1 | Page FIT2002 (Semester 2, 2022) Assignment 2 FIT2002 IT Project Management
Semester 2, 2022
Assignment Two
Due Date:
● Main submission - individual submission - (75%): 16:30 Monday 17 October 2022
● Presentation (25%):
○ Presentation slides submission - Group submission: 16:30 Wednesday 19 October 2022
○ Oral Presentation - Group presentation: During your allocated applied class in week 12
Value: 40% of overall unit assessment
Mode of Submission: Online on Moodle
This assignment requires a collaborative effort by a team of students and includes both a team submission
and an individual submission. Students must continue their collaboration with their Assignment One team
unless advised otherwise by the teaching team.
In summary, you will need to
● Continue working with your assignment 1 team for this assignment
● Make a team and individual submission
LEARNING OBJECTIVES The aim of this assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to learn and demonstrate their
analytical and project management skills through the development of an information technology (IT) project
management case study. The assignment aims to assess the following aspects of student learning about
project management:
● Skills in communicating projects.
● Skills and knowledge from the ten knowledge areas of the PMBOK.
● Communication skills in relation to different types of stakeholders.
● Working in a team.
SPECIFICATION AND DELIVERABLES This assignment follows your assignment one projects where you worked on addressing the requirements of
the Student Services professional services function of the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT), Monash
University (the client).
Student teams continue to play the role of project managers within an IT consultancy that Monash has
contracted to undertake a portfolio of 4 projects that are intended to improve student experience within FIT.
Each student within the team continues their role as the assigned project manager for one of the projects in
the portfolio.
Note: students will not be required to develop a product as part of this process.
2 | Page FIT2002 (Semester 2, 2022) Assignment 2 From Week 9 until Week 11 teams will work together in the weekly Applied Sessions to consider how to apply
PMBOK knowledge areas in the different aspects of the assignment, including:
● Project monitoring and controlling
● Integrated change control
● Project Risk Management
● Project Quality Management
● Project Procurement Management
● Project Communication Management
● Project stakeholder Management
During Week 12 teams will work together in their Applied Sessions to present a summary of their collaboration
when working on the portfolio of projects.
1) Each Applied Session will address different components of the assignment
a) Attend each to discuss and work on these as a team
b) present your progress and get support and advice.
2) Our CE (Professor Patrick Olivier) will interview the client, Mr Peter Barton, once again
a) Submit questions about the portfolio of projects via the Ed Discussion Category “Assignment/A2
Questions for client”.
b) These will be posed to Mr. Barton in week 10
There are two submissions:
a. Individual submission (all deliverables) due Week 12 (16:30 Monday 17 October 2022).
b. Group submission (Team presentation) due Week 12 (16:30 Wednesday 19 October 2022).
Submissions (group and individual) must take the form of a single document.
a. Group submission should be in the form of MS PowerPoint slides or PDF named: <<Group #>>
b. Individual submission should be named: <<Group #>><<Student#>>.pdf, where <<Group#>> is the
group number that will be assigned to your group by your tutor and <<Student #>> is your unique
Monash University student number.
The moment you upload your assignment on Moodle, you are required to accept the Student Statement
(which includes a declaration that you have not plagiarised during the preparation of your assignment
solution). You are required to ACCEPT the Student Statement; otherwise, you won’t be able to submit your
assignment electronically and your assignment will NOT be assessed.
1. Submission must be made by the due date. Unless an extension or special consideration has been
granted, or otherwise specified in the learning management system, students who submit an assessment
task after the due date will receive a late-submission penalty of 10 percent of the available marks in that
task. A further penalty of 10 percent of the available marks will be applied for each additional day (24-hour period), or part thereof, the assessment task is overdue.
2. If you can’t complete an assessment (due to exceptional circumstances beyond your control), you may
be eligible for special consideration. In such exceptional circumstances you can request a short extension
of up to five calendar days. To apply, you’ll need to contact the Chief Examiner before the due date for
that assessment. For longer extensions you’ll need to submit a special consideration application online
within two University working days after the due date for that assessment.
3. For more details of the Special Consideration procedure and rules, and how to apply, visit:
3 | Page FIT2002 (Semester 2, 2022) Assignment 2 ASSIGNMENT TASKS
To formulate a successful portfolio, your team and you (as a project manager for your individual project) will
complete the following deliverables. Discussion and preparation of the 7 deliverables will be the focus of
Applied Sessions as indicated below:
● Deliverable 1: Project Integration Management - Integrated change control
● Deliverable 2: Project monitoring and controlling
● Deliverable 3: Project Risk Management
● Deliverable 4: Project Quality Management
● Deliverable 5: Project Procurement Management
● Deliverable 6: Project Communication Management
● Deliverable 7: Project Stakeholder Management
● Presentation of your team collaboration to achieve portfolio objectives (project closure)
DELIVERABLE 1: Project integration management - Integrated change control
Related content: Weeks 1 - 8
Your client informs you that they require a change in the completion date of the portfolio projects and now
they prefer the projects to be completed within 8 months of the contract start date.
