Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University Northwest
Intro. to Computer Comm. Networks (ECE 547), Fall 2019
Hands-on Assignment 1, Due Date: 11/08/2019
Problem 1 [10 points] Compare HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, and HTTP 2. Cite references that you used
for your answer.
Problem 2 [15 points] Write a short note (100-200 words) on BitTorrent protocol. Refer Chapter
2 from the textbook.
Task 0 [5 points]: Follow the steps mentioned below to install Virtual Box and run the virtual
machine (VM) provided by SEED labs.
a) Download Virtual Box from https://www.virtualbox.org/ and install it in your system
b) Download VM image available at
Check the user manual for username and password that you will use in Step c) for login.
c) Follow the tutorial available at
d) Once installed, put the screenshot in the report to support your completion of Task 0.
Note: Refer TCP Socket Programming and HTTP protocol to implement the given tasks
Task 1 [30 points]: Implement a client-server Quiz game. The server will read quiz.txt file
whenever a client gets connect with it. Each line in the file has a question and its answer separated
by comma. The server will randomly order the questions after reading them from the file and send
them to the client one by one. The client will respond each question and if the response matches
with the answer then it is correct. If the client answers three questions incorrectly, then the server
will send a message to the client ‘Please come again after practice!’ and client program will be
terminated. If the client answers all the questions correctly with only two or less mistakes, then the
server will send a message to the client that ‘Congratulations, you played very well!’ and the
client program will be terminated. Your server should be able to play with multiple client players
at the same time. You may refer Python multithreading to achieve this from the following link:
Playing the game
Put the attached quiz.txt file in the same directory that the server Python program is in. Open a
terminal and run the server program. Now open two more terminals and start the client program in
each terminal and play the game for each client.
Submit client and server code along with the screen shots, verifying that your game has
implemented properly for all the cases. The name format for the client and server program files
are firstname_lastname_game_client.py and firstname_lastname_game_server.py
Task 2 [40 points]: Develop a web server that handles HTTP requests from multiple browser
windows or tabs simultaneously. Your web server should accept and parse each HTTP request, get
the requested file from the server’s file system, create an HTTP response message consisting of
the requested file preceded by header lines, and then send the response directly to the client. If the
requested file is not present in the server, the server should send an HTTP “404 Not Found”
message back to the client.
Running the web server
Put the attached HTML file index.html and assignment1.txt file in the same directory that the
web server Python program is in. Run the server program. Open a browser and provide the
corresponding URL. For example: or
‘index.html’ and ‘assignment1.txt’ are the names of the files you placed in the server directory.
Note also the use of the port number after the colon. You need to replace this port number with
whatever port you have used in the server code. In the above example, we have used the port
number 8080.
The browser should then display the contents of index.html. If you omit ":8080", the browser will
assume port 80 and you will get the web page from the server only if your server is listening at
port 80. If the user does not provide any file name, i.e., the server should
return index.html page in response to the request.
Then try to get a file that is not present at the server (e.g. ece547.html). You should get a “404 Not
Found” message.
Submit complete server code along with the screen shots of your client browser, verifying that you
actually receive the contents of the HTML or text file from the server. The name format for the
server program file is firstname_lastname_webserver.py.
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