Assessed Coursework
Course Name Programming Languages H
Coursework Number 1 and only
% Contribution to final
course mark
20% This should take this
many hours:
Solo or Group ✓ Solo ✓ Group
Submission Instructions
Submit through Moodle. See detailed instructions in the
assignment document (below).
Who Will Mark This? ✓ Lecturer ✓ Tutor ✓ Other
Feedback Type? ✓ Written ✓ Oral Both
Individual or Generic? ✓ Generic ✓ Individual Both
Other Feedback Notes
Discussion in Class? ✓ Yes No ✓
Please Note: This Coursework cannot be Re-Done
Code of Assessment Rules for Coursework Submission
Deadlines for the submission of coursework which is to be formally assessed will be published in course documentation, and work which is submitted later than
the deadline will be subject to penalty as set out below. The primary grade and secondary band awarded for coursework which is submitted after the published
deadline will be calculated as follows:
(i) in respect of work submitted not more than five working days after the deadline
a. the work will be assessed in the usual way;
b. the primary grade and secondary band so determined will then be reduced by two secondary bands for each working day (or part of a
working day) the work was submitted late.
(ii) work submitted more than five working days after the deadline will be awarded Grade H.
Penalties for late submission of coursework will not be imposed if good cause is established for the late submission. You should submit documents supporting
good cause via MyCampus.
Penalty for non-adherence to Submission Instructions is 2 bands
You must complete an “Own Work” form via for all coursework
UNLESS submitted via Moodle
Marking Criteria
The marking scheme is described in the assignment document.
Programming Languages H
Coursework Assignment
In this assignment you will extend the Fun compiler, using the compiler generation tool ANTLR. The Fun compiler is
outlined in the course notes. You will start your assignment by familiarizing yourself with ANTLR and the Fun compiler.
The assignment itself consists of three stages (to be submitted altogether as one): syntactic analysis, contextual analysis,
and code generation.
The assignment contributes 20% of the assessment for the PL(H) course.
Familiarization with ANTLR: the Calc example
You should see the following files in the src/calc directory. Study them to understand what they define.
• Calc.g4 contains the grammar of Calc, expressed in ANTLR notation.
• defines a depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the syntax tree of a Calc program. Each
method defines what will be done at one kind of node, and returns the value of the corresponding expression
(or returns 0 if the node is a command).
• is the top-level driver program, defining a main method. It expects an argument that is a
named Calc source file. CalcRun creates a lexer and uses it to translate the source code into a token stream.
Then it creates a parser and calls the parser’s prog() method, which in turn calls com(), expr(), etc. The
result of prog() is the syntax tree of the input source code. Finally, a visitor is created and its visit method
is called on the syntax tree in order to execute the Calc program.
To make ANTLR generate a lexer and parser for Calc, enter the following commands
(download antlr.jar from Moodle):
$ java -jar antlr.jar –no-listener –visitor src/ast/Calc.g4
$ javac -cp “antlr.jar” -d bin/ -sourcepath src/ src/calc/
Note: do NOT copy-paste the commands, but rather type them yourselves; often there is a problem with the dash ‘–’ in
doing so!
To run CalcRun with a selected source file:
$ java -cp “antlr.jar:bin” calc/CalcRun tests/test1.calc
These are numbers printed by the “put” commands in the source program.
Now try it with tests/test2.calc:
line 4:15 no viable alternative at character '/'
line 4:16 extraneous input '2' expecting EOL
The Calc parser prints an error message because this source program uses “/”, but Calc has no such operator.
(Note: The generated parser’s error messages are not very informative. However, they always include a line number and
column number, such as “4:15”, so you can locate the error exactly.)
Experiment by modifying the Calc grammar in Calc.g4. Try at least one of the following:
(a) Add comments (choosing your preferred syntax, such as “/*…*/” or “//…”). To do this, add a line in
Calc.g4 after the line defining SPACE, which defines the syntax of comments and then specifies -> skip to say
that they should be ignored.