What is your team’s approach to manage this change? Write a 1-page memo (up to 400 words) to explain
your team's approach to managing the change among your projects. Explain your approach based on the
project constraints and continued business justification and make a justified recommendation to FIT senior
*Note that you are required to communicate and discuss the change with your team and find a resolution to
effectively manage the change for your portfolio. However, each student is required to provide their
perspective of the best approach in managing change within the portfolio.
Deliverable 1: structure & requirements:
Deliverable 1 Task Requirements Weight
- Integrated
change control
Task 1 Write a clear and well justified memo (<400 words) to FIT’s senior
management, stating your views of change management. Explain the
impact of change on projects’ constraints and make a justified
4 | Page FIT2002 (Semester 2, 2022) Assignment 2 DELIVERABLE 2: Project monitoring and controlling
Related content: Week 7
Assume that you are in the execution phase of your project:
a. You have completed 2 months of your project and have completed 60% of the project work. Your
total spending at this point comprises 80% of your total budget. Assume an equal amount of work
is scheduled throughout the 3 months of the project duration.
b. What is the cost variance (CV), schedule variance (SV), cost performance index (CPI), and schedule
performance index (SPI) for the project?
c. Use the CPI to calculate the estimate at completion (EAC) for this project.
d. Use the SPI to estimate how long it will take to finish this project using the following formula: time
estimate (Y months)/ SPI= X
e. Based on your calculation and estimation in parts (b - d), write a memo (up to 300 words) to your
client advising them of the progress of your projects at this point and provide appropriate
Deliverable 2: structure & requirements:
Deliverable 2 Task Criteria Weight
monitoring and
Task 2 • Accurate calculations of CV, SV, CPI & SPI
• Correct calculation of EAC
• Correct calculation to estimate time to completion
• A clear and succinct memo (<300 words) to the client
addressing all relevant information regarding the status of the
project and appropriate recommendation(s)
5 | Page FIT2002 (Semester 2, 2022) Assignment 2 DELIVERABLE 3: Project Risk Management
Related content: Week 8
Create a risk register for your project:
a. Identify 3 potential risks for each project (2 negative risks and 1 positive risk). You should NOT
include the challenge mentioned in ‘DELIVERABLE 1: Project integration management - Integrated
change control’. Identify any risk that you consider would have an impact on the success of your
project or the portfolio you work in.
b. Write a rationale for how you determined the probability and impact for each of the risks (up to 300
words in total)
c. Plot all the risks (from Task a) on a probability/ impact matrix.
d. Develop a response strategy for each of the risks you have identified (in Task a). Include information
about the approach that was taken to identify the risk response strategies describing what your
contingency plans are to address the risk (< 300 words).
Deliverable 3: structure & requirements:
Deliverable 3 Task Criteria Weight
Project Risk
Task 3.1 A complete risk register for the project to include 3 potential risks 5%
Task 3.2 Write a rationale for how you determined the probability and impact
for each of the risks (<300 words)
Task 3.3 Plot all the risks (from Task a) on a probability/ impact matrix. 5%
Task 3.4 Develop a response strategy for each of the risks you have identified
in Task 3.1. Include information about the approach that was taken
to identify the risks response strategies describing what your
contingency plans are to address the risk (<300 words)
6 | Page FIT2002 (Semester 2, 2022) Assignment 2 DELIVERABLE 4: Project Quality Management
Related content: Week 9
Develop a list of 3 quality standards/requirements related to meeting the stakeholder expectations and
requirements described in portfolio introduction in Assignment 1. You can use the quality requirements
developed in your scope statement (DELIVERABLE 2: Project Scope Management for Assignment 1).
a. Provide a brief description of each standard/requirement. For example, a standard/ requirement
might be: user testing indicates that 95% of users report a positive user experience when engaging
with the system; or 95% of users rated the information from the app as useful. (You can assume 95%
is an acceptable lower threshold rate for any requirement that needs one. Not all of your
requirements will need a specific threshold though and if you feel it is important to go higher then
please do so).
b. Determine how you will measure progress on meeting those standards/requirements identified in
Task a. For example: ensure user testing is scheduled at several points in the project so that the user
experience score data can be analysed to help build an understanding of what the quality issues are,
and where targeted improvements can be made.
Deliverable 4: structure & requirements:
Deliverable 4 Task Criteria Weight
Project Quality
Task 4 A list of 3 quality standards/requirements related to meeting the
stakeholder expectations and requirements described in portfolio
introduction in Assignment 1. ● Provide a brief description of each standard/requirement. ● Determine how you will measure progress on meeting those
standards/ requirements ● Word limit “<600 words” for the entire quality management
plan or approximately “<200 words” for each quality
DELIVERABLE 5: Project Procurement Management
Related content: Week 9
FIT Senior management knows that your team already has a very high volume of workload in a short time
frame. They want your opinions on whether the design phase of the project should be outsourced.
