FCC Film 1 Essay Prompt
Defining Form and Meaning via Intertextual References
(500) Days of Summer and The Graduate
The questions below are not required for you toanswer,but will guide you in your
essay. Use yourknowledge of both filmsto helpdefine your answers. You do nothave
to turnin the questions, just completethe essay provided at the bottom.
(500) Days of Summer
1. Whatdid theuse of split screen sayabout the two characters and their
2. Whatwas themeaningbehind the variations of blue, brown, black & white,
green,and red? What does eachcolor mean? Howdoes each color relate to Tom
and hisrelation with Summer and his environment? Describe and defend your
explanation foreach individualcolor.
3. How does Tomview love and how does it change? How does Summer view love
and howdoes itchange?
4. BothTom andSummer learned the samelesson but through a different
perspective. What did they learn through their experiences with one another?
What did they learn about themselves? Explain. (Hint: The answer is on Day 488)
5. “Expectations vs. Reality”- How does thisapply individually to Tom. How does it apply individually to Summer?
6. Why did Summer leavethe movie theater crying?
7. Why was the Narratoran authoritative third party perspective and not from the
voice of Tom orSummer?How does it tieto “Expectations vs. Reality”?
8. During the Ikea shopping scene, Tom and Summer walk past a sign that read
“IkeaStockholm”. What is the significance of that sign and what is the directory,
Marc Webb trying to convey?
9. Based purelyon visuals, howcan we infer that Summer and Tom were not
meant to be together from the beginningof the film throughout the ending of
the film?
10. Based off of the color, frequent use of montage, out of order narrative structure,
use of narration, and characterarc, this movieis not about love. What is it
about?Explainin Detail and defend your reason. (Hint: Use your answers from
questions 1-9 to help guide your answer)
11. (500) Days of Summer was told in a series of montages, but the entire film was a
montageitself.Explainwhy theentire film could be consideredas a montage.
12. Whywas thefilm told out of order and how does it relate to “Expectationsvs.
Helpfullink: https://gist.github.com/davidpots/d0fc156c711001dab61a
Defend these statementsby using detailed aesthetics and sonic structures (visuals,
sound, and repetition) from thefilm:
1. Benjamin, the protagonist, felt isolated from the rest of amin felt that he hadno direction in his life.
3. Benjamin’s life was a constant cyclerepeating itself.
4. Benjamin wasimprisoned within his own life.(Hint:Colors)
5. Benjamin wasthe scuba diverstuck in a fishtank.
6. At the end of the movie, Benjamin was still a scuba diver stuck in a fishtank. with Mrs. Robinson as he was with Elaine.
8. Through editing, thefilm showed Mrs. Robinson keeping Benjamin
9. In (500) Days of Summer, whywas Summer crying afterwatching The Graduate?
10. What does The Graduate have to do with Expectationsvs. Reality?
11. Howdoes The Graduate directly relate to (500) Daysof Summer? What is its meaning?
Essay Prompt:
How do the directors Marc Webb and Mike Nichols, respectively, visually and aurally
convey the theme of Expectations versusRealitythroughcolor, screen direction,
production design, music, and editing? By use of intertextual references, how do The
Graduate, and its definition of Expectations versus Reality, define (500) Days of
Summer’s definition ofExpectations versus Reality? Use descriptive andinterpretive
claims to support your argument.
● 1000Words
● MLAFormat
o 12-point font
o TimesNew Romans
o Double-spaced
● WorkCited
● Bringprintedphysical copy to class and submit online
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