18/05/2019 Assignment 3 — CSSE1001 Semester 1, 2019
localhost:8080 1/10
Assignment 3
Semester 1, 2019
Version 1.1.0
20 marks
Due Friday 31 May, 2019, 20:30
1. Introduction
This assignment provides you the opportunity to apply concepts taught throughout the course to extend the functionality of a
basic 2d sandbox game, in the style of Minecraft & Terraria.
The main concepts involved are Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and object-oriented programming. The assignment tasks are
to add features to the game, as described in the requirements below.
You are encouraged to review some similar games, to better understand how this type of game is played, and for inspiration
on advanced features. It is better to do this after reading through this document in its entirety.
Because this assignment deals with multiple files, while not required, you may wish to investigate a more sophisticated IDE. A
popular option is PyCharm, which is free for students. VS Code, which is also free, is another common option. Please note
that these tools have significantly more complex user-interfaces than IDLE, so you may find them a little overwhelming if you
are only familiar with IDLE.
2. Overview
2.1. Getting Started
The archive contains all the necessary files to start this assignment. A significant amount of support code has
been supplied so that you begin with a simple application that is almost working.
The main assignment file is , which contains an incomplete implementation of , the top-level GUI
application class. The other files are support code which must not be edited. is an exception to this rule, as it
must be edited for some tasks.
Initially, you do not need to understand much of the provided code, but as you progress through the tasks, you will need to
understand more of this code. You should add code to and modify to implement the necessary
You are permitted to create additional files to simplify the separation of tasks (i.e. task1.py, task2.py, etc.), although this is not
required. If you do this, must be the entry point to your application (i.e. running it will run your assignment).
2.2. Pymunk Library
Physics is implemented in the game using the Pymunk library. You will need to install this library in order to implement your
tasks for this assignment. Pymunk can be installed by running the included .
3. Assignment Tasks
app.py Ninedraft
app.py Ninedraft
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3.1. Task Overview
This assignment is broken down into three main tasks:
1. The first task involves adding lines of code to clearly marked sections within the main assignment file.
2. The second task involves extending the design to add more interesting functionality to the game.
3. And the third task involves adding sophisticated functionality to further improve the gameplay experience.
For CSSE7030 students only, there is an extra task that involves doing independent research.
In general, as the tasks progress, they are less clearly prescribed and increase in difficulty.
3.2. Task Breakdown
CSSE1001 students will be marked out of 20 and CSSE7030 students will be marked out of 26 based on the following
breakdown. Tasks may be attempted in any order, but it is recommended to follow this breakdown, top-down, completing as
much as possible of each task before moving on to the next.
Sub–Task Marks
Task 1
Basic Features
9 marks
App Class 1 mark
Mouse Controls 2 marks
StatusView Class 2 marks
Basic Items 1.5 marks
Keyboard Controls 1 mark
File Menu & Dialogs 1.5 marks
Task 2
Intermediate Features
7 marks
More Items 2 mark
Crafting 3.5 marks
CraftingTableBlock 1.5 marks
Task 3
Advanced Features
4 marks
Mobs 2 marks
Furnace 2 marks
Post-Graduate Task
Independent Research
6 marks
Arrow Movement 4 marks
Interaction with Blocks 2 marks
3.3. Mark Breakdown
For each task, marks will scaled according to the following breakdown.
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Description Marks
Code Quality
Code is readable. Appropriate and meaningful identifier names have been used. Simple and clear
code structure. Repeated code has been avoided. 15%
Code has been simplified where appropriate and is not overly convoluted. 10%
Documented clearly and concisely, without excessive or extraneous comments. 15%
Functionality Components are functional, without major bugs or unhandled exceptions.
Assessed through user testing/playing, not automated testing. 60%
4. Task 1 – Basic GUI
There are a significant number of comments in intended to help you complete this task.
4.1. App Class
Write a function that launches the GUI. Call this function inside an block.
Modify so that the title of the window is set to something appropriate (i.e. Ninedraft, etc.).
Basic GUI Example
main Ninedraft main if __name__ == ...
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4.2. Mouse Controls
4.2.1. Moving: Target
When the player's mouse is moving over the game world, show the target cursor over the block position they have moused
over. If the mouse leaves the game world (either to another widget or out of the window), or moves out of range, hide the
Due to the program structure, once the appropriate tkinter event is bound, the only code that needs be added to achieve this is
in (Mouse coordinates for the target cursor are saved when the mouse moves so that can use
them when it is drawing).
