Assessment Information
Assessment 1b: Bi-weekly Report (Weeks 3-4)
Due: Sunday August 9th by 11:59pm
Weight: 6% of total mark for this unit
Word limit: 1 to 2 pages
Individual Assessment
Short answer questions to assess and reinforce learning of the concepts of Weeks 3-4 by
exploring convergence of dynamic routing protocols and possible cyber-attacks on the TCP
disconnection exchange.
Dynamic routing protocols such as OSPF are a key technology in the reliable operation of
networks in most large organisations. To ensure correct information is communicated,
installations of OSPF are usually configured to include a hash value in OSPF packets to allow
their contents to be validated by receivers.
Consider a scenario where an attacker gains limited control over a router which interconnects
three or more networks. The access gained by the attacker only allows them to activate or
deactivate (turn on or off) any of the network interfaces on that router.
i. Describe how OSPF would react to the attacker deactivating one of the network
interfaces on the router.
ii. Discuss the possible impacts on the network if the attacker were to repeatedly
deactivate and reactivate one of the network interfaces on the router.
Assessment Information
Your answers should be submitted via CloudDeakin to the TurnItIn-enabled Assignment Folder
for the Assignment 1b - Weeks 3-4 Bi-Weekly Report. Your answers to each question and subquestion
must be clearly identified in your submission. Acceptable file formats are Word
documents, PowerPoint documents, PDF documents, text and rich text files, and HTML.
Compressed files, such as ZIP files or RAR files are not accepted and will not be marked.
After submitting your assignment you should receive an email to your Deakin email address
confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in
the Submissions view of the Assignment folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email
receipt for the submission.
Academic misconduct and plagiarism is subjected to penalties.
Plagiarism includes and not limited to:
• Copying others’ work without appropriate referencing
• Re-using assignment material completed by other students
• Contracting others to do assessment tasks on your behalf.
This assignment assesses the following Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) and related Unit
Learning Outcomes (ULO):
Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
GLO1: You will be required to work with
content relevant to computer networks,
network security, and the IT discipline in
ULO1: You will be required to explain the
architecture and operation of computer
networks, security attacks, and defensive
ULO2: You will be required to explain
normal and abnormal behaviour of
network protocols.
ULO3: You will be required to explain
how cybersecurity activity can be
Assessment Information
No extensions will be considered for this assessment unless a request is submitted through the
CloudDeakin and approved by the Unit Chair (enter SIT716 unit page and click Assessment ->
Extension request). Assignment Extensions are normally only approved when students apply
before the due date. The Unit Chair may ask you to supply supporting documentation about the
difficulties you are facing, and evidence of the work you have completed so far.
A marking penalty will be applied where the assessment task is submitted after the due date
without an approved extension as follows:
a. 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days
b. where work is submitted more than five days after the due date, the task will not be
marked and the student will receive 0% for the task.
'Day' means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions.
(This assessment task uses electronic submission)
Assessment Information
SIT716 Computer Networks and Security
Assessment 1: Bi-Weekly Report (Course 2)
Criteria High Distinction
(80 – 100)
(70 – 79)
(60 – 69)
(50 – 59)
(0 – 49)
Task i
Criteria 1:
Discuss OSPF’s reaction to a
link being deactivated.
How OSPF would react to a
link being deactivated has
been clearly explained and
you have clearly
demonstrated insight into
the potential impacts on
network connectivity
generally and how that
would be influenced by
different possible changes
to network topology.
How OSPF would react to a
link being deactivated has
been clearly explained and
there is good insight into the
impact on the network
connectivity more generally.
How OSPF would react to a
link being deactivated has
been adequately explained.
Description of how OSPF
would react to a link being
deactivated is unclear and/or
there are minor gaps in the
Answer does not correctly
explain how OSPF will react
to the state of a link being
Task ii
Criteria 2:
Discuss OSPF’s reaction to
the state of a link rapidly
being deactivated and
How OSPF would react to a
link being rapidly
deactivated/reactivated has
been clearly explained and
there is good insight into
the potential impacts on
network connectivity and
how that would be
influenced by different
possible changes to
network topology.
How OSPF would react to a
link being rapidly
deactivated/reactivated has
been clearly explained and
there is good insight into the
impact on the network
connectivity more generally.
How OSPF would react to a
link being rapidly
deactivated/reactivated has
been adequately explained.
Description of how OSPF
would react to a link being
rapidly deactivated/
reactivated is unclear and/or
there are minor gaps in the
Answer does not correctly
explain how OSPF will react
to the state of a link being
rapidly deactivated/
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