41025 ISD Assignment 1 Autumn 2020
41025 Introduction to Software Development
Project - Analysis, Planning, Architecture, & Design
Assignment 1
Due Date: Softcopy Due by Friday 24/04/2020 11:55 PM AEST
Showcases in Week Commencing from 27/04/2020 -
During Related Workshop: See workshop schedule on UTS Online for
exact dates/ time slots)
Submission: Each group will submit the following two items:
Report: Each group will submit a softcopy (Microsoft Word File or PDF) of
the group assignment containing ISD project requirements, plan, architecture
and design including individual contribution logbooks via Turnitin before
24/04/2020 11:55 PM AEST. Use the Project - Assessment item 1 Turnitin
link (View/ Complete) on UTSOnline for submitting your assignment.
Prototype: Working software application prototype code will not be
submitted via Turnitin. Submit ISD project working software prototype code
files (source and executable) with readme file (how to deploy and run the
software) as a single Zip file in the UTSOnline Assignment 1/ “Working
Software Prototype Code Submission” folder using your relevant workshop
link before 24/04/2020 11:55 PM AEST. You can submit the software
only once. You must not make any changes once the software code is
submitted. If you make any changes after the submission due date then
the late assignment rules will be applied.
Your both project report and software prototype code submission files
title/name must follow the following naming pattern.
Your workshop activity number–group id
For instance, if your Wrk1 activity number is 02 (see timetable for your
activity) and group id is G1 then your submission file title/ name must be
worded as 02-G1. From each group only one student (project leader) should
submit the assignment on the behalf of the whole group. You do not need to
put the student ids of all the group members on the file title/ name. You must
check Turnitin report and ensure that your work does not contain plagiarism.
You may submit your report to Turnitin many times before the submission
due date. Final Turnitin reports can be used as evidence by the teaching staff
in the event that plagiarism is suspected in an assignment and will be dealt as
per University rules. Do not allow anyone to copy your solution – this is
considered misconduct; all miscreants will receive a mark of 0, at best
for the assignment and will be dealt as per University rules. You may be
required to provide the hard or soft copy of the assignment anytime during
the semester.
41025 ISD Assignment 1 Autumn 2020
(C) Dr. Asif Gill 2020 2
Marks: 30%
Word Limits: This is a technical report, thus there is no compulsory minimum and
maximum word limit. For a general guidance, the recommended word limit
for this assignment is maximum 5000 words excluding diagrams,
bibliography, logbooks and appendices. Word limit will be regarded as
recommended rather than compulsory, and no student will be disadvantaged
by being under or over the recommended word limit.
Method: The assignment will be done in a group (preferably in the same workshop).
Group size should be limited to 4 and no more than 6 students (enrolment
numbers and situation-specific circumstance will dictate the actual size of the
groups). Groups will be formed in Weeks 2 and 3 with the help of your
workshop teaching staff. It is not the responsibility of teaching staff to find a
group for you; however, they would help you to put in a group. Once the
groups are formed and for any reason(s) you want to change the group, then
it is solely your responsibility to make other arrangements and find another
alternative group who is willing to accept you. This is a group assignment
and you must respect other students in the same group, different groups and
teaching staff. If you have any group issues, then you must inform your
workshop tutor as soon as possible and well before (at least 1 week or
earlier) the assignment submission or due date. Group assignment issues
reported on or after the assignment submission date may not be
considered. There will be zero tolerance for any academic and nonacademic
misconduct. See University Rules, Subject Outline and
Academic Misconduct section of this brief for details.
Objectives: Subject objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
1. Investigate and solve software development problems with minimal
2. Determine and balance the competing goals of software development
activities within their constraints
3. Plan and manage a software development task to create, modify or extend
a software feature or function to completion within the task constraints.
4. Apply sound software engineering practices to successfully create, modify
or extend a software feature or function.
5. Communicate clearly software and task information to interested
Type: Project
Groupwork: Group, group and individually assessed
Criteria: The assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria.
Criteria Items Key Objectives Weight
Problem requirements, constraints, risks (6
1,2,5 20%
Solution estimation, planning (6 Marks) 2,3,5 20%
Solution architecture (6 Marks) 1,2,5 20%
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Solution design (6 Marks) 1,2,5 20%
Coded solution prototype: architecture
spike (6 Marks)
4,5 20%
Total - 100%
The on-line tool SPARK shall be used to assess an individual’s contribution
to the group work. This means the group mark for the Assignment 1 shall be
scaled by the individual’s SPARK rating as described in the Subject Outline.
The rating period for SPARK assessments, Assignment 1, will open on
24/04/2020 11:55 PM AEST and close on 27/04/2020 11:55 PM AEST.
