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日期:2019-04-13 11:52

COMP3021 Java Programming

Spring 2019 Programming Assignment #1

(Civilization – ASCII mode)

(Deadline: 11:55 PM, 16 April 2019)


This is an individual assignment; all the work must be your own.

Download the project skeleton at

https://course.cse.ust.hk/comp3021/assignments/assignment1/PA1.zip and finish the implementations

using the skeleton.

Zip your complete project directory to PA1.zip and submit it to CASS through

https://course.cse.ust.hk/cass/student/. Refer to http://cssystem.cse.ust.hk/UGuides/cass/index.html for

the details of uploading assignment using CASS.

You can submit the assignment for as many times as you wish, we will only mark you latest submission.

This PA accounts for 10% of the total course grade.

Cheating/plagiarism will be caught and punished HEAVILY!

University’s Honor code: http://tl.ust.hk/integrity/student-1.html

University’s Penalties for Cheating: http://tl.ust.hk/integrity/student-5.html



Civilization is a turn based strategy game where the objective is to conquer other players'

cities by developing our own resources and troops (reference). In this assignment, you

will complete a partial implementation of a simplified, ASCII-version civilization game.

This game involves two human players (according to the configuration in the

players.txt file that comes with the skeleton). In each turn, players are able to perform

tasks on cities through their ministers. Each human player has a set of cities under his/her

governance. The human player will have a list of ministers to carry out the various tasks

on the cities. Some of the possible actions are: collect tax, collect science and production

points, build improvements (banks, roads, universities) and recruit troops, see the

selectAndPerformAction() method in the GameEngine.java file for the list of

possible actions. Each minister has different intelligence, experience and leadership

values, these values are stored in the instance variables of the minister object. These

values affect how much gold, science and production collected. A minister of the player

can do one single task in each turn. If the player has 3 ministers, the player will be able

to perform three tasks per turn.

Gold, science points, and production points are the main resources of the game. The

player can spend these resources to perform various tasks in the game, such as building

banks, roads, universities, upgrading technologies, and recruiting troops. Using the

recruited troops, players can attack adjacent cities to conquer them. The game will end

when one player has conquered all cities on the map.

Please play with the supplied executable file on a Windows platform to see how the game

could be played.

Getting Started

Importing the skeleton code

1. Download the skeleton code from the course website and unzip the file

2. In IntelliJ, go to File > New > Project From Existing Sources...

3. Choose the root directory of the skeleton code

4. Click Next, make sure the project format is .idea

5. When prompted to choose JDK version, choose JDK 10

6. Click finish


The List and Map interfaces

We use the List and Map interfaces extensively to store references to game objects. The

List interface defines the set of methods you can do on a List (ArrayList, LinkedList, etc).

Whereas the Map interface defines the methods of a Map (key, value data structure such

as HashMap).

You can refer to the following documentations on the methods of these interfaces:

● List: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/util/List.html

● Map: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/util/Map.html

You will need the following methods for this assignment:

● List: size(), add(), get()

● Map: put(), get()

Since List and Map are interfaces, they can’t be instantiated. Instead, you can assign a

class that implements the interface. For example:

List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();

Map<K, V> map = new HashMap<>();

The T, K, V letters above are generic datatypes. See the following examples for the details

of replacing these generic datatypes with a real existing datatype.

If you wish the ArrayList to store a particular type of elements, you will need to create an

ArrayList and indicate the type of elements being stored. For example, the following


List<Player> players=new ArrayList<Player>();

creates an empty ArrayList, players, which contains player reference as the elements.

To add new player to the ArrayList, we can do:

// Create a player object with name being “Alex”, and the

// initial gold being 100 units

Player player = new Player(“Alex”,100,100,100);

// add the “player” to the “players” ArrayList



A Map on the other hand acts as a “dictionary”. For each element in the Map, there are

two fields, one is the Key (K), the other field is the Value (V). The lines below create a

Map and each element of the Map consists of a String and a Double type data. Mind that

the K, and V are generic datatypes, so they can be any non-primitive data types (but

cannot be primitive).

