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日期:2022-04-30 06:17


March 28, 2022

1 Computer Vision 2022 Assignment 2: Image matching and retrieval

In this assignment, you will experiment with image feature detectors, descriptors and matching.

There are 3 main parts to the assignment:

• matching an object in a pair of images

• searching for an object in a collection of images

• analysis and discussion of results

This assignment will have a minimum hurdle of 40%. You will fail if you can not reach the minimum


1.1 General instructions

As before, you will use this notebook to run your code and display your results and analysis. Again

we will mark a PDF conversion of your notebook, referring to your code if necessary, so you should

ensure your code output is formatted neatly.

When converting to PDF, include the outputs and analysis only, not your code. You

can do this from the command line using the nbconvert command (installed as part of Jupyter)

as follows:

jupyter nbconvert Assignment2.ipynb --to pdf --no-input --TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags 'remove-cell'

Please do try this ccommond early before the last day!

This will also remove the preamble text from each question. We will use the OpenCV library to

complete the prac. It has several built in functions that will be useful. You are expected to consult

documentation and use them appropriately.

This being the second assignment, we have provided less strict direction this time and you have

more flexibility to choose how you answer each question. However you still need to ensure the

outputs and report are clear and easy to read. This includes:

• sizing, arranging and captioning image outputs appropriately

• explaining what you have done clearly and concisely

• clearly separating answers to each question


1.2 Data

We have provided some example images for this assignment, available through a link on the MyUni

assignment page. The images are organised by subject matter, with one folder containing images of

book covers, one of museum exhibits, and another of urban landmarks. Within each category, there

is a “Reference” folder containing a clean image of each object and a “Query” folder containing

images taken on a mobile device. Within each category, images with the same name contain the

same object (so 001.jpg in the Reference folder contains the same book as 001.jpg in the Query

folder). The data is a subset of the Stanford Mobile Visual Search Dataset which is available at


The full data set contains more image categories and more query images of the objects we have

provided, which may be useful for your testing!

Do not submit your own copy of the data or rename any files or folders! For marking, we will

assume the datasets are available in subfolders of the working directory using the same folder

names provided.

Here is some general setup code, which you can edit to suit your needs.

[1]: # Numpy is the main package for scientific computing with Python.

import numpy as np

import cv2

# Matplotlib is a useful plotting library for python

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# This code is to make matplotlib figures appear inline in the

# notebook rather than in a new window.

%matplotlib inline

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 8.0) # set default size of plots, can␣

,→be changed

plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'

plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'

# Some more magic so that the notebook will reload external python modules;

# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1907993/


%load_ext autoreload

%autoreload 2

%reload_ext autoreload

[ ]: def draw_outline(ref, query, model):


Draw outline of reference image in the query image.

This is just an example to show the steps involved.

You can modify to suit your needs.


ref: reference image


query: query image

model: estimated transformation from query to reference image


h,w = ref.shape[:2]

pts = np.float32([ [0,0],[0,h-1],[w-1,h-1],[w-1,0] ]).reshape(-1,1,2)

dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts,model)

img = query.copy()

img = cv2.polylines(img,[np.int32(dst)],True,255,3, cv2.LINE_AA)

plt.imshow(img, 'gray'), plt.show()

def draw_inliers(img1, img2, kp1, kp2, matches, matchesMask):


Draw inlier between images

img1 / img2: reference/query img

kp1 / kp2: their keypoints

matches : list of (good) matches after ratio test

matchesMask: Inlier mask returned in cv2.findHomography()


matchesMask = matchesMask.ravel().tolist()

draw_params = dict(matchColor = (0,255,0), # draw matches in green color

singlePointColor = None,

matchesMask = matchesMask, # draw only inliers

flags = 2)

img3 = cv2.drawMatches(img1,kp1,img2,kp2,matches,None,**draw_params)

plt.imshow(img3, 'gray'),plt.show()

2 Question 1: Matching an object in a pair of images (45%)

In this question, the aim is to accurately locate a reference object in a query image, for example:

0. Download and read through the paper ORB: an efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF by

Rublee et al. You don’t need to understand all the details, but try to get an idea of how

it works. ORB combines the FAST corner detector (covered in week 4) and the BRIEF

descriptor. BRIEF is based on similar ideas to the SIFT descriptor we covered week 4, but

with some changes for efficiency.

1. [Load images] Load the first (reference, query) image pair from the “book_covers” category

using opencv (e.g. img=cv2.imread()). Check the parameter option in ” cv2.imread()” to

ensure that you read the gray scale image, since it is necessary for computing ORB features.

2. [Detect features] Create opencv ORB feature extractor by orb=cv2.ORB_create(). Then

you can detect keypoints by kp = orb.detect(img,None), and compute descriptors by kp,

des = orb.compute(img, kp). You need to do this for each image, and then you can use

cv2.drawKeypoints() for visualization.


3. [Match features] As ORB is a binary feature, you need to use HAMMING distance for

matching, e.g., bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING). Then you are requried to do KNN

matching (k=2) by using bf.knnMatch(). After that, you are required to use “ratio_test”

to find good matches. By default, you can set ratio=0.8.

