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您当前位置:首页 >> Java编程Java编程

日期:2021-03-27 11:39

ITCS 209 – Object Oriented Programming

Project 01: CanteenICT Simulation

Update Logs:

2021-02-21 Initial Version

2021-03-14 Extended deadline

Due: Monday, March 22, 2021 11:55PM Monday, March 29, 2021 11:55PM (Final Extension)

Learning Objectives:

On the course of implementing this programming project, you will learn some of the basic concepts of

object oriented programming and how to apply them to practical, real world programming applications.

Specifically, upon accomplishing this project, we expect you to be able to:

1. Differentiate and explain the purposes of:

- private, public, static, and final class variables.

- static, void, and value-returning methods.

2. Implement classes.

3. Instantiate objects from a class and use constructors to initialize objects.

4. Model entities and situations using objects, each of which has certain properties and exhibits

certain abilities, along with using arrays, ArrayList, and loops to functionalize a workable


5. Strengthen your overall programming skills.

6. Get a glimpse of needs for abstraction, interfaces, inheritance, and polymorphism.

7. Enjoy coding with Java.



With the Bamboo Garden gone, many ICT students have been wondering what will be built on

this empty space. You have a brilliant idea that a canteen should be constructed to facilitate hungry ICT

students and visitors. You would like to present your idea to the ICT board with a feasibility analysis. For

example, with a limited budget, how many food stalls can be built? How many tables should be

arranged? How long does it take to serve all the customers? Therefore, you have an idea to write a

program that simulates a canteen scenario where customers queueing up to enter the canteen,

purchase food, be seated, eat, and finish their meals.

CanteenICT Components:

Figure 1: Canteen Components

CanteenICT discrete-simulates the flow of customers from waiting to enter the canteen until

finishing their meals, as depicted in Figure 1. The simulation system involves the following components.

Food Stall

A food stall sells food to customers in its customer queue. The maximum number of customers

waiting in the customer queue is defined by constant MAX_QUEUE. Different types of food are defined

in the enum Menu, currently including NOODLES, DESSERT, MEAT, SALAD, and BEVERAGE. Each type

of food has a different installation cost, cooking time, and eating time. For example, if the faculty wants

a food stall to sell noodles, it must pay 4,000 baht for the installation (to buy equipment, ingredients,

etc.). Additionally, the food stall takes 2 time steps to cook a bowl of noodles. A customer takes 6 time

steps to eat a bowl of noodles. The installation cost, cooking time, and eating time for each food type

are defined in INSTALLATION_COST, COOKING_TIME, and EAT_TIME, respectively.

A food stall is initialized with a name, available menu, and an empty customer queue. The

implementation of the FoodStall class is in FoodStall.java. You may find some of the existing


implementations useful. Feel free to modify this file by adding variables and methods to facilitate your

algorithm. However, you must not modify code in the “DO NOT MODIFY” zones.


A customer can be one of the following types, DEFAULT, STUDENT, PROFESSOR, ATHLETE,

or ICTSTUDENT, defined in the enum CustomerType. For the regular part of this project, a

customer is assumed to be a DEFAULT customer. The other types of customers are for the bonus

credits. A default customer requires the following dishes to satisfy his/her meal:

Menu Quantity






The Customer class is partially implemented in Customer.java. Besides understanding the

provided skeleton of the code, you are required to implement the method takeAction(), which will be

routinely called by the canteen at every time step. Feel free to modify this file by adding variables and

methods to facilitate your algorithm. However, you must not modify code in the “DO NOT MODIFY”



A table is where customers sit while eating their food. Each table is assigned a unique ID. The list

of seated customers is maintained in seatedCustomers. The constant MAX_SEATS defines the

maximum number of customers that a table can seat. The implementation of class Table is in

Table.java. You may find some of the existing functionalities useful. Feel free to modify this file by

adding variables and methods to facilitate your algorithm. However, you must not modify code in the

“DO NOT MODIFY” zones.


A CanteenICT (in CanteenICT.java) houses all the components, checks for installation validity,

and is the main simulation engine. Specifically, a CanteenICT instance maintains the list of all customers

(allCustomers), wait-to-enter queue (waitToEnterQueue), wait-to-seat queue

(waitToSeatQueue), list of finished customers (doneQueue), list of food stalls (foodStalls), and

the list of tables (tables). You are required to understand the existing skeleton of the code and

implement the missing code in certain methods such as getInstallCost() and

validateCanteen(). You may find some of the existing functionalities useful. Feel free to modify

this file by adding variables and methods to facilitate your algorithm. However, you must not modify

code in the “DO NOT MODIFY” zones.