Write a one-page memo (<300 words) to senior management stating your views (pros and cons) of
outsourcing for any parts of your projects.
Deliverable 5: structure & requirements:
Deliverable 5 Task Criteria Weight
Task 5 Write a one-page (<300 words) memo to senior management stating
your views (pros and cons) of outsourcing.
7 | Page FIT2002 (Semester 2, 2022) Assignment 2 DELIVERABLE 6: Project Communication Management
Related content: Week 10
Prepare a communications management plan (<300 words) to clarify your communication approach in your
project and to address some of the challenges you have faced and may face in the future (you could refer
back to your risk register).
a. Stakeholder communications requirements: addressing the type of information that your main
stakeholders require.
b. Communications Matrix (Communications summary): completing the communication matrix
c. Communication Escalation Process: what approach would you follow when you need to escalate
issues within the project and who would be responsible to resolve each issue
d. Communication Methods and Technologies: the preferred communication methods and technologies
used in your project as well as your justification to use them.
Deliverable 6: structure & requirements:
Deliverable 6 Task Criteria WeightProject
Task 6 Prepare a communications management plan to clarify your
communication approach in your project and to
address the challenges of your project.
DELIVERABLE 7: Project Stakeholder Management
Related content: Week 10
Prepare a project stakeholder management plan to clearly identify your stakeholder management strategies
for internal (within your organisation) use only.
a. Prepare a stakeholder register using the preceding information from your portfolio and include at
least five stakeholders. You may make up some information as needed.
b. Create a stakeholder management strategy, focusing on two stakeholders who are NOT on the project
team. Remember that this document has internal use and will not be handed out to the stakeholders.
Be creative in developing potential management strategies.
Deliverable 7: structure & requirements:
Deliverable 7 Task Criteria Weight
Task 7.1 Prepare a stakeholder register including at least five stakeholders. 5%
Task 7.2 Create a stakeholder management strategy for the
project focusing on two stakeholders who are not on the
project team
8 | Page FIT2002 (Semester 2, 2022) Assignment 2 Presentation of your team collaboration to achieve portfolio objectives (project closure)
Related content: Weeks 1-11
Mode of submission: ● Presentation slides submission - Group submission: 16:30 Wednesday 19 October 2022
● Oral Presentation - Group presentation: During your allocated applied class in week 12
A 12-minute oral presentation as a team to the client and FIT operation management team (role played by
your tutors and other teams) during Week 12 applied classes.
● To inform the relevant stakeholders of the completion of the projects
● To garner support for the project proposals you are developing for your assignment
● The presentation session would also serve as a platform for the team to share their experiences
(lessons learned) throughout their work on the projects.
The aim of this task is to provide students with an opportunity to develop their analytical and presentation
skills and in so doing:
● Evaluate, review and reflect on their project experience.
● Critically analyse successes and opportunities for improvement
● Present relevant information to different stakeholders in an engaging manner.
● Work in a collaborative team environment.
As you know, FIT senior management had decided to invest in the Student Services professional services
function of the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT). Your team is a project management consultancy
partnership that undertakes contracts from clients and works with them to plan and manage internal service
development projects that include IT design and development.
Assume that you have just completed the projects in the portfolio and successfully launched the systems.
Your team is required to give a project closure presentation, pitch to the client (FIT Educational Services) and
FIT operations management team, summarising your work (from Assignments 1 and 2) and should cover the
following aspect:
● The portfolio objectives;
● Summary of portfolio investment results;
● Portfolio assessment and
● Lessons learned*.
* The lessons learned process includes gathering, archiving and presenting data about the project plans, the
budget, schedule and information about the actual performance versus those plans as well as the project’s
variances and the corrective action that was taken to resolve problems. This information provides future
project managers an advantage in quickly and accurately planning their projects and learning from what
worked and what didn’t.
9 | Page FIT2002 (Semester 2, 2022) Assignment 2 Notes:
● You should make use of information from all the Deliverables in Assignments 1 and 2.
● As needed you should make reasonable realistic assumptions.
● You are free to make assumptions as to whether the portfolio is completed within the nine months
scheduled timeframe or not.
● Your lessons learned should cover team challenges or any problems/challenges with the projects and
how you addressed them.
1. Please upload your presentation slides (one submission per group) by 16.30 Wednesday 19 October 2022
on the FIT2002 Moodle site under “Assignment 2 – Presentation (Group Submission)” link.
2. Every member of the team needs to actively participate in the presentation which will happen during the
Week 12 applied class.
3. Every team will also need to assess other teams and is required to stay through the whole session.
Presentation rubric and materials to help you prepare for this task are provided in a separate document in
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