the vertical distance between them is |y1 y2|.

The gravitational force F between two bodies is


G is the gravitational constant

M1 is the mass of the first body

M2 is the mass of the second body

d is the distance between the two bodies

We will focus on a two-dimension simulation. Therefore we are interested in the horizontal force (Fx)

and vertical force (Fy) on each body. These are given as:

Fx = G

M1 × M2 × dx



Fy = G

M1 × M2 × dy



where dx and dy are the horizontal and vertical distance between the bodies, respectively.

Recall that there is gravitational force between all objects in the universe. In particular, every object

exerts gravitational force on every other object. The net force on a body is the sum of all forces on it. In the

case of our simulation, this means the sum of the gravitational forces between a body and all other bodies

in the simulation.

The acceleration of a body is given by a = F/m where

F is the net force acting on that body

m is the mass of that body.

Similarly, the horizontal and vertical accelerations are given by ax = Fx/m and ay = Fy/m.

At every frame of the animation, the velocity of each body must be updated, based on its current

acceleration. In this program, the implicit units of the acceleration are in pixels per frame per frame. Thus,

if the horizontal acceleration of a body is 3, then its horizontal velocity will be increased by 3 every frame.

In other words: velocity is the integral of acceleration.

At every frame of the animation, the position of each body must be updated, based on its current velocity.

In this program, the implicit units of the velocity are in pixels per frame. Thus, if the horizontal velocity of

a body is 3, then its horizontal position will be increased by 3 pixels every frame. Likewise, if its vertical

velocity is -1, its vertical position will be decreased by 1 pixel every frame. In other words: position is the

integral of velocity.

Getting started We provide you with starter code to help you begin this project. See the file in

starter.zip. This is a starting point; you should replace the pass lines with code to perform the appropriate

actions in strict accordance with the given specifications.

If you’ve got a working prototype of your project, ask your professor for additional versions of bodies.txt

that you can use to test your program.


2.4 Automatic iris classification

In this project, you will write a program that can automatically classify an iris plant into one of three species,

using machine learning techniques. The program will display its results in a graph on the turtle canvas.

The three species of iris plants observed are iris setosa, iris veriscolor, and iris virginica. Flowers of

iris setosa tend to be larger than flowers of iris veriscolor or iris virginica. If the length and width of the

petals of a number of iris flowers are measured and the species of these flowers is known, we can use this

information about known iris flowers of each species to attempt to classify an unknown flower based on

the size and width of its petals. This technique is called supervised machine learning. Supervised learning

requires a number of examples of iris flowers from the three species with known measurements of the length

and width of their petals. (In contrast, an unsupervised machine learning program might group like flowers

together, but it wouldn’t have any knowledge of which species the flowers actually belonged to.)

For this project, you will be creating a program that classifies an iris flower of unknown species. The

petal size of the flower must be known because the supervised learning program will match this information

to known flowers. In writing this program, some portion of the data for which the species, the petal length,

and the petal width are known will act as the training set. When the program is presented with a new flower

to classify, the program will find the most similar flower from the training set and classify the instance in

the same way as the known similar instance. This method of making predictions is known as the nearest

neighbor algorithm.

Though you might suspect that the nearest neighbor algorithm will make good predictions for the species

of an iris flower based on the measurements of petals, you need to test your program to see if it does.

The portion of the data that wasn’t used in the training set will be used to test the feasibility of making

this prediction based on your information. We will call this portion of data the test set. We do know

the species of the flowers in the test set, but we will ignore this fact in testing. Instead, your program

should classify the flowers in the test set based solely on their observed petal size. You will then compare

your program’s conclusion to the plant’s known species to determine the effectiveness of your program’s

classification strategy. If your program provides reasonable accuracy on this test set, you can be confident

that it can predict the species of iris given the petal size. It is important that when you test your program

using the test set, the program is given new examples of flowers that it has not seen before; in this way, we

simulate using your program on data for which the species is really unknown.