(b) Add a “/” operator. You will also need to modify Find the place where the
behaviour of the other operators is defined and extend it.
(c) Allow variable identifiers to consist of one or more letters (instead of just a single letter). If you make this
change in the grammar and then compile the calculator, you will find that variables are only distinguished by the first
letter of their name. To make them work properly, you can go into and replace int[]
store = new int[26]; by a HashMap that will be indexed by the full variable names. You will need to make
corresponding changes in the visitSet and visitId methods, where the store is used.
Familiarization with the Fun compiler
Download from Moodle and unzip it. Study the following files:
• Fun.g4 defines the grammar of Fun.
• implements a visitor that will traverse a parse tree and enforce Fun’s scope
rules and type rules.
• implements another visitor that will traverse a parse tree and generate SVM
object code.
• defines the representation of SVM instructions. It also contains a group of methods for emitting
SVM instructions, i.e., placing them one by one in the code store; these methods are called by the Fun code
generator. This class also contains a method interpret() that interprets the program in the code store.
• is the driver program. It first compiles a named Fun source file to SVM object code. To help
you to see what is going on, the program prints the AST and the SVM object code. Finally (if compilation was
successful) the program interprets the object code. There are two other driver programs:
just does syntactic analysis (parsing), and does syntactic analysis and contextual analysis
To make ANTLR generate a lexer and parser for Fun, enter the following commands:
$ java -jar antlr.jar –no-listener –visitor src/ast/Fun.g4
$ javac -cp “antlr.jar” -d bin/ -sourcepath src/ src/fun/
You will find several Fun test programs in the directory tests. Run the driver program with a selected source file with
the following command:
$ java -cp “antlr.jar:bin” fun/FunRun tests/
Note: replace ‘:’ with ‘;’ in Windows.
If you wish, you can make the interpreter print each instruction as it is executed. In, simply change the
static variable tracing from false to true.
Note: On the Moodle page you can find a link to Calc and Fun from command line, step by step, as screenshots. Both
Calc and Fun have been tested, as described above, by using the antlr.jar that you can download from Moodle.
Warm-up: extending Fun to allow multiple procedure/function parameters
In the Fun language, procedures and functions have either no parameters or one parameter. In this warm-up exercise,
you will extend Fun so that procedures and functions can have any number of parameters. Formal parameters (in
procedure and function definitions) and actual parameters (in procedure and function calls) will be separated by
commas. The warm-up exercise is in three stages, corresponding to the three stages of the assessed exercise. Each
depends on some of the lecture material. You might be able to work ahead of the lectures by studying the Fun
compiler, but it’s OK to take the warm-up one stage at a time.
Warm-up stage 1 (depends on the lectures in week 5)
Download the file Fun-multiple.g4 from the Moodle page. It contains a new version of the grammar. Look at
this file and compare it with Fun.g4. There is a new non-terminal, formal_decl_seq, which is defined to be a
sequence of one or more formal_decl, separated by commas. The optional tag (?) has moved from the definition
of formal_decl into the definitions of proc_decl and func_decl. This means that the case of no parameters
will be handled as a special case, and the general case is a non-empty sequence of parameters. It would be nice for the
general case to be a sequence, empty or non-empty, of parameters, but the problem is that the comma only appears
when we have at least two parameters.
Replace the content of Fun.g4 with the content from Fun-multiple.g4. After building the compiler, you can
parse (syntax check) tests/ by running FunParse.
Warm-up stage 2 (depends on the lectures in week 6)
The next step is to extend the contextual analysis phase, which is defined in The file already defines the class Type.Sequence, which represents a sequence of types; this class is not used
yet, but the idea is to use it to represent the parameter types of a procedure or function. The same file also defines
Type.EMPTY, representing an empty sequence of types.
Make the following changes to
• In the method predefine, which defines the types of Fun’s built-in procedures and functions, change the
parameter type of read from Type.VOID to Type.EMPTY. Change the parameter type of write to be a
Type.Sequence containing just Type.INT (you will have to do a little programming to construct this).
