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日期:2019-05-29 11:04

Web Development I (ISY10209)

Session 1, 2019

Assignment 3 Develop an electronic Web portfolio, using a plain text editor (Notepad++)

Unit Objectives 1 - 5

Due Dates Website: Week 13, Wednesday 29th May 2019.

Weight 30% of overall unit assessment

Expected Time to Complete: 20 Hours

1. Task Description

Develop an electronic work portfolio for yourself, which demonstrates your skills in as many relevant areas (of your

degree) as possible. The portfolio should contain:

Homepage that introduces you to possible employers.

Resume – listing personal details, education, experience (work), qualifications, hobbies, other relevant

information (these could be shown on separate pages if desired)

Examples of your work/skills in four (4) different areas. Some examples:

o Design examples

o Graphics production and preparation

o Written and spoken communication skills

o The ability to work as part of a team and independently

o Project management

o Skills required by employers in your field of study.

Each skill area should include examples of your work which may be in the form of text, graphics, links to working

projects or screen shots of projects.


Functioning web site (digital). Uploaded to your website on infotech (our Linux server).

o IBS & GXUST students check with your local tutor about this requirement (as different

requirement may have to be meet).

The University marker must have access to the source code, so you will also be required to provide a zip

file containing the entire website (and design documentation as a single word document). For all

Internal/Online/Sydney/Melbourne/Perth students this will be via MySCU (see the Submit Assignments

folder) site.

2. Length

There should be at least six (6) pages in the website. There should be - at minimum - a Home page

(index.html), a Resume page, and at least 4 pages with examples of your skills. One of these skills pages

must detail your Web Development skills page.

In addition to the six (6) pages already mentioned, topics 9, 10, 11 and 12 contain continuous assessments

that will add an additional two pages to your site. These additional pages should be linked to the Web

Development skills page only – as they are related to these skills. For your convenience I have included all

of the continuous assessments as an appendix of this document.

Remember that prospective employers have to read your portfolio, so keep it informative and intuitive. Typically

students lose marks as a result of a content poor site (including lack of information, bad spelling and grammar) –

don’t make this mistake!

3. Marking criteria

The following marking criteria should assist you in completing your assignment.

5% Interface design, navigation and organisation

Preliminary design (1%)

Interface design (1%)

Navigation design (1%)

Storyboards - content (1%)

Organisation of Information - Concept (1%)

5% Communications effectiveness - development

Graphics communications effectiveness (2%)

Logical communications effectiveness (1.5%)

Written communications effectiveness (1.5%)

20% Technical functionality in terms of web development

Initial impact (style) (1%)

Correct spelling and grammar (2%)

Everything works without error - Server (3%)

Maximum usage of material undertaken in this unit (3%)

Usage of CSS (3%)

HTML Form & JavaScript (3%)

Code reusability and readability (1%)

Validation (3%)

File sizes and naming (1%),

Please make sure that you address each of these criteria in your assignment. Have a look at the marking spreadsheet

provided in the Assignments folder of the MySCU site for additional information.

4. Submission Format – also see point 10.

On the completion of the Website, as well as handing it in as per instructions, you must upload your site onto Infotech

(our Linux server). This is similar to the process that you would undertake when placing your website with an ISP.

Place all design documentation in one Word file (this does not need to be uploaded to Infotech). IBS & GXUST

students should check with your local tutor about this criteria.

Ensure that all .html files and the .doc file are zipped into a single file and submitted to MySCU assignment area,

following naming conventions for the zip file given in point 11. IBS & GXUST students will submit this to their local


5. Advice

You should start thinking about the content and design of your portfolio website as soon as you read this. That Is

Right NOW! You need to have a clear design in your mind. You should also collect/develop all content that you

want included in your website. You should be coding the site starting in week eight.

Pay close attention the feedback from your tutor about your design – marked as part of assignment 2. This is a

check placed into the 2nd assignment to verify you are on track with your major assignment.

Design Issues:

Your design should fit a screen resolution 1024 x 768 (allow for toolbars and scrollbars). You will need to

research the actual working space available for your content.

Think about your design carefully. The site will need to be consistent throughout.

Navigation is one of the most important issues. Carefully plan your navigation on paper first. Think about

using a template for your main navigation to keep it consistent and understandable.

Decide on an overall theme.

Include in your design the colours for text, backgrounds, etc.

Keep fonts consistent.

Will there be different colour schemes used on unrelated pages?

Include all of this information in your design document.

If there are a number of images on a page, decide on the dimensions during the design phase. It is best to

make them a consistent size.

