Academic Session: 2020-21
Lab Exercise 3: Spellchecking (Better Trade-offs)
Duration: 2 weeks
You should do all your work on the lab123 branch of the COMP26120 2020 repository - see Blackboard
for further details. You will need to make use of the existing code in the branch as a starting
Important: This is the third of three labs. This is an assessed lab. You have the choice to
complete the lab in C, Java or Python. Program stubs for this exercise exist for each language. Only
one language solution will be marked. To submit your work please run the submit script in the
relevant directory this means:
• If you are submitting a C solution you should run submit lab3
• If you are submitting a Java solution you should run submit lab3
• If you are submitting a Python solution you should run submit lab3
The most recent submission is the one that will count.
Also Important: After submitting your code log in to COMPjudge to check that you are passing
all of the tests (see Blackboard for details on COMPjudge). If you are not then you can resubmit.
If you do not see the submission in COMPjudge then first check that you can see the tag in your
GitLab page — make sure you are on the correct branch for the submit scripts to work.
For this assignment, you can only get full credit if you do not use code from outside
Note on extension activities: The marking scheme for this lab is organised so that you can get
over 80% without attempting any of the extension activities. These activities are directed at those
wanting a challenge and may take considerable extra time or effort.
Reminder: It is bad practice to include automatically generated files in source control (e.g. your git
repositories). This applies to object files (C), class files (Java), and compiled bytecode files (Python).
This is a general poor practice but for this course it can also cause issues with the online tests.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lab you will be able to:
• Describe the role of the hash function in the implementation of hash tables and describe and
compare various hash collision strategies
• Describe the basic structure of a binary search tree as well as the basic operations and their
• Write C, Java, or Python code to implement the above concepts
The aim of this exercise is to use the context of a simple spell-checking program to explore the binary
search trees and hash tables data structures.
Data structures
The spell-checking stores the dictionary of words using a Set datatype. There are three data structures
used to implement this Set datatype in this lab. You have already used the dynamic array in Lab 1.
In this exercise we use hash tables and binary search trees to implement the Set datatype. These
have been introduced in lectures and we describe these briefly below. You may want to look at the
recommended textbooks or online to complete your knowledge.
Hash Table. The underlying memory structure for a hash table is an array. A hash function is
then used to map from a large ‘key’ domain to the (much smaller) set of indices into the array, where
a value can be stored. When two values in the input domain map to the same index in the array this
is called a collision and there are multiple ways to resolve these collisions. To use a hash table to
represent a set we make the key and value the same - the result is usually called a hash set.
Binary Search Tree. You can think of a tree as a linked list where every node has two ‘children’.
This allows us to differentiate between what happens in each sub-tree. In a binary search tree the
general idea is that the ‘left’ sub-tree holds values smaller than that found in the current node, and
the ‘right’ sub-tree holds larger values.
Lab 3: Better Storage
In the Lab 1 we achieved a faster find function by first sorting the input. In this part we explore
two data structures that organise the data in a way that should make it faster to perform the find
Part a: Hash Table Lookup
So far our solution to a fast find function has been sorting the input and in Part b we will look at
storing it in a sorted order. In this part you will take a different approach that relies on a hash
function to distribute the values to store into a fixed size array. We have only provided you with very
basic program stubs. You need to decide what internal data structure you need etc.
The hash-value(s) needed for inserting a string into your hash-table should be derived from the string.
For example, you can consider a simple summation key based on ASCII values of the individual characters,
or a more sophisticated polynomial hash code, in which different letter positions are associated
with different weights. (Warning: if your algorithm is too simple, you may find that your
program is very slow when using a realistic dictionary.) You should experiment with the various
hash functions described in the lectures and textbook and implement at least two for comparison.
One can be terrible. These can be accessed by the modes already given in the program stubs, please
do not change these. Write your code so that you can use the −m parameter, which sets the mode.
