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日期:2019-12-19 11:07


Project Case Study – Semester3


Thisprojectincludes completeDigitalRestaurantSystemlikeOrdering

foods,Feedback,HomeDeliveryFacility,Restaurant promotion.

Food Corner project has following modules in order to make system

completely digital.

1. Admin Modulea.


of food, drink then admin have rights to update in restaurant’s database.

b. Update–Iftherewillbeanychangesinanyfoodname,materialorprice

then admin will have rights to update the details.

c. RemoveFood–Ifanyitemwillbenomoreavailableinrestaurantthen

admin will have rights to remove from restaurant database.

d. Access –Admin will havecomplete access in system to check customer

details and fooddetails.

2. Customer Modulea.

Customer Registration – Customer need to do registration for further

notification of services and benefits.

i. Name of customer

ii. Address of Customer

iii. Contact number ofcustomer.

b. MenuPage–Customerwillbeabletoseethemenuwindow.Menu

window will have all food and respective pricefor all the food.

i. Desserts (Name of all desserts and respective pricewith pictures.)

ii. Meals (Name of all meals and respective price with pictures.)

iii. Breakfast (Name of all breakfasts and respective price with pictures.)

iv. Drinks (Name of all drinks and respective price with pictures.)

c. PutOrder-AfterselectingfoodfromMenucustomercanputtheorder

and it will calculate final bill for their order.

Welcome to Food Corner -

Please Select the Category:

Customer Admin

Window (Welcome to Food Corner)

There will be two choices for Use

1. Customer

2. Admin

If User Will Click on Admin, then following window will open.

2. This Window will responsible for Login for Admin or creating new Admin.

A. Enter Username and Password to login.

B. Click on Create New Admin button to create New Admin.

Welcome to Food Corner -

Add New Item in Menu

Update the Item

Remove Item


Menu for Admin

Welcome to Admin Module –

---------------------Admin Module ------------------------

3. If Admin logged in successfully, then Admin can see this window.There are some

functionality for Adminlike

a. Add new Item in Menu

b. Update the Item

c. Remove Item

If Admin will click on the “Add New Item in Menu” then following window will open.

4. Admin will add the New Item in Menu of Restaurant.

a. Add Name ofItem.

b. Add id of Item

c. Add price ofItem

d. Add Item Description

e. Upload Picture

IfAdmin wants toUpdatethe old Item, thenHewillclick on theupdateItem button

in third window.

5. Admin can update the old Item in Menu using this Window.

a. Admin will search the Item first using ID.

b. Admin will change the value of Selected Item, then Update.

Example – In above picture, Admin will update the price of coffee.


Button from window2.

6. Admin willsearch the Item withItem Id. If Item willfoundin database,thenthis

windowwilldisplaynameandID ofItem.AdmincandeletethisItembyclicking

on delete button.


Admin can add Events and offer to attract the customers.

---------------------------Customer Module------------------------

If theUser will click oncustomer button in firstWindow,then your will jump

On following window.

7. If user willclick ontheRegisterbutton,thenNext windowwill opentoregister

New customer inDatabase.

8. In this window New Customer will be register in our System.

A. Name of Customer

B. Address of customer

C. Telephone Number ofcustomer

After entering the details user can add then after clicking Order button user can

order food for the customer.

Afterclicking onOrder buttonfrom9

thWindowor after clickingBuyfood button

from window 8, following window will be opened to buy food.

9. There will be four option in this window.

a. Breakfast

b. Drinks

c. Meals

d. Desserts

10. This is billing window,Billing window will calculate the bill for your order.

Afterclicking onfeedbackbutton, it will open awindowtofillfeedbackform

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