Map<String,Double> fruitPrices=new HashMap<String,Double>();

After creating the Map, we add the prices of fruits to the Map fruitPrices:



The fruit name Strings (“Apple” and “Pineapple”) will become the Keys of the two entries,

and if you wish to retrieve the Value field of “Pineapple”, you simply do this:

Double price=fruitPrices.get(“Pineapple”);

Then the variable, price, will hold the price of the “Pineapple”, which is 35.0. As

you can see, Map provides you an extremely convenient way of retrieving data using a

more meaningful index (a String representing the name of a fruit here, instead of the

meaningless index numbers 0,1,2,…n-1 in the case of an array).

To Use ArrayList and Map, you will need to have the following line in your Java file:

import java.util.*;


UML Diagram Notation

The UML diagrams used in this document is generated by IntelliJ (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U to

enter UML diagram edition mode). The notations used by IntelliJ is slightly different than

the standard notations we discussed during our lectures. We will illustrate the difference

using the Sample.java class UML diagram below:

The character “c” in the blue circle on the top row indicates that this is a class, the

character “f” in the yellow circle indicates this is a field (i.e. variable), and the character

“m” in the red circle indicates this is a “method”. The hollow dot at the left of the variable

“a” indicates that “a” has the “default” access right, the locked red lock at the left of the

variable “b” indicates that “b” has the “protected” “private” access right, the gray key at

the left of the variable “c” indicates that “c” has the “private” “protected” access right. The

opened lock at the left of the variable “d” indicates that “d” has the “public” access right.

For a method or a constructor, the input type is shown in the parentheses and the output

type is shown at the right of the method name.



Your tasks are to complete all the TODO items in the skeleton code. A detailed

description of what you need to do is given in the Javadoc comments above each

TODO. In IntelliJ, you can go to View > Tool Windows > TODO to jump to each

TODO in the project.

More information about the TODO tasks are given below.

The TODOs in the GameEngine class (GameEngine.java)

You need to complete the following methods:

public boolean isGameOver() {


* Determine if the game is over by checking if there is only one player with at

least one city


* @return true if game is over, false otherwise



public Player getWinner() {


* Get the the only player with at least one city


* @return




The TODOs in the GameMap class (GameMap.java)

You need to complete the following methods:

public void loadMap(String filename) throws IOException {


* Load the map from a text file

* The outline of the map format is given in the assignment description


* You should instantiate cityLocations and connectedCities here


* @param filename

* @throws IOException



This functions reads the content of map.txt and stores the map information inside these

two data structures Map<Integer, Cell> cityLocations and Map<Integer, List<Integer>>


cityLocation is an associative array where the key is a unique ID of a city and the value

is the location.

connectedCities is an associative array where the key is a unique ID of a city and the

value is a list of neighboring city IDs.


The map text file is structured as follows:

48 // comment: this is the width of the text-mode game board

12 // comment: this is the height of the text-mode game board

2 // comment: this is the number of cities in the game

0 16,4 // comment: this is the cityID,(x,y)-coordinates of the city

1 32,4// comment: this is another city, cityID==1

0 1,2 // comment: this is the city with cityId==0, its neighboring cityIds

1 0,3 // comment: this is the city with cityId==1, and neighboring cityIds

public void loadPlayers(String filename) throws IOException {


* Loads player data from text file

* The outline of the player file format is given in the assignment description

* You should instantiate the member variable players here


* @param filename

* @throws IOException



This method reads the content of players.txt and store player information in players list.