We provide two data files: iris_train.csv (the training set) and iris_test.csv (the test set). These

data files contain measurements for individual iris flowers and the corresponding type of each iris plant. 1

Both files are in CSV format; open them in a text editor to see how their content is represented. Each line in

the file contains a single observation about a particular plant. In particular, the first two comma-spearated

columns in the dataset contain the petal length of the flower (in cm); and the petal width of flower (in cm).

Each of these observable attributes (petal length and petal width) is called a feature. The last column in

the dataset gives the type of iris, either Iris-setosa, Iris-versicolor or Iris-virginica. This column is called

the label.

You will use the file iris_train.csv to build a predictive model. You will test your model on the file

iris_test.csv and determine the accuracy of your model. You can only use modules from the standard

distribution of Python in this project, and specifically the numpy and pandas modules are prohibited. Starter

code has been provided for you. We provide function headers and signatures for you; it’s your task to complete

the function bodies.

In the steps below, we walk you through the process of completing each function body in order. Make

sure that you understand what each function should do before you write code for it. Before moving on to

the next step, test your code thoroughly. Do not modify the main function.

1. Fill in the code for the function create_table which has been given. In order to do so, read the file

iris_train.csv into a tuple containing two lists of type float and one list of type string. The

1This project uses the Iris Data Set, which was referenced in R.A. Fisher’s 1936 paper detailing statistical methods to classify

an iris plant. You can read more about the dataset in the UCI Machine Learning Repository here: https://archive.ics.uci.

edu/ml/datasets/iris. The dataset has been edited for use in this project.


features of the dataset should be of type float and the label should be of type string.

2. Complete the code for the function print_range_max_min which has been given. Notice that the

features of the dataset are both given in centimeters. Measure the range of each feature. This will

require you to find the min and the max of each column in your dataset. Print your resulting min, max

and range as shown. You will print your calculated values in place of the xxx.

Feature 1 - min: xxx max: xxx range: xxx

Feature 2 - min: xxx max: xxx range: xxx

3. You will use the numerical values of each feature to make your predictions. If you use the values as

they are, the features with higher values or a greater range might be given more importance in the

model. To avoid this effect, you will normalize each of your features. This means that you will rescale

all the values in a particular feature in terms of a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. In order

to normalize your features, find the mean and the standard deviation. Fill in the code for the given

functions find_mean and find_std_dev. The formula for standard deviation is:

where σ is the standard deviation, μ is the mean and N is the number of values in the feature. The

syntax xi

indicates the i-th value of a particular feature.

Print the mean and standard deviation for each feature as shown. Your calculated values should be

printed in place of the xxx.

Feature 1 - mean: xxx std dev: xxx

Feature 2 - mean: xxx std dev: xxx

Determine the new normalized value, xi

, for each value, xi

, in a feature by as shown below. Implement

this functionality in the given function normalize_data.

Do this for all of the values in each feature. Check that you have correctly normalized the features

by testing again for their mean and standard deviation. The output of your function normalize_data

should now look at follows:

Feature 1 - mean: xxx std dev: xxx

Feature 1 after normalization - mean: xxx std dev: xxx

Feature 2 - mean: xxx std dev: xxx

Feature 2 after normalization - mean: xxx std dev: xxx

After normalization, each of your features should display a mean of 0 or very close to 0 and a standard

deviation of 1 or very close to 1.

4. You will use an algorithm called k-Nearest Neighbors to predict the type for each iris observation in

the test set. The test set is the file called iris_test.csv. In its simplest implementation, when k =

1, the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm finds the observation in the training set that is ‘closest’ to the

observation you are trying to make a prediction for and uses the known label of the closest observation

as the prediction value. In order to find the observation that is ‘closest,’ you can think about each


of the training set observations as a point on a two-dimensional plane. For example, an observation

will be plotted as (x, y), where x is equal to the value of feature 1 (petal length) and y is equal to

the value of feature 2 (petal width). In order to find the ‘nearest neighbor,’ you will calculate the

Euclidean distance between the point in the test set that you are trying to label and all of the points

in the training set. For this project, you will be implementing k-Nearest Neighbors with two features

and with k = 1, but the algorithm can be implemented in other ways. 2

Notice that the main function makes a second call to the create_table function, passing it the file

iris_test.csv. The program reads in the iris_test.csv file and stores the data in a two-dimensional

list called test_data. If you examine the test_data table, you’ll notice that this file also contains

labels for each observation. You will give a predicted label using the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm as

described and then compare your prediction to the actual label. You will be measuring your error for

all of the observations in the test set.