The Simulation Algorithm:


After initializing the canteen with customers, food stalls, and tables, the canteen must first be

validated to check for certain conditions that prevent the simulation from finishing, such as:

- The cost of setting up food stalls exceeds the maximum budget defined by MAX_BUDGET.


- A customer’s required food types must be satisfied by at least one food stall. This is because

a customer is only allowed to purchase all of his dishes from at most one food stall. I.e., A

customer cannot buy one dish from one food stall and then another dish from another food


- There is at least one table.

Once the canteen passes the validation, the method simulate() is invoked to start the

simulation. Inside the method simulate(), the timer variable is incremented by 1. The method

preprocess() is called to do any preprocessing, if needed. The program then loops through each of

the customers in allCustomers and invokes the method takeAction(). Each customer’s

takeAction() is invoked only once during an iteration. After that, the method postprocess() is

invoked to perform any post-processing actions, if any. The simulation stops when all the customers are

in doneQueue.


Each customer’s takeAction() is called once during an iteration. A customer’s action

depends on where the customer is in the canteen and can perform at most one of the following actions

during an iteration.

1. At the end of the previous period, if the customer is the first in the wait-to-enter queue, the

customer finds the foodstall that serves all the required dishes and has the shortest line of

customer, then enqueue the food stall’s customer line. Otherwise, if all the eligible food

stalls cannot accept more customers, simply remain in the wait-to-enter queue. In the event

where two eligible food stalls have equal customers in their queues, then choose either one.

2. At the end of the previous period, if the customer is the first in the customer queue of a

food stall and the food stall is available to take order (i.e. isWaitingForOrder() ==

true), then order the dishes by calling the food stall’s

takeOrder(this.requiredDishes) method.

3. At the end of the previous period, if the customer is the first in the customer queue of a

food stall and the food stall is cooking his dishes, then do nothing. The time it takes to cook

all the customer’s required dishes is the sum of the time to cook each dish. For example,

cooking a DEFAULT customer’s required dishes would take 2+1+3+2+1 = 9 time steps. If the

food stall has finished cooking (i.e. isReadyToServe() == true), then the

customer takes the food by calling the food stall’s serve(), leaves the food stall’s

customer queue, and goes to the end of the wait-to-seat queue.

4. At the end of the previous period, if the customer is the first in the wait-to-seat queue, then

find an available table (i.e. table.isFull() == false), then put himself in the

table’s seated customers list (i.e. seatedCustomers). Otherwise, if all the tables are

currently occupied, then remain in the wait-to-seat queue.

5. At the end of the previous period, if the customer is sitting at a table and has not started

eating yet, then start eating. The time it takes to eat all the dishes is simply the sum of the

time to eat each dish. For example, for a DEFAULT customer, it takes 6+5+10+5+2 = 28 time

steps to finish eating. If the customer is still eating, then continue eating. If the customer

finishes eating, then move himself to the done queue.



At the end of each iteration, if both CanteenICT.VERBOSE and CanteenICT.WRITELOG

are set true, then for each simulation, two log files will be generated: xxx_state.log and

xxx_summary.log where xxx is the canteen name. state.log displays the snapshot printed at the

end of each iteration, primarily for your debugging purposes. Below is an example content in a state.log


======================= T:33=======================

[Waiting-to-Enter Queue]:

[Food Stall: Bamboo Shop]: D5-D7

[Food Stall: PigPan Deli]: D6-D8

[Waiting-to-Seat Queue]:

[Table 1]: D1-D2-D3-D4

[Table 2]:

[Done Queue]:

@D5 retrieves food from Bamboo Shop and goes to Waiting-to-Seat Queue.

======================= T:34=======================

[Waiting-to-Enter Queue]:

[Food Stall: Bamboo Shop]: D7

[Food Stall: PigPan Deli]: D6-D8

[Waiting-to-Seat Queue]: D5

[Table 1]: D1-D2-D3-D4

[Table 2]:

[Done Queue]:

@D5 sits at Table 2.

@D6 retrieves food from PigPan Deli and goes to Waiting-to-Seat Queue.

@D7 orders from Bamboo Shop, and will need to wait for 9 periods.

======================= T:35=======================

[Waiting-to-Enter Queue]:

[Food Stall: Bamboo Shop]: D7

[Food Stall: PigPan Deli]: D8

[Waiting-to-Seat Queue]: D6

[Table 1]: D1-D2-D3-D4

[Table 2]: D5

[Done Queue]:

summary.log contains the summary of the numbers of customers at each state at the end of each

iteration. Below is the format:

<T=t> <# customers waiting to enter> <# customers waiting in food stalls’ queues>

<# customers waiting to be seated> <# of customers sitting at tables>

<# done customers>

summary.log is primarily used to automatically compare the simulation results and will be used to grade

your simulation implementation’s correctness. Below is an example content in a summary.log file:

T=33 0 4 0 4 0

T=34 0 3 1 4 0

T=35 0 2 1 5 0

Your Tasks:

Task 1: Initialization and Validation

In this task, essentially, you need to implement the following methods. Refer to the provided

skeleton code for further instruction.