The structure of the players text file is as follows:

2 // number of players

Blue 100 100 100 2 3 // playerName, gold, science, production, cities, ministers

1 SF 300 50 500 // cityId,name,population,troops,crop yields

3 LA 500 100 600 // cityId,name,population,troops,crop yields

Economist 80 100 60 // ministerType,intelligence,experience,leadership

WarGeneral 100 80 60 // ministerType,intelligence,experience,leadership

WarGeneral 60 80 100// ministerType,intelligence,experience,leadership

// note the blank line between each player

Red 100 100 100 2 2 // Player 2, the “Red” player and its information


0 BJ 200 0 100

2 HK 500 0 800

Economist 80 80 80

Scientist 100 100 100

public List<City> getAllCities() {


* @return list of all cities from every player



public Cell getCityLocation(City city) {


* @param city

* @return Cell object representing the city's location on the game map


The TODOs in the Player Class(Player.java)

The player class contains the cities, ministers, technologies of the player as well as gold,

production and science points. Please complete the following methods:

public Player(String name, int gold, int science, int production) {

technologies.add(new WarTech());

technologies.add(new TradingTech());

technologies.add(new ManufacturingTech());


* Initializes member variables.


* @param name

* @param gold

* @param science

* @param production


// TODO: complete initialization of member variables using the parameters


public boolean hasCity(City city) {


* @param city

* @return true if the given city belongs to this player



public boolean hasAnyCity() {


* Hint: use a method in the List class


* @return true if this player has at least one city




public boolean hasReadyMinister() {


* @return true if the player has at least one ready minister



The TODOs in the City Class (City.java)

In addition to completing unfinished methods, you need to declare the

member variables according to the UML diagram. The lock symbol indicates

that the variable is private and the pin symbol indicates final variables.

public void addBank() {


* Adds number of banks by one



public void addRoad() {


* Adds number of roads by one



public void addUniversity() {


* Adds number of universities by one




public void addTroops(int increment) {/**

* Adds number of troops by specified increment.

* If the increment is negative, invoke decreaseTroops() within this method



* @param increment



public void decreaseTroops(int decrement) {


* Decreases number of troops by the amount specified

* Caps the number of troops at 0


* @param decrement



public void improveCrops(int addition) {


* Add to crop yields the amount specified


* @param addition



public int getExcessCrops() {


* Calculates excess crops.


* @return crop yields - population - 2 * troops





public boolean equals(Object o) {


* Checks whether two cities are equal

* Two cities are equal when they have the same id

* Return false if Object o is not an instance of City


* @param o object to be compared

* @return result of equality check



public void growAtTurnEnd() {


* Increases population by increment = round(excess crops * 0.5)

* If the increment turns out to be negative, leave population unchanged

* Print a line that says:

* "Turn end: [city name]'s population has grown by [increment]

* e.g. "Turn end: HK's population has grown by 50"



public void invokeRandomEvent(double rand) {


* Invoke a random event at the end of turn.

* There are two types of events, a disaster and baby boom.

* A disaster happens when rand <= 0.4, it halves the population.

* A baby boom happens when rand > 0.4 AND rand <= 0.8 it multiplies the

population by 1.5.

* Otherwise the population is left unchanged

* Print a message in the following format when each event happens

* "Random event: A disaster in [city name] has happened, population was

reduced significantly"

* "Random event: A baby boom in [city name] has happened, population was

increased significantly"


* @param rand random number between 0 and 1 supplied by the function caller



public Cost getBankCost() {


* Cost of building a bank

* gold = production points = (# of banks + 1) * 400


* @return Cost object encapsulating the gold and production costs



public Cost getRoadCost() {


* Cost of building a road

* gold = production points = (# of roads + 1) * 100


* @return Cost object encapsulating the gold and production costs




public Cost getUniversityCost() {


* Cost of building a university

* gold = production points = (# of universities + 1) * 1500


* @return Cost object encapsulating the gold and production costs



The TODOs in the pa1.ministers package (in the ministers


You need to complete the implementation of the Minister abstract class (Minister.java)

and its subclasses. The Minister abstract class defines the general behavior of a minister

when performing tasks. The subclasses (WarGeneral, Scientist, Economist) introduce

some task-specific perks and bonuses which are implemented as method overriding.

