Movie Store Case Study
A.Project Overview
Project Idea Title:
Online Movie Ordering Application
Proposed By (Team Lead and Members’ ID and Names):
ISD Teaching Team
Autumn 2019
Team/ Organisation Name:
Approved by (Customer):
ISD Teaching Team
B.Project Description
Movie Store (MS) is a small company based in Sydney, Australia. MS wants to develop an online movie ordering application. Based on the initial analysis and meetings with the stakeholders, project team have documented the project brief. The project brief discusses the current MS movie collection management, ordering process, objectives and the target to be developed online movie ordering application.
Planned Duration and Budget
Management is agreed to use the agile time and material-based approach to deliver this project in small releases. The estimated cost for per man hour is $80. Each day will have 8-man working hours. The first release 1 comprising working software application must be formally reviewed (showcase) and released in production by no later than 07/06/2019.
Movie Ordering Process (Current)
MS has a specialist collection of movies such as action, drama, crime, horror, sports and documentary. MS sells these movies in their Sydney store to their customers. MS managed to survive due to its specialist collection of movies. They are now facing several issues. Their customers must have to travel to their local Sydney store to browse their in-store movie collection, search and buy the specialist movies. They have a large collection and it is not feasible to easily manage it via existing paper-based manual system.
C.Project Objectives
MS currently use the old paper-based manual approach for managing their customers details, movie collection count and movie ordering records. MS are unable to keep up with the growing amount of information and rapid increase in the customer demand for specialist movies and not being able to physically visit their store. MS wants an online movie ordering application. This online application will help MS to achieve the following objectives:
1.Improve movie collection management
2.Reduce manual paper-based data handling
3.Enhance sales via online search & ordering
4.Improve customer/ user experience
D.Project Scope (Target System)
The key users of the new online application will be MS staff and customers. The online application will allow the users to register and login into the application using their user id (staff or customer) and password. Once logged in, the application will allow the authorized MS staff users to manage the movie collection online and track customer orders, and allow customer users to browser, search, order movies online and track their orders. The authorised MS staff should be able to manage users (e.g. create, list, view, update, activate and deactivate records) and application access logs.
E.Risks, Constraints and Dependencies
1.Risk of being new to agile approach.
2.Time budget constraint.
3.Team size constraint.
F.Additional Information
Please note that the high-level requirements in this project brief is a starting point for students to analyse and capture more detailed requirements through self-study and interactions with their tutors during the workshop sessions and assessment showcases. You need to apply requirements analysis techniques to uncover more details. This case study purposely left some details for the students to discover through regular interactions with their project customers. Teaching staff in this project will play the role of the customer.
This project is related to assessment items 1-2. See subject outline and assessment hand-outs.
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