The data in the test set also needs to be normalized. Notice that the main function makes a second

call to normalize_data, passing it test_data.

Now that the test data is prepared, make a prediction for each observation in the test dataset. Implement

this task in the function make_predictions which has been given. For each observation in

the test set, you’ll need to check all of the observations in the training set to see which is the ‘nearest

neighbor.’ Fill in the code for the find_dist function which has been given. The make_predictions

function should make a call to find_dist. Test your find_dist function independently to make sure

it is working properly. Use the formula for Euclidean distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2):

Your make_predictions function should accumulate a list of predicted iris types for each of the test

set observations. The function will return this prediction list.

5. Determine the error of your predictions. Implement this task in the given function find_error. You

will need to check the prediction list against the actual labels for the test set to determine how many

errors were made. Return a percentage of how many observations in the test set were predicted

incorrectly. Print the error percentage as shown:

The error percentage is: xxx

In practice (though not as part of this project), after you were confident that you could predict for

your test set with good accuracy, you would use your model to make predictions for observations for

which you did not know the label.

6. You will be using the turtle module to visualize the results of your analysis. See the sample plot for

reference. In order to create your plot, fill in the code for the plot_data function. First, set the turtle

window size to 500 x 500. Then draw the x and y axes in the window. Label your axes as shown in

the sample plot.

Plot each observation from your training set on the plane, using a circle shape and a different color

for each type of iris. Use the value of the first feature for the x-coordinate and the value of the second

feature for the y-coordinate. You can use a dot size of 10. Recall that the features have been normalized

to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. You will need to ‘stretch’ your features across the

2While it is beyond the scope of this project, the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm can be used with more than two features.

In this case, you can think about the values being plotted in an n-dimensional space with n being the number of features. Also,

rather than consulting just one ‘nearest neighbor,’ the algorithm can find any number of ‘nearest neighbors.’ You can specify,

k, as the number of nearest neighbors to find. In this case, the prediction would be for the majority class from the surrounding

nearest neighbors.


Figure 1: Sample Plot of Results

axes to make the best use of the 500 x 500 window. Ensure that none of your points are plotted off


Also plot each correct prediction from your test set in the corresponding color. Use a square to indicate

that the value is a prediction. Plot the incorrect predictions that were made for the test set in red,

also using a square to indicate that it was a prediction.

Include a key in the upper left corner of the plot as shown in the sample plot. Fill in the code for the

function draw_key to implement this task. Your function plot_data will make a call to the function


2.5 Tic Tac Toe

You will implement a version of the classic “tic-tac-toe” game (also known as “noughts and crosses”), in

which the player competes against the computer to create a three-in-a-row pattern in vertical, horizontal, or

diagonal directions.

The user interacts with the game on the turtle canvas. The game is played in a 3-by-3 grid, which is

initially empty. There are two players, the human and the computer, who take turns. The human always

moves first. When it’s the human’s turn, he or she may place an “O” symbol in any empty position on the

game grid by clicking on the grid position with the mouse; afterwards, it becomes the computer’s move, and

the computer will place a “X” symbol in any empty position on the grid. The players continue to alternate

moves until the game ends. The game is over when any of the following conditions occurs:

there are three “O” symbols in a line in any row or column, or diagonally from corner to corner, which

means that the human has won

there are three “X” symbols in a line in any row or column, or diagonally from corner to corner, which

means that the computer has won

there are no empty positions on the board, meaning that no further moves are possible, and the game

ends in a stalemate

As part of this project, you must develop a reasonable (but simple) “artificial intelligence” to dictate

the behavior of the computer player. Although you may provide a more advanced algorithm (which your

professor will help you develop, if you ask), at a minimum, you must implement the following logic for the

computer player:


If it’s possible for the computer player to win in the current move (i.e. there are two “X”s and one

empty position in a line somewhere on the board), the computer player must win by occupying that

empty position.