Take care with your button size designs and banners / headings so that they do not "take over" the page.

Development Issues:

Try to avoid scroll bars where possible. Definitely do not require scroll bars to view all of your navigation

menu (check at 1024 width in a browser).

Do not let the menu width take over the page and reduce the available space for the information. You

should view lots of websites on the Internet to get ideas.

The website must be written in HTML5 using only a text editor (NotePad++ recommended).

The assignment must pass validation for HTML5 and CSS.

Check the DOCTYPE statements to ensure correct validation.

The website must have Meta tags (home page) and a relevant page title on each page (search-engine


Ensure that every graphic file has been reduced to the correct size in a photo editing program, not just

reduced in size in the code.

Excessive file sizes will lose marks (see unit notes for file size limits) unless your users are given a choice

to open the file (i.e. by using a link on a thumbnail).

6. More information

All written works for this assessment must be word-processed. Drawings and diagrams should be word-processed into

a word document. Files created in non-university standard programs cannot be accepted.

If you need more information about completing this assignment, then you should contact your lecturer or your tutor by

email. You should also check the discussion board for help from other students.

7. Original work

Your assignment must be your original work. Assignments form a major part of course work. Exchange of ideas can

be considered educationally valuable; however, excessive collaboration will be regarded as plagiarism, which is a

University offence. For example, the copying of significant parts of a document, even if subsequently modified, is

plagiarism. Such academic dishonesty will be penalised in accordance with the University's rules and regulations.

You must not copy material from books, magazines, internet sources or other students’ assignments. Of course, you

may include direct quotes from any source, but these must be small (e.g. one sentence or one paragraph) and must be

properly referenced, using Harvard Referencing Style. Attribute images to the original source (used ethically) – better

to use your own.

The assessment process may require some students to attend an interview in order to explain aspects of their

assignment (if a question of plagiarism is raised).

Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. If plagiarism is found, students may receive zero marks on this assessment item.

8. Identification

There is no need to hand in a hardcopy of this assignment. Ensuring that your name is in the filename of the handed-in

file will be sufficient identification (see point 11.)

9. Retain duplicate copy

Before submitting the assignment, you are advised to retain electronic copies of original work. In the event of any

uncertainty regarding the submission of assessment items, you may be requested to reproduce a final copy.

10. Assignment submission

Design Documentation + Website:


Week 13, Wednesday 29th May 2019.


Internal, Online, Sydney/Melbourne/Perth and GXUST students: submit via "Submit Assignments" folder on the

MySCU site.

IBS and GXUST: as directed by local tutor.

Students must submit this assignment in digital format

Files must be named in the following way:

One zip file (filename = YourFirstInitialLastName_ISY10209_Ass3.zip) containing:

o A single Word file (Design Documentation)

o filename = YourLastNameFirstInitial_ISY10209_Ass23-design.doc

o Your entire Website (files, folders images etc.)

NOTE: do not include any spaces or hyphens within your filename as MySCU seems to reject files with

special characters including spaces and hyphens.

Make sure you wait for the upload to be complete - many students end up

rushing this and as a result submit a corrupted file.

11. Penalty for late submission

All assessment tasks submitted during the study period will normally be marked and returned within two weeks of the

required date of submission (provided that the assessment materials have been submitted by the due date).

If you need an extension/special consideration for an assignment you will need to fill in the "Special Consideration

for Assessment" form. If the requested extension is for more than 48 hours you will need to include some

documentary proof of the reason you need the extension (i.e. doctors certificate etc.). Remember that extensions will

not be granted on due dates of the assignments (except in exceptional situations) - get your request in before the

assignment is due.

To streamline and improve the special consideration process, new eForms have been developed that will enable

students to submit an application electronically via MyEnrolment for:

Special Consideration for Assessment (extension and marking)

Special Exam Application

Extensions within 24 hours of submission or following the submission deadline will not be granted (unless supported

by a doctor’s certificate or where there are exceptional circumstances – this will be at the unit assessor’s discretion and

will be considered on a case by case basis).

A penalty of 5% of the total available grade will accrue for each 24-hour period that an assessment item is submitted

late. Therefore, an assessment item worth 20 marks will have 1 mark deducted for every 24-hour period and at the end

of 20 days will receive 0 marks.

Students who fail to submit following the guidelines in this Unit Information Guide will be deemed to have not

submitted the assessment item and the above penalty will be applied until the specified submission guidelines are


12. Marks and Feedback

All assessment materials submitted during the semester will normally be marked and returned within two weeks of the

required date of submission (provided that the assessment materials have been submitted by the due date).