Initially, you need to use an open addressing hashing strategy so that collisions are dealt with by using
a collision resolution function. As a first step you should use linear probing, the most straightforward
strategy. To understand what is going on you should add code to count the number of collisions so
you can calculate the average per access in print stats.
An issue with open addressing is what to do when it is not possible to insert a value. To make things
simple, to begin with you can simply fail in such cases. Your code should keep the num entries field
of the table up to date. Your insert function should check for a full table, and exit the program
cleanly should this occur. Once this is working you should increase (double?) the hash table size
when the table is getting full and then rehash into a larger table. In C, beware of memory leaks!1
Once you have done this, you can submit to COMPjudge to check that it works correctly.
Extension Activities. If you still have time, consider also implementing alternative methods for
dealing with collisions. But make sure you have completed Parts b & c without these extensions first
as it is likely to be more work than it may initially appear. The alternative methods you may consider
(and reasons for considering them) are:
1. Quadratic Probing. It is a good idea to get used to the general quadratic probing scheme. The
observant among you will notice it’s a common question in exam papers!
2. Double Hashing. You have two hash functions anyway, put them to work!
3. Separate Chaining. This is the most challenging as it requires making use of an additional
data structure2 but it is also how many hash table implementations actually work so worth
During the marking of this part you will be asked to discuss the asymptotic algorithmic complexity
of your function f ind, and the potential problems that linear and quadratic probing may cause with
respect to clustering of the elements in a hash table. You may be asked these questions even if
you did not implement these collisions resolution methods.
Part b: Binary Search Tree Lookup
In this part you need to edit the program stub in your chosen language for binary search trees. You
1. Complete the insertion function by comparing the value to insert with the existing value. What
should you do if they are equal? Hint: this is representing a set.
2. Complete the find function. Importantly, it should follow the same logic as insertion.
3. Extend the code to record statistics such as the height and the average number of comparisons
per insertion or find. This will require some extra fields in the class (Java, Python) or node
struct (C).
1One can also get memory leaks in memory managed languages but these are more semantic e.g. preserving a
reference to something you will never use again.
2You don’t need to write this yourself. In Java and Python you can use the standard library. In C you can use an
implementation you find online.
Once you have done this, submit to COMPjudge and check the tests.
In this lab exercise we will stop there with trees. However, it is worth noting that this implementation
is not optimal. What will happen if the input dictionary is already sorted? In the next lab we will be
exploring self-balancing trees.
Once you have implemented hash sets and binary trees you should test them. We have provided a test
script and some data. For example, to run simple tests for your hash set implementation in modes 0,
1, and 2 if your language is Java you should run
./python3 simple hashset java 2
You might want to edit the script to do different things. We have also provided some large tests
(replace simple by large above) which will take a lot longer to run (see help box below). You will
need to unzip the files by running unzip in the data/large directory. These large tests
should give you an insight into the relative performance of the different techniques.
Failing Tests:
If the tests are failing there are two possible explanations. Either your implementation is
wrong or the test script is being more picky than you thought.
For the first reason, make sure you understand what you expect to happen. Create a small
dictionary and input file yourself and test using these. Remember that the program should
print out all of the words that are in the input file but not in the dictionary. For binary
search make sure that you are searching using the same order that you sort with. Make
sure that your code is connected up properly in find so that it returns true/false correctly.
For the second reason, make sure that you don’t print anything extra at verbosity level 0. If
you look at you’ll see that what it’s doing is comparing the output of your program
between ”Spellchecking:” and ”Usage statistics:” against some expected output. It runs the
program at verbosity level 0 and expects that the only spelling errors are output in-between
those two points. See the note below for C programs for an extra thing to check.
You should use the relevant submit command to upload your work to GitLab and tag it appropriately.
This provides a way for TAs to see your code and is a good backup — there are a few cases every
year where students lose code that could have been avoided if they had kept their work up to date on
GitLab. When you do this, it will be picked up by COMPjudge for an online version of these tests —
see Blackboard for details on how to access these; they will be used as part of assessment later.