If it’s possible for the human player to win on the next move (i.e. there are two “O”s and one empty

position in a line somewhere on the board), the computer player must prevent the human’s win by

occupying that empty position.

If neither of the above cases apply, the computer may randomly occupy any unoccupied position.

Getting started We provide you with starter code to help you begin this project. See the file in

starter.zip. This is a starting point; you should replace the pass lines with code to perform the appropriate

actions in strict accordance with the given specifications.

2.6 Something else

Besides the above projects, you may pursue another project of your own choosing. You may choose a project

relevant to your field of study: for example, if you study biology, you might want to look into a project

involving DNA sequencing; of if you study art, you can develop a program for generating computer art. You

may also propose a project relevant to your hobbies or interests. Your project must be of an appropriate

level of difficulty; must demonstrate an understanding of the techniques taught in this course; and must

solve an interesting problem or address a particular need. In all cases, your project must be approved by

your professor.

The steps for doing a project of your own design are as follows:

1. First, you should discuss your idea with your professor in person as soon as possible. Give an “elevator

pitch”: a summary, in a few sentences, of what your program will be. Your professor will be able to

let you know if it’s an appropriate project idea.

2. If your professor approves your verbal elevator pitch, you must submit a written proposal to your

professor by email. The proposal is much more detailed, and needs to describe exactly what your

program will do. Your professor will be looking for a proposal that demonstrates that you have

thought through the problem and have anticipated the challenges involved.

Your proposal represents a contract with your professor, describing exactly what you intend to create.

It must thoroughly cover all aspects of the behavior of your program. It should be at least as detailed

as the descriptions given above for the other projects. Your description of your program should include:

What is the purpose of the program? What problem is it solving?

What does the program look like? You may provide drawings of the proposed user interface as


How does the user interact with the program? What input is expected from the user? What

output is given to the user?

How does your program behave? Describe in detail a typical use of your program, from beginning

to end.

What errors can arise while your program is running? For example, what will happen if the user

provides unexpected or invalid input? Describe how your program will handle these cases.

Your proposal should be sufficiently detailed so that any competent programmer should be able to

implement your proposed project solely on the basis of your written proposal. However, the proposal

should not include any implementation details: you do not need to discuss functions, variables, or

anything else related to actually writing the code.


Your professor may give you feedback about your proposal. For example, your proposal may need more

detail or a change in scope before it can be approved.

Insofar as your finished project diverges from your project proposal, any differences must be cleared

with your professor well in advance of the due date.

3. Once your written proposal has been approved by your professor, you are required to meet again with

your professor. At this meeting, you will discuss implementation, i.e. the strategy for converting your

written proposal into actual code. Your professor may have helpful suggestions for how to structure

your code.

4. At this point you may begin coding your project.

5. At the time of the status report, you must present your work so far to your professor, not to a TA.

Please bear in mind that implementing your own project typically requires significantly more work

than one of the default projects, because you won’t have the benefit of the starter code. In addition, it

requires more communication with your professor, to make sure that your development is continuing

in the right direction and that your code meets the required standards. It is your responsibility to

schedule meetings with your professor in furtherance of these goals.

3 Important information

Now that you’ve selected a project, let’s talk about the rules for completing it and how you can ensure a

successful project.

3.1 Rules

Before you start your project, you should prepare by reading this document thoroughly. In it, you will find

rules that you will need to take into account. Be aware that failure to consider these rules will result in a


Your professor has provided a starting framework to help you get started. For the projects proposed

above, find the corresponding starting framework in starter.zip. You are welcome to make use of

these files to help you develop your project. If you are developing a different project, you may still

benefit from reading or adapting the starter code.