Since actions in the game are done through ministers, these classes will contain most of

your work.


The TODOs in the Minister Abstract Class (Minister.java)

public boolean isReady() {


* @return Whether or not the minister is ready



public void beginTurn() {


* Changes isReady to true



public void endTurn() {


* Changes isReady to false



public int collectTax(City city) {


* Collect gold from a city

* amount collected = (city population + minister experience + minister leadership)

* (# of banks + 1) * 0.2


* @param city to collect gold from

* @return amount of gold collected




public int collectSciencePoints(City city) {


* Collect science points from a city

* amount collected = (city population + minister experience + minister

intelligence) * (# of universities + 1) * 0.2


* @param city to collect science points from

* @return amount of science points collected



public int collectProductionPoints(City city) {


* Collect production points from a city

* amount collected = (city population + minister intelligence + minister leadership)

* (# of roads + 1) * 0.2


* @param city to collect production points from

* @return amount of production points collected



public void buildBank(Player player, City city) throws TooPoorException {


* Build a bank in the city

* 1. Get the cost of building a bank, with applied minister discount

* 2. Check whether player has enough gold and production points

* 3. If not, throw an exception

* 4. Subtract the cost from the player's gold and production point

* 5. Add number of bank in the city by one


* - the Cost class has a getDiscountedCost() method

* - the Minister class has a getImprovementDiscountRate() method, to obtain the

* discount rate of building a bank


* @param player


* @param city

* @throws TooPoorException



public void buildRoad(Player player, City city) throws TooPoorException {


* Build a road in the city

* 1. Get the cost of building a road, with applied minister discount

* 2. Check whether player has enough gold and production points

* 3. If not, throw an exception

* 4. Subtract the cost from the player's gold and production point

* 5. Add number of road in the city by one

* <p>


* - the Cost class has a getDiscountedCost() method

* - the Minister class has a getImprovementDiscountRate() method, to obtain the

* discount rate of building a road


* @param player

* @param city

* @throws TooPoorException



public void buildUniversity(Player player, City city) throws TooPoorException {


* Build a university in the city

* 1. Get the cost of building a university, with applied minister discount

* 2. Check whether player has enough gold and production points

* 3. If not, throw an exception

* 4. Subtract the cost from the player's gold and production point

* 5. Add number of university in the city by one

* <p>


* - the Cost class has a getDiscountedCost() method

* - the Minister class has a getImprovementDiscountRate() method, to obtain the

* discount rate of building a university


* @param player

* @param city

* @throws TooPoorException



public void attackCity(City attacker, City defender, int attackingTroops,

List<Technology> technologyList) {


* Attack a target city

* Attacking city loses troops equal to min(# of troops attacking, # of troops in the

defending city)

* Defending city loses round(0.8 * # of attacking troops * product of tech attack


* <p>

* This method is overridden in the WarGeneral class


* Print the following messages:

* "[attacker city name] loses [number of troops lost by attacker] troops while


* "[defender city name] loses [number of troops lost by defender] troops while




* @param attacker attacking city

* @param defender defending city

* @param attackingTroops number of troops deployed for the attack

* @param technologyList technologies owned by the attacking player



public void improveCropYield(Player player, City city) throws

TooPoorException {


* Improve the crop yields in a city

* Improve Crop yields by 50 for 500 golds

* If the player does not have enough gold, throw an exception

* Else decrease 500 golds from the player and improves crops by 50

* <p>

* This method is overridden in the Economist class


* @param player

* @param city

* @throws TooPoorException



public void recruitTroops(Player player, City city) throws TooPoorException {


* Recruit troops to be stationed in a city

* Recruit 50 troops for 500 golds

* If the player does not have enough gold, throw an exception

* <p>

* Overridden in WarGeneral class


* @param player

* @param city

* @throws TooPoorException




public void upgradeTech(Player player, Technology technology) throws

TooPoorException {


* Upgrades tech

* 1. Get the cost of upgrading tech, with applied minister discount

* 2. Check whether player has enough gold, production, and science points

* 3. If not, throw an exception

* 4. Subtract the costs from the player's balance

* 5. Add level of technology by one

* <p>


* - the Cost class has a getDiscounterCost() method

* - the Minister class has a getTechDiscountRate() method


* @param player

* @param technology

* @throws TooPoorException



public void spyOnNeighbors(City city, GameMap map) {


* This method is called when you want to spy on your neighbors.

