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Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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Assignment 1

Introduction to Robotics (DD2410)

Assignment 1: Introduction to ROS

In this course we will be using the Robot Operating System (ROS). ROS is a middleware platform

that provides libraries and tools that help software developers create robot applications. It simplifies

the integration of different components on the same system and over the network.

Why do we use ROS?

Very large user community

Standard in many robotics labs around the world, even in some companies

Many commercially available robots use ROS nowadays

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Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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Open source + large community = lots of packages, libraries, and tools available

Robot planning and control


Visualization tools

Hardware drivers and interfaces

Etc ...

Modularization and abstraction


Easier to collaborate with others

Make roboticists' life easier

Basic ROS concepts

ROS has a great wiki that you can find here . There you can find basically everything about ROS,

and it should be the first place you look when you have trouble with ROS. There is also a Q&A, like

Stack Overflow but for ROS, here where you can ask questions and find answers to other people's


Since ROS already has a great wiki with tutorials and such, we will only briefly mention the most

basic concepts here. You can then find more information in the ROS wiki as you please. We think this

is a good way of teaching you ROS, since the most important skill for you in order to master ROS is

to be able to find the information you need quickly in the ROS wiki.

Nodes : ROS nodes are executables, processes that perform computation. A node should

perform a single well-defined task, such as motor control, localization, sensor processing, etc. In a

typical system you have many nodes. Each running node is able to exchange information through

topics and services. A ROS node is written with the use of a ROS client library , such as roscpp

or rospy . In this course you will write all code in Python so you will be using rospy.

Remember to make your Python script executable .

Master : The ROS Master is what allows nodes to be able to find each other and exchange

messages, or invoke services. For a functional ROS system you have to have a ROS master

running. To explicitly start the ROS Master you use the command roscore . A ROS Master is

implicitly started when running the command roslaunch , if there is no ROS Master already

running. We recommend that you always explicitly start the ROS Master, using roscore , such that

you do not have to restart the whole system when restarting the launch file that started the ROS

Master implicitly.

Parameter Server : The Parameter Server allows you to store data as key-value pairs, which

nodes can access. This is especially useful when writing nodes in C++, since it allows you to

change a parameters value without recompiling the node. It also allows other people using your

code to easier change a parameter value, without going into your code. The Parameter Server is

part of the ROS Master.

Messages : Nodes communicate with each other by passing messages. A message is simply a

data structure that can be passed between nodes.

Topics : Nodes can send out messages by publishing the messages to a topic. Another node

can then subscribe to the same topic in order to receive the messages. For example, a camera

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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node would publish camera images to some topic, a vision system can then subscribe to that

topic in order to get the images. Topics implement many-to-many relationship, meaning there can

be multiple publishers and subscribers on the same topic. For each topic there can only be one

type of message that is being published. A single node can subscribe and publish to multiple

different topics.

Services : The publish and subscribe model of topics is very flexible, sometimes, however, you

want to be able to request something and get a response. Services implement a client-server

relationship. One node here acts as a server and offers the service. Other nodes (or the same

node) acts as clients and can use the service. A service is defined by a pair of messages, the

request message and the response message. A service call is almost like a function call. You

might have a path planning node that is offering a path planning service. Another node can then

call that path planning service with a starting point and an end point as the request message and

will in return get a response message containing the path from the starting point to the end point.

Bags : Bags are a format for recording and playing back ROS message data. They allow you to

test your algorithms on data without running the system. This can be especially useful when you

are working in places where there is difficult or time consuming to collect new data every time you

want to test a change to your algorithms.

Packages : Pieces of software in ROS are bundled together and distributed through packages.

They contain source code for nodes, message/service/parameters files, and build and install


You can (and probably should) read more about the basic ROS concepts in the ROS wiki.

Higher level ROS concepts

Here we will describe some of the higher level ROS concepts. You can (and probably should) read

more about the higher level ROS concepts in the ROS wiki.


