Resources for User Interaction
Assignment 1
User Interface (UI) Design Evaluative Report and Proposal
By completing this assignment, students will be demonstrating their knowledge and skills learnt from Weeks 1–3 that include:
identifying a range of interactive media resources
understanding the importance of selecting appropriate resources as part of developing interactive media applications
understanding the impact the resources may have on user interaction and user experience
distinguishing different metrics, styles, usage of various fonts and typefaces
understanding the importance of selecting right fonts at right sizes according to the situation
understanding basic graphic concepts such as graphic type, resolution, colour palette, file format etc.
demonstrating basic image editing skills using GIMP software
understanding the importance of design concept tool such as style tile and demonstrate the ability to use it to plan the resources for interactive media development.
DUE DATE23rd March 2020 – 23:00 QLD time
Learning Attributes1, 3 & 4
Weight10% of overall unit assessment
SuggestionThis assignment is developmental and cumulative. You are strongly advised to start doing this assignment in Week 1. Leaving your starting date to the week before the due date is a very poor strategy for success in the unit.
2.Brief Description
This assignment involves two main parts:
1.an evaluative report for an existing website featuring four (4) or more types of media resources. This includes identifying and analysing the resources based on the principles of user interaction, user experience and design;
2.a design style proposal for an interactive media (website) to promote a fictitious brand of a healthy drink or snack product. The proposal should include an introduction, the proposed style tile itself and types of resources to be featured on the website and their usage description.
There are two templates supplied with this assignment:
1.Report Template
This template includes comprehensive guide on what you have to complete under each heading and sub-heading. Please ask your tutor if you need further details or clarification on the requirements.
Please note that your analysis and usage of the resources must be based on the theoretical concept or design principles rather than your personal taste and liking.
2.Style Tile Template
The standard template came from http://styletil.es/. Please check the website for examples of Style Tiles completed using this template.
The purposely flattened and modified copy of this file (without editable layers) have been made available for you under Assignment 1 in three different file types: .bmp, .png and .jpg. Compare the quality and the file size and decide which type is the right one for your purpose.
You are expected to create all the different layers (for typography, colours, etc.) with your own design elements in GIMP. Just a tip: you can use the supplied template in your background layer of your GIMP and change the layer visibility to suit your need.
You may modify the supplied template or create your own version of Style Tile as long as it includes the main elements as per the supplied template. Additional elements may also be included. Keep in mind that this is a creative unit, so any added creativity to enhance your submission (the visual/look of your Style Tile) will be rewarded. More importantly, please remember that you need to have a good balance in design, so do not overcrowd your style tile, thinking that it is a good idea to include all good design ideas into a single page.
Check the following URLs for more examples of completed Style Tiles:
4.Assessment Criteria
Marking CriteriaMax Marks (out of 10)
Part 1: Website Evaluative Report5.0
1.1 Media Resources Analysis2.0
1.2 Style Tile for this website (reverse engineering process)2.5
Part 2: Proposed Design Style5.0
2.1 Introduction0.5
2.2 Style Tile2.5
2.3 Media Resources Proposed Usage; and
2.4 Media List References (if applicable)2.0
5.Submission Format
You are required to submit the following three (3) files zipped / compressed together using
naming convention filename = FirstInitialYourLastName_ITC72003_A1_S1_2020.zip (or .rar)
(i.e. AStevens_ITC72003_A1_S1_2020.zip or AStevens_ITC72003_A1_S1_2020.rar)
1.Report file in a word doc/docx or pdf format naming convention: FirstInitialYourLastName_ITC72003_A1_Report_S1_2020.doc (or .pdf)
2.Style Tile for Part 1 in an editable GIMP file.xcf format with all the layers and effects
naming convention: FirstInitialYourLastName_ITC72003_A1_Part1StyleTile_S1_2020.xcf
3.Style Tile for Part 2 in an editable GIMP file.xcf format with all the layers and effects
naming convention: FirstInitialYourLastName_ITC72003_A1_Part2StyleTile_S1_2020.xcf
6.Original Work
It is a University requirement that a student’s work complies with the Academic Integrity Policy. It is a student’s responsibility to be familiar with the Policy.
Failure to comply with the Policy can have severe consequences in the form of University sanctions. For information on this Policy please refer to Student Academic Integrity policy at the following website: http://policies.scu.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00141
As part of a University initiative to support the development of academic integrity, assessments may be checked for plagiarism, including through an electronic system, either internally or by a plagiarism checking service (e.g. Turnitin), and be held for future checking and matching purposes.
7.Retain duplicate copy
Before submitting the assignment, you are advised to retain electronic copies of original work. In the event of any uncertainty regarding the submission of assessment items, you may be requested to reproduce a final copy.
8.School Extension Policy
In general, you will NOT be granted extension unless where there are exceptional circumstances. Students wanting an extension must make a request at least 24 hours before the assessment item is due and the request must be received in writing by the unit assessor or designated academic through student service (please visit https://www.scu.edu.au/current-students/student-administration/special-consideration/ for details). Extensions within 24 hours of submission or following the submission deadline will not be granted (unless supported by a doctor’s certificate or where there are exceptional circumstances – this will be at unit assessor’s discretion and will be considered on a case by case basis). Extensions will be for a maximum of 48 hours (longer extensions supported by a doctor’s certificate or alike to be considered on a case by case basis).
A penalty of 5% of the total available grade will accrue for each calendar day (24-hour period) if an assessment item is submitted late without prior extension granted. Therefore, an assessment item worth 20 marks will have 1 mark deducted for every 24-hour period and at the end of 20 days will receive 0 marks.