 Customer  Customer(CanteenICT _canteen): Customer’s constructor


 CanteenICT  public int getInstallCost(): Compute the total installation cost

from building all the food stalls. A food stall’s installation cost is the sum of its installation

cost of each type of food that it sells.

 CanteenICT  public boolean validateCanteen(): Check if the total installation

cost exceeds the max budget and for all the conditions that prevent the simulation from


Executing StudentTester. testValidation() should give the following output.

Canteen test1 does not pass the validation. Installation cost: 72000 baht, while maximum budget

is 70000 :(

Canteen test2 does not pass the validation. There must be at least one food stall that sell all

the dishes requried by each customer.

Canteen test3 does not pass the validation. Have you added some tables to your canteen where

customers can sit and eat their food?

Canteen test4 passes the validation. Allright! Good to go.

Task 2: Simulation

For this task, you will be implementing the mechanism that simulates each customer’s action

given the current time step (T=t) and the snapshot at the end of the previous iteration. Essentially, you

need to implement the following methods.

 Customer  public void takeAction(): The simulator routinely calls this method

during every iteration (See CanteenICT.simulate() ). Your task is to implement

appropriate actions to place the customer in the right queue at the end of the iteration.

 CanteenICT  private void preprocess(): [OPTIONAL] If you need to perform any

preprocessing before each iteration begins (See CanteenICT.simulate() ), you can

implement it here.

 CanteenICT  private void postprocess(): [OPTIONAL] If you need to perform any

postprocessing before each iteration ends (See CanteenICT.simulate() ), you can

implement it here.

Flexibility Policies:

We understand that there are many OOP and Java features that you would like to explore and

use to present your creativity. However, some guidelines must be set to allow fair evaluation while

leaving room for flexibility to explore many wonderful Java-based OOP features.

 Additional variables/methods: You are free to implement your own additional class variables

and methods that facilitate the implementation of your algorithms. However, you must not

modify the code inside the “DO NOT MODIFY” zones. Furthermore, you cannot modify

StudentTester.java since the autograder will also be using the same set of interfaces to interact

with your code.

 Additional classes: You are also free to add additional classes to facilitate your implementation.

Also include additional class implementation files (i.e. YourOwnClass.java) with your submission.

 No external libraries: You are not allowed to use third-party Java libraries. Your code should be

able to compile and run without having to install external jar files

 No packages: The use of packages are not allowed in this project, as it is not compatible with the

autograder. Put everything in the default package (i.e. there should not be a package

declaration on top of each java file).


 Result differentiation: We understand that when it comes to actual implementation, small

details can slightly differ. Therefore, when we grade your simulation’s correctness, a small

deviation of ± 10% is OK.


1. [Discrete-event simulation (DES)] The action of a customer during the time T=t is based on the

state of the customer at the end of the previous iteration (i.e. T=t-1). Therefore, special

consideration is needed when checking if a customer is in the front of the queue during an

iteration. For example, at the end of T=t-1, the waiting-to-enter queue has [D4][D5][D6]. Then,

during T = t, you process D4 by removing it, right after which the queue would become [D5][D6].

Then you process D5. Even if D5 may be the first during T=t, D5 was not the first in the queue at

the end of T=t-1. In this case, D5 would not be removed from the wait-to-enter queue. There are

many ways to handle this. One way would be to create another “shadow” set of queues of what

they would look like at the end of the iteration, while processing the current set of queues.

Another would be to introduce certain variables that keep track of whether each customer is the

front-most in each queue at the end of the previous step.

2. [Understand the existing code first] It helps to understand the provided implementation before

designing your algorithm. This way, you know what is available for you to use, and what needs

to be implemented.

3. [Incremental tests] Though CanteenICT is a fairly simple simulation software compared to other

commercial ones in the market, the small details can overwhelm you during the course of

implementation. Our suggestion is to spend some time understanding the requirements from

the specs. Then, incrementally implement and test one method/part at a time, to see if it

behaves as expected. It is discouraged to implement everything up and test it all at once. For

example, you can implement and test the code that takes a customer from the wait-to-enter

queue and placing him at the right food stall first, before moving on to the other parts of the

simulation. Try to break down the simulation into smaller modules, each of which can be easily


4. [Start early] Don’t wait until the last weekend to start working on this project. Start early, so you

have enough time to cope with unforeseen situations. Plus, it can take some time to completely

understand the project’s specs.