Let's first take a step back and look at how to deal with coordinate systems in ROS. A coordinate

system is defined by a frame of reference. You might for example say that your computer is 50 cm

from the left edge of your table, and 40 cm from the bottom edge. This coordinate system uses the

table's lower left corner as its frame of reference (its origin), but clearly, you could choose any

arbitrary reference frame. Perhaps it would make more sense to locate your laptop with respect to the

north-east corner of the room you are in. If you then know where the table is in the room, it should be

trivial to calculate the position of your laptop in the room -- this is exactly what TF does for you. A

more concretely robotics-related application is available in section 1 of

http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup/TF . More exact terminology can be found on the

ROS wiki's TF terminology page .

In mobile robotics there are three important frames that (almost) always are present when working

with ROS: the map frame, considered the "absolute" coordinate system in that it does not change

over time; the odom frame, for odometry frame, whose origin typically is where the robot was

powered on; and the base_link frame, which is the robot frame -- in other words, the robot is always

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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at the origin of the base_link frame. REP 105 (Links to an external site.) defines these, and also

gives some naming conventions and semantics, as well as some additional common frames.

The picture below illustrates the relationship between the three frames mentioned above and some

additional ones. A position x=(x, y, z) or a pose (x, y, z and three rotations about the body axes) can

be expressed in any of the frames. However, one of them is usually more natural than the other. For

example, your laptop is easier to locate with respect to the table than the room in the example above.

In the image below, the location of the landmarks L1 and L2 are easier to express in the map frame,

whereas the position of the camera_link is defined with respect to base_link (i.e. relative to the robot.)

We can see from the graph that in order to know where the camera is in the map frame we also need

to know where the robot is in the odom frame and the relation between the odom frame and the map

frame. This requires a localization system, which estimates the pose of the robot in the map frame

and therefore calculates the transform between map and odometry. We will see later how TF allows

us to seamlessly move from frame to frame and thus make it possible to, for example, express the

location of the landmarks in the base_link frame.

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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We recommend you to use the newer TF2 instead of the old TF . However, things such as

converting a quaternion to/from euler has not yet been implemented for the Python API of TF2,

therefore you have to use TF in these situations. You can see an example of that here .


Services are great, however sometimes you want to cancel a request to a service. For example if the

service is taking too much time or if you noticed something in the environment that affects what you

want to do.

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

https://canvas.kth.se/courses/20716/pages/assignment-1[2020/9/3 8:49:14]

It would also be great if you could get periodical feedback about the request. For example if you have

a path planner you might be able to start moving along the path even before the whole path has been


This is where actionlib comes in. It is like services with the added ability for the client to cancel the

request and for the server to send periodic feedback to the client.

Use simple action server and client.


ROS provides tools to visualize your data. They subscribe to your topics and display information.


You can use RViz for general purpose visualization.

One of the most important tools in the ROS arsenal is RViz, the robot visualization tool. You can start

RViz by running rviz in a terminal. At the top is the toolbar. Typically, you will use the "Interact" tool;

it pans, zooms and pivots the camera in the main 3D view. On the left is the "displays" panel; for now,

you will only have a grid indicating the ground plane. The displays are, as the name suggests, things

that are displayed in the main view. On the right is the camera settings panel, for now it can be left

alone. It allows you to do things like following the robot in third person, 2D map projection, orbiting,

and more.


You can use RQT for more specialized analysis. You can show the node graph, TF tree, plot data,

publish to topics and call services, show debug messages, and much more. Check it out!

ROS cheat sheet

You can find a useful ROS cheat sheet here . As you can see it is for ROS Indigo, however

everything seems to be the same for Melodic.

When you need help with ROS

There are a lot of nice tutorials and information on the ROS webpage. Always look there first for

information on ROS/ROS Packages.

ROS wiki


ROS tutorials

The practical part of the assignment

Now we will start with the practical part of the assignment.

What we use in this course

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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Ubuntu 18.04

ROS Melodic


If you are interested you can read more here .