Please be advised that if you fail to provide a rating via SPARK during the
declared rating period, you will receive anywhere between 00.0 and 0.5
(50%) of the assessed group mark for the Assignment 1. Individuals who
“abuse” the SPARK assessment methodology will also receive anywhere
between 0.0 and 0.5 (50%) of the of the assessed group mark for the
Assignment 1. Please read carefully the Assessment section of the Subject
Outline. Please also note that there will be no negotiation on a wrong
answer. An individual’s mark for this group work assessment shall be
computed as:
Individual Student Mark = Group Mark for Assessment Item 1 *
Individual Spark plus rating
Task: This assessment task will require a team of 4-6 students to analyse the ISD
Project: IoTBay case study; and produce, submit and present a group report
containing software requirements & development plan, and architecture &
design; and working software prototype. The deliverables of this assessment
task also include an oral/visual group report and prototype presentation/
showcase (no PowerPoint slides) and individual contribution logbooks. Any
individual student who failed to appear and present in these compulsory
assignment assessment and review sessions (Showcase) will receive zero
(0) as a final individual mark. Students may choose to work in a lab or
from home. Each ISD project team needs to nominate a project manager/
lead who will submit the assignment 1 on the behalf of the whole group or
Assignment 1: Consolidated Report Structure for Deliverables
SECTION/ ITEMS Maximum Marks Note
Cover Sheet, Header
Page and Approved
Project Scope
- Sign, scan and embed FEIT declaration
of originality cover sheet containing
correct group name, student #, names
and signatures in the report just before
the project title/header page.
Analyse the IoTBay project brief and
identify at least 4-6 processes, services
or features for your project.
Document project scope items (process,
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SECTION/ ITEMS Maximum Marks Note
service or feature, role) in the project
backlog table.
Note: At least 1 service/feature per team
member. Each service or feature can be
broken down into several user stories.
If you do not include these then
assignment will not be marked, and you
may receive zero for the whole
1. Requirements 6 Requirements Backlog
Functional Requirements (4) Analyse the IoTBay project case study,
and break down the (processes, services
or features) into user stories (linked to
project scope items) for the whole
project and capture them in the
requirements traceability matrix or
backlog spreadsheet. You can also use
Trello, Airtable, MS Excel and similar
tool to capture the backlog.
See the requirements backlog template.
Write narratives/details using the use
case template. Each student in a group
will write a narrative for only 1 user
story of their selected feature.
See the use case template example.
Data Requirements (1) Document data requirements using the
data dictionary template. Groups must
complete/ consolidate the data
dictionary for the whole project based
on the input from individual team
See the data dictionary template.
(0.5) Identify and capture at least 2
performance and 2 security requirements
for the overall to-be developed software
application as user stories in the
requirements backlog matrix.
See the NFR example.
Constraints & risks (0.5) Identify and capture at least 2
constraints and 2 risks for the overall tobe
developed software application.
2. Plan 6 Project Schedule, cost estimates &
Project schedule (4) Decompose the whole project schedule
into 2 releases (R1 and R2). Exclude R0
as you are already doing R0 for
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SECTION/ ITEMS Maximum Marks Note
assignment 1. Assignment 2 will be
relevant to R1.
Decompose each release (R1 and R2)
into 3 key iterations (I1, I2, I3) and also
include additional iteration zero (I0) in
each release. Thus, 4 iterations in total.
See the project schedule example.
Calculate the whole project, release(s)
(R1, R2) and iteration(s) (I0, I1, I2, I3)
start and end dates. Ignore R0 as
mentioned earlier.
See the project example.
Estimate (use Fibonacci Numbers) and
prioritise (H, M, L) user stories
identified for the whole project.
See the backlog example.
Develop the user story map.
See the user story example.
Select the user stories in consultation
with your tutor as minimum viable
product for R1 of the IoTBay software
Select the user stories in consultation
with your tutor (For R1 iterations.
Develop R1 iteration 1 (I1) card wall.
You are not required to provide card
wall for R2.
See the card wall example.
Develop R1 iteration 1 (I1) schedule.
You are not required to provide detailed
schedule for R2.
Project cost estimates (1) Calculate the cost estimates for the
whole project (R1 and R2). Ignore R0
Calculate the cost estimates for R1.
Note: Assuming each student in the ISD
project team is working 8-10 hours per week
for this project. Rate is fixed at $80 P/H.
This is only human effort cost and you are
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SECTION/ ITEMS Maximum Marks Note
not required to calculate other hardware/
software costs (e.g. compute, network,
storage, connectivity)
Project timesheet (1) Each student to complete and submit the
timesheet (current) signed by their
project lead.
Note: Assuming each student in the ISD
project team is working 8-10 hours per week
for this project. Rate is fixed at $80 P/H.