Part c: Making a Comparison
You should now perform an experimental evaluation like the one you did for Lab 2. Ideally, this
should compare at least one implementation of dynamic arrays (with or without sorting) either using
our own implementation from Lab 1 or the model solutions, your implementation of binary trees and
at least one implementation of hash sets.
You should address the question:
Under what conditions are different implementations of the dictionary data structure
Note that for hash set the initial size of the data structure will now play a larger role. You may find
it useful to correlate your findings with statistics such as the number of collisions in the hash table.
We recommend you read, if you have not already done so, the Lab 2 instructions on how to generate
inputs for your experiments. You are also encouraged to reuse the inputs you generated as part of
that lab as part of your evaluation here.
Write-Up. It is important to keep notes on your experimental design and results. Ideally, these
would then be written up as a detailed and well-argued LATEX report. However, we would like you to
focus your time on doing the evaluation rather than writing about it.
Therefore, we ask you to complete the provided report.txt document. This includes some
questions to answer before you start. If you wish to turn this into a LATEX document with
graphs etc then this is a bonus but not required.
Note that it is more important to write clearly about your experimental design (justifying your
decisions) than it is to write about your results and your analysis of them. The answers to the wrong
question are useless.
Instructions for C Solutions
If you intend to provide a solution in C you should work in the c directory of the COMP26120 2020
repository. All program stubs and other support files for C programs can be found in this directory.
The completed programs will consist of several “.c” and “.h” files, combined together using make
(the makefile covers Labs 1-3). You are given a number of complete and incomplete components to
start with:
• global.h and global.c - define some global variables and functions
• speller.c - the driver for each spell-checking program, which:
1. reads strings from a dictionary file and inserts them in your data-structure
2. reads strings from a second text file and f inds them in your data-structure
- if a string is not found then it is assumed to be a spelling mistake and is reported to the
user, together with the line number on which it occurred
• set.h - defines the generic interface for the data-structure
• hashset.h and hashset.c - includes a partial implementation for hash sets that you need to
complete in Part a.
• bstree.h and bstree.c - includes a partial implementation for binary search trees that you need
to complete in Part b.
Fix: Please note that there is a small error in speller.c that will cause the script
to fail. On line 219 the print statement should be outside of the verbosity check so that it
always prints. Please move this before using
Note: The code in speller.c that reads words treats any non-alphabetic character as a
separator, so e.g. ”non-alphabetic” would be read as the two words ”non” and ”alphabetic”.
This is intended to extract words from any text for checking (is that ”-” a hyphen or a
subtraction?) so we must also do it for the dictionary to be consistent. This means that
your code has to be able to deal with duplicates i.e. recognise and ignore them. For example,
on my PC /usr/share/dict/words is intended to contain 479,829 words (1 per line) but is
read as 526,065 words of which 418,666 are unique and 107,399 are duplicates.
Running your code
To test your implementation, you will need a sample dictionary and a sample text file with some text
that contains the words from the sample dictionary (and perhaps also some spelling mistakes). You
are given several such files in the data directory of the COMP26120 2020 repository, and you will
probably need to create some more to help debug your code. These files will need to be copied to the
directory where you are working or you will need to set your P AT H so that your program can be
executed from anywhere.
You should also test your program using a larger dictionary. One example is the Linux dictionary
that can be found in /usr/share/dict/words.
Compile and link your code using make hashset (for part a), or make bstree (for part b). These will
create executables called speller hashset and speller bstree respectively.
When you run your spell-checker program, you can:
• use the −d flag to specify a dictionary.
• (for part a) use the −s flag to specify a hash table size: try a prime number greater than twice
the size of the dictionary (e.g. 1,000,003 for /usr/share/dict/words).