Everything is installed for you in computer labs:

E building: Röd, Orange, Gul, Grön, Brun, Grå, Karmosin, Vit, Magenta

D bulding: Spel, Sport

Insall, source, and create ROS workspace

Own computer

# Install ROS Melodic desktop full

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list


sudo apt-key adv --keyserver 'hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80' --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBA


sudo apt update

sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full

sudo rosdep init

rosdep update

sudo apt install python-rosinstall python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool build-essential python-pip p


# Install ROS packages and such for assignment 1

sudo apt install ros-melodic-ros-tutorials ros-melodic-turtlebot3 ros-melodic-turtlebot3-simulations rosmelodic-navigation

libspatialindex-dev libqt4-dev

sudo apt install ros-melodic-rqt ros-melodic-rqt-common-plugins ros-melodic-turtlesim

sudo apt install ros-melodic-turtle-tf2 ros-melodic-tf2-tools ros-melodic-tf

pip install rtree sklearn

School computer

rosdep update

pip install rtree sklearn

cd ~

mkdir not

mv .nv .nvidia-settings-rc not

The last line fixes an OpenGL problem that students with an old account would otherwise encounter.

It is fine if it gives an error and says that the file or folder does not exist.

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

https://canvas.kth.se/courses/20716/pages/assignment-1[2020/9/3 8:49:14]

For all

Source ROS :

echo "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

Create a ROS workspace :

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src

cd ~/catkin_ws/


echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

Recommended editor

I recommend that you use VS Code with the extensions:



Other that you find useful...

You can of course just whichever editor you want. Here you can find more information about different

integrated development environments (IDEs) and how they work with ROS: https://wiki.ros.org/IDEs



Basic ROS tutorials

In order for you to get a practical understanding of ROS you should now do the beginner level core

ROS tutorials that you can find here .

We did 1 above so you can skip that one if you want. Since we are using Python you should therefore


3. Creating a ROS Package

4. Building a ROS Package

12. Writing a Simple Publisher and Subscriber (Python)

15. Writing a Simple Service and Client (Python)

OPTIONAL tutorials

To get a deeper understanding, or if you get stuck later on, it might be a good idea to also do:

2. Navigating the ROS Filesystem

5. Understanding ROS Nodes

6. Understanding ROS Topics

7. Understanding ROS Services and Parameters

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

https://canvas.kth.se/courses/20716/pages/assignment-1[2020/9/3 8:49:14]

8. Using rqt_console and roslaunch

9. Using rosed to edit files in ROS

10. Creating a ROS msg and srv

13. Examining the Simple Publisher and Subscriber

16. Examining the Simple Service and Client

17. Recording and playing back data

18. Getting started with roswtf

19. Navigating the ROS wiki

If you want you may also do the intermediate level tutorials and/or the C++ tutorials.

TF2 tutorials

The TF library in ROS is very useful when you are building real systems. Therefore we feel it is

important that you get to try it out. You should therefore do the TF2 tutorials for Python.

You should do at least:

1. Introduction to tf2

1. Writing a tf2 static broadcaster (Python)

2. Writing a tf2 broadcaster (Python)

3. Writing a tf2 listener (Python)

Optional tutorials

To get a deeper understanding, or if you get stuck later on, it might be a good idea to also do:

4. Adding a frame (Python)

5. Learning about tf2 and time (Python)

6. Time travel with tf2 (Python)

1. Quaternion Basics

You can of course do the other tutorials as well.

Actionlib tutorials

Actionlib is useful when you have something that you want to function as a service but with the

abilities to send intermediate results and cancel the request.

An example for when actionlib is useful. Imagine that you have a path following node that provides a

path following service. Once another node has made a request on the path following service the path

planning node will execute the whole path. But what happens if you see something along the way

and want to do something else based on that? Well, if you use a service you cannot do much other

than wait until the path follower has reached the end of the path. If the path following node instead

had provided a path following action then the other node would have been able to cancel the request

once you saw something interesting, and the robot would therefore stop following the path.

