School of Computer Science University of St Andrews 2018-19
CS5011: Assignment 1 - Search - Robot-Assisted Evacuation
Assignment: A1 - Assignment 1
Deadline: 15th October 2018
Weighting: 20% of module mark
Please note that MMS is the definitive source for deadline and credit details.
You are expected to have read and understood all the information in this specification
and any accompanying documents at least a week before the deadline.
You must contact the lecturer regarding any queries well in advance of the
1 Objective
This practical aims to implement and evaluate a number of AI search algorithms applied
to the task of robot-assisted evacuation simulation in the event of a disaster.
2 Competencies
Design, implement, and document AI search algorithms.
Compare the performance of AI search algorithms.
Test methods for optimisation of AI search.
3 Practical Requirements
3.1 Introduction
When a country is hit by a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, timely response is
critical. The first step involved in disaster response is rescue and evacuation. Among
other tasks this involves evacuation of buildings where routes may be blocked by various
obstacles and collapses. It is common during evacuations in emergency situations for crowds
to increase speed and create bottlenecks and exit clogging. Autonomous guide robots have
the potential to intervene in these situations by assisting crowds in evacuating a building,
directing evacuees towards less crowded and unblocked exists. This also would avoid further
danger to human rescue teams. Testbeds and simulators have been developed in recent years
for robots and intelligent agents attempting to solve these problems. The RoboCup Rescue
is a well known robot competitions for rescue operations. Other specific robot
guides for evacuation have been developed for this purpose2
2See for example “E. Boukas, I. Kostavelis, A. Gasteratos, and G. C. Sirakoulis. Robot guided crowd
evacuation. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(2):739-751, 2015”
CS5011: Artificial Intelligence Practice 1
School of Computer Science University of St Andrews 2018-19
3.2 The task
For this practical, we consider the problem of an agent simulating a robot navigating a
building badly affected by a wild fire. We refer to this agent as robot Alpha. The robot
is equipped with a map of one building floor where the crowd is to be evacuated as shown
in Figure 1. We assume that the robot can only move along the paths highlighted in the
map, where intersection points between paths are identified with a lower case letter (e.g.,
a,b,c,. . .). The robot moves at once between two connected intersection points and can
move on any direction on the path. For example, (a,b) indicates that Alpha moves from
point a to point b. The robot has a starting point (e.g., Alpha starts in point d), which
is the location of the crowd to be evacuated. The robot will guide the crowds towards the
exit location (e.g., point n).
Figure 1: Example map for part 1
The task for robot Alpha is to find a route from the starting point to the exit. For
convenience, we represent the map as an adjacency table, a square matrix with rows and
columns representing points. Each cell contains an integer where:
10 represents no connection
5 represents that the two points are connected
0 represents the same point
2 represents the robot starting position (for robot Alpha at point d)
8 represents the exit position (e.g., n)
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School of Computer Science University of St Andrews 2018-19
For example for the map in Figure 1, the table is:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
a 0 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
b 5 0 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
c 5 5 0 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 10 10 10
d 10 10 5 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
e 10 10 5 10 0 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
f 10 10 10 10 5 0 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
g 10 10 10 10 10 5 0 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10
h 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 0 5 5 5 10 10 10 10
i 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 0 5 10 10 10 10 10
j 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 0 10 5 5 10 10
k 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 0 10 10 5 10
l 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 0 10 10 5
m 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 0 5 10
n 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 8 10
o 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 0
The aim of the practical is to implement and evaluate a set of AI search algorithms.
There are two main criteria for evaluating search algorithms: the quality of the solution
(e.g., the cost/length of the robot route), and efficiency represented here by the number of
search states visited by the algorithm.
3.3 Part 1: Uninformed Search
Implement depth-first search (DFS), and breadth-first search (BFS) for the task described
above. For each algorithm, once the robot Alpha reaches the exit, it must be able to construct
the path it has found from the starting point. Assume that the distance between each
connected point is 1 for this task. Your implementation should follow the general algorithm
for search considering the order that new states are added to the list. The algorithm should
also avoid loops and redundant paths. Please ensure that your implementation makes minimal
changes between DFS and BFS. Your implementation should print out enough data
to demonstrate that it works correctly. Make sure you print the current node, the list of
states expanded, and the frontier at each step in the search, as well as the current solution
The file maps1.txt contains nine world configurations, use those for your initial implementation.