See the methods on and the methods on in
4.2.2. Left Click: Attacking (Mining)
Allow the player to attack (mine) their target block by clicking the left mouse button. Code already exists to call the attack
method of the player's effective item and to mine the block.
Most of this logic is already implemented. You need to bind the mouse button & retrieve what the block drops when it is fully
Further, when a block is successfully mined, reduce the player's health/food by an amount of your choosing according to the
following rules:
If the player has food (> 0), decrease their food
Otherwise, decrease their health
See the method on .
4.2.3. Right Click: Using or Placing
When the player right clicks, one of two things should happen:
1. If the player is targeting a block, use that block
2. Otherwise, place the active item (see )
Code has been provided that implements this functionality. You only need to bind the appropriate mouse event.
See the method on .
See the methods on and the
methods on in .
4.3. StatusView Class
Define a class named which inherits from . This class is used to display information to the player
about their status in the game. The 's widgets must:
1. be updated whenever necessary (i.e. when gaining or losing health or food)
2. be laid out approximately according to Basic GUI Example
3. contain the following widgets:
Health (first row; left) A label to display the amount of health the player has remaining, with an image of a heart
to the left. The health must be rounded to the nearest 0.5 (i.e. half or whole).
Food (first row; right) A label to display the amount of food the player has remaining, with an image of a
drumstick to the left. The food must be rounded to the nearest 0.5 (i.e. half or whole).
Note: For convenience, you should have a setter method for each of the relevant widgets. i.e. , etc.
Ninedraft.redraw redraw
_mouse_move, redraw Ninedraft show_target, hide_target GameView
_left_click Ninedraft
_right_click Ninedraft
__init__, _left_click, _right_click, redraw Ninedraft show_target,
hide_target GameView game.py
StatusView tk.Frame
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The class should be added to the application in a frame below the .
4.4. Basic Items
One basic type of item is that which drops a block form of itself when placed. For example:
1. When the stone item is placed, it is logical that a stone block should appear
2. Further, when a stone block is mined, it also is logical that it should drop a stone item(s)
The class , found in , represents an item as per #1 above.
For this task, modify the function so that it can generate wood & stone items. These should be instances of the
class. E.g.
You do not need to modify , as the relevant code to create wood & stone blocks already exists.
4.5. Keyboard Controls
4.5.1. Movement
When the player presses the space bar, they should jump into the air. This can be achieved by modifying their velocity.
Set the velocity to something reasonable, that meets the following requirements:
The y-component must be negative (because computer graphics are drawn with the positive y-axis facing down)
The x-component must not be zero, but should be different to what it was (i.e. if the player was moving left, when they
jump, they should also keep moving left, but at a different speed)
Double/triple/etc. jumping is allowed, so you do not need to check that the player is on the ground before jumping
4.5.2. Hotbar
When the player presses a number key (1-9, 0), the corresponding item in the hotbar should be selected. If the corresponding
item is already selected, it should instead be deselected. Note that 1 corresponds to the first (leftmost) item in the hotbar, and
0 to the last (rightmost), etc.
4.6. File Menu & Dialogs
Implement a menu bar, with a menu. The File menu should have the following entries:
: Restarts the game
: Exits the application
When the player attempts to exit the application, either by the file menu or otherwise, they should first be prompted with a
dialog to confirm that they indeed want to quit the application. Further, if the player dies, they should be informed of this with a
dialog, and asked if they want to restart the game.
Note: On Mac OS X (and similar), the file menu should appear in the global menu bar (top of the screen).
5. Task 2 – Intermediate Features
StatusView GameView
BlockItem item.py
>>> wood = create_item('wood')
>>> wood
>>> wood.place()
[('block', ('wood,))]
>>> block_id = wood.place()[0][1]
>>> create_block(*block_id)
New Game
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For any subclasses you implement, in addition to the required methods listed, you will also need to override any relevant
methods from the super class that would raise . You will also need to modify the relevant
functions to allow your new things/items to be created.