You should do at least these actionlib tutorials:

4. Writing a Simple Action Server using the Execute Callback (Python)

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

https://canvas.kth.se/courses/20716/pages/assignment-1[2020/9/3 8:49:14]

5. Writing a Simple Action Client (Python)

Detailed description of actionlib: https://wiki.ros.org/actionlib/DetailedDescription



cd ~/catkin_ws/

wstool init src

cd ~/catkin_ws/src

wstool set -y irob_assignment_1 --git https://github.com/danielduberg/irob_assignment_1.git -v master

wstool set -y hector_slam --git https://github.com/tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg/hector_slam.git -v melodic-devel

wstool update

cd ~/catkin_ws

# This makes sure we compile in release mode (which means that the compiler optimizes the code)

catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo

source ~/.bashrc


You will now do a mini-project where you should help a TurtleBot3 robot explore an unknown

environment. The robot is called Burger and you can see a picture of Burger below.

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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Image taken from: http://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/specifications/#data-ofturtlebot3-burger

The ability to perform autonomous exploration is essential for an autonomous system operating in

unstructured or unknown environments where it is hard or even impossible to describe the

environment beforehand.

Sysem description

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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Luckily for you, you do not have to solve the whole exploration task. Instead you will use an

exploration node, based on receding horizon "next-best-view" (RH-NBV) , that we have prepared

for you. You will also make use of a collision avoidance node, based on the obstacle-restriction

method (ORM) and pure pursuit (for smooth control), that ensures safe path following. In order

for Burger to localize herself/himself you will also run a SLAM node, based on Hector SLAM , which

does mapping and localization. We will also make use of a costmap_2d node in order to make the

exploration and collision avoidance simpler. Since you are not given a real Burger robot we will do

this in simulation. The simulator we use is called Gazebo and it is a popular simulator when

working with ROS. Lastly, we will use a robot_state_publisher node to get the necessary


What you will have to do is create a controller node that is using the exploration node and the

collision avoidance node in order to move Burger around in the environment. This is one of the best

things about ROS. That you do not have to do everything yourself. Instead you can use what others

have done and simply "glue" the pieces together to make your desired system work.

Let's sart

Open three terminals.

In the first terminal you should start the ROS Master:


In the second terminal you should launch the file simulator.launch inside irob_assignment_1/launch like


roslaunch irob_assignment_1 simulator.launch

And in the third terminal launch the file start.launch inside irob_assignment_1/launch like this:

roslaunch irob_assignment_1 start.launch

You will see a window called RViz open:

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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In the main view of the RViz window you can see a small Turtlebot3 Burger robot in the middle of the

white area. The white area of the map is called free space, it is space where the robot knows there is

nothing. The large gray area is unknown space, it is space that the robot knowns nothing about. It

can be either free space or occupied space. Occupied space is the cerise colored space. The cyan

colored space is called C-space, it is space that are a distance from the occupied space such that the

robot would collied with the occupied space if it would move into it. Take a look at the image below if

you are interested. You can read more about it here . Your job will be to help Burger explore as

much of the unknown space as possible.

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Image taken from: https://wiki.ros.org/costmap_2d

If you open up RQT :


Then in the topbar select Plugins->Introspection->Node Graph and uncheck Leaf topics , you will see

something like this:

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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Here you can see all of the nodes that were started when you ran the roslaunch commands before,

and that we talked about previously. There are two nodes of interest for you here. The /explore node

and the /collision_avoidance node.

The /explore node is providing an action server called get_next_goal with the type

irob_assignment_1/GetNextGoalAction . If we take a look at the action definition:

# Goal definition


# Result definition

float64 gain

nav_msgs/Path path


# Feedback definition

float64 gain

nav_msgs/Path path

We see that in the request it does not require anything. So when you call this action server, you do

not have to supply any arguments. The result you will get from the action server is a gain value and

a path . The gain value tells you how valuable the path is. It is often how much new space you will

discover when moving along the corresponding path.

In the feedback you can see that you, once again, get gain and a path . The longer the exploration

algorithm is running the better path -- one with higher gain -- it will find. However, it is not always

worth the time it takes to find the best path. So since you get a path with an associated gain, you

might want to stop the exploration once you get a path with a gain higher than a certain value. You

are not require to do this to pass this assignment, it is optional.

Okay, so lets say you have now called the explore action server and gotten a path. Now you want the

robot to move along the path. You also do not want the robot to crash while following the path.

Therefore we should now take a look at the collision avoidance node.

