Monash University FIT2099 Object-Oriented Design and Implementation 2018 S2
Assignment 3
Harry Potter: The Object of Fire
In this assignment you will design and implement some new game functionality, and write a set of
recommendations for changes to the game engine.
Project requirements
All the requirements stated in the Assignment 1 and 2 specifications still apply.
Extension of wand functionality
In the specification for Assignments 1 and 2, spells can only be cast at other actors. Extend this functionality
so that:
the target of a spell can be anything that implements HPEntityInterface
some spells only affect actors, and some only affect non-actors. For example, Expelliarmus only
makes sense if cast at an actor
Accio spell
Implement an Accio spell, with the following properties
it causes the item it is cast at to move to the caster’s location
it can only be cast at inanimate objects (i.e. non-actors)
the actor that casts it must be able to picture the target clearly in his or her mind for it to work, so
the actor must previously have seen the target item (i.e. been in the same location as the item at
some earlier time).
Young wizards don’t know many spells. Some actors can be teachers. A teacher has the ability to teach
any other actor it meets any of the spells that it knows.
design and implement a way for some actors to be teachers
when a teacher is in the same location as another actor on the same team, it will offer to teach the
other actor a spell
– if the other actor is the game player, it can choose a spell to learn from the list of spells the
teacher knows, or can decline the offer, using the user interface to made the choice
– if the other actor is a non-player actor, it chooses a spell it doesn’t already know from the list
of spells the teacher knows, or declines the offer, with uniform probability
make the game player a teacher. The game player starts the game knowing no spells
make Dumbledore a teacher. Dumbledore knows all the spells in the game
Secret tunnel
In the Harry Potter stories, there is a secret tunnel from the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack.
Create a secret tunnel between these locations (7, 4) and (0, 1) with the following properties:
The tunnel is a grid of locations of dimensions 1 × 8. When the game player is in the tunnel, the
tunnel grid is displayed in the user interface rather than the main 10 × 10 grid
The is a “door” at each end of the tunnel that provides an action that allows an actor using that
action to move to the first tunnel location at that end of the tunnel
Monash University FIT2099 Object-Oriented Design and Implementation 2018 S2
Recommendations for change to the game engine
Over the course of your three assignments, you have had to become familiar with the game engine
(located in the packages with prefix You have almost certainly found aspects of
the game engine design and implementation difficult to understand, or frustrating to use.
Write a short document (e.g. two or three A4 pages of text) describing changes you would recommend
for the game engine. For each change you recommend, you must explain:
what problem you perceive
the advantages, and any disadvantages, of the proposed change
If you use UML diagrams, don’t count the space they take up in the “two or three A4 pages of text”.
Note that any recommendations you make must be suitable for any application of the game engine.
They must not be specific to the Harry Potter scenario (for example, last semester the setting of the
game was the Star Wars universe).
Design is important
One of the primary aims of this unit is for you to learn the fundamentals of object-oriented design. In
order to get a high mark in this assignment, it will not be sufficient for your code to “work”. It must
also adhere to the design principles covered in lectures, and in the required readings on Moodle.
If you would like informal feedback on your design at any time, please consult your lab demonstrator
in a lab or consultation session.
You must ensure that design documents exist for all requirements by the beginning of Week 12.
Updating your design
You might find that some aspects of your existing design need to change to support the new functionality.
You might also think of a better approach to some of the requirements you have already implemented
— your understanding of the requirements and codebase will have improved as you have
progressed. You might also spot places where your existing code (and thus design) can benefit from
If you want to update your design, you may do so; if you decide to do this, be sure to update your
design documents so that they match the code, and write a brief explanation of your changes and the
reasons behind them. his will help your marker understand the thinking behind your code.
Coding and commenting standards
You must adhere to the Java coding standards that were posted on Moodle earlier in the semester.
Write javadoc comments for at least all public methods and attributes in your classes.
You will be marked on your adherence to the standards, javadoc, and general commenting guidelines
that were posted to Moodle earlier in the semester.
Bonus marks
As stated in the Assignment 2 specification, there are bonus marks available for groups that come up
with ideas for new features for the game, and then design and implement them. These could be new
kinds of actor or entity, with new behaviours. They could be new kinds of location. They must be
different from any features that have been requirements in FIT2099 in previous semesters.
A feature must be quite complex to qualify for a bonus mark. You must discuss your plans for bonus
mark features with your tutor and gain approval before beginning work on them. Bonus marks will be
awarded after the submission of Assignment 3.
Monash University FIT2099 Object-Oriented Design and Implementation 2018 S2
A maximum of three bonus marks are available (these are whole marks for the unit). No one has to
attempt bonus marks, and it is possible to get full marks for the unit without any bonus marks.
Submission instructions
The due date for this assignment is Friday 19th October at 17:00. We will mark your Assignment 3 on the
state of the “master” branch of your Monash GitLab repository at that time. If you have done any work
in other branches, make sure you merge it into master before the due time.
Important: You must ensure that design documents exist for all requirements by the beginning of Week
12 (Monday 15th October).
Do not create a new copy of your work for Assignment 3. Continue working on the same files, in the
same directory structure (you might like to add a tag to the your final Assignment 2 commit before
starting on Assignment 3, so you can find that version easily).1
As we said above, you may update your design and implementation if you find that your Assignment 2
solution is not suitable for extension, or if you think of a better approach during Assignment 3.
You must update your Work Breakdown Agreement to include the work necessary for the Assignment 3
requirements, and any bonus mark work you attempt.
Unless a team member has applied for and received special consideration according to the Monash
Special Consideration Policy,2
late submissions will be penalized at 10% per day late.
It is both team members’ responsibility to ensure that the correct versions of the documentation and
code are present in the repository by the due date and time. Once both teammates have agreed on a
final Assignment 3 submission, do not make further commits to the master branch of the repository
until the due date has passed, without the agreement of your teammate. If you want to continue to
make changes to the repository for some reason, make another branch.
We will take your Work Breakdown Agreement into account when marking if there seems to be a major
discrepancy in the quality of different parts of the submission, or if the code is missing major sections.
Students whose work is inadequate in either quality or quantity will be penalized, and their partners
will be compensated. If you choose to reallocate tasks, make sure you keep your WBA up to date.
Getting Marking
You must explain your submitted documents to your tutor during your interview. Each team will be
allocated a 15 minute slot in which to be interviewed in the week of the deadline. Both team members
must explain the artefacts they have produced, and the rationale behind them.
As the interviews will take place in Week 12, you may not have finished all your work in time for the
interview. As stated earlier, you must ensure that design documents exist for all requirements by the
beginning of Week 12.
The interview is a hurdle for getting marked.
Marking Criteria
This assignment will be marked on:
Functional completeness
Design quality
– adherence to design principles discussed in lectures
– UML notation consistency and appropriateness
Monash University FIT2099 Object-Oriented Design and Implementation 2018 S2
– consistency between design artefacts
– clarity of writing.
– level of detail (this should be sufficient but not overwhelming)
Code quality
– readability
– adherence to Java coding standards
– quality of comments
– maintainability (application of the principles discussed in lectures)
Correct use of GitLab
Quality of recommendations for changes to the codebase
– understanding of codebase displayed
– usefulness of recommendations
– understandability of recommendations
– generality of recommendations (i.e. must not be specific to Harry Potter scenario)
– practicality of recommendations
– clarity of writing
Marks may also be deducted for:
late submission
inadequate individual contribution to the project
academic integrity breaches
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