Please note that the code provided in the starting frameworks is designed to help you, but that does

not absolve you of the necessity to understand the code contained therein. Before you start writing

new code, you should make sure that you understand the structure of the code provided for you,

what it does, and exactly what remains to be done. Read the comments carefully: they tell you

exactly what your code should do. If you have any doubts, contact your professor. Many students

wasted time writing wrong code because they failed to thoroughly read and understand the framework.

Everything you need to know in order to complete the project has been covered in class; if you find

yourself consulting outside resources, or looking for solutions on the internet, you’re going in the wrong


Also, please note that while these frameworks are intended to get you started and provide helpful

suggestions, they should not constrain you. You can feel free to deviate from them or to develop your

own implementation from scratch. You are allowed, and in fact encouraged, to add additional functions

if you feel that they improve your code.

Your professor has provided a few case studies for you: Lunar Lander and Missile Command. These

are complete, working programs that you can run and study. In them, you will find techniques that

may be applicable to your own project. Even if your project isn’t similar to the case studies, they

epitomize good coding style.


You are strongly encouraged to study these examples. Just as you must read poetry in order to become

a poet, you must read code in order to become a programmer.

You may make use of the wide variety of drawing functions available within the turtle module.

We’ve discussed some of these functions in lecture or lab (such as turtle.forward, turtle.right,

turtle.color), and some others you may discover in the starter code, but there are many more. You

are welcome to browse the official Python turtle documentation, where you may find other interesting

ways to make your program visually interesting: https://docs.python.org/3/library/turtle.html

Other functions that you will probably want to use:

– turtle.goto – move the turtle to a specific x, y coordinate

– turtle.window_width, turtle.window_height – return the width and height, respectively, of

the turtle canvas window

– turtle.up, turtle.down – stop and start, respectively, drawing when the turtle moves

– turtle.begin_fill, turtle.end_fill – mark the beginning and end, respectively, of the drawing

of a filled shape

– turtle.circle, turtle.dot – draw, respectively, a circle and a dot at the turtle’s current


– turtle.write – put text on the canvas at the turtle’s current location

– turtle.width – set the width of the line that the turtle draws

– math.degrees, math.radians – convert to degrees and radians, respectively, from radians and


Some functions are helpful but you must use them with care:

– turtle.setup, turtle.setworldcoordinates – change the size and/or coordinate system of the

turtle canvas. If you use this function, you should call it exactly once, at the beginning of your

program (i.e. in main). Do not call it in your drawing function, or else it may result in undesirable


– turtle.bgcolor – change the background color of the turtle canvas. Similarly to the above, call

it infrequently

– turtle.title – change the title of the turtle canvas window. Similarly to the above, call it


– turtle.showturtle – show the turtle. Although this function isn’t prohibited, it isn’t necessary,

and if you’re using it, it’s a sign you’re going in the wrong direction. The starter code hides the

turtle because the turtle shouldn’t be visible

Although for the most part, you may use any module that is part of Python, I have found that some

areas in particular cause problems for students. The following functions, modules, and classes are

prohibited to use in your project. If you feel the need to use them, you are probably on the wrong

track. Do not consult any resource that advises you to use them.

– turtle.Turtle (and its synonym, turtle.Pen) – these classes allow you to create multiple turtles,

but they are incompatible with the starter code and otherwise lead to inflexible code

– turtle.Screen – this is not necessary, as its methods are mostly available directly in the turtle


– turtle.shape, turtle.shapesize, turtle.turtlesize, turtle.resizemode – all of these functions

pertain to a visible turtle, which shouldn’t happen


– turtle.speed – to make the turtle go faster, use turtle.tracer instead; this is already taken

care of for you in the starter code

– tkinter – this is an windowing and graphics library that is more powerful but also harder to use

than turtle; if you really want to use it, consult your professor

Without prior written approval from your professor, the use of any of the above in your project will

result in a failing grade.

Use of any operating system-specific function calls (such as os.system or os.execl) is prohibited. Do

not make any assumptions about the operating system that your program will run on or what external

programs are available.

