Q1. Department of Mathematics — Web
Application [6 marks]
Two new logical sections are required for the Mathematics
department's single-page web application: a Courses section
that contains a list courses that the department offers, and
an Infographics section that contains just a heading
named Infographics — this section will feature future
infographics planned to be published by the department. A user
should be able to switch between the two sections and viewing a
section should only show the information relevant to that
section. The list of the mathematics courses are provided by the
endpoint https://api.test.auckland.ac.nz/service/courses/v2/cour
ses?subject=MATHS&year=2020&size=500 Links to an external
site.. Include as much relevant course details as you can. When you are able to successfully display the list of courses, add
a further interaction to the courses: when a user selects
(clicks/touches) a course, fetch the course timetable and display
this to the user. Start with a simple alert to display the
information, and come back to look at better ways of presenting
this after completing the other sections of this assessment. The
course timetable is available from the
endpoint: https://api.test.auckland.ac.nz/service/classes/v1/class
gNbr} Links to an external site. where {catalogNbr} is obtained
from the course list. For example, 162 is the catalogNbr for
MATHS 162. You are not allowed to use loops for processing collections of
items. Instead, you must use the forEach (Links to an external
site.) method of JavaScript arrays. Please note that you are not allowed to use any libraries or
frameworks. Please keep your style (CSS) and script (JS) external. You will be required to submit these as separate files. Please don't use a CORS proxy when one is not required. Using
proxies unnecessarily creates additional latencies and hotspots. There will be penalties if you used one when not required. Hot-linking to resources (such as images and vCards) do not
require the use of a CORS proxy. The endpoints to get the list of
courses and class schedules do NOT require CORS proxies
If you need to use a CORS proxy and if you are working on a
Windows device, please consider using one on your local
machine — a CORS proxy runnable on Windows is available to
you. If you have no access to Windows OS, or if you cannot get your
local proxy to work, use one of the CORS proxies provided at:
1. https://cws.auckland.ac.nz/cors/CorsProxyService.svc/prox
y?url={URL}Links to an external site. 2. http://redsox.uoa.auckland.ac.nz/cors/CorsProxyService.sv
c/proxy?url={URL}Links to an external site. Note that the URL, in the context of these CORS proxies, must
be URL-encoded (Links to an external site.) (why so?). Local CORS Proxy on Windows OS
Please download from Canvas a copy of the CorsProxy. This is
available from Files – Part 1 Resources. Extract the service to, for
example H:\CorsProxy, and run the following command on
Windows Powershell:
& "C:\Program Files\IIS Express\IISExpress.exe" /port:8181
If this worked, you will now have a local CORS proxy running.
See http://localhost:8181/CorsProxyService.svc/help (Links to
an external site.). You can test if the proxy does work by going
to http://localhost:8181/CorsProxyService.svc/proxy?url=https:/
(Links to an external site.). If you check the response from this
URL (e.g., with W3Client or simply F12 on your browser), you will
see the HTTP header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (while the
original un-proxied URL will not have this header). Q2. Department of Mathematics —
Infographics [4 marks]
The mathematicians would like to showcase in
their Infographics section an infographic displaying average
lecture attendance data in the previous 7 teaching days. The
data is dynamically sourced
g Links to an external site.. The data is supplied as a percentage — the percentage of the
students attended the lectures across all of the lectures in
Mathematics. The range of the data therefore will always be
within 0 and 100 (inclusive) and the data will always be positive
integers. In the infographics, each 10 should be represented by a
full logo of Mathematics. Parts of 10 should be represented by a
partial logo. For example, if a percentage is 53, then the
corresponding chart element will have five complete logos to
represent 50, and a 0.3 fraction of the logo to represent the
remaining 3. The example below illustrates a possible
infographics for the data [20, 2, 80, 95, 53, 40, 51].
You can use a horizontal or vertical bar chart as you see fit. Add to the Infographics section a dynamically-generated SVG
chart of the infographic representing the data you fetch from the
server. If a user refreshed your Infographics section, they should
be able see the changes in data, if there is any.
For testing purposes, please display the data you sourced from
the server alongside the infographics — for example, below the
chart. Here are some potentially useful pieces of information. The <symbol> element can be used to define graphical
template objects which can be instantiated by a <use> element. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Eleme
nt/symbol (Links to an external site.). The <clipPath> element
defines a clipping path, to be used by the clip-path property. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Eleme
nt/clipPath (Links to an external site.). You could therefore
use <symbol> and <use> to instantiate several instances of the
logo. Similarly you can use <clipPath> to make fractions of the
logo. Tip: Construct your SVG by hand for a sample set of data, and
once you get that finalized, parameterize it and code it. Don't try
to code at once. Submission
The submission is to the assignment dropboxLinks to an external
site.. Please submit on-time. Given the large time window you
have for this assessment, we will not entertain any extension or
additional time. Please manage your time well. The assignment
dropbox allows multiple submissions, and it is the latest
submission that is considered for marking. Therefore, it will be
safe to submit versions well-before the dropbox closes. We will
not be able to consider any other forms of submission than
dropbox submissions. Please submit to the Assignment Dropbox Links to an external
site. the following items. 1. The HTML file (called UPI.html where UPI is your UPI). 2. The CSS file (called UPI.css where UPI is your UPI). 3. The JavaScript file (called UPI.js where UPI is your UPI).
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