Marks and Feedback will be made available to students using the MySCU Gradebook or from your local tutor if you

are not required to submit your assignment via MySCU.

13. Appendix

This contains all the continuous assessments associated with this assignment.

Topic 9 Continuous Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 specifications) will be to build a personal

portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you

closer to being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms part of your major

assignment (assignment 3) due in week 12.

In the last two topics (topic 8 & 9) you have examined HTML forms and JavaScript. Now is the time to combine these

skills. You will design and build a a HTML5 form for a hypothetical King’s Music Store website (you are

displaying it as part of your web design skills in the major assignment). The form is for users to sign up for an

email newsletter from the site.

The form will:

Open in a new window (or tab) from your web_skill.html page

Use the "post" method

Target http://infotech.scu.edu.au/cgi-bin/echo_form in the form action

Be styled using "Pure" CSS (p. 437 Felke-Morris)

Welcome the user "onload" with an alert ("Welcome to the Kings Music Store - Newsletter Signup")

Contain user instructions (what required fields etc.)

Contain the following fields:

o Text field maximum size 60 - First Name (required - DO NOT use the HTML5 required field - this will be

checked by JavaScript onsubmit)

o Text field maximum size 60 - Last Name (required - DO NOT use the HTML5 required field - this will be

checked by JavaScript onsubmit)

o Text field maximum size 60 - Email Address (required - use the new HTML5 email address element - it

checks for a single @ in the address)

o Age as a radio button group divided into age ranges as follows:

15-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55 and 55+

o 10 checkboxes for the user’s musical taste (what music does the person like).

Heavy Metal, Country and Western, Classical, Rock & Roll, Pop, Folk, Blues, Jazz, Disco and Opera

o Text area (for the user to inform the shop of any further type of music they are searching for) with a

minimum size of 60 cols and 3 rows.

o A submit button and a reset button.

"onsubmit" the form will verify that both name fields are NOT empty strings - if a field is empty the user should be

informed (via an "alert") and the form should be prevented from submitting to the infotech server.

Additional video resources are available to assist you. See the How-to Video folder in the MySCU site for this unit. Of

particular use to you for this topic are:

Some Basic JavaScript

JavaScript Validation Part 1

JavaScript Validation Part 2

On the textbooks companion website located at:


Is a VideoNote that may be of assistance to you it is:

JavaScript Message Box

Topic 10 Continuous Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 specifications) will be to build a personal

portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you

closer to being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms part of your major

assignment (assignment 3) due in week 12.

Examine the pages that you have built so far for these continuous assessments and your major assignment. Have the

issues examined in this chapter changed your mind about the structure/content of your pages?

List the changes you have made to your major assignment and the issue that caused you to change it. Include a page

on your website portfolio (as part of assignment 3) titled website_issues.html on this page list at least 3 changes made

to your site addressing the issues discussed in this chapter. Provide a reference and a brief explanation to support each

item. Following is an example of what is expected.

1) According to Yick & Gupta "wearing a white ribbon in one's hair is considered bad luck" for Chinese people.

Therefore I changed photo of girl with white ribbon to one with a red ribbon.

Yick, A.G. and Gupta, R., 2002. "Chinese Cultural Dimensions of Death, Dying, and Bereavement: Focus

Group Findings", Journal of Cultural Diversity, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.32-42.

Note: that the website_issues.html page should only be accessible from your web skills page.

Topic 11 Continuous Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 specifications) will be to build a personal

portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you

closer to being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms part of your major

assignment (assignment 3) due in week 12.

Examine the requirements for hosting your portfolio. Write a short report that:

provides the names of three Web host providers

the monthly cost for hosting by each provide;

? the software offered, e.g. PHP, ASP

the storage space available

the stated reliability of the host, e.g. mean hours uptime

provide a summary and recommendation

Which hosting site would you chose? Why? You should use a table to present the above material. Note that the text

contains a similar type table (Felke-Morris, table 10.1 p468).

Include this report on the website_issues.html page of your major assignment. Remember that this page should only

be accessible from your web development skills page.

Topic 12 Continuous Assessment

During this session your major assignment (see Assignment 3 specifications) will be to build a personal

portfolio website to demonstrate your life/business/IT skills. Each of topics of the study guide will bring you

closer to being able to produce this website. This topics continuous assessment forms part of your major

assignment (assignment 3) due in week 12.

Add at least description meta tags to your assignment 3 site. This will better prepare your site for search engines

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