Your program’s code must adhere to certain quality guidelines. Your grade may be penalized if your

code does not meet standards of clarity, organization, and readability that are expected from all

programmers, regardless of whether the code works.

Code quality includes, but is not limited to, the following:

– Programs should be structured modularly. That is, when approaching a larger problem, you

should break it down into smaller problems. Write functions to solve particular needs, and then

tie those functions together. If you find yourself writing your whole program in one giant function,

you should reconsider.

– Your program should avoid unnecessarily repetitive code. If you find yourself writing similar code

again and again, or copy-and-pasting code, it’s a sign that you should use a loop, or break out

the code into a generalized function.

– All of your functions must begin with a comment header containing a signature (what types it

takes as parameters and what type it returns) and a description, in English, of the function’s

behavior. See the starter code for an example of what a correct comment header looks like.

– In addition to the comment header, your code should contain a sufficient number of comments

(beginning with #) to make reading your code easy. Any confusing or complicated area of code

should have a comment explaining what is happening, and even straightforward code can benefit

from prose elucidation.

– Variables and functions should be named meaningfully, as an aid to reading and understanding

the code.

If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact your professor.

3.2 Hints

Many common problems and confusing issues are addressed in this section. Please read it through before

starting your project. Most questions, roadblocks, and unexpected turns that students encounter during the

development of the project can be resolved by referring to this document. Please save yourself (and your

professor) time by attending carefully to these items.

This project represents a larger programming task than you’ve encountered before. To make it manageable,

you should break it down into several, smaller tasks. The starter code that I’ve provided takes

care of this for you: each function to be written represents a task that can be completed more-or-less


Furthermore, please try to test each smaller component, in order to verify the correctness of your

solution, before moving on to the next task. There are are some strategies that will make testing



– Frequently pause to run what you’ve written so far. It’s good to structure your code in such a

way so that as you add functionality, you can test each new feature. Doing so will greatly increase

the chances that the program as a whole will work as you hope.

– Add temporary print calls into your code at critical points. For example, in n-bodies, to determine

if the position of a body is being updated in the way that you think it should be, put a call

to print inside the update_positions function, so that it prints out the current position of a

given planet. That way, even if the rest of your code isn’t fully working, you can run your code

and determine if it’s getting the right position results. In Tic-tac-toe, you could print out the

state of the board in do_user_move, to help determine whether an unexpected result is caused

by that function or another.

Before you submit the final version of your code, you can remove these temporary aids.

– If you’re writing a program with a graphical display, such as any of the default projects, you

should write the graphical code first (that would be the draw_frame() function for Pong, Space

invaders, and n-bodies, and the or draw_board() function for Tic tac toe). That way, as you

implement the remaining tasks, you’ll be able to see their impact immediately, by how they affect

the game’s display. In this way you can avoid working in the dark.

? The Pong project, the Space Invaders project, and the n-bodies project all use animations. Before

undertaking these projects, it’s important that you understand the basic idea of how animations work

in these projects.

First, you should understand that animation is an illusion of motion. What’s really happening is that

the program is drawing a sequence of frames, or images, each of which represents the state of the game

at a particular point in time. Between frames, the program calculates a new state, and then replaces

the old frame with an updated one. Therefore, these programs consist of a main loop, which repeats

until the game ends. The basic idea of the main loop is this:

1. Calculate where stuff should be

2. Clear the screen

3. Draw the stuff on the screen

4. Wait a small amount of time before the next frame

5. Repeat

Looking at the code for the main function, you can see this strategy reflected in code: the screen

is cleared with the turtle.clear function; your program updates the state of the variables in the

physics, ai, update_positions, and/or update_velocities functions; the current positions of stuff

is drawn out using various turtle functions inside your draw_frame function; and finally, we wait a

very small amount of time before the next frame when we call time.sleep.

The starter framework isolates drawing code in the draw_frame function, while other functions (ai,

physics, etc) are responsible for updating the variables that store the state of the game.