Testcases are provided in StudentTester.java. The state.log files are provided as part of the

package to help you to debug your code. summary.log files are provided for oneway, debug, and simple


Submission Instruction:

It is important that you follow the submission instructions. Failing to do so may result in a

deduction and/or delay of your scores.

1. Run testCongestion() and testLarge(), and collect large_state.log,

large_summary.log, congestion_state.log, and congestion_summary.log.

2. Create a folder and name it P01_<your Student ID>. Let’s call it the submission folder.


3. Put the following files into the submission folder (* note that the filenames must be exactly the

same as shown here. Otherwise, the autograder will not recognize the files.):

a. CanteenICT.java

b. Customer.java

c. FoodStall.java

d. Table.java

e. large_state.log

f. large_summary.log

g. congestion_state.log

h. congestion_summary.log

4. Zip the folder. (E.x., P01_63881234.zip). Make sure that your ID in the filename is correct.

5. Submit the zip file on MyCourses before the deadline.

6. Redownload the submission and recheck the ID in the submission package, and make sure it is

what you wanted to submit. MyCourses can be ridiculous if you submit multiple times.

Note: Late submission will suffer a penalty of 20% deduction of the actual scores for each late day. You

can keep resubmitting your solutions, but the only latest version will be graded.

Coding Style Guideline:

It is important that you strictly follow this coding style guideline to help us with the grading and for your

own benefit when working in groups in future courses. Failing to follow these guidelines may result in a

deduction of your project scores.

1. Write your name, student ID, and section (in commented lines) on top of every Java code file

that you submit. Do not write your name on the log files.

2. Comment your code, especially where you believe other people will have trouble

understanding, such as each variable’s purposes, loop, and a chunk of code. If you implement a

new method, make sure to put an overview comment at the beginning of each method that

explains 1) Objective, 2) Inputs (if any), and 3) Output (if any).


[Optional] Special Challenge (Bonus 10 Points): But wait a minute….not all people eat the

same things?

Challenge Task1:

Use the inheritance mechanism that you just learned in class to implement the following classes

by extending from Customer with the following required dishes.


Student 5 Students eat a lot of sweet things

to energize their brains.

Professor 1 1 Professors are poor, so they can

only afford to eat instant noodles.

They also need water because

they use a lot of voice.

Athlete 3 1 1 Athletes need protein. A lot of

protein from meat and protein

shake. And some veggies.

Challenge Task2:

Implement class ICTStudent by extending from Student. An ICT student eats the same

things as other students. The only difference is that ICT students are very busy. They can start eating

right after they leave the food stall, so they can get to classes in time. That is, an ICT student can eat

while waiting in the wait-to-seat queue.

You may also need to modify CanteenICT.setCustomers() to also support these newly

created classes. To submit the bonus challenge, run testBonus() and submit additional Java files

along with bonus_state.log and bonus_summary.log with your submission.

Bug Report:

Though not likely, it is possible that our solutions may contain bugs. In this context, a bug is not an

insect, but an error in the solution code that we implemented to generate the test cases. Hence, if you

believe that your implementation is correct, yet yields different results, please contact us immediately

so proper actions can be taken.

Need help with the project?

If you have questions about the project, please first ask them on the class’ general channel on Teams, so

that other students with similar questions can benefit from the discussions. The TAs can also answer

some of the questions and help to debug trivial errors. If you still have questions or concerns, please

make an appointment with one of the instructors. We do not debug your code via email. If you need

help with debugging your code, please come see us.


Academic Integrity (Very Important)

Do not get bored about these warnings yet. But please, please do your own work.

Your survival in the subsequent courses and the ability to get desirable jobs (once

you graduate) heavily depend on the skills that you harvest in this course. Though

students are allowed and encouraged to discuss ideas with others, the actual

solutions must be originated and written by themselves. Collaboration in writing

solutions is not allowed, as it would be unfair to other students. Students who

know how to obtain the solutions are encouraged to help others by guiding them

and teaching them the core material needed to complete the project, rather than

giving away the solutions. **You can’t keep helping your friends forever, so you

would do them a favor by allowing them to be better problem solvers and life-long

learners.** Your code will be compared with other students’ (both current and

previous course takers) and online sources using state-of-the-art source-code

similarity detection algorithms which have been proven to be quite accurate. If you

are caught cheating, serious actions will be taken, and heavy penalties will be

bestowed on all involved parties, including inappropriate help givers, receivers,

and middlemen.

Mastering coding takes

practice and effort.

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