• Change the definition of MAINTYPE so that the parameter type is Type.EMPTY.
• In the methods visitProc and visitFunc, in the third line, instead of calling ctx.formal_decl(),
call ctx.formal_decl_seq(). This is necessary to match the new grammar. The result type of this call
is FunParser.formal_decl_seqContext. If it is null, meaning that there are no parameters, then the
variable t should be set to Type.EMPTY instead of Type.VOID.
• Because we have added formal_decl_seq to the grammar, with the label formalseq, we need to add a
method visitFormalseq. If you look in the file you can see what the method
header should be. The method needs to visit every item in ctx.formal_decl(), which has type
List<FunParser.Formal_declContext>. Visiting an item returns a Type. These values need to be
collected into an ArrayList and used to construct a Type.Sequence, which is returned.
• The method visitFormal can be simplified because the result of ctx.type() is never null. This is
because the optional clause in the grammar is now formal_decl_seq, and if we have one, then it must be
a non-empty sequence of declarations.
• visitProccall and visitFunccall need to be modified because ctx.actual_seq() might return
null. In this case we construct an empty sequence of types; otherwise we visit the result of
ctx.actual_seq() to get the sequence of types.
• Replace visitActual by visitActualseq, which needs to visit every item in ctx.expr() and
construct a Type.Sequence of their types.
Now you should be able to typecheck tests/ by running FunCheck.
Warm-up stage 3 (depends on the lectures in week 7)
Finally, a few changes are necessary in
• In visitProc and visitFunc, replace FunParser.formal_declContext by
FunParser.formal_decl_seqContext, and replace ctx.formal_decl() by
• Define the method visitFormalSeq; it just has to visit everything in ctx.formal_decl().
• visitFormal can be simplified in the same way as in FunCheckerVisitor.
• In visitProccall and visitFunccall, use ctx.actual_seq() instead of ctx.actual(), but
it might return null, so test for this. If it is null then there is no need to call
• Similarly to FunCheckerVisitor, replace visitActual by visitActualseq, which needs to visit
every item in ctx.expr().
Now you should be able to compile and run tests/ by running FunRun.
Assignment: extending Fun with a for loop and a switch statement
The assignment is to design and implement two extensions to Fun.
(A) The first extension is a for-command, which is a new form of loop. It is similar to the for loop in Pascal and
Ada, but a little different from the for loop in Java.
(B) The second extension is a switch-command, which is similar to the one in Java and C.
Each extension consists of three stages.
1. Syntactic analysis: definition of the grammar to specify the syntax of the new language feature.
2. Contextual analysis: definition of scope and type checking rules for the new feature, and extension of the visitor
to implement them.
3. Code generation: definition of code templates for the new feature, and extension of the visitor to implement
code generation.
Start from your version of Fun that has been extended with multiple parameters (the warm-up exercise) and set up a new
project, called FunExtended, and start by importing or copying in the files that you will start from. Maintain the same
structure of directory as it was given to you.
Extension A: the for-command
The following Fun function contains a for-command:
func int fac (int n): # returns n!
int i = 0
int f = 1
for i = 2 to n:
f = f*i .
return f
This particular for-command makes the control variable i range from 2 up to the value of n. The for-command’s body
“f = f*i” is executed repeatedly, once for each value of the control variable. If the value of n is less than 2, the forcommand’s
body is not executed at all.
The Fun grammar is extended with the for-command as follows:
com = ident ‘=’ expression – assignment command
| ident ‘(’ actual ‘)’ – procedure call
| ‘if’ expr ‘:’ seq-com
( ‘.’ | ‘else’ ‘:’ seq-com ‘.’ ) – if-command
| ‘while’ expr ‘:’ seq-com ‘.’ – while-command
| ‘for’ ident ‘=’ expr ‘to’ expr ‘:’
seq-com ‘.’ – for-command
A for-command of the form for ident = expr1 to expr2 : seq-com . must respect the following scope/type rules:
• The control variable ident must already have been declared as a local variable of type int .
