k-Means and Mean-Shift Clustering
ECE4076/5176 Computer Vision
Lab 3 (Weeks 8,9)
Performance Expectations and Guidelines for Lab Completion
As we progress through the course, we expect you to expand your skills and toolset
to tackle more complex and involved problems. This lab has been designed to help
you achieve that by providing a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.
To ensure that you achieve your best possible results, we recommend that you
begin working on the lab well in advance of your lab sessions. Additionally, please
note that the computation times required for this lab may vary depending on the
efficiency of your code. Sometimes, running your code may take longer than 15
minutes if it is not optimized efficiently. Therefore, we encourage you to put in
your best efforts and work diligently to achieve the desired results.
Academic integrity
Every lab submission will be screened for any collusion and/or plagiarism. Breaches
of academic integrity will be investigated thoroughly and may result in a zero for the
assessment along with interviews with the plagiarism officers at Monash University.
Late submissions
Late submission of the lab will incur a penalty of 10% for each day late. That is,
with one day delay, the maximum mark you can get from the assignment is 7.2 out
of 8, so if you score 7.5, we will (sadly) give you 7.2. Labs submitted with more
than a week delay will not be assessed. Please apply for special consideration for
late submission as soon as possible (e.g., documented serious illness).
Lab Instructions and the Use of Generative AI
• You may not use any built-in OpenCV functions for this lab, except for those
used for loading/saving or processing (colour, size, ...) an image.
• You may use NumPy for array handling, and vectorizing your code (reducing
the number of for-loops) is encouraged.
• You should use Matplotlib to display images and any intermediate results.
• When completing the mean-shift algorithm task in this lab, you may use the
MeanShift() function from the scikit-learn (aka. sklearn) library.
• You may use a generative AI tool or coding assistance. We recommend understanding the concepts and coding as much as possible, as K-means and
GMMs are meta-algorithms. If you use generative AI tools, please indicate
the prompts you used and explain in detail any changes you made to modify
the code to complete the assignment.
• Please refrain from using Generative AI in preparing your report, as the
purpose of this lab is to assess your understanding of CV concepts.
Lab Grading
Each lab is worth 8%, and there are a number of sections and tasks with their own
weighting. A task is only considered complete if you can demonstrate a working
program and show an understanding of the underlying concepts. Note that later
tasks should reuse code from earlier tasks.
In this laboratory exercise, you will learn and employ clustering techniques to segment
and encode an RGB image with k number of colours. In all the tasks below, you must
not use the pre-written Python libraries for K-means Clustering; instead, you build your
own K-means code.
• Task 1: Distance Function
• Task 2: k-Means Clustering
• Task 3: k-Means++ Initialization
• Task 4: GMM: Analysing Data Distributions
• Task 5: Mean Shift - Data Modelling via its distribution
• Task 6: Comparison between k-Means, k-Means++ Initialization and Mean-Shift
• k-means clustering
• k-means++
• Mean shift
• Week 7 Lecture content
• Lab3 student template.ipynb - please complete the lab tasks in this template
notebook and use the markdown spaces provided to report your findings/
describe your approach.
• sharon.jpg is located in the lab3 folder
• Example outputs in the img folder that links to the notebook
Figure 1: Provided sharon image
Task 1: Distance Function
In this task, you will build a helper function to compute the squared distance from a set
of data points to a set of centroids. You are given a small dataset of five data points, X
and two centroids, M to test your function.
X =
0.67187976 0.44254368 0.17900127
0.55085456 0.65891464 0.18370379
0.79861987 0.3439561 0.68334744
0.36695437 0.15391793 0.81100023
0.22898267 0.58062367 0.5637733
0.66441854 0.08332493 0.54049661
0.05491067 0.94606233 0.29515262
You will also visualize whether your distances are correct by assigning the data points to
the closest centroid and displaying the results on a 3D scatter plot.
Task 2: k-Means Clustering and Visualisation
In this task, you will implement the k-Means Clustering and visualize the movement of
the centroids. First, you will write a function to generate k number of random centroids
as initialization. Then you will write a function that uses these centroids to perform
k-Means Clustering using the below steps:
1. Go through all the pixels in the image and calculate which of the k centroids it is
closest to.
