CCT110: Winter 2023. Assignment #3
Assignment #3: Podcast (with peer review)
Due: Podcast and show notes are due March 2 (9am). Assignments submitted after 9am will
be considered late (please review the course late policy for penalties). Peer evaluations due
March 9 (9am). Please confirm details with your TA.
Method of submission: Podcast assignment material will be submitted through Quercus or
per TA instructions.
General Notes: This individual assignment (with two components) is worth 15% of your final
Assignment Description: You will produce a 3-minute podcast on a topic of your choice
related to communications, social media, and/or digital media (please note: a penalty of 10%
will apply for going over the 3-minute time limit).
You will write, produce, and record the podcast using suggested applications, and submit
both (i) a link to the podcast and (ii) written show notes of the recording for grading. Both
the digital media portion and the written portion must be submitted by the deadline. The
final requirement of the assignment will be an evaluation of a peer’s podcast.
Submission information:
1. The file containing your show notes and a link to your podcast should be uploaded to
Quercus by the deadline. If this is not submitted by the deadline, late penalties will apply. If
your URL is incorrect, late penalties will apply. If you do not have an accessible online space
to post a link to your podcast (a blog, for example), please post the URL from the file sharing
service that your podcast is hosted on (e.g. SoundCloud).
Assignment Content
Show notes provide an outline of the content in an episode of your podcast. Show notes
should do the following:
Provide a convenient outline of topics and links mentioned in your show
Bring new visitors to your site and turn them into listeners
Summarize the podcast: Your show notes should provide, at a glance, an outline of the
contents of an episode. This is not only a matter of convenience for your audience but it also
serves to attract listeners. If you carefully wrote an outline for your podcast before recording,
then producing show notes should be easy. You want to include enough information to pull
people in without giving everything away.
CCT110: Rhetoric and Media. Winter 2023. Assignment #3
Include a captivating title: Think of a creative, engaging title that attracts a listener while
indicating the content of the podcast. Your podcast should be titled something more creative
than “Podcast Episode 1.”
Use popular keywords: Keywords are phrases that people commonly search for on the
internet. Think about what your potential audience might be searching for online. Use these
phrases in your show notes if they pertain to the episode. This will help your site show up in
searches for that phrase.
Relevant links and resources from your show: If you mention web addresses, phone
numbers, email addresses and other such information, it’s hard for your listeners to
remember this information, so include it in your show notes.
See “How to write great podcast show notes” at
write-podcast-show-notes/ for more information.
Recorded podcasting lecture and production workshop in CCT 110 on February 16.
Assigned links and readings in the Quercus Class 6 module (February 16).
How to Plan a Podcast in 2022 (David Ciccarelli):
A Beginner’s Guide to Podcasts (
“9 Steps to Better Podcast Show Notes and 7 Benefits,”
Marking scheme
Podcasts will be peer evaluated and assessed by your TA
Each TA will assign you a podcast to evaluate, according to a rubric
Please read the peer evaluation instructions on the rubric, which is posted on
Quercus with