* <p>

* Print the information of a City's neighbors

* <p>


* - GameMap class has a getNeighboringCities() method

* - City class overrides the toString() method which returns the

* String representation of a city


* @param city

* @param map




The TODOs in the Economist class (Economist.java)

public Economist(int intelligence, int experience, int leadership) {


* Call the superclass' constructor

* @param intelligence

* @param experience

* @param leadership




public double getImprovementDiscountRate() {


* @return improvement discount rate equals to 1 - (intelligence + experience) /





public int collectTax(City city) {


* @param city to collect gold from

* @return 1.5 times the amount collected by other types of minister





public void improveCropYield(Player player, City city) throws

TooPoorException {


* Economists get a bonus when doing crops improvements

* Crop improvement still costs 500 gold

* Crop is improved by 50 + round((intelligence + experience + leadership) * 0.2)

* If the player does not have enough gold, throw an exception

* Else decrease 500 golds from the player and improves crops by the calculated



* @param player

* @param city

* @throws TooPoorException




public String toString() {


* Example string representation:

* "Economist | intelligence: 100 | experience: 100 | leadership: 100 | READY" -

when isReady() == true

* "Economist | intelligence: 100 | experience: 100 | leadership: 100 | DONE" -

when isReady() == false


* @return string representation of this object




The TODOs in the Scientist class (Scientist.java)

public Scientist(int intelligence, int experience, int leadership) {


* Calls the superclass' constructor


* @param intelligence

* @param experience

* @param leadership




public double getTechDiscountRate() {


* @return tech discount rate equals to 1 - (intelligence + experience) / 1500




public int collectSciencePoints(City city) {


* @param city to collect science points from

* @return 1.5 times the amount collected by other types of minister





public String toString() {


* Example string representation:

* "Scientist | intelligence: 100 | experience: 100 | leadership: 100 | READY" -

when isReady() == true

* "Scientist | intelligence: 100 | experience: 100 | leadership: 100 | DONE" - when

isReady() == false


* @return string representation of this object



The TODOs in the WarGeneral class (WarGeneral.java)

public WarGeneral(int intelligence, int experience, int leadership) {


* Calls the superclass' constructor


* @param intelligence

* @param experience

* @param leadership




public int collectProductionPoints(City city) {


* @param city to collect production points from

* @return 1.5 times the amount collected by other types of minister





public void recruitTroops(Player player, City city) throws TooPoorException {


* Recruits more troops than superclass implementation,

* troops added to city = 50 + round(leadership * 0.2).

* Recruitment still costs 500 golds. Throw an exception

* when player does not have enough gold.


* @param player

* @param city

* @throws TooPoorException




public void attackCity(City attacker, City defender, int troops, List<Technology>

technologyList) {


* WarGeneral gets attack bonus when attacking a city.