5.1. More Items
Implement the following subclasses of the class and add them to the game:
5.1.1. FoodItem
Implement a class called which inherits from . When a
object is instantiated, it needs to be given an item identifier and a strength. The class must have the following method:
get_strength() -> float: Returns the amount of food/health to be recovered by the player by when used.
place() -> float: Returns an effect that represents an increase in the player's food/health
Add a stack of 4 of these to the starting hotbar, and modify the function so that leaf blocks can drop apples (a
food item with 2-strength)
When food is placed, increase the player's health/food by an amount equal to the food's strength, according to the following
If the player has lost food (< maximum), increase their food
Otherwise, increase their health
Nothing should physically be "placed" in the world. For example:
5.1.2. ToolItem
Implement a class called which inherits from . When equipped, tools damage certain blocks faster than the
hands, and are able to mine materials that the hands cannot (such as stone from stone blocks). A tool is depleted when its
durability reaches zero.
When a object is instantiated, it needs to be given an
item identifier, the type of tool it will be and the tool's durability. The class must have the following methods:
get_type() -> str: Returns the tool's type.
get_durability() -> float: Returns the tool's remaining durability.
can_attack() -> bool: Returns True iff the tool is not depleted.
attack(successful: bool): Attacks with the tool; if the attack was not successful, the tool's durability should be reduced by
Note: For tools made of a material, such as the stone axe, the should be , according to
the break tables in
For example
NotImplementedError create_*
FoodItem Item FoodItem(item_id: str, strength: float)
>>> apple = FoodItem('apple', 2)
>>> apple.place()
[('effect', ('food', 2))]
>>> apple.get_strength()
ToolItem Item
ToolItem(item_id: str, tool_type: str, durability: float)
item_id {material}_{tool_type}
>>> diamond_axe = ToolItem('diamond_axe', 'axe', 1337)
>>> diamond_axe.get_type()
>>> diamond_axe.get_max_stack_size()
>>> for _ in range(1295):
... diamond_axe.attack(False)
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5.2. Crafting
The process of turning items into new items is called Crafting. The player can craft items and reorder their inventory/hotbar in
a crafting screen. When the player presses the 'e' key, the basic crafting screen should toggle (switch between showing in a
new window & hiding). You may assume the player will not interact with the game world while a crafting window is open.
Add the constant to with at least three additional recipes of your own, and modify
to open the simple crafting window. Initially, this will only show the inventory & hotbar.
Next, in the file , complete the class according to the comments. You do not need to modify
any other code in this file ( is already instantiated in ).
See & in
5.2.1. Snippets
These can also be found in
5.3. CraftingTableBlock
Implement a class called which inherits from . When used, this block should trigger
the crafting table screen. From the block's perspective, this can be achieved by returning an effect from the method.
When mined with the correct tool, this block should drop an item form of itself. For example:
Add the 2x2 recipe to create the crafting table to . Further, add the
constant to with at least three additional recipes of your own.
Lastly, extend the method to open the crafting table screen.
5.3.1. Snippets
These can also be found in
6. Task 3 – Advanced Features
6.1. Mobs
Mobs are non-player-characters in the game. They are living (have health) and can move around. Some mobs can harm the
To complete this sub-task, in addition to subclassing , you will need to add additional blocks & items to the game,
including the relevant function, and drawing method(s) to the class. Further, you will need to
handle the case where the player attacks (left-clicks) a mob.
6.1.1. Sheep
Implement a class called which inherits from .
Sheep move around randomly and do not damage the player.
>>> diamond_axe.get_durability()
crafting.py GridCrafterView
GridCrafterView CraftingWindow._load_crafter_view
CraftingWindow GridCrafter crafting.py
CraftingTableBlock ResourceBlock
>>> table = CraftingTableBlock()
>>> table.use()
('crafting', 'crafting_table')
>>> table.get_drops(0, True)
[('item', ('crafting_table',))]
create_* WorldViewRouter
Sheep Mob
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When attacked, a sheep should drop wool ( ), without taking damage. This wool should be able
to be dropped as a block and should be included in at least one crafting recipe.
6.1.2. Bees
Implement a class called which inherits from .
Bees swarm the player, and individually cause a small amount of damage. They move slightly quicker than the player, and
swarm toward the player in a semi-random fashion. If there is a honey block ( )
nearby (within 10 blocks), they will instead swarm to the honey.
The player can attack bees, and with simple tools they should individually be destroyed in one hit.
When the player mines a hive block ( ), 5 bees should spawn and begin to swarm toward the
6.2. Furnace
The furnace allows the player access to another form of crafting, called smelting (also known as cooking, baking, melting,
drying, or burning). This process involves two items, a fuel source and the item to be heated. For example, the player can cook
an apple on wood to produce a cooked apple.