• Both expr1 and expr2 must be of type int.
The for-command has the following semantics:
1. Assign the value of expr1 to the control variable ident.
2. If the value of the control variable is greater than the value of expr2, terminate the for-command.
3. Execute the body seq-com.
4. Increment the control variable.
5. Continue the for-command at step 2.
Extension B: the switch-command
The following Fun function contains a switch-command with an integer expression:
func int test (int n):
int r = 0
int s = 0
switch n:
case 1:
r = 1
s = 2
case 2..4:
s = 3
r = 4
return r
The following Fun function contains a switch-command with a boolean expression:
func bool invert (bool b):
bool x = false
switch b:
case true:
x = false
x = true
return x
Note the following points about the syntax, typing rules and semantics of the switch-command.
• The expression being tested (i.e. the expression that appears after the switch keyword) can be any integer or
boolean expression.
• Each guard (i.e. the value or values that appear after a case keyword) has one of three possible forms. (1) An
integer literal. (2) A boolean literal. (3) An integer range, such as 2..4 in the first example; this case is selected
when the value of n is either 2, 3 or 4. Note that only literal values, not arbitrary expressions, are allowed in
• All of the guards must have the same type as the expression being tested.
• All of the guards must be non-overlapping. This means that guards of forms (1) and (2) must all have different
values, and the ranges in guards of form (3) must not overlap with other ranges or with guards of form (1).
• There can be any number of cases.
• There must be exactly one default case.
• The code for each case can be any sequence of commands.
• There is no fall-through, therefore no need for a break keyword. At the end of the sequence of commands
associated with a particular case, execution jumps to the end of the switch-command. This is true even if the
sequence of commands is empty.
Assignment stage 1: syntactic analysis
Extension A: the for-command
Add a suitable grammar definition for the for-command to Fun.g4. Remember to extend the lexicon as necessary.
Make sure your grammar corresponds to the examples given above; the grammar needs to be general enough, but not
so general that it allows incorrect syntax.
Add your own name and the date to the header comment in Fun.g4. Clearly highlight all your modifications, using
comments like “// EXTENSION”.
Write one or more test Fun programs containing for-commands. Test your extended syntactic analyser by running the
simplified driver program FunParse with each of these test programs, and see whether it accepts them or produces
appropriate syntax error messages. You can also use the ANTLR visualisation tool to check the syntax trees.
Extension B: the switch-command
Add the switch-command to Fun.g4. Remember to extend the lexicon as necessary. Make sure your grammar
corresponds to the examples given above; the grammar needs to be general enough, but not so general that it allows
incorrect syntax.
Add your own name and the date to the header comment in Fun.g4. Clearly highlight all your modifications, using
comments like “// EXTENSION”.
Write one or more test Fun programs containing switch-commands. Test your extended syntactic analyser by running
the simplified driver program FunParse with each of these test programs, and see whether it accepts them or produces
appropriate syntax error messages. You can also use the ANTLR visualisation tool to check the syntax trees.
Assignment stage 2: contextual analysis
Extension A: the for-command
Now that you have extended the Fun grammar, the FunCheckerVisitor class does not implement all of the required
methods. You need to add implementations of the missing methods, so that all the necessary type checking is done.
Add your own name and the date to the header comment in Clearly highlight all your
modifications, using comments like “// EXTENSION”.
Test your extended contextual analyser by running FunCheck with each of your test programs, and see whether it
performs proper scope/type checks. Your test programs should include one that violates all the for-command’s
scope/type rules.
Extension B: the switch-command
As before, add implementations of the missing methods in the FunCheckerVisitor class, so that all the necessary
type checking is done. Also, you need to implement a check that there are no repeated or overlapping guards.