* bonus_multiplier = 1 + (intelligence + experience + leadership) / 1500

* <p>

* Attacking city loses troops equal to min(# of troops attacking, # of troops in the

defending city)

* Defending city loses round(bonus_multiplier * # of attacking troops * product of

tech attack bonuses)

* <p>

* "[attacker city name] loses [number of troops lost by attacker] troops while


* "[defender city name] loses [number of troops lost by defender] troops while



* @param attacker attacking city

* @param defender defending city

* @param troops number of troops deployed for the attack

* @param technologyList





public String toString() {


* Example string representation:

* "WarGeneral | intelligence: 100 | experience: 100 | leadership: 100 | READY" -

when isReady() == true

* "WarGeneral | intelligence: 100 | experience: 100 | leadership: 100 | DONE" -

when isReady() == false


* @return string representation of this object



The TODOs in the pa1.technologies package (in the

technologies folder)

The technology package contains classes represent the technologies owned by a player

and they provide bonuses to various aspects of the game. They are structured similarly

to the minister classes with one abstract class and many specific subclasses with different

behaviors. You need to complete the implementation of these subclasses.


The TODOs in the TradingTech class (TradingTech.java)


public double getGoldBonus() {


* @return gold bonus equal to 1 + (level * 0.5);




public Cost getUpgradeCost() {


* Upgrade costs:

* gold = production = science = (current level + 1) * 1000;


* @return upgrade costs




public String toString() {


* Example string representation:

* "TradingTech | level: 1 | gold bonus: 1.50"


* @return String representing this object




The TODOs in the ManufacturingTech class



public double getProductionBonus() {


* @return production bonus equal to 1 + current level * 0.5




public Cost getUpgradeCost() {


* Upgrade costs:

* gold = production = (current level + 1) * 1000;

* science = 0


* @return upgrade costs




public String toString() {


* Example string representation:

* "ManufacturingTech | level: 1 | production bonus: 1.50"


* @return String representing this object




The TODOs in the WarTech class (WarTech.java)


public double getAttackBonus() {


* @return attack bonus equal to 1 + level * 0.5




public Cost getUpgradeCost() {


* Upgrade costs:

* gold = science = (current level + 1) * 1000;

* production = 0


* @return upgrade costs




public String toString() {


* Example string representation:

* "WarTech | level: 1 | attack bonus: 1.50"


* @return String representing this object




Additional Classes

These additional classes help encapsulate data. The Cell class represent an x, y

location on the game map. The Cost class encapsulates gold, production and science

points costs for performing a task.

The TODOs in the Cell class (Cell.java)

Implement this class from scratch according to the UML diagram


The TODOs in the Cost class (Cost.java)

public Cost getDiscountedCost(double rate) {


* Get a new Cost object with applied discount rate


* @param rate discount rate

* @return Discounted Cost = round(rate * current cost)




public boolean equals(Object obj) {


* Two Cost objects are equal if their

* gold costs AND production costs AND science costs

* are equal

* <p>

* Return false if obj is not an instance of Cost


* @param obj

* @return





You also need to implement a custom exception class, TooPoorException. This

exception will be thrown when the player does not have enough resources to complete a

task. You will need to throw this exception in your implementation of the minister classes.



public String getMessage() {


* Constructs an error message in the form:

* "need (%d golds, %d production points, %d science points), have (%d golds,

%d production points, %d science points)"


* @return




Running the executable file

An executable file for the PA could be downloaded from the PA1 link at the course web.

You could use it to verify the correctness of your finished PA. To run the executable file

under Windows (we only have Windows machine to compile it :( ), first you have to make

sure the two .txt files (map.txt and players.txt files) are in the same directory as the

executable file. Then Open a Windows command window, adjust the width of the

command window as indicate below for a better display:

Then issue the command:



After you are done with the PA

Congratulations! Hope you have enjoyed it! Now you can Zip your complete project

directory to PA1.zip and submit this file to the CASS link shown on page 1. You can

submit for as many times as you wish before the deadline, but we will only mark you latest


Late Submission Policy

There will be a penalty of -1 point (out of a maximum 100 points) for every minute you

submit the PA late. If you submit your PA1 at 00:30am on 17 April 2019 (Wednesday),

there will be a penalty of -35 points for your assignment. The lowest score you may get

from the assignment is zero. If you submit your PA1 at 2:35am on 17 April 2019 or later,

you will have zero for the PA1. So be sure to submit the finished PA1 as early as possible.

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