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日期:2020-10-28 10:41



ICSI213/IECE213 Data Structures

Click here for the project discussion recording.

Table of Contents

Part I: General project information ……………………………………………………………………………………… 02

Part II: Project grading rubric……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 02

Part III: Examples on how to complete a project from start to finish …………………………………… 03

Part IV: Project description …………………….…………………………………………………………………………….06


Part I: General Project Information

All projects are individual projects unless it is notified otherwise. Work must be submitted with all required

documents included on Duifene on time. Work will be rejected with no credit if

? The work is late.

? The work is partially or entirely written in Chinese.

? The work is not submitted properly. (Can’t open or read. Wrong work, missing files, etc.)

? The work is a copy or partial copy of others' work.

? The work is copied from other resources such as the Internet.

Students must turn in their original work. Original work means that every line of the submitted work is

written by the person who submits. Any copied work from others and/or Internet will not be credited. Any

cheating violation will be reported to the college. Students can help each other by sharing ideas. However,

they should not copy others’ work or allow others to copy their work.

All projects must be submitted via Duifene. No late projects will be accepted.

Documents to be submitted as a zipped file:

? UML class diagram(s) – created with Violet UML, ArgoUML, or StarUML

? Java source file(s) with Javadoc inline comments – (Java classes created with eclipse.)

? Supporting files if any (For example, files containing all testing data.)

Students are required to submit a design, all error-free source files that compile with Javadoc inline

comments, and supporting files. Lack of any of the required items will result in a really low credit or no credit.

Part II: Project grading rubric

Components Max points

UML Design (See an example in part II.) Max. 10 points

Javadoc Inline comments (See an example in part II.) Max. 10 points

The rest of the project Max. 40 points

All projects will be evaluated based upon the following software development activities.


? Does the software meet the exact specification / customer requirements?

? Does the software solve the exact problem?


? Is the design efficient?


? Are there errors?

? Are code conventions followed?

? Does the software use the minimum computer resource (computer memory and processing


? Is the software reusable?

? Are comments completely written in Javadoc format?

a. Class comments must be included in Javadoc format before a class header.

b. Method comments must be included in Javadoc format before a method header.


c. More inline comments must be included in either single line format or block format

inside each method body.

d. All comments must be completed in correct format such as tags, indentation etc.


? Are there bugs in the software?


? Complete all documentations that are required.

Part III: Examples on how to complete a project from start to finish

To complete a project, the following steps of a software development cycle should be followed. These steps

are not pure linear but overlapped.


1) Read project description to understand all specifications(Analysis).

2) Create a design (an algorithm for method or a UML class diagram for a class) (Design)

3) Create Java programs that are translations of the design. (Code/Implementation)

4) Test and debug, and (test/debug)

5) Complete all required documentation. (Documentation)

The following shows a sample design. The corresponding source codes with inline Javadoc comments are

included on next page. How to test/debug a software is included on the following pages.


import java.util.Random;


* Representing a dog with a name.

* @author Qi Wang

* @version 1.0


public class Dog{


* The name of this dog


private String name;


* Constructs a newly created Dog object that represents a dog with an empty name.


public Dog(){




* Constructs a newly created Dog object with a name.

* @param name The name of this dog


public Dog(String name){

this.name = name;



* Returns the name of this dog.

* @return The name of this dog


public String getName(){

return this.name;



* Changes the name of this dog.

* @param name The name of this dog


public void setName(String name){

this.name = name;



* Returns a string representation of this dog. The returned string contains the type of

* this dog and the name of this dog.

* @return A string representation of this dog


public String toString(){

return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + this.name;



* Indicates if this dog is "equal to" some other object. If the other object is a dog,

* this dog is equal to the other dog if they have the same names. If the other object is

* not a dog, this dog is not equal to the other object.

* @param obj A reference to some other object

* @return A boolean value specifying if this dog is equal to some other object


public boolean equals(Object obj){

//The specific object isn’t a dog.

if(!(obj instanceof Dog)){

return false;




open {

open {


Class comments must be written in Javadoc format before

the class header. A description of the class, author

information and version information are required.

More inline comments can be included in

single line or block comments format in a


Comments for fields are required.

Method comments must be written in Javadoc format

before the method header. the first word must be a

capitalized verb in the third person. Use punctuation

marks properly.

A description of the method, comments on

parameters if any, and comments on the return type

if any are required.

A Javadoc comment for a formal parameter consists of

three parts:

- parameter tag,

- a name of the formal parameter in the design ,

(The name must be consistent in the comments and the


- and a phrase explaining what this parameter specifies.

A Javadoc comment for return type consists of two parts:

- return tag,

- and a phrase explaining what this returned value specifies



//The specific object is a dog.

Dog other = (Dog)obj;

return this.name.equalsIgnoreCase(other.name);




Part IV: Project description

Project 3 The 24-point card game

The 24-point card game is to pick any 4 cards from 52 cards, as shown in the figure below. Note that the Jokers are

excluded. Each card represents a number. An Ace, King, Queen, and Jack represent 1, 13, 12, and 11, respectively. You

can click the Refresh button to get four new cards.