In order to ensure that your project’s animation works as expected, if you are using the proposed

starter framework, it’s important that your program does drawing (i.e. calls functions in the turtle

module that put images on the turtle canvas) only in the draw_frame function.

The most common cause of student confusion at early stages of the project happens when trying to do

drawing at a phase of the program intended for calculations. Keep in mind that functions like ai and

physics are only for doing calclulations. All drawing should happen in your draw_frame function or

in your draw_board function.

Due to a known bug in certain versions of Python on the Mac, the turtle.write function may be

very slow. While this normally wouldn’t be a problem, the slowness of the function makes creating


smooth animation in Python on the Mac impossible. Therefore, if you do the Pong project, the nbodies

project, or another project that calls turtle.write in an animation loop, and if you encounter

slowness in your animations, I encourage you to develop your project on a Windows machine rather

than on a Mac.

A common mistake when writing code for drawing is to assume that the turtle’s heading is the same

at the beginning of each frame. In reality, adjusting the turtle’s heading (with turtle.left and

turtle.right) will cause the turtle to maintain its new heading until you explicitly change it. If you

find that things are getting drawn on the canvas at an unexpected angle, but are otherwise correct, it

may be because the turtle’s heading isn’t what you think it is. You can check the turtle’s heading by

printing the result of turtle.heading().

To reset the turtle’s heading to its default (pointing to the right), call turtle.setheading(0).

Recall that local variables are those variables defined inside a function, and global variables are those

defined outside a function. Local variables are private to the function they are defined in, but global

variables can be read from any function. However, assigning to a global variable from within a function

requires an extra step. Be careful about a quirk of Python: by default, assignment refers only to local

variables. For example, consider this code, which attempts to modify a global variable:

x_position = 5

def change_position():

x_position = x_position + 1

Although the programmer wants to change the global x_position variable from within the change_position

function, it does not work as expected. What is actually happening is that the programmer is creating

a new local variable also named x_position – the global variable remains unchanged. To ensure that

assignment to global variables is possible, use the global statement within the given function. When

you use the global statement, future assignments to variables of that name will update global, and

not local, variables. The correct code should be:

x_position = 5

def change_position():

global x_position

x_position = x_position + 1

The starter code provides global statements where necessary so that you can modify global variables

from within functions.

To accept keyboard input in a turtle window, use the onkey function to indicate which function should

be called when a particular key is pressed. After you call onkey (possibly multiple times, for multiple

keys) you should call listen only once.

For example:

def key_left():

print("You pressed the left button")

turtle.onkey(key_left , "Left")


while True:

# main body of program here


The starter code already calls onkey for you, so you need to only implement the body of the handler

functions. If you are writing a project other than one of those proposed in this document, you should

use a similar approach to that used in the starter code.

If you want the user to enter a string, rather than a single character (for example, to enter their name

for registration in a high scores table), you should not use the input function, since that function

accepts input only in the Python console, not on the turtle canvas window. To accept text input in

the turtle canvas window, use the function turtle.textinput.

Code for turtle.onkey and turtle.listen have been added to the starter code for you.

By default, the turtle moves fairly slowly, so you can see what it’s doing. In the starter code, we call

turtle.tracer(0,0) once at the beginning of your program, which has the effect of greatly speeding

up the movement of the turtle. This is necessary in order to achieve smooth animations. However,

if you find yourself confused by what the turtle is doing, it may be helpful to temporarily remove or

comment out this line, so that you can follow what the turtle is actually doing.

Note that because of the call to turtle.tracer(0,0), we must use the turtle.update() function to

ensure that turtle movements are completely reflected on the screen. If you find that your drawing

commands get “lost,” check to make sure that you call turtle.update().

Code for turtle.tracer and tracer.update have been added for you to the starter code.

3.3 Academic honesty

You must write this assignment alone. Your submitted work must represent your own work and understanding;

sharing code with any other person is prohibited. You may not use others’ code and you may not allow

others to use your code. You may not discuss your solutions or approaches with other students. Violations

of this rule will be dealt with as plagiarism in accordance with the university’s policy.