2. For each pixel, store the index of the nearest centroids at the same pixel location
in an index image.
3. Re-compute each centroid by going through all the pixels in the RGB colour image
that were assigned to that centroid and taking the mean.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a pre-determined number of iterations.
Load the sharon.jpg image and use your function to cluster the pixels of the image into
four clusters (k = 4). Finally, you will display the results.
Run the program several times with different random seeds to see if you always converge
on the same answer. Try changing k from 4 to other numbers (from 2 to 10) and see how
this affects the output and if the results are reproducible.
After completing the k-means implementation, write code to visualize the clustering
process at every iteration. For that, first, you will write code to plot a 3D scatter plot of
data points along with the centroids and display the clustered image at once. Then you
will use that function inside your k-Means Clustering implementation to observe how the
centroids move with each iteration. Draw the RGB colour values from the sharon.jpg
image as well as the centroid RGB colour values as a 3D scatter plot. The colour of each
data point should reflect the centroid colour value that it is closest to.
Plotting all the data points is computationally expensive, so opt for only drawing randomly selected 250 data points. Also, make sure you add a time pause of 1-2 seconds
after each iteration so there is enough time for you to observe the convergence of centroids
clearly. Have a look at the template notebook for an example output of what it should
look like.
Task 3: k-Means++ Initialization
In this task, you will implement a variant of the k-Means Clustering algorithm called
the k-Means++ algorithm. In the k-Means++ algorithm, only the initialization of the
centroids will change. The rest of the implementation is the same as the conventional
K-Means Clustering with random initialization. Therefore, first, you will write a function
to generate centroids using the k-Means++ initialization by following the below steps:
1. Choose the first centroid randomly from the data points.
2. Compute the squared distance d
2 between every data point x and the selected
centroids so far. Record the minimum value of d
2 as D(x) for data point x.
3. Compute the probability of selecting each datapoint as the next centroid as:
P(x) = D(x)
x D(x)
4. Randomly draw a new centroid based on the computed probability distribution.
HINT: Compute an array that represents the cumulative distribution from the
probability values using the cumsum function. Generate a random number r
between 0 and 1. The new centroid corresponds to the first element value in the
cumulative distribution array that is greater than the value r.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until k number of centroids have been chosen.
After having chosen k number of centroids, proceed with the standard k-Means algorithm
using the selected centroids. Load the sharon.jpg image and use your k-Means++
implementation to cluster the pixels of the image into four clusters (k = 4). Finally, you
will display the results.
Plotting all the data points is computationally expensive, so you may only draw randomly
selected 250 data points. Also, make sure you add a time pause of 1-2 seconds after each
iteration so there is enough time for you to observe the convergence of centroids clearly.
Task 4: GMM: Analysing Data Distributions
In this task, you will analyse a toy data set and understand its distribution via Gaussian
Mixture Models (GMMs). GMMs are probabilistic models that represent the probability
distribution of data as a weighted sum of multiple Gaussian distributions. Each Gaussian
distribution in the mixture is referred to as a component and is characterized by its
mean, covariance, and weight. GMMs are commonly used for tasks such as clustering
and density estimation, and can be applied to generate new samples, assign data points
to components, and estimate probability densities in the feature space.
A multivariate Gaussian distribution is defined as:
In both cases, h is the bandwidth of the kernel and x and z are two data samples (e.g.,
pixels of an image).
To apply the mean-shift (MS) algorithm, you will
1. Get an appreciation of the flat kernel density function by applying it to the toy
dataset from the previous task,
1Kernels are used to smooth out probability density functions (PDFs)
2. Move onto the Epanechnikov-kernel function (a popular kernel choice for the MS
3. Apply MS to the sharon.jpg and analyse how many colours arise from the image.
4. Compare the MS results to the ones obtained via k-means clustering.
Task 6: Comparison between k-Means, k-Means++
Initialization and Mean-Shift
In this task, you will visualize k-Means, k-Means++ initialization, and the mean-shift
algorithm by plotting the final clustering results of each method together with their
final cluster centers. For the two k-Means methods, you will additionally visualise their
initial centroids. Discuss the results and any noticeable differences that you may have
encountered between the different algorithms.
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