4. [Plot and analyze] You need to visualize the matches by using the cv2.drawMatches() function.

Also you can change the ratio values, parameters in cv2.ORB_create(), and distance

functions in cv2.BFMatcher(). Please discuss how these changes influence the match numbers.

[2]: # Your code for descriptor matching tests here

# load image at gray scale

# compute detector and descriptor

# find the keypoints and descriptors with ORB

# draw keypoints

# create BFMatcher object

# Match descriptors.

# Apply ratio test

# draw matches

Your explanation of what you have done, and your results, here

3. Estimate a homography transformation based on the matches, using cv2.findHomography().

Display the transformed outline of the first reference book cover image on the query image,

to see how well they match.

• We provide a function draw_outline() to help with the display, but you may need to

edit it for your needs.

• Try the ‘least squre method’ option to compute homography, and visualize the inliers

by using cv2.drawMatches(). Explain your results.

• Again, you don’t need to compare results numerically at this stage. Comment on what

you observe visually.

[3]: # Your code to display book location here

# using regular method (cv2.findHomography)


# draw outline

# draw inliers

Your explanation of results here

Try the RANSAC option to compute homography. Change the RANSAC parameters, and

explain your results. Print and analyze the inlier numbers. Hint: use cv2.RANSCA with


[4]: # Your code to display book location after RANSAC here

Your explanation of what you have tried, and results here

6. Finally, try matching several different image pairs from the data provided, including at least

one success and one failure case. For the failure case, test and explain what step in the feature

matching has failed, and try to improve it. Display and discuss your findings.

1. Hint 1: In general, the book covers should be the easiest to match, while the landmarks

are the hardest.

2. Hint 2: Explain why you chose each example shown, and what parameter settings were


3. Hint 3: Possible failure points include the feature detector, the feature descriptor, the

matching strategy, or a combination of these.

[ ]: # Your results for other image pairs here

Your explanation of results here

3 Question 2: What am I looking at? (40%)

In this question, the aim is to identify an “unknown” object depicted in a query image, by matching

it to multiple reference images, and selecting the highest scoring match. Since we only have one

reference image per object, there is at most one correct answer. This is useful for example if you

want to automatically identify a book from a picture of its cover, or a painting or a geographic

location from an unlabelled photograph of it.

The steps are as follows:

1. Select a set of reference images and their corresponding query images.

1. Hint 1: Start with the book covers, or just a subset of them.

2. Hing 2: This question can require a lot of computation to run from start to finish, so

cache intermediate results (e.g. feature descriptors) where you can.

2. Choose one query image corresponding to one of your reference images. Use RANSAC to

match your query image to each reference image, and count the number of inlier matches

found in each case. This will be the matching score for that image.


3. Identify the query object. This is the identity of the reference image with the highest match

score, or “not in dataset” if the maximum score is below a threshold.

4. Repeat steps 2-3 for every query image and report the overall accuracy of your method (that

is, the percentage of query images that were correctly matched in the dataset). Discussion of

results should include both overall accuracy and individual failure cases.

1. Hint 1: In case of failure, what ranking did the actual match receive? If we used a

“top-k” accuracy measure, where a match is considered correct if it appears in the top

k match scores, would that change the result?

[ ]: # Your code to iddntify query objects and measure search accuracy for data set␣


Your explanation of what you have done, and your results, here

5. Choose some extra query images of objects that do not occur in the reference dataset. Repeat

step 4 with these images added to your query set. Accuracy is now measured by the percentage

of query images correctly identified in the dataset, or correctly identified as not occurring in

the dataset. Report how accuracy is altered by including these queries, and any changes you

have made to improve performance.

[ ]: # Your code to run extra queries and display results here

Your explanation of results and any changes made here

6. Repeat step 4 and 5 for at least one other set of reference images from museum_paintings

or landmarks, and compare the accuracy obtained. Analyse both your overall result and

individual image matches to diagnose where problems are occurring, and what you could do

to improve performance. Test at least one of your proposed improvements and report its

effect on accuracy.

[ ]: # Your code to search images and display results here

Your description of what you have done, and explanation of results, here

4 Question 3 (10%)

In Question 1, We hope that ratio_test can provide reasonable results for RANSAC. However,

if it fails, the RANSAC may not get good results. In this case, we would like to try an improved

matching method to replace the ratio_test. Here, the gms_matcher is recommened. You need to

implement it and save results of 3 image pairs (you can select any image pairs from the dataset),

where you new method is better than ‘ratio_test’.

1. Hint 1: cv2.xfeatures2d.matchGMS() can be used, but you need to install the opencvcontrib

by pip install opencv-contrib-python

2. Hint 2: You do not need use KNN matching, because GMS does not require second nearest


3. Hint 3: You need to change the parameters in cv2.ORB_create() for best results. See the

setting in Github.


4. Hint 4: If your are interested in more details. Read the paper “GMS: Gridbased

Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-robust Feature Correspondence”, and the Github

Your results here

5 Question 4: Reflection Questions (5%)

1. Describe the hardest situation you faced during the first two assignments. And how you

overcome it? (3%)

2. How do you plan to finish the assignment to meet tight deadline? (2%)


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