Allow the player to craft a furnace on the crafting table by using a ring of stone (a 3x3 grid, with nothing in the centre). This
should yield an item that can be placed as a furnace block, which when used opens the smelting screen, and when mined with
a pickaxe drops an item form of itself.
Ensure that the smelting screen shows some sort of icon to represent the smelting — you may use a simple canvas shape in
place of the flame shown above.
Lastly, add at least five smelting recipes to create items. You are encouraged to add new items/blocks to make this interesting
(i.e. diamond, gold, grain, etc.), although this is not required.
7. CSSE7030 Task – Independent Research
7.1. Advanced Feature
This task involves adding a bow & arrow tool to the game. Add it to the player's starting inventory.
When attacking, the bow should fire a flaming arrow at a trajectory matching the mouse's position relative to the player. For
example, if the player is centred at , and the cursor is at , the bow should fire at a 45 degree angle
to the left. The further the mouse is from the player, the stronger the arrow should fire, up to some maximum (i.e. 4 blocks
It is intended that gravity should cause the arrow to drop, and not necessarily pass through the position on the cursor. Further,
the bow should always fire, regardless of whether the target is in range.
Physics in Ninedraft is implemented in the class using the pymunk library, so to successfully complete this task, you
will need to research this library and subclass .
Further, to achieve full marks for this task, the flaming arrow must immediately destroy certain blocks on contact:
Wood is instantly destroyed and drops nothing
Hive blocks are instantly destroyed, and drop honey ( ) without spawning any bees.
8. Assignment Submission
Note: There will not be a practical interview for the third assignment.
wool = BlockItem('wool')
Bee Mob
honey = ResourceBlock('honey', ...)
hive = HiveBlock("hive")
(200, 200) (100, 100)
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Your assignment must be submitted via the assignment three submission link on Blackboard. You must submit a zip file,
, containing and all the files required to run your application (including images). Your zip file must include all
the support code.
Late submission of the assignment will not be accepted. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your assignment, as the
time to upload it may make it late. Multiple submissions are allowed, so ensure that you have submitted an almost complete
version of the assignment well before the submission deadline. Your latest, on time, submission will be marked. Ensure that
you submit the correct version of your assignment. An incorrect version that does not work will be marked as your final
In the event of exceptional circumstances, you may submit a request for an extension. See the course profile for details of how
to apply for an extension. Requests for extensions must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the submission deadline. The
expectation is that with less than 48 hours before an assignment is due it should be substantially completed and submittable.
Applications for extension, and any supporting documentation (e.g. medical certificate), must be submitted via my.UQ. You
must retain the original documentation for a minimum period of six months to provide as verification should you be requested
to do so.
Change Log
Version 1.1.0 - May 17
It is recommended that you immediately update your support code. However, if you began working on the assignment in
version 1.0.0, you may submit it with version 1.0.0 of the support code.
Assignment Sheet
Redistributed some marks within tasks to more accurately reflect difficulty
Clarified how food/health changes in 4.2. Mouse Controls & 5.1.1. FoodItem
Clarified terms in 4.2. Mouse Controls
Clarified concepts & expanded description in 4.4. Basic Items
Significantly clarified crafting in 5.2. Crafting, 5.3. CraftingTableBlock, & 6.2. Furnace (added snippets to the first two)
Fixed typographical errors, annotated relevant types, & added minor clarifications
Added screenshots of crafting to online view; also available in blackboard
Reformatted example code to be in the same form as running in IDLE
Support Files
Standardised parameter names:
app.py: ,
block.py: method of & its subclasses
Added comments to 100% of provided source code that requires them
Moved to , and added parameters to ; should now be instantiated in
Added method & added durability display to hotbar
Fixed items not being picked up when colliding with player
Renamed to
Renamed all instances of creature in to mob (case-insensitive)
Added abstract class & example class
Added & parameters to to prevent hacky solutions for
Moved 's health to parent class to share with
Merged into (to try and reduce overwhelming number of files)
a3.zip app.py
create_block(block_id) create_item(item_id)
get_drops(..., correct_item_used) Block
WorldViewRouter game.py __init__ app.py
creature.py mob.py
Mob Bird
time_delta game_data PhysicalThing.step
Player Mob
geometry.py core.py
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Added optional parameters to in to simplify post-graduate
Added with template for crafting view widget
collision_types, thing_categories World world.py
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