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您当前位置:首页 >> Java编程Java编程

日期:2020-09-28 11:18

Lab 2 JSF Managed Beans

Note you can find the Java EE 8 API at https://javaee.github.io/javaeespec/javadocs/?xd_co_f=a58163a1-d7c6-49cf-abf7-bc137d463336

1. For this lab start with last week’s example for a maven template. Download the

version from https://gitlab.infoteach.ca/bdlink/ch2-numberquiz. Unzip it and create a

template for yourself. Delete the example specific files and keep the rest (I do not

give you a template so you will have to do it yourself (learning).

2. Edit the pom.xml file and change the artifact-id to your first initial + last name +

“lab02”. Make the same change to finalName. The artifact-id seems to be what

Eclipse uses for the project name.

3. After you have put the correct name in the pom.xml, you can import the project into

eclipse for the other changes.

4. Create a project in your gitlab.infoteach.ca account that tracks your code. For this

week, this can be a public project to avoid some issues we will deal with later. A help

page gives you the steps to make your code into a git project and upload it. I usually

create the project in the command window with git init, but you can do it several


5. As you work the following steps, debug on your local Wildfly server, commit your

code and push updates to your gitlab repository. At the point that everything works

locally, your code should be in your repository. Get used to using git to manage your

code (if you are not already) and you will be more comfortable working in teams.

6. Define a welcome page enterProblem.xhtml (define this in the web.xml). Use a

messages file for all text (as in the example of chapter 2). Define the enterProblem

page to display a problem report entry form similar to figure 1 below (don’t worry

about the layout too much; we will get more tags in chapter 4).

7. Define a JavaBean Project with properties name and title (both Strings). This

class does not need any annotations (this means it will have dependent scope) if you

are using an empty beans.xml file. If you do not have a beans.xml file (as in the

ch2 example), annotate the class with

javax.enterprise.context.Dependent (this is good style in any case).

8. Define a JavaBean ProblemReport with properties corresponding to each field

(except name and title, which are in Project). Inject the project object for

the project name and title. For the moment, all nonnumeric properties can be

Strings (we will learn how to convert dates later). For numeric properties, use

Integer [what is the difference if you use int?]. Make the JavaBean a CDI named

bean with the name problemReport. [what scope should you use to get the

information from page to page? What scopes would work here? Look ahead and see

where the information needs to go]

9. Use the problemReport bean properties in the input fields in the

enterProblem page (via expression language).

10. Write a display page to display the entered problem report. You can use a large

portion of the enterProblem page if you add the readonly=”true” attribute

to the <h:inputText> tags (this will not look very good, but will save time). The

results should look somewhat like figure 2. Use an HTML link to go from the display

page back to the entry page, which should have blank fields (no code is required if

you store problemReport in the correct scope).

11. We will see a lot more of tags and their attributes in chapter 4. For now you may

want to use the size attribute in <h:inputText> tags to specify the approximate

number of characters of the input box. You may also investigate <h:inputTextArea>

as well as <h:panelGrid> and <h:panelGroup>. This is optional, as the main focus

this week is getting the functionality going, not the look and feel.

12. After things work and your code is in the repository, log into OKD via a browser (this

needs a VPN connected to the BCIT network)

13. In the Developer view make sure your project is showing (named username-labs.

You should have created this in lab 1)

14. Click the +Add to see your choices for creating applications and select “From Git”

(you can get there “From Catalog” selecting the Wildfly Build for a longer path).

15. Fill in your Git Repo URL (we are using GitLab, GitHub also works). You can get

the URL from GitLab, copying the “Clone with HTTPS” text under the Clone button.

16. Select Git Type GitLab

17. Builder should be Wildfly 20

18. For Application, select create application and enter “lab02” under Application Name

19. For name, enter “lab02” (an application can have several parts, here there is only one

so there seems to be duplicate information)

20. Make sure deployment is checked.

21. Make sure the “Create a route to the application” is checked.

22. Click the Create button.

23. A pod icon with a light blue circle should appear in the Topology screen. After a fre

minutes it should turn dark blue. Clicking on the handle on the top right will open a

web page with your application. Clicking on the handle on the lower right will take

you to your Git repository.

24. When all this works, dance a quick jig and feel good about yourself.

25. As we do not have a trigger set up to automatically deploy to OKD when the Git

repository changes, you will have to manually redeploy to push a new version to the

cluster. Just click on the pod to bring up the details and under Builds, click on “Start

Build”. You can click on view logs to see the build process. Note the lower left

handle changes to indicate the build is running. (Note as we have not set readiness

tests, the graphics can show your application as ready a bit before Wildfly finishes

deploying it).

26. (extra credit) Modify the above example to use a language in addition to English.

Your application should respond automatically to the user's browser's preferred


27. (extra credit) The numberquiz example in the text has a problem if it is run from

two different tabs in a browser. The entries made in one tab affect the other tab.

Modify it to use conversation scope so it works properly (each tab should have its

own copy which functions independently of other tabs).

Figure 1 input screen.

Figure 2: display screen

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