Your task is to complete the implementation of a 3D world. In this
world you control a camera moving around a landscape which
includes trees, hills and roads.
The starter code is packaged with v0.18 of UNSWgraph (available
here or via github). In the unsw.graphics.world package you will find
a some skeleton classes. They implement some basic things you
need, but are incomplete. The files provided are:
• World.java - this is the main entry point to your application
• Terrain.java - this class represents variable height terrain.
• Tree.java - this class represents a tree
• Road.java - this class represents a road as a bezier curve
• LevelIO.java - this class reads and writes game levels to and
from JSON files.
Under res/worlds you will also find some sample level files. These
specify various properties of a world. See test1.json to get a basic
idea of the format.
You are free to change any of these files, and any other files in
UNSWgraph, as you see fit. We will not be testing individual
functions. However, you should make sure that the established
Level IO format works for your code, because we will be testing
your level with standard level files.
This is the main class for your game. The main() method in this
class will be used to test your game. It expects a single string
specifying the name of the level file. If you want to specify any other
parameters they should be part of the JSON file.
Initial milestone (end of week
The terrain is represented as a grid. The width and depth of the grid
are specified in the level file. Each point in the grid has a specified
altitude (height). Your first task is to draw the terrain as a mesh of
triangles with vertices at each of the grid points with the
corresponding altitude.
You can treat X,Z and altitude as a 3D coordinate. They should all
have the same scale.
A 2x2 terrain with altitudes:
Note: the bold labels (x0,x1,z0,z1) are just to explain what the
values mean and will not actually be part of the data
x0 x1
z0 0 0.5
z1 0 0.3
A 2x2 terrain represents 4 vertices. The altitudes correspond to the
Y values for the x,z co-ordinates.
Will create a mesh withe the following co-ordinates
(0,0,0) (1,0.5,0)
| /|
| / |
|/ |
(0,0,1) (1,0.3,1)
A 5x5 terrain with altitudes:
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.5 1 0
0 0.5 1 2 0
0 0 0.5 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
Will create a mesh that looks like this (this may look different
depending on the angle/position you view it from and exactly how
you set up your camera). This is taken from basically straight ahead
at around (0,0.5,9) in world co-ordinates and with a perspective
Note:This screenshot was taken with back face culling on
Note: for the assignment you will texture your terrain and make it
look pretty. We are just showing the lines here so you can clearly
see the geometry. It is up to you whether you implement your terrain
using face nomals or vertex normals.
You should consider efficiency when constructing and drawing the
The levels include trees at different points on the terrain. Your
second task is to draw the trees at the specified locations.
In the screenshots, the trees are drawn with two separate textured
meshes: a cylinder for a trunk and a sphere for the leaves. For the
base part of the assignment, you only need to have a tree that is a
single textured mesh. We have provided a PLY file of a tree that you
can use. However, if you want you can make your 'trees' more
exotic: lampposts, candy-canes, chimneys, or whatever your
imagination dictates. The point is that they are placeable 3d models
on the terrain.
Note that the level descriptions only specify the (x,z) location of the
tree. You will need to use the terrain data to calculate the altitude of
the tree and draw it appropriately. Trees are not guaranteed to be
positioned at grid points, so you will need to interpolate altitude
values if a tree is in the middle of a triangle.
You should implement a 3D camera which moves around the scene
using the arrow keys:
• The up arrow moves forward
• The down arrow moves backward
• The left arrow turns left
• The right arrow turns right.
The camera should move up and down following the terrain. So if
you move it forward up a hill, the camera should move up the hill.
Your world should be rendered using Phong shading. The level files
include a "sunlight" field which is a 3D vector specifying a
directional light to be included in the scene. The vector represents
the direction to the source of the light.
You will need to create a new vertex and/or fragment shader to
support defining a directional light instead of a point light. You can
base it off one of the preexisting shaders if you wish. Note that the
shader will also need to support texturing.
You will need to decide for yourself what are the appropriate other
properties for the light and the appropriate material properties for
the surfaces that will reflect it.
Final milestone (end of week
Add an avatar and make the camera follow behind the avatar in a
3rd person view. You should being able to switch from 1st person
(with no avatar) to 3rd person (with the avatar) by pressing a key of
your choice. For the base part the avatar does not need to be a
complex model (a bunny is ok), but it does need to be textured.
The level include roads. Each road is described as a 2D Bezier
curve. I have provided a function for you which calculates the (x,z)
location of points along the road. You will need to to use this
function to extrude a road which follows this curve, with the width
specified in the constructor.
You can assume, for the base portion of the assignment, the roads
will only run over flat terrain, so you will not have to handle going
up or down hills. You can assume the starting point of the road is at
the altitude for the entire road. The should have an appropriate
texture applied to it.
Night time and torch light
Your world should support a night mode triggered by a key press. In
the night mode, the sunlight should dim (but not go away entirely)
and a torch attached to the camera/avatar should switch on. This
torch should be an attenuated spotlight. You will need to modify
your shader to support this second light. It should be possible to
pass properties of the spotlight (cutoff, attenuation, etc.) from the
Java program to the shader.
You may have 2 separate shaders for the day and night mode if you
wish, but keep in mind that when you load the new shader, you will
need to pass all the parameters to it again.