The collision avoidance node is providing a service called get_setpoint of type

irob_assignment_1/GetSetpoint . If you type:

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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rossrv show irob_assignment_1/GetSetpoint

You will see the request and response messages:

# Define the request

nav_msgs/Path path


# Define the response

geometry_msgs/PointStamped setpoint

nav_msgs/Path new_path

You can see that the service wants a path, which is perfect because that is exactly what you got from

the exploration action server. In return you will get a setpoint of type geometry_msgs/PointStamped and a

new path. You get a new path since the collision avoidance node is removing points along the path

which is thinks you have already moved passed. The setpoint is where you should move the robot

next to follow the path in a safe and efficient way.

If we take a look at the setpoint message:

rosmsg show geometry_msgs/PointStamped

We see:

std_msgs/Header header

uint32 seq

time stamp

string frame_id

geometry_msgs/Point point

float64 x

float64 y

float64 z

The header tells you in which frame the point is in. If you print the frame

rospy.loginfo("The frame is: %s", setpoint.header.frame_id)

You will see that the point is specified in the X (where X is the frame you get) frame.

Okay, so now you have the point and you know which frame it is in. How do we make the robot


If we take a look at the topics list:

rostopic list

You should be able to find a topic called /cmd_vel . It sounds interesting, maybe it means "command

velociy"? We want more info about the topic so we write:

rostopic info /cmd_vel

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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And it will output something like:

Type: geometry_msgs/Twist

Publishers: None


* /gazebo (http://X:YYYYY/)

Here we see that there is one subscriber to the topic and no publisher. We also see that the message

type that is communicated over the topic is called geometry_msgs/Twist . We take a look at the message


rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist

And we get:

geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear

float64 x

float64 y

float64 z

geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular

float64 x

float64 y

float64 z

So the geometry_msgs/Twist message consist of a linear and angular velocity. Burger is a differential

drive robot. Meaning Burger can only move forward/backward and rotate. To move forward linear.x

should be positive. To move backwards it would be negative. To rotate you change the value of

"angular.z", then the robot will be "yawing", rotating around the z-axis. Changing linear.y, linear.z,

angular.x, and angular.y has no effect on the robot.

We can also see that the geometry_msgs/Twist message does not contain a header , therefore the

subscriber to the /cmd_vel topic has no idea in what frame of reference the incoming velocity

command has. Instead the subscriber assumes that the velocity command is in the robots frame.

Take a look at the TF tree by running the command rqt , to start RQT, then in the top bar select

Pluings->Visualization->TF Tree :

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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The robots frame is often called base_link and it is in this mini-project as well. So this is the frame the

subscriber on the /cmd_vel topic is expecting the velocity command to be specified in. So if the

setpoint you got from the get_setpoint service is not in the base_link frame then you have to

transform it using TF2 to base_link .

After you have transformed the setpoint to base_link you should now convert the setpoint from a

geometry_msgs/PointStamped message to a geometry_msgs/Twist message and publish it on the /cmd_vel

topic. If you did the TF2 tutorial on writing a tf2 listener you should have a good idea about how to

convert the geometry_msgs/PointStamped to a geometry_msgs/Twist . Remember that you should transform

the setpoint, so you cannot do exactly as it says in the TF2 tutorial. It is a good idea to use the


transformed_setpoint = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_point(setpoint, transform)

When transforming the setpoint using the transform you got from:

transform = tf_buffer.lookup_transform(...)

It can be a good idea to limit the linear and angular velocities, otherwise the robot will act strange.

These seem to be good values:

max_linear_velocity = 0.5

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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max_angular_velocity = 1.0

But you are free to try other values.

Then after that you should again call the get_setpoint with the new_path you got from the service the

last time you called it, and then you do the same thing to transform and publish the new setpoint. You

do this until the new_path does not contain any poses:

while new_path.poses:

When that happens you should call the explore action server again to get a new path, and do

everything over again until the action server returns an empty path and/or the gain is 0, meaning

there is nothing new to explore.

It can be a good idea to limit the frequency of publishing to /cmd_vel to somewhere between 10 to 20.

You can do that using the rospy.Rate(X) and then rate.sleep() as you did in the tutorials.