• use the −m flag to specify a particular mode of operation for your code (e.g. to use a particular
hashing algorithm). You can access the mode setting by using the corresponding mode variable
in the code you write. Note that the modes you should use have already been specified in existing
header files.
• use the −v flag to turn on diagnostic printing, or −vv for more printing (or −vvv etc. - the
more ”v”s, the higher the value of the corresponding variable verbose). We suggest using this
verbose value to control your own debugging output.
speller hash -d /usr/share/dict/words -s 1000003 -m 2 -v sample-file
Instructions for Java Solutions
If you intend to provide a solution in Java you should work in the java directory of the COMP26120 2020
repository. The completed programs will form a Java package called comp26120. You can find this as
a sub-directory of the java directory. All program stubs and other support files for Java programs
can be found in this directory.
You are given a number of complete and incomplete components to start with:
•, and - control command line options
for your final program. You should not edit these.
• speller - defines configuration options for the program.
• - the driver for each spell-checking program, which:
1. reads strings from a dictionary file and inserts them in your data-structure
2. reads strings from a second text file and f inds them in your data-structure
- if a string is not found then it is assumed to be a spelling mistake and is reported to the
user, together with the line number on which it occurred
• - defines the generic interface for the data-structure
• set - defines a factory class to return the appropriate data structure to the program.
This will be used in later labs.
• -includes a partial implementation for hash sets that you need to complete in Part
• speller - sub-classes speller for use with hashset.
• - includes a partial implementation for binary search trees that you need to complete
in Part b. You will need to edit this.
• speller - sub-classes speller for use with bstree.
Note: The code in that reads words treats any non-alphabetic character as a
separator, so e.g. ”non-alphabetic” would be read as the two words ”non” and ”alphabetic”.
This is intended to extract words from any text for checking (is that ”-” a hyphen or a
subtraction?) so we must also do it for the dictionary to be consistent. This means that
your code has to be able to deal with duplicates i.e. recognise and ignore them. For example,
on my PC /usr/share/dict/words is intended to contain 479,829 words (1 per line) but is
read as 526,065 words of which 418,666 are unique and 107,399 are duplicates.
Running your code
To test your implementation, you will need a sample dictionary and a sample text file with some text
that contains the words from the sample dictionary (and perhaps also some spelling mistakes). You
are given several such files in the data directory of the COMP26120 2020 repository, and you will
probably need to create some more to help debug your code. These files will need to be copied to
the java directory or you will need to set your CLASSP AT H so that your program can be executed
from anywhere.
You should also test your program using a larger dictionary. One example is the Linux dictionary
that can be found in /usr/share/dict/words.
Compile your code using javac *.java. This will create an executable called speller bstree.class
(for Part a) and speller hashset.class (for Part a). To run your program you should call java
comp26120.speller bstree sample-file and java comp26120.speller hashset sample-file respectively.
Note that you will either need to set your CLASSP AT H to the java directory of the
COMP26120 2020 repository or call java comp26120.speller bstree sample-file (resp. java
comp26120.speller hashset sample-file) in that directory.
When you run your spell-checker program, you can:
• use the −d flag to specify a dictionary.
• (for part a) use the −s flag to specify a hash table size: try a prime number greater than twice
the size of the dictionary (e.g. 1,000,003 for /usr/share/dict/words).
• use the −m flag to specify a particular mode of operation for your code (e.g. to use a particular
sorting or hashing algorithm). You can access the mode setting by using the corresponding
mode variable in the code you write. Note that the modes you should use have already been
specified in existing header files.
• use the −v flag to turn on diagnostic printing, or −vv for more printing (or −vvv etc. - the
more ”v”s, the higher the value of the corresponding variable verbose). We suggest using this
verbose value to control your own debugging output.
java comp26120.speller hashset -d /usr/share/dict/words -s 1000003 -m 2 -v sample-file
Instructions for Python Solutions
If you intend to provide a solution in Python you should work in the python directory of the
COMP26120 2020 repository. All program stubs and other support files for Python programs can
be found in this directory. You will need to use Python 3.
