CSE 535: Mobile Computing
Accelerometer Data Graph
Assignment 2
Assignment 2 will be an extension of Assignment 1. In this assignment, you will be developing a
database for a patient. There are 3 parts to complete for Assignment 2. The components from
Assignment 1 should be present in the submission for this assignment as well.
Technology Requirements:
● Android Studio
● Either MatLab or Python
Project Description:
Part A
In Part A of this assignment, we will extend Assignment 1 with the capability of creating a
database for a patient (the database name should be the same name used for your
application). On entering the patient name, ID, age, and sex, your app should instantiate a
database with the table name “Name_ID_Age_Sex”.
The table will have four columns labeled:
1. Time Stamp,
2. X Values,
3. Y Values, and
4. Z Values
The app will then initiate a service that will connect to an accelerometer and collect data at a
sampling frequency of 1 Hz (meaning it will receive one data per one second). The data will be
stored in the table with the timestamp of a sample and the raw three axis values of the
The database folder name will be “Android/Data/CSE535_ASSIGNMENT2” in the SDCARD,
which should be created by your application. The SDCARD path can be different depending on
your selected environment, such as the emulator, the smartphone API, etc.
The Assignment 1 requirements should be present in your submission to illustrate the
accelerometer data graph. Additionally, your app needs to draw three graphs (the X-, Y-, and
Z-axis of the accelerometer data) separately on the screen, which means that the X-axis in the
graph view is the time, and there are three Y-axis values (each axis data of the accelerometer
sensor value – not 3D graph or sum of all the accelerometer axis values). Therefore, your app
will display three different graphs based on the smartphone movement.
Part B
In Part B, we will extend Part A with the capability of uploading the database to a web server.
Please create your own server either using a free AWS account or host a local server in your
personal computer.
Add another button to your UI named “Upload Database”. When you hit that button, your
database should be uploaded to the web server.
You do not need to implement the server-side programming. The server side is already
implemented and the server is running. If you look at the provided file named
“UploadToServer.php”, you can review how the server side works.
Part C
Add another button in the UI named “Download Database”. When you hit that button, the app
should download the data (if any) from the web server and plot the last 10 seconds of the data
in the graph. (Note: Do not copy it from saved database file.) The download path should be
“Android/Data/CSE535_ASSIGNMENT2_DOWN” in the SDCARD.
Demo Video
There are two parts required for the demo video submission: (1) the application demonstration
and (2) the source code description. Submit only one (1) video link – both parts should be
included in one video.
1. Application demonstration (maximum 2 minutes in length)
a. Begin recording from when you start the application. Show all of the required
functions including the exception handling, such as clicking the RUN button
multiple times.
2. Source description (maximum 5 minutes in length)
a. Show the overall UI.
b. Describe each UI component functionality by showing your java source code (not
XML). Explain how it works based on the source code. Then describe the reason
why you chose the functionality (i.e. it takes less time and space complexity
compared to another method, or it is a unique way to avoid some specific cases,
In the video demo, you should show all of the requirements from Parts A-C, including whether
your app creates the database folder or not, whether your app creates the download folder and
succeeds in downloading the file or not, etc.
● Individual submission
● Please upload (1) the zipped source code folder from your Android Studio workspace
and (2) the readme.txt file.
○ In the readme.txt file, you should include the demo video link (YouTube) and
your name.
○ In the source code of your app, acknowledge any reused code and mark what is
your own code. These comments are required.
● Before submitting your assignment, please double-check whether the “app-debug.apk”
file is within the project folders as follows: app > build > output > apk. If the file is not
within the project folders, please build your project at least one time before zipping. After
building your project, you will be able to see the apk file. Do not change anything for the
“app-debug.apk” file (e.g. do not change the name of the file).
● All of the source code files should be attached to the specific comments acknowledging
any reused code and your own code.
● The application and Android Studio project name should be your first initial and
last name.
○ E.g. Alice Jones would be “AJones” for the application and project name.
● To submit the demo video link, you should create a YouTube account and upload the
required video for the assignment to that account.
Grading Rubric:
Testing Environment for Grading
If possible, please use one of the environment settings listed below to avoid receiving the wrong
grade. Occasionally, a source code will not work correctly when the development environment is
different from the listed environments. If this occurs, we are not able to give you the correct
grade because it is not easy to find the reason why your application failed.
● Pixel 8
● API 29
This assignment is worth a total of 100 points. The “Grade Deductions” column represents the
number of points that will be deducted based on the condition in the “Condition” column.
● The app runs without being unresponsive
● The app can fill patient data
● The app successfully uploads the DB file
● The app correctly created the DB file
The app is unresponsive at any stage 50
The three graphs do not show 50
The app cannot fill patient data 30
Unable to hit the RUN button multiple times 30
Unable to hit the STOP button multiple times 30
The graph has the correct layout but no data 40
The graph contains data but it does not update 25
The graph is missing axis labels 20
The app fails to upload or download 50
The wrong DB was created 50
The wrong folder was created or it was not
created at all
Many students who previously took CSE 535 asked this question regarding this assignment.
Question 1: Is there any particular format in which we need to upload the database?
Yes, Dr. Banerjee will show the source code and how to create the DB file. Based on the
example, you can create the DB file using sqlite, and the DB file should be uploaded to receive
full credit.
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