3. Solution Architecture 6 Architecture based on MVC
Data Architecture Model (3) Based on the data (dictionary) requirements:
Group needs to provide the overall
(consolidated) conceptual data model
diagram (without attributes) for the
overall IoTBay software application
(R0, R1 and R2). Concepts &
See the Conceptual Data Model example.
Application Architecture
(3) Model and describe overall IoTBay
Application Architecture as follows:
Provide a group (consolidated) MVC
architecture that describes the overall
IoTBay software application (R0, R1
and R2).
See the group (consolidated) MVC
Architecture Model example.
Note: The model diagram(s) should show
architecture components and their relations
following the MVC or relevant architecture
pattern (s). You may use any drawing or
modelling tool for architecture diagram.
4. Solution Design 6 Solution Design based on MVC
Interaction Design Model
(2) Provide a single consolidated user or
customer journey map for the overall
IoTBay software application (R0, R1
and R2).
See the UXD example.
Object Design Model
(Class Diagram)
(2) Provide a single (consolidated) object
class design model (business logic,
interface classes, attributes and methods)
for the overall IoTBay software
application (R0, R1 and R2).
See the class diagram example.
Backend Database
Design Model (ERD)
(2) Based on the data (dictionary) requirements
and the conceptual data model:
Provide a single (consolidated) back-end
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SECTION/ ITEMS Maximum Marks Note
database design model diagram (ERD)
with all the tables, normalised
relationships (if relevant) and attributes
for the overall IoTBay software
See the ERD example.
5. Architecture Spike
(Software Prototype)
6 Develop the software prototype (R0 release)
by partially implementing the IoTBay
architecture components/ layers.
Each member in a group must individually
develop and implement the following:
Interface – Implement the index or landing
page (home page) of the IoTBay
application. It is the starting point of the
web application and should provide the
options of login and register to users.
Login page – Implement the login page
screen using web form (e.g. JSP). The login
page must post the form-data to the
welcome page.
Register page – Implement the register
page screen using web form (e.g. JSP). The
register page must post the form-data to the
welcome page.
Welcome page – Implement the welcome
page to retrieve the posted form-data from
register and login. The welcome page must
use JavaBeans and session to transport the
user (registered or logged-in user) data to
the main page.
Main page – Implement the main page to
retrieve the user Beans saved into session
and display it. The main page must provide
a logout link.
Logout page – Implement the logout page
for users to use from the main page. The
logout page must redirect users to the index
page and terminate the session.
Database – Create an initial version of the
IoTBay software application data model
41025 ISD Assignment 1 Autumn 2020
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SECTION/ ITEMS Maximum Marks Note
Presentation/ Showcase - You are not required to prepare and submit the
presentation slides. Launch and present the
report submitted via Turnitin. Present software
prototype from your laptop during the
compulsory showcase. If a student does
not present during the showcase, then
he/she will receive zero for their project
Appendices –
Individual Contribution
- Include contents from the Individual
Contribution Logbooks. Link your
individual contribution to weeks and hours
recorded in timesheet and workshop/ lab
The individual contribution logbook is
mandatory for students to submit with each
Assignment: Assessment Items (1-2) to
receive individual project marks. If a
student does not submit this logbook,
then he/she will receive zero for their
project mark.
Total Maximum Marks 30
You should use the Assignment 1 Report Structure (as explained above) as a guide for
documenting deliverables, additional documents and information released with this
assignment brief on UTSOnline in the Assignment 1 folder.
You should regularly get feedback on the assignment tasks and deliverables from the
coaches during the workshop sessions. Each student group should assume the role of a
Software Provider Start-up Company for the ISD Project.
Assessment Feedback
Feedback on the marked assignments will be within 2 weeks after the assignment due or
submission date.
Minimum Requirements
See subject outline for details. NO conceded passes are to be granted due to University
Referencing Standards
All material derived from other works must be acknowledged and referenced accordingly
using the Harvard Referencing Style (see
Late Penalty
See subject outline for late submission penalty, unless an extension has been approved by
the subject coordinator.
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Special Consideration
Special consideration, for late submission, must be arranged beforehand with the subject coordinator
(email: asif.gill@uts.edu.au).
Please also see the UTS Special Consideration Process:
Special Needs:
Students should email the subject coordinator as soon as possible (and prior to the
assessment deadline) to make them aware of the impact on them meeting assessment
component/requirements, and that they are seeking assistance through UTS Special Needs
as detailed in Section 5.1.3 of Procedures for the Assessment of Coursework Subjects.
Academic Misconduct:
Please see the subject outline for plagiarism and academic integrity in conjunction with
UTS policy and procedures for the assessment for coursework subjects.
Querying Marks/Grades and Final Results
See subject outline for details.
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