You are given a number of complete and incomplete components to start with:
• - defines configuration options for the program.
• - the driver for each spell-checking program, which:
1. reads strings from a dictionary file and inserts them in your data-structure
2. reads strings from a second text file and f inds them in your data-structure
- if a string is not found then it is assumed to be a spelling mistake and is reported to the
user, together with the line number on which it occurred
• set - defines a factory class to return the appropriate data structure to the program.
This will be used in later labs.
• - includes a partial implementation for binary search trees that you need to complete
in Part a. You will need to edit this.
• speller - front end for use with hashset which then calls the functionality in
• - includes a partial implementation for binary search trees that you need to complete
in Part b. You will need to edit this.
• speller - front end for use with bstree which then calls the functionality in
Note: The code in that reads words treats any non-alphabetic character as a
separator, so e.g. ”non-alphabetic” would be read as the two words ”non” and ”alphabetic”.
This is intended to extract words from any text for checking (is that ”-” a hyphen or a
subtraction?) so we must also do it for the dictionary to be consistent. This means that
your code has to be able to deal with duplicates i.e. recognise and ignore them. For example,
on my PC /usr/share/dict/words is intended to contain 479,829 words (1 per line) but is
read as 526,065 words of which 418,666 are unique and 107,399 are duplicates.
Running your code
Important: To run the provided program stubs in python2.7 (which is supplied on the CS provided
virtual machine) you will need to install the enum34 package. You can do this from the UNIX
command line.
To test your implementation, you will need a sample dictionary and a sample text file with some
text that contains the words from the sample dictionary (and perhaps also some spelling mistakes).
You are given several such files in the data directory of the COMP26120 2020 repository, and you
will probably need to create some more to help debug your code. These files will need to be copied
to the python directory or you will need to set your P Y T HONP AT H so that your program can be
executed from anywhere.
You should also test your program using a larger dictionary. One example is the Linux dictionary
that can be found in /usr/share/dict/words.
To run your program you should call python3 speller sample-file (where sample −
f ile is a sample input file for spell checking) for Part a and python3 speller sample-file
for Part b. Note that you will either need to set your P Y T HONP AT H to the python directory of
the COMP26120 2020 repository or call python3 speller sample-file (resp. python3
speller bstree sample-file) in that directory.
When you run your spell-checker program, you can:
• use the −d flag to specify a dictionary.
• (for part a) use the −s flag to specify a hash table size: try a prime number greater than twice
the size of the dictionary (e.g. 1,000,003 for /usr/share/dict/words).
• use the −m flag to specify a particular mode of operation for your code (e.g. to use a particular
sorting or hashing algorithm). You can access the mode setting by using the corresponding
mode variable in the code you write. Note that the modes you should use have already been
specified in existing configuration files.
• use the −v flag to turn on diagnostic printing, or −vv for more printing (or −vvv etc. - the
more ”v”s, the higher the value of the corresponding variable verbose). We suggest using this
verbose value to control your own debugging output.
python3 speller -d /usr/share/dict/words -s 1000003 -m 2 -v sample-file
Marking Scheme
This coursework is worth 10% of your final mark for COMP26120. This means each mark in this
mark scheme is worth 0.5% of your final mark for the module.
Part a. Has the basic hash table been implemented including at least one suitable hash
function and insertion/lookup using linear probing? (Maximum 3 marks)
The hash table is properly initialised. The hash function is sensible (unusual hash functions
should be carefully justified). Insertion and lookup using linear probing has been implemented
correctly (ignores duplicates, performs insertions when it should, always finds things
that are in the table). Statistics (including number of collisions) are reported.
As above but there is a small flaw e.g. failure to detect duplicates or statistics missing 2
As above but a key component (e.g. the hash function) does not work as required or is far
from optimal. For example, if the hash function does not produce a value in the required
range or lookup using linear probing terminates too early.