Enter an expression that uses the four numbers from the four selected cards. Each number must be used once and

only once. You can use the operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and parentheses in the

expression. The expression must evaluate to 24. After entering the expression, click Verify button to check whether the

numbers in the expression is correct. Display the verification in a message window (see figures below).

Assume that images are stored in files named 1.png, 2.png, … , 52.png, in the order of spades, hearts, diamonds, and

clubs. So, the first 13 images are for spades 1, 2, 3… 13.

Assume that no spaces are entered before the first token, in between tokens, and after the last token.

Assume that only numbers can be entered as operands.

Numbers match and the result is 24.

Numbers don’t match.

Numbers don’t match.


More example,

If 2,3,4,5 are selected and displayed, user can try one of the following expressions to win.







The following is the design diagram. Part of the design (Graphical User Interface, GUI) has been done. You need to

complete the other part of the design and submit only that part of the design when submitting the project.

Class Expression is instantiated and evaluate of the class is invoked in the GUI part. All exceptions must be handled in

the Non-GUI design.

? GUI Design provided:

To store the 58 images, you must create folder image in the project

folder, create a subfolder card, and store all images in folder card.

Note: This is required so that we can run your project without errors.

You don’t need to submit the images as part of the project. The same

images will be used for grading.

This part, Non-GUI, needs to be completed by you.

Graphical User

Interface Design


The four Java programs for GUI have been provided for you to use. You are not allowed to change the GUI

programs. You need to complete the other three programs, and test the project completely.

? Non-GUI design to be completed by you:(No static methods are allowed. )

In this application, an expression( an infix expression) is entered according to the cards shown, and the

expression is evaluated. The result is correct if it is 24. To evaluate an infix expression, convert it to an equivalent

postfix expression, and evaluate the postfix. It is required to use the infix to postfix algorithm and postfix

evaluation algorithm discussed in class for this project.

In this part of the design, two types of objects need to be designed: Expression and ADT Stack. An expression

object contains an infix expression (a string) and operations such as evaluate and infixToPostfix. In both

operations, an ADT Stack is needed. Method evaluate should convert this infix expression to postfix and

evaluate the postfix expression. It is required to design an ADT Stack and use it in this project. Using Stack class

from Java library or others will result in zero credit for this project.

A Generic ADT Stack:

Both infixToPostfix algorithm and evaluate algorithm must use a stack to store tokens. A generic ADT Stack must

be designed(GenericStackInterface) and implemented using an array list. It should have the following


? Construct an empty stack (GenericStack(){…} ).

? Return the number of objects of this stack( getSize() {… }).

? Return a reference to the top element of this stack( peek() {…}).

? Add an object to the top of this stack( push(E o) {…}).

? Remove from the top of this stack( pop() {…}).

? Indicate if this stack is empty( isEmpty() {…}).

public class GenericStack<E>{

private java.util.ArrayList<E> list;



Define Class Expression including the method infixToPostfix() and method evaluate(). Other methods such as

constructors and helper methods should be included in the class. From the GUI side, Expression constructor is

called with a string passed into the constructor, and an Expression object can call the evaluate method that

returns the result of the expression. See the example below.

Expression exp = new Expression(A string literal);

.. exp.evaluate() == 24 …

GUI Programs


You can’t change the GUI source codes. You are responsible for handling all the exceptions in the Non-GUI part.

infixToPostfix: Converts this infix expression to an equivalent postfix expression, returns a postfix expression as

a list of tokens.

public ArrayList<String> infixToPostfix(){…}

Infix to postfix algorithm (using a stack):

As long as there are more tokens, get the next token.

If the token is an operand, append it to the postfix string.

If the token is "(", push it onto the stack.

If the token is an operator, (order operators by precedence)

if the stack is empty, push the operator onto the stack.

if the stack is not empty, pop operators of greater or equal precedence from the stack and append

them to postfix string, stop when you encounter ")" or an operator of lower precedence or

when the stack is empty. And then, push the new operator onto the stack.

When you encounter a ")", pop operators off the stack and append them to the end of the postfix string

until you encounter matching "(".

When you reach the end of the infix string, append the remaining content of the stack to the postfix


evaluate: This method should invoke infixToPostfix to convert this infix expression to postfix, evaluate the

postfix expression, and return the result.

public int evaluate(){…}

Helper methods: You may need to write helper methods such as methods for checking precedence in this class

When splitting an infix expression into tokens, you should not use charAt method and expect all operands are

single-digit tokens. Instead you should split an infix expression by proper delimiters so that all operators,

operands (single-digit or not), and parentheses are tokens. One way is to use operators and parentheses as

delimiters to split an infix expression and also use them as regular tokens. Please check StringTokenizer class or

String class for proper methods that can be used.


Test the entire program by shuffling the cards to make different infix expressions.

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