These matrixes are represented as Java arrays filled with integers and represent
the core of the adjacency table. Note that point labels are omitted (e.g., a, b, ...), you may
use another array to map point labels to indexes for printing purposes. For example:
char[] points=new char[]{’a’,’b’,’c’,’d’,’e’,’f’,
System.out.println(points[0]); //will print ’a’
Points to cover in your report:
1. Describe the state space, initial state and goal, successor functions, and actions in
this search problem, path cost, and details of their respective implementation.
2. Describe the implementation of the search strategy clearly, and the differences between
DFS and BFS in your implementation.
CS5011: Artificial Intelligence Practice 3
School of Computer Science University of St Andrews 2018-19
3. Describe your choice(s) of order to add new states to the list.
4. Describe how you tested your implementation.
5. Evaluate BFS and DFS for this problem by running them on the data provided. Which
algorithm is best in terms of the number of search states visited? Which algorithm
produces the best (shortest) routes on the basis of path cost?
6. Include example runs of both DFS and BFS on the given maps maps1.txt, and use
these for comparing the two algorithms. You could include your own example maps,
after testing with those given.
3.4 Part 2: Informed Search
For many search problems, better results can be obtained by using a heuristic to choose the
state to explore next. For this task, we impose a 10x10 grid so that we know the location
of each point in the grid, and we can establish how far each point is in reality from another
point. Figure 2 represents this approach.
Figure 2: Example map for Part 2
In addition to maps1.txt, the file maps2.txt includes nine matrixes of integers corresponding
to locations of the points in the worlds of maps1, for example loc1 corresponds to
world1 etc. Each tuple in a matrix loc1 represents the location of the point at that index in
its correspondent adjacency matrix. Assume that we have loc1[q] = {x, y}, q is the index of
the point in the adjacency matrix, and x, y are the coordinates for this point. For example,
point a in Figure 2 is represented as {0, 2} and located at index 0, such that loc1[0] will
return an array [0, 2], and similarly for all other points we obtain:
CS5011: Artificial Intelligence Practice 4
School of Computer Science University of St Andrews 2018-19
System.out.println(loc1[0][0]); //point ’a’, coordinate ’x’, prints 0
System.out.println(loc1[0][1]); //point ’a’, coordinate ’y’, prints 2
System.out.println(loc1[1][0]); //point ’b’, coordinate ’x’, prints 2
System.out.println(loc1[1][1]); //point ’b’, coordinate ’y’, prints 0
System.out.println(loc1[13][0]); //point ’n’, coordinate ’x’, prints 9
System.out.println(loc1[13][1]); //point ’n’, coordinate ’y’, prints 9
Implement best-first search (BestFS) and A* search, defining one heuristic to guide your
search based on the distance of these points. As per Part 1, your implementation should
follow the general algorithm for search.
Points to cover in your report:
1. Describe the heuristic chosen and its implementation.
2. Describe the search algorithms in your implementation.
3. Describe how you tested your implementation.
4. Evaluate BestFS and A* for this problem by running them on the data provided.
Compare the two algorithms and discuss which of your algorithms is best in terms
of the number of search states visited and path chosen. You could include your own
example maps, after testing with those given.
3.5 Part 3: Extensions
It is strongly recommended that you ensure you have completed the Requirements in part
1 and part 2 before attempting any of these additional requirements. You may consider the
following additional tasks:
1. Find out about bidirectional search, implement this approach and evaluate it in comparison
with the results obtained in Part 1 or 2.
2. Select a different heuristic for the informed searches and evaluate your algorithms in
comparison with the results obtained in Part 2.
