This lab will teach you about Mazes and Stacks and recursion and
playing with Graphics, all the while knowing nothing about graphics or
recursion. It also will test your ability to work with unfamiliar code-bases
and platforms.
1 Brief Problem Summary
I’ve provided you with a few files to generate a maze. Your assignment is to
create a basic maze solving algorithm to find it’s way from the top left corner
of the maze to the bottom right. If we’re being generous we might say we’re
making a very basic AI.
To do so, you need to finish implementing solveMaze() method to perform
a depth-first search using a stack.1 Don’t freak out if you don’t know anything
about graphics. The most complicated thing you will be doing is changing the
colors of a few squares.
2 Basic Maze-Solving Algorithm
As I described in class, depth-first search is fairly straight-forward. When you
have a choice in what direction to travel, make a choice. Follow that corridor
and choose a new branch to go down as needed. If you reach a dead end, either
because you’re blocked by walls or there’s nowhere new to visit, you backup
until you find a new route to explore.
The way we do this with an algorithm is a stack.
push start position on top of stack
while maze exploartion is not done and and stack isn’t empty
peek to get our current position
if we can go north and haven’t visited there yet
push the location to the north on the stack
mark the current location as visited
else if we can go south...
repeat for east and west
1A term that might be worth looking up on wikipedia.
we can’t go anywhere so we are at a dead end
mark current as a dead end
pop off the stack
Lookup depth first search for more details. The way this works for our code
is that locations are represented by Cell objects and we can mark them visited
by coloring them.
3 A Tour Of The Source Code
Please watch the companion video and the lecture for more details.
3.1 Maze
Run this class since it has the main method in it. It creates the MazeGridPanel
and passes in parameters to set up how large of a maze you want. I’ve found
that anything above a 100 × 100 maze is pretty slow.
3.2 MazeGridPanel
This holds our actuals maze. Our maze is held in the 2D array of Cell objects,
called maze.
solveMaze() is your assignment and genDFSMaze() is your extra credit.
solveMazeQueue() solves the maze using breadth-first search. visited() will
check if the Cell at row or col has been visited by looking at the color (you
should read this method.). genNWMaze() is the method I wrote that actually
creates the maze.
3.3 Cell
The maze is made up of individual pieces of a grid, each represented by a Cell.
Each cell has a boolean for each of the four possible walls it can have in any
direction, as well as a row and col for easy reference to its location in the maze.
We’ll keep track of whether we’ve seen a Cell by coloring it. My code
considers white and red cells unvisited (red is used to mark the exit of the
maze). A cell colored anything else has been seen or visited in some way,
shape, or form. We can change the color of a Cell using the setBackground
method, which takes in a Color. We can retrieve the color of a Cell using the
4 Extra Credit: Maze Generation
Complete genDFSMaze(), which will build a maze by using depth-first search.
You can find the algorithm by clicking on this sentence, which is also a hyperlink.
5 Grading
A partially working solution is worth 50 points. A fully working solution is 100
points. The extra credit problem is worth 5 points.
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