You can do the assignment using two different approaches:

Simple approach

If you go into the folder irob_assignment_1/scripts you will see a file called controller.py . Here we

have made a skeleton for the controller node that you should write. So create your controller node in

that file. When you are done you can test your controller by running:

rosrun irob_assignment_1 controller.py

If your code does not work yet, or you want to restart you simply have to close down your node and

start.launch by going to the terminal where you started start.launch and press CTRL+C . Thereafter

you launch the start.launch again:

roslaunch irob_assignment_1 start.launch

Together with your node in a seperate terminal:

rosrun irob_assignment_1 controller.py

Note that you do not have to restart roscore or simulator.launch .

Pseudocode for the assignment:

# Init stuff

while True:

path, gain = get_path_from_action_server()

if path is empty:

exit() # Done

while path is not empty:

path, setpoint = get_updated_path_and_setpoint_from_service(path)

setpoint_transformed = transform_setpoint_to_robot_frame(setpoint)


Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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You should be able to implement this in around 80-100 lines of Python code. You should not need

to import anything else or declare any other global variables then the once we provided in the

skeleton. Of course you are allowed to do that if you want.

Sometimes you will see the robot getting stuck in walls. It is because the collision avoidance system

was developed for a holonomic robot. To prevent this from happening it can be a good idea to set the

linear velocity to 0 when Burger has to do a lot of turning. For example when the angular velocity is

equal (or almost equal) to the maximum angular velocity you chose (1.0 if you want the same value

as I used). This ensures that Burger follows the path more closely.

What you should see if you have done everything correct:

OPTIONAL: Callback based approach

If you did the mini-project using the simple approach you will notice that the exploration is quite slow

and that Burger is just standing still a lot. This is because we are not using Actionlib to it's full

potential. We are simply using the action server as a service.

To utilize Actionlib fully we have to use the callback based action client. Sadly, there is not a tutorial

for a callback based action client written in Python on the Actionlib tutorial page. Therefore I will give

you a minimal example of Callback Based SimpleActionClient written in Python here:

#!/usr/bin/env python2

import rospy

import actionlib

import irob_assignment_1.msg

goal_client = None

def goal_active():

rospy.loginfo("I got activated")

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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def goal_feedback(feedback):

rospy.loginfo("I got feedback")

# TODO: Do your stuff

def goal_result(state, result):

if actionlib.TerminalState.SUCCEEDED == state:

rospy.loginfo("Action returned succeeded")

# TODO: Do your stuff

elif actionlib.TerminalState.RECALLED == state:

rospy.loginfo("Action returned recalled")

elif actionlib.TerminalState.REJECTED == state:

rospy.loginfo("Action returned rejected")

elif actionlib.TerminalState.PREEMPTED = state:

rospy.loginfo("Action returned preempted")

elif actionlib.TerminalState.ABORTED = state:

rospy.loginfo("Action returned aborted")

elif actionlib.TerminalState.LOST = state:

rospy.loginfo("Action returned lost")

def get_path():

global goal_client


goal = irob_assignment_1.msg.GetNextGoalGoal()

goal_client.send_goal(goal, active_cb=goal_active,

feedback_cb=goal_feedback, done_cb=goal_result)

if __name__ == "__main__":


# Action client

goal_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(

"get_next_goal", irob_assignment_1.msg.GetNextGoalAction)



The difference from the none callback based action client is that we specify three callback functions

when calling send_goal:

active_cb : This will be called as soon as the goal has been sent to the server.

feedback_cb : This will be called every time the server sends feedback to the client.

done_cb : This will be called when the server is done with the goal, when the client cancel the goal,

or an error happens during processing of the goal.

As you can see we also do not wait_for_result() or get_result() since we will get the feedback or

result as soon as it is available in the feedback_cb or done_cb callback, respectively.

You can find a code skeleton for the callback based approach in file controller_feedback.py in the

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

https://canvas.kth.se/courses/20716/pages/assignment-1[2020/9/3 8:49:14]

folder irob_assignment_/scripts . To run it you type in the terminal:

rosrun irob_assignment_1 controller_feedback.py

How can you use the Callback Based SimpleActionClient in order to increase the speed of the

exploration? You can implement the assignment with Callback Based SimpleActionClient in less

than 100 lines of Python code.