3. Consider the following problem:
Two agents simulating two robots navigate the building. We refer to these agents
simply as robot Alpha and robot Bravo. Similar to the task above each robot is
equipped with a map of one building floor to be evacuated as shown in Figure 1 and
can only move along the paths given. Each robot has a starting point (e.g, Alpha
starts in d represented by 2 in the adjacency table, Bravo starts in a represented by
4 in the adjacency table), where we assume that part of the crowd to be evacuated
is located. Both robots will guide the crowds towards the same exit location (e.g.,
point n) as shown in Figure 3. The robots can only make a single move at a time
simultaneously (e.g. Bravo moves (a, b) and Alpha (d, c) at the same time). However,
for this task two robots cannot be on the same point at the same time with the
exception of the exit point. This is so to avoid overcrowded locations.
Adapt any of the algorithms developed in Part 1 or in Part 2 for this task.
CS5011: Artificial Intelligence Practice 5
School of Computer Science University of St Andrews 2018-19
Figure 3: Example map for part 3
4. Suggest your own additional requirements: for a significant extension, you may apply
your search algorithms to a different or an extended search problem, or identify some
other search algorithm and propose its implementation to solve the robot evacuation
4 Code and Report Specifications
4.1 Code Submission and Running
The program must be written in Java and your implementation must compile and run on
the School lab Machines. Please do not use libraries that implement search algorithms. A
jar file is to be submitted for each part of the three parts attempted.
Name the jar file for Part 1 as “Search1.jar” and ensure it runs using:
java -jar Search1.jar [any param]
Name the jar file for Part 2 as “Search2.jar” and ensure it runs using:
java -jar Search2.jar [any param]
Name the jar file for Part 3 as “Search3.jar” and ensure it runs using:
java -jar Search3.jar [any param]
4.2 Report
You are required to submit a report describing your submission, with a limit of 3600 words
excluding references. The report should include:
CS5011: Artificial Intelligence Practice 6
School of Computer Science University of St Andrews 2018-19
1. A list of the parts implemented and any extension attempted
2. If any of the functionalities is only partially working, ensure that this is discussed in
your report
3. Literature Review: A short literature survey on applications of search algorithms
4. Design: A description and justification for the mechanisms you have implemented as
part of your solution. Please discuss the items listed for each part of the practical
that was attempted.
5. Examples and Testing: Examples of the main functionalities and your approach to
testing the system. Make sure to include small working examples to show that your
system is working correctly.
6. Evaluation: A critical analysis of the functionalities of your system and what can be
7. Running: Include clear instructions on how to run your system
8. Bibliography: List all the references you cite in your report and code.
More details on points to be discussed under sections 4–6 are listed in the description of
each part of this assignment. Please include a word count in your report and an estimate
of the time taken to complete the assignment in hours.
5 Deliverables
A single ZIP file must be submitted electronically via MMS by the deadline. Submissions
in any other format will be rejected.
Your ZIP file should contain:
1. A PDF report as discussed in Section 4.2
2. One, two or three jars depending on the tasks achieved as discussed in Section 4.1
3. The source code of your implementation containing any non-standard libraries
6 Assessment Criteria
Marking will follow the guidelines given in the school student handbook (see link in the
next section).
The following issues will be considered:
Achieved requirements
Quality of the solution provided
CS5011: Artificial Intelligence Practice 7
School of Computer Science University of St Andrews 2018-19
Code quality
Insights and analysis demonstrated in the report
Some guidelines are as follows. For a mark up to the band 11-13 you must complete
Part 1. For a mark up to the band 14-16 you must complete Part 1 and make an attempt
to at least one informed search algorithm in Part 2. For a mark up to 17 you must complete
Part 1 and Part 2 with a robust evaluation of the algorithms. To obtain marks above 17,
in addition to Part 1 and 2, at least one extension should be completed as those suggested
in Part 3. All parts are to be accompanied by a good insightful report covering all points
and good design and implementation quality.
7 Policies and Guidelines
7.1 Marking
See the standard mark descriptors in the School Student Handbook
7.2 Lateness Penalty
The standard penalty for late submission applies (Scheme B: 1 mark per 8 hour period, or
part thereof):
7.3 Good Academic Practice
The University policy on Good Academic Practice applies:
Alice Toniolo
September 25, 2018
CS5011: Artificial Intelligence Practice
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