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日期:2025-03-05 10:33

CE4208 Distributed Systems Assignment #1: Data Centred Distributed Systems Assignment

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CE4208 Distributed Systems

Data Centred Distributed Systems Assignment


This is an individual assignment, where each student must submit their own solution – any

duplicate solutions will receive 0 marks. Your task is to develop a desktop application that

uses JDBC to connect a database.

If you have any queries, please post them on the “Assignment #1 Data Centred Distributed

Systems” forum on the module’s Brightspace page.

2. Description

Your task is to develop your own relational database – this database can store anything you

like. Then, you are asked to provide a desktop application that interacts with your DB via JDBC.

2.1 Database Requirements

Your database must be implemented in the Derby Database (Apache Java DB) and have the

following properties:

• Use at least one One-to-One relationship.

• Use at least one One-to-Many relationship.

• Use at least one Many-to-Many relationship (you must use a junction table – the same

relationship as for the One-to-Many cannot be used).

• Use at least one column of the following types: INTEGER, VARCHAR,

DATE/TIME/TIESTAMP (one of these), fixed point number with exactly 2 digits for the

fractional component (2 digits to the right of the decimal point – specify your own

limit for the overall precision).

2.2 Desktop Application Requirements

Develop a desktop application (not a Web application) that interacts with your database. Use

either dialog methods from the JOptionPane or develop a proper Swing GUI (only advisable if

you have experience with Java Swing).

All database interactions must be implemented by using JDBC. Your application must provide

the following features:

• At start up a method that establishes whether the tables of your database are

available must execute.

• If they are not available, it should create your tables in Derby:

o Feel free to add your tables to the sample database or create your own logical

database within Derby.

o If you use the sample database, please precede all table names with your

student ID to ensure unique table names.

o If you create your own logical database within Derby, please include your

student ID in the database name to ensure unique database names.

CE4208 Distributed Systems Assignment #1: Data Centred Distributed Systems Assignment

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• Either way, your application must ensure that sufficient data is available in your tables

to allow meaningful execution of your application (as a rough guideline, I would expect

most tables to hold at least 8-10 rows).

• Several methods (one method per bullet point) implementing the following (values

should be passed as parameters to the methods):

o A method using a query that uses an explicit join over two tables (feel free to

use either a natural join, a join condition, or any of the outer joins).

o A method using a query that involves tables with a Many-to-Many relationship

(all tables must contribute to the query result).

o A method adding an entry to the junction table of a Many-to-Many


o A method that implements a transaction over (at least) two SQL statements.

o A query/statement as a PreparedStatement that has at least one query

parameter and that executes multiple times within a loop. This method should

receive values for the parameter(s) in form of an array or Collection (e.g.

ArrayList, LinkedList, etc.).

3. Deadline and Deliverables

Deadline for submission of your solution is 11:00h on Monday, 10

th March 2025. Please note:

Where I have concerns about the originality of the submitted work, I reserve the right to

conduct interviews with students, where marks will be adjusted according to the outcome of

the interview.

Please submit your solution as a single zip, 7-zip or rar archive (please do not use any other

format and do not remove the extension from the archive) via the module’s SULIS page. A

complete solution includes the following items:

• Complete NetBeans 24 project that contains sources (well documented and

formatted) of your entire solution (submit the entire project folder, not only the

individual source code files!). Comments must include at least the following:

o Description for each class (use Javadoc for this).

o Description for each public member, including details for parameters and

return value (use Javadoc for this).

o For any non-trivial methods provide “in code” description in form of basic Java


• Report (MS Word, RTF, PDF or plain text – include this in the top folder of your project)

that contains the following:

o Description of your database design (all your tables, their column properties -

such as type and constraints - and their relationship to other tables).

o How (and where) you implemented the requested One-to-One, One-to-Many

and Many-to-Many relationships.

o List of used queries/statements to fulfil the desktop application requirements.

Include class and method name where these are executed, which requirement

they implement.

Note: If your report omits any requested information, I assume that the

corresponding feature has not been implemented, and you will receive 0 marks

for that feature. I will not search for those features in your application! For

CE4208 Distributed Systems Assignment #1: Data Centred Distributed Systems Assignment

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example, if you do not indicate which tables implement a Many-to-Many

relationship you will receive 0 marks for that feature even if your database

implements this feature. Similarly, if you do not detail where you implemented the

transaction over at least two SQL queries/statements, I assume you did not

implement this and you will receive 0 marks for the transaction feature.

4. Marking

The project is worth 15% of the module. Marks are distributed as shown in the table below:

Database Design:

• One-to-One Relationship

• One-to-Many Relationship

• Many-to-Many Relationship

• Requested types used






Desktop Application:

• Test for tables & create tables/content.

• Query with explicit Join.

• Query with Many-to-Many Relationship.

• Adding to Junction Table of Many-to-Many


• Transaction over multiple SQL statements.

• Repeated execution of PreparedStatement with










• Insufficient commenting

• Poor code format

• No report submitted (I will not search for features!)

• No NetBeans project submitted

Up to -30%

Up to -30%



Total 15



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