What you should see if you have done everything correct:

The presentation

The important part of this assignment is not that you write superb code. What we want you to focus

on is to understand ROS.

You should be able to explain the different ROS concepts, nodes, topics, services, messages,

actionlib, ect. You should be able to explain all lines in your code: why do you need a

rospy.init_node(...) ? What does pub = rospy.Publisher(...) and pub.publish(...) do? What is the

queue_size parameter used for when you are calling rospy.Publisher(...) ?

(Will be) Frequently Asked Quesions

Which TF functions should I use to complete the mini-project?

I did it with tf_buffer.lookup_transform(...) and tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_point(...) .

lookup_transform is not working, why?

It is probably because you initialized the TF buffer (and listener) just before you called

tf_buffer.lookup_transform(...) . You have to initialize them early such that there is time to fill up the

buffer with transforms.

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

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My robot moves weird in the mini-project, why?

Did you set a maximum linear and angular velocity? 0.5 and 1.0, respectively, should work. Also

consider setting the linear velocity to 0 if the angular velocity is high (close to your maximum).

How do I get the angle to the setpoint?

Math. Use: math.atan2(y, x) .

The TF says something about extrapolating into the pas, why?

Probably because you did not initilize the TF buffer such that it has the transforms, like this:

# Imports

# Global variables

tf_buffer = None

listener = None

# Your other functions

if __name__ == "__main__":


# Other stuff you want to init

# Create TF buffer

tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()

listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer)

# Function calls and such


You should do this in the beginning (right after rospy.init_node(...) ) such that it has time to buffer the


The TF says something about extrapolating into the future, why?

Probably because you are trying to get a transform that is not yet available. TF2 cannot extrapolate,

only interpolate.

You can use these inside tf_buffer.lookup_transform(...) : rospy.Time(0) to get the most recent

transform and rospy.Duration(1) to wait for 1 second if that is needed.

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

https://canvas.kth.se/courses/20716/pages/assignment-1[2020/9/3 8:49:14]

Why is the exploration so slow?

You probably did not use the Callback Based SimpleActionClient. Implement it using Callback Based

SimpleActionClient instead. In the feedback callback you can see if the current gain is over, for

example, 3 (or some other value that you find is good) and then cancel the goal if that is the case.

I am trying to cancel the goal but it is not working :(

Try to cancel all the goals using goal_client.cancel_all_goals() .

I implemented the Callback Based SimpleActionClient, but it is not working :(

Did you actually cancel the request after you got a feedback with high enough gain? When you

cancel the request you will get a result actionlib.TerminalState.PREEMPTED , so be sure that in the result

callback that you only do something if the state is actionlib.TerminalState.SUCCEEDED .

I get an error when launching the simulation

If you get an error like this when starting the simulation:

[ERROR] [1566203746.351834242, 923.389000000]: Transform failed during publishing of map_odom transform:

Lookup would require extrapolation into the past. Requested time 922.885000000 but the earliest data is

at time 922.951000000, when looking up transform from frame [base_footprint] to frame [odom]

Do not worry about it. It is fine. It is because the SLAM system is trying to use a transform that does

not exist yet.

I get an other error when launching the simulation

If you get an error like this when starting the simulation:

[gazebo-1] process has died [pid 6639, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver -e ode

/home/dduberg/catkin_ws/src/irob_assignment_1/worlds/office.world __name:=gazebo __log:=/home/dduberg/.r


log file: /home/dduberg/.ros/log/18af60ee-c01f-11e9-98f6-b06ebf6030aa/gazebo-1*.log

It means that Gazebo crashed and you have to restart the simulation. Sadly, this happens sometime.

It takes a long time for RViz and/or Gazebo to load/sart

Run these commands:

Assignment 1: DD2410 HT20-1 Introduction to Robotics

https://canvas.kth.se/courses/20716/pages/assignment-1[2020/9/3 8:49:14]

cd ~

mkdir not

mv .nv .nvidia-settings-rc not

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