EE417 - Web Application Development
MECEMEng Electronic & Computer Engineering
ECEBEng Electronic & Computer Engineering
MCTYMSc Electronic and Computer Technology
ECSAOStudy Abroad (Engineering & Computing)
David Molloy(Internal)(Ext:8426)
Prof. Roberto Verdone(External)External
Dr. Josep R. Casas(External)External
The use of programmable or text storing calculators is expressly forbidden.
Please note that where a candidate answers more than the required number of questions, the examiner will mark all questions attempted and then select the highest scoring ones.
There are no additional requirements for this paper.
QUESTION 1 - (Pre-prepared Question)[TOTAL MARKS: 34]
Description: You have previously built a web application using the core technologies from the EE417 course. This prototype application has been well received by your company and they have now provided you with funding to develop your application into a fully-featured, production-ready application for deployment in the real-world.
You have a team of four junior developers who report to you and who are ready to begin development of the software application. As you are the original designer and the most senior developer, the team is looking to you for guidance on a range of areas:
Application framework and architecture
Front-end framework and design
Data integration of components
Deployment & Hosting
Multi-user development issues
B2B (Business to Business) integration
Any other areas you feel important
You are required to prepare a document for the team providing them with big picture details for design, deployment, implementation and running of your software application.
This document should be concise, to the point and should not exceed 1500 words. This should be a highly personal document based on your own experience and your understanding of the course material. You should principally use the course material, but are not specifically limited only to elements from the course.
If you have not previously submitted Assignment #1, then you should make the assumption that you have built an application as described in the prior assignment description. All other aspects of this specification then apply as normal as you are not asked to write or enhance code for this assignment.
-Submit into Loop using the instructions provided
-In the case of network/Loop issues, submit your response as part of this document
Marking Guidelines for Question 1
34 marks for this question. This is an essay question and will be judged based on the overall knowledge and understanding demonstrated in the question.
As a general guideline:
Category A: 30-34 – Comprehensively covered all of the listed topics with a full understanding and a significant element of personalization demonstrated. Did not waste time discussing functionality. The submitted document would provide a professional, production ready guidance to the team who could start project implementation.
Note: This is a template rubric response for the mark range obtained. All points may not necessarily apply.
Category B: 24 – 29 Marks – Covered the large majority of the topics and demonstrated a decent understanding of framework, deployment and testing issues. Potentially spent some time discussing specific details about developed functionality (not part of the question). The submitted document would provide a reasonable template for the team of developers starting the project implementation.
Note: This is a template rubric response for the mark range obtained. All points may not necessarily apply.
Category C: 16-23 Marks – Provided information on the majority of topics but either omitted certain topics or did not demonstrate a strong understanding of the topics covered. Potentially spent some time discussing specific details about developed functionality (not part of the question). The submitted document might help the team with some aspects of the project implementation, but would leave a number of outstanding questions.
Note: This is a template rubric response for the mark range obtained. All points may not necessarily apply.
Category D: 8-15 Marks – Provided basic information on a number of the topics but demonstrated a lack of understanding of the topics covered. No in depth or personal discussion relating to the topics. May have spent a lot of time discussion specific details about developing functionality (not part of the question). The submitted document would provide little help to the team regarding the project implementation and would leave them with significant numbers of outstanding questions.
Note: This is a template rubric response for the mark range obtained. All points may not necessarily apply.
Category C: 0-8 Marks – Demonstrated a poor understanding of the topics, omitted a number of sections or only talked about functionality (not part of the question). The submitted document would provide almost no help to the team regarding the further project implementation, giving them almost no guidance on the question topics.
Note: This is a template rubric response for the mark range obtained. All points may not necessarily apply.
Using HTML and CSS, create a web page which looks like the following. This page should scale with browser width and should be achieved using block elements for layout (e.g. do not use the table element).
Answer to Question 2:
8 Marks if the layout is correct, is done using block elements, scales with browser and looks perfect.
Reducing marks for missing any of the above aspects.
Using your HTML page from Q2, create a working calculator using JavaScript. The application should work for the following operators: plus, minus, multiply and divide. The result should update if any change is made to either value or the operator. If the result is invalid (due to missing or invalid data), the result should show ‘NaN’.
Answer to Question 3:
8 Marks for the quality of JavaScript provided.
Sample answer below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<title>Sample Calculator</title>
function performCalculation() {
var valueA = parseInt(document.calcForm.a.value);
var valueB = parseInt(document.calcForm.b.value);
var operator = document.calcForm.operator.value;
var result = NaN;
if (operator=="+") result = valueA + valueB;
else if (operator=="-") result = valueA - valueB;
else if (operator=="*") result = valueA * valueB;
else if (operator=="/") result = valueA / valueB;
document.calcForm.result.value = result;
<form name="calcForm">
<div class="standardColumn oddColumn">
Value A
<div class="innerDiv"><input class="myInput" onChange="performCalculation()" type="text" name="a"/></div>
<div class="standardColumn evenColumn">
<div class="innerDiv">
<select name="operator" onChange="performCalculation()" >
<div class="standardColumn oddColumn">
Value B
<div class="innerDiv"><input class="myInput" onChange="performCalculation()" type="text" name="b"/></div>
<div class="standardColumn evenColumn">
<div class="innerDiv">=</div>
<div class="standardColumn oddColumn">
<div class="innerDiv"><input class="myInput" type="text" name="result" style="width:30px"/></div>
Write the SQL to build three tables to represent your student registration record at Dublin City University. This database should record three main elements:
1)Biographical information (e.g. name, email etc.)
2)Registration on annual programmes
3)Registration on modules linked to those programmes
(8 marks)
Using the resulting tables generated by your SQL:
i)Demonstrate a multi-table join statement (2 marks)
ii)Explain the DELETE rules you have applied to your foreign key relationships (3 marks)
iii)Provide an SQL example that would violate referential integrity. Briefly explain why this violation occurs. (2 marks)
Answer to Question 4:
2 Marks for general create table statements
2 Marks for proper primary keys
4 Marks for proper linkages between tables and foreign keys
i) 2 Marks for multi-table join using their tables
ii) 3 Marks for strong explanation of why they chose the delete rules they did
iii) 2 Marks for proper example of violating referential integrity and provided explanation
The following class ‘’ will compare two strings A and B and check whether the string B is a substring of string A.
public class StringCheck {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String a = "LongerWordContainingOtherWords";
String b= "Word";
if (args.length==2) {
a = args[0];
b = args[1];
System.out.println(isASubstring(a, b)); // true
public static boolean isASubstring(String a, String b) {
return a.contains(b);
Write a unit test class ‘’ which will contain four unique test methods, two of which will be successful and two of which will fail.
Note: and a template class for your unit tests can be found here (
Answer to Question 5:
1 Mark for each test written (4 Marks total)
2 Marks for appropriate tests chosen
2 Marks for correct and working code across the board
Modify from Question 5 so that it passes all of your previous tests, is robust against any submitted inputs and is case insensitive.
Answer to Question 6:
7 Marks for code that satisfies the tests above to at least include testing for either value being null and blank values.
This would typically be achieved by adding in exception catching to handle each of the scenarios. For example, a.contains(b) will throw a NullPointerException if a is null, so this would need to be fixed.
Nominally, fully working code should be executable and testable.
QUESTION 7 – 16 Multiple Choice[TOTAL MARKS: 20]
Automatically marked. 100% for the correct answer. 0% for incorrect answer. No negative marking applied.
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