Students who fail to submit following the guidelines in this Unit Information Guide will be deemed to have not submitted the assessment item and the above penalty will be applied until the specified submission guidelines are followed.
9.Marks and Feedback
All assessment materials submitted during the semester will normally be marked and returned within two weeks of the required date of submission (provided that the assessment materials have been submitted by the due date).
Assignment 1 Marking Rubric
The following marking rubric will be used for the marking of your submission. Make sure you read CAREFULLY this to understand how your work would be graded against each of the defined criteria in section 4 above.
CriteriaFull mark¾ points½ points¼ pointsNo points
Part 1
(0.5 mark)A concise, valid and meaningful description of the chosen website, which includes
-the purpose of the website,
-what it promotes,
-the main target audience and
-general evaluation of the user interaction facilitated by this website.
No grammatical/spelling errors.A concise, valid and meaningful description of the chosen website, which includes
-the purpose of the website,
-what it promotes,
-the main target audience and
-general evaluation of the user interaction facilitated by this website.
Minor grammatical errors or minor omission of the requirements.Description is too general but satisfactory and valid; may contain:
-grammatical and spelling errors;
-major variation to 50 words requirement; or
-only addresses 2 requirements.Description is unclear and meaningless; it contains incorrect information about the website or only addresses 1 requirement.No evidence of introduction.
Media Resources Analysis
(2.0 marks)Overall, a comprehensive analysis of at least 4 media resources (e.g. text, graphic, sound, video) featured on the website with relevant valid references to the principles of user interaction, user experience and design e.g. typography, colours, layout, etc.
No grammatical/spelling errors.A valid analysis of at least 4 media resources (e.g. text, graphic, sound, video) featured on the website with minor omission of applicable references to the principles of user interaction, user experience and design e.g. typography, colours, layout, etc.
Minor grammatical/spelling errors.Logical analysis of 3 resources based primarily on personal taste or liking with minor inclusion of principles of user interaction, user experience and design.
Two or more grammatical and/or spelling errors.Unsatisfactory analysis of the media resources, discussing only 1 or 2 resources and the analysis primarily based on personal taste or liking without any reference to the principles of user interaction, user experience and design.No evidence of resource analysis.
Style Tile 1
(2.5 marks)Correct extraction of design elements and resources from the website into the Style Tile.
Excellent application of image editing skills and highly creative enhancement of the standard template, which results in more pleasing look and feel.Correct extraction of design elements and resources from the website into the Style Tile.
Good application of basic image editing skills to effectively place the elements following the template with minor modifications.
Correct extraction of design elements and resources from the website into the Style Tile with minor omission.
Satisfactory application of basic image editing skills to place the elements following the template with minor layout issues.
Unsatisfactory extraction of design elements and resources from the website into the Style Tile with major omission; and/or
Unsatisfactory application of basic image editing skills results in noticeable layout issues, which negatively affects the look and feel of the standard style tile.No evidence of Style Tile 1.
Part 2
(0.5 mark)A concise, valid and meaningful description of the proposed product,
-the purpose of the website,
-what it promotes,
-the main target audience and
-general expectation of the experience the user will have.
No grammatical/spelling errors.A concise, valid and meaningful description of the proposed product,
-the purpose of the website,
-what it promotes,
-the main target audience and
-general expectation of the experience the user will have.
Minor grammatical errors or minor omission of the requirements.Description is too general but satisfactory and valid; may contain:
-grammatical and spelling errors;
-major variation to 50 words requirement; or
-only addresses two requirements.
Description is unclear and meaningless. It contains irrelevant information about the proposed product and website; or only addresses 1 requirement.No evidence of introduction.
Style Tile 2
(2.5 marks)Ability to apply the design principles and theories correctly into practice. For example, choosing the correct typeface and colours for your product branding and promotion.
Excellent application of image editing skills and highly creative enhancement to the standard template, which results in more pleasing look and feel.Ability to apply the design principles and theories correctly into practice. For example, choosing the correct typeface and colours for your product branding and promotion.
Good application of basic image editing skills to effectively place the elements following the template with minor modifications.
Limited ability to apply design principles and theories into practice. Some inconsistencies, such as choosing the typeface or colours which may not fully appropriate for your product branding and promotion is apparent.
Satisfactory application of basic image editing skills to place the elements following the template with minor layout issues.
It is apparent that design principles or theories have not been taken into consideration when deciding on the style including typeface, colours, and images; and/or
Unsatisfactory application of basic image editing skills to place the elements following the template with noticeable layout issues which negatively affects the look and feel of the design style in general.No evidence of Style Tile 1.
Media Resources Proposed Usage and Media List References (if applicable)
(2.0 marks)A concise usage proposal of at least 4 media resources (e.g. text, graphic, sound, video) with relevant and valid references to the principles of user interaction, user experience, design.
Complete and valid referencing of all non-original media resources.
No grammatical/spelling errors.
A concise usage proposal of at least 4 media resources (e.g. text, graphic, sound, video) with minor omission of applicable references to the principles of user interaction, user experience, design.
Valid referencing of non-original media resources with only minor omissions.
Minor grammatical/spelling errors.Logical usage proposal of 3 resources with the choice primarily made based on personal taste or liking with minor inclusion of principles of user interaction, user experience or design.
Two or more grammatical and/or spelling errors.
Omission of several references of non-original media resources; or evidence of an invalid reference.
Unsatisfactory usage proposal of the media resources, listing only 1 or 2 resources and the choice primarily made based on personal taste or liking without any reference to the principles of user interaction, user experience or design.
Omission of more than half non-original media resources; or evidence of 2 or more invalid references.No evidence of
Media Resources Proposed Usage and Media List References (if applicable).
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