No attempt has been made 0
Part a. Has a second hash function been given that is different from the first? (Maximum
1 mark)
There is a second hash function and the student can explain how it works 1
A second hash function exists but it is either flawed or cannot be explained 0.5
No attempt has been made 0
Part a. Has rehashing been implemented? (Maxiumum 1 mark)
Rehashing has been implemented and works correctly 1
An attempt has been made to implement rehashing but it is flawed. 0.5
No attempt has been made 0
Part a. Does the student understand the complexity of hash table operations and the
issues related to probing? (Maximum 2 marks)
The student can explain the complexity of the insert and find functions. The student can
discuss potential problems that linear and quadratic probing may cause with respect to
clustering of the elements in a hash table.
The student can almost explain all of the concepts 1.5
The student can explain either the complexity or the problems with probing but not both. 1
No attempt has been made 0
Part b. Has the implementation of binary search tree been completed completely and
correctly? Note that code quality is addressed later. (Maximum 2 marks)
Insertion uses a suitable ordering on values to create an ordered binary tree. Duplicates are
handled properly. Find uses the same ordering to correctly identify whether a value is in
the tree. Appropriate statistics are computed and presented.
As above but statistics are missing or inappropriate 1.5
As above but duplicates are not detected. However, the student can explain how to detect
duplicates AND what the negative impact of not detecting duplicates is.
As above but duplicates are not detected 1
Some of the functionality is missing or does not work e.g. sometimes values are not inserted
or sometimes find does not detect if a value is in the tree.
No attempt has been made 0
Part b. The student understands how ordered binary trees work and the complexity of
the associated algorithms. (Maximum 2 marks)
The student can give the complexity of insert and find in an ordered binary tree and explain
*why* this is the case. The student can compare this to a similar setting in linked lists.
The student can explain what a balanced tree is and what impact the structure of the tree
has on find.
The student can state the complexities of the different operations but struggles to explain
why these hold.
The student can attempt an explanation but the topic needs to be revised. 0.5
No attempt has been made 0
Part c. Has the experimental analysis been well-designed? (Maximum 2 marks)
There is evidence that the student has carefully considered how best to answer the stated
question. The choice of conditions to vary have been justified. The student discusses what
they expect to find and links this to the theoretical complexities of the different approaches.
It is easy to read.
Design decisions are justified but there is no reference to the theoretical complexities of the
different approaches The design is described without justification of the choices made
Part of the design is described but it is incomplete 1
No attempt made 0
Part c. Have the results of the experimental analysis been well-presented with thoughtful
discussion and conclusions drawn? (Maximum 3 marks)
The results are clearly presented and explained. 3
There may be some discussion but no conclusions are drawn or conclusions are not supported
by the data given.
The results are given without explanation or discussion. 1
The student cannot explain what they did or how they reached their conclusions when
Extension. Has the hash table been improved with (i) quadratic probing and/or (ii)
double hashing, has the alternative (iii) separate chain- ing method been implemented?
Can the student explain how they work? (Maximum 3 marks)
All three have been implemented and work correctly. The student can explain how they
Two have been implemented and work correctly. The student can explain how they work. 2
Two or three have been implemented correctly but the student struggles to explain how
they work sufficiently.
One has been implemented, works correctly, and can be explained. 1
An attempt has been made but they do not work correctly. 0.5
No attempt has been made 0
Is the code of good quality and does it handle errors properly? Note that many major
errors are handled in the provided code. (Maximum 1 mark)
The quality of the code is good throughout with reasonable names for variables/functions,
sufficient comments, and a sensible layout. All obvious errors are handled appropriately.
As above but there are a few minor issues 0.75
As above but there are a few significant issues e.g. zero comments, completely illogical
variable/function names
The quality of the code is poor throughout 0
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