You may not consult code from any other source, including from other students. You may not consult

online sources other than those mentioned in this document and those provided by your professor. Allowing

others to view your code for any reason is specifically prohibited. If you need help, contact your professor

or a TA.

The final projects is considered a component of an exam, and cheating on it will be dealt with as cheating

on an exam.

3.4 Getting help

Your final project is challenging; it should expand your programming skill. As you contemplate the project,

a moment of terror is to be expected. Fortunately, you have many avenues to get help.

For questions regarding the requirements, design, and implementation of the project, you can turn to

your professor or one of the TAs. You can discuss project-related issues during class, by email, during

homework sessions, during office hours, or at other times by appointment. I strongly recommend addressing

any questions you may have before you start coding: if you wait until later, it may be too late.

The PTC tutoring staff have not been briefed on this project and are not trained to help you with it.

4 Submission

In this section, we discuss what you need to do in order to submit your project.

4.1 Status report

In addition to the final project, you are required to submit a status report, reflecting your current progress

in developing the project. This will give your instructors the opportunity to make sure that you are on the

right track and making adequate progress.


Your status report should include all code you have written so far for the project, as well as a README

file. Your grade for the status report will be based on what is considered “adequate progress.” This means

that you will not be penalized for a non-working or incomplete program; however, you may be penalized

if you have not yet started work, are progressing too slowly, or are writing code that does not reflect an

understanding of the assignment or basic programming concepts.

The status report is worth 10% of the grade of the project.

4.2 The README file

Your project must be accompanied by a so-called README file: a narrative, English-language commentary

about your project. It should help your professor understand your perspective and development process. It’s

your opportunity to provide feedback and discuss your project.

Your README file must be a plain text file (for example, created by IDLE) and not a Word document or

other proprietary format.

It must include the following information:

Your name and NetID (that is, the first part of your NYU email address).

The name of your professor.

The name of your registered lecture section.

The state of your work.

– Did you manage to complete the assignment?

– If you did not complete the assignment, what is missing? (If your assignment is incomplete or has

known bugs, I prefer that students let me know, rather than let me discover these deficiencies on

my own.)

– How closely does your project meet the requirements specified in the project demos? Have you

taken any artistic liberties?

– Are there additional features, above and beyond the project requirements, that you’ve implemented?

– Are you satisfied with the final result?

Your retrospective on the development process.

– What parts of the assignment were particularly challenging?

– What parts of the assignment were easier than you expected?

– What parts of your solution are you particularly proud of?

– Would you have approached the problem differently?

Any additional thoughts or questions about the assignment.

– Were the instructions clear?

– Were you given enough support in developing your solution?

– What insight has this project given you into programming, beyond the homework assignments

during the semester?


4.3 Dates

25 Mar The final project is officially assigned to you on this date.

5 Apr If you plan to work on a project other than those described in

this document, your final proposal must be approved by your professor

on or before this date. It is your responsibility to submit

your proposal well before this deadline, so that the professor can

provide feedback and request refinement.

25 Apr You must submit a status report (consisting of your program’s

code, working or not, and a README file) by this date. If you do

not submit a status report, you will not be able to submit your

final version and will receive a grade of zero for entire project.

26 Apr You will present your work so far to your TA during lab session.

You must schedule a 15 minute block of time in advance. During

that time, you will demonstrate the functionality of your program

and briefly discuss its implementation.

If your proposal for a project of your own design has been approved,

you should instead schedule a time to present your work

to your professor.

9 May Your final project (consisting of your program’s code, and a

README file) must be submitted before this date at 11:55pm. Absolutely

no work will be accepted after this time.

4.4 Materials

When submitting your status report as well as the final version of your project, submit all code files, as well

as the README file. In the absence of a README file, your project will not be graded.

Do not submit auxiliary data files provided to you, such as bodies.txt and iris_train.csv.

Submit all files through Gradescope. Work submitted by other means will not be accepted.


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