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您当前位置:首页 >> Python编程Python编程

日期:2024-02-08 09:05

Assignment Instructions

The following instructions are intended to help you get started with the sample code

for the assessment with node js and codio. Your one page report should be

submitted as a pdf via the CA4 assessment link in my-aberdeen. There is no need to

submit your web application, it will be tested and marked via codio and marks will be

released on my aberdeen 3 weeks after submission.

Please follow the instructions below to get you started with using node js with codio:

1) Log into codio via my Aberdeen

2) Within codio create a new folder named CA4 and navigate into that directory

as shown below:

mkdir ca4 cd


3) Within the CA4 folder enter the following command:

npm init -y

This runs the node package manager and set up an empty project for you. We

will now use NPM to install some additional node JS packages / modules

which we will require for the chat application. Enter each of the following

commands (one at a time i.e. press enter after each, don’t try to run them all

at once)

npm install express

npm install socket.io

We have just installed the packages we require to develop the chat


4) Now we will set up a few more things. Enter each of the following commands,

one by one as before:

touch index.js

mkdir public cd

public mkdir css

mkdir js

touch index.html

touch chat.html

cs css touch

demo.css cd ..

cd js

touch client.js cd


We have just created the necessary files and folders for the assessment and

returned to the main folder we stared off in. We can use the codio navigation pane

now to access these files and enter the demo code for the chat application.

5) Now we will enter the demo code for the application. Open the index.js file by

selecting it in the navigation pane as shown above.

Enter the code for the index.js file you downloaded from my aberdeen into the

index.js file you created in codio.

Do the same for each of the files you created in step 4 using the files you have

downloaded from my-aberdeen.

6) Now its time to test the application: return to the terminal and enter the

following command:

node index.js

Find the domain name for your codio box as shown below:

The internal browser in codio opens with the domain name we need:

Open a new tab in your browser. Copy and paste the URL for your codio box

into the new tab, but change the port number to 5000 i.e. above where it

shows -3000, this needs to be changed to -5000, see below:

Change the above to what is shown below, note the name of your codio

domain URL may be different but the format is similar:

Opening the codio box domain URL with the port changed to 5000 brings us to

the index page of our application:

Open another tab with the same URL, so we have two running in the browser

and can check the chat application is working as required:

In each tab select the chat link which should bring up the chat application. Try

sending messages from one tab to the other. You should see these displayed

in both windows:

To stop node js, return the the terminal and enter [control] + [c]

When you make changes, remember to stop the server and restart to view any

updates you make.

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