Add your own name and the date to the header comment in Clearly highlight all your
modifications, using comments like “// EXTENSION”.
Test your extended contextual analyser by running FunCheck with each of your test programs, and see whether it
correctly performs type checks and other analysis (no repeated or overlapping guards). Your test programs should
include one that violates all the switch command’s rules.
Assignment stage 3: code generation
Extension A: the for-command
Extend the Fun code generator as follows.
Start by designing a code template for a for-command. This should combine code to evaluate the for-command’s two
expressions, code to execute the for-command’s body, conditional and/or unconditional jumps, and instructions to
initialize, test, and increment the control variable.
When you understand the code template, define the missing methods in the FunEncoderVisitor class.
Add your own name and the date to the header comment in Clearly highlight all your
modifications, using comments like “// EXTENSION”.
Note: Include your code template as a comment in You will receive marks for a
reasonable code template even if your code generator does not work as intended.
Test your extended contextual analyser and code generator by running FunRun with each of your test programs, and
see whether it performs proper scope/type checks and generates correct object code.
There are two ways to verify whether the compiler generates correct object code – use both!
1. Visually inspect the object code.
2. See what happens when the object code is interpreted. If the object code’s behaviour is unexpected, your
compiler must be generating incorrect object code.
Extension B: the switch-command
Extend the Fun code generator as follows.
Start by designing a code template for a switch command. This should combine code to evaluate the switch command’s
expressions, code to compare the value of the expression with each guard in turn, and the necessary conditional and
unconditional jumps to ensure that only the appropriate case (i.e. sequence of commands) is executed.
When you understand the code template, define the missing methods in the FunEncoderVisitor class. You will
almost certainly find that you need to add a couple of instructions to the SVM in order to be able to repeatedly compare
the value of the expression with the guards. Therefore, you will need to modify
Add your own name and the date to the header comment in and Clearly
highlight all your modifications, using comments like “// EXTENSION”.
Note: Include your code template as a comment in This should be in a separate part
of the file, not interspersed between other code. You will receive marks for a reasonable code template even if your
code generator does not work as intended. Note that the code template does not mean the Java code that you have put
into a visit method. It means a schematic outline of the code that will be generated, showing the structure of tests and
jumps. The lecture slides show code templates for the if statement and the while statement.
Test your extended contextual analyser and code generator in the same way as for extension A.
Follow the submission instructions below. These are mandatory. If you do not follow these instructions, marks will be
• Upload on Moodle in the Submit your coursework here area a zipped directory. Use your student number
(including the letter at the end) as file name for the submission, for example
• The zipped directory must:
i) Contain a folder named FunExtended, which in turn contains all the files for your modified Fun compiler,
including the files that you have not changed. We want to be able to compile your compiler without needing
to change anything in your directory. In the tests directory inside FunExtended you can put your own
test programs. Recall: you must keep the same structure of the directory as the one that was given to you
on Moodle for Fun in
ii) Include in your top-level directory, a report called StatusReport (max 4 pages) describing in detail
what you have done in each of the three stages of the coursework. Your report should include a heading
stating your full name and your student number and clear instructions on how to run the code.
Note: the report contributes to your final mark.
Help and support
Your lecturer and demonstrators will be in the lab to help you if needed.
You may collaborate with other students to familiarize yourself with ANTLR and the Fun compiler. However,
assignment stages 1–3 must be your own unaided work.
Your work will be marked primarily for correctness. However, marks may be deducted for code that is clumsy, hard to
read, or very inefficient. Marks will also be deducted for a missing or misleading status report. Your total mark will be
converted to a percentage and then to a band on the 22-point scale. The assessment scheme will be:
Stage 1 (syntactic analysis)
Extension A (for) 4 marks
Extension B (switch) 5 marks
Stage 2 (contextual analysis)
Extension A (for) 8 marks
Extension B (switch) 10 marks
Stage 3 (code generation)
Extension A (for) 8 marks
Extension B (switch) 10 marks
Total 45 marks
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