The base elements described above are worth 14 of the 20 marks.
For the remaining 6 marks you can choose among the following
• Build a complex model or a model with walking animation or
something beautiful or interesting for your avatar! (2..4 marks)
• Make the sun move and change colour according to the time
of day (2 marks)
• Add distance attenuation to the torch light (2 marks)
• Add rain using particle effects (4 marks) For the full marks this
would need to include alpha blended billboarded particles,
creation and destruction ,some kind of evolution over time
(position, size, colour, as is appropriate for your kind of
• Add ponds with animated textures to your world (4 marks)
Ponds need only lie on flat terrain like roads but should include
animated textures showing ripples or waves.
• Add an L-system for fractal tree generation (4 marks) To get
full marks for this you would need to implement a proper rewite
system. You would not need to load the grammar for the Lsystem
from JSON, but it should be possible to alter the
grammar just by changing values in the code.
You should also provide a way to increase/ decrease the
number of iterations either interactively or from reading in the
number of iterations from a json file. By default you should set
it to the number of iterations that looks best/runs best. It does
not matter if the tree does not look as good when iterations are
increased/decreased. It is also ok if performance drops for
high numbers of iterations. This is to be expected.
• Fix road extrusion so roads can go up and down hills (4
marks). To get full marks for this, your road must perfectly
follow the terrain without intersecting or rising above it.
• Add lakes or ponds with a ripple effect. The ripple should be
animated and realised by distorting the mesh in the vertex
shader (4 marks)
• Add shadows to the trees and terrain (4 marks)
• Implement normal mapping on one of your models(4 marks)
• Add reflection mapping (using cube mapping) to one of your
models (4 marks)
• Implement some form of NPR shading (6 marks)
• BSP trees for terrain rendering (6 marks)
• Add level-of-detail support for rendering distant objects with
lower-resolution models (6 marks)
• Implement Cook-Torrance shading or some other form of
physically based rendering (6 marks)
• Implement grenades or bombs that cause the terrain to deform
when they explode.
• Add Portal style portals.
◦ Portals you can walk through (4 marks)
◦ Portals you can walk and see through (8 marks)
• Implement the terrain as a Bezier or NURBS surface (8 marks)
If you have other ideas for extensions please ask on the forum. If
there are any I like, I will add them to the list. I'm looking for
extensions which test your use of different rendering techniques
rather than just adding more stuff to the world.
Note: The marks above increase roughly logarithmically with the
amount of work required. So a task worth 6 marks is about 16 times
harder than a task worth 2 marks. The higher mark extensions will
also require you to do your own research as they may require ideas
and techniques not covered in this course.
Assignment 2: Sample
Example worlds
These are the some screenshots of the example worlds provided.
Note that screenshots were taken from whatever angle best
captured the scene. Your output doesn't have to look exactly like
this, but the following elements should match:
1 the shape of the terrain
2 the direction of the lighting
3 the shape of the road
Some of them include the line outlines of the triangles so you can
see the geometry of the terrain. You should not draw such lines in
your implementation
Test 1
The road hangs over the edge of the terrain.
Test 2
Various slopes lit from above
"width" : 6,
"depth" : 6,
"sunlight" : [ 0, 1, 0 ],
"altitude" : [
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
Test 3
A hill with sunlight coming from the negative x direction.
"width" : 4,
"depth" : 4,
"sunlight" : [ -1, 0, 0 ],
"altitude" : [
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 2, 0,
0, 0, 3, 0
Test 4
Trees at various heights testing interpolation
"width" : 4,
"depth" : 4,
"sunlight" : [ -1, 1, 0 ],
"altitude" : [
0, 0, 3, 3,
0, 0, 3, 3,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0
"trees" : [
{ "x" : 0.5, "z" : 0.5 },
{ "x" : 1.5, "z" : 0.5 },
{ "x" : 1.5, "z" : 1.5 },
{ "x" : 2.5, "z" : 0.5 },
{ "x" : 2.5, "z" : 1.5 },
{ "x" : 2.5, "z" : 2.5 },
Test 5
A single bezier curve of road
"width" : 4,
"depth" : 4,
"sunlight" : [ -1, 1, 0 ],
"altitude" : [
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0
"roads" : [
"width" : 1,
"spine" : [
0, 0.5,
3, 0.5,
3, 2.5,
0, 2.5
Test 6
Two roads at different altitudes
"width" : 6,
"depth" : 6,
"sunlight" : [ -1, 1, 0 ],
"altitude" : [
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
"roads" : [
"width" : 0.5,
"spine" : [
1, 1.5,
2, 1.5,
3, 1.5,
4, 1.5
"width" : 0.3,
"spine" : [
1, 4.5,
2, 4.5,
3, 4.5,
4, 4.5
Test 7
A two piece bezier spline road
"width" : 8,
"depth" : 8,
"sunlight" : [ -1, 1, 0 ],
"altitude" : [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
"roads" : [
"width" : 1,
"spine" : [
0, 0.5,
7, 0.5,
7, 3.5,
4, 3.5,
0, 3.5,
0, 6.5,
4, 6.5
Tree Interpolation
It is ok to place the centre of the trunk at
the interpolated y-value. You will not lose
any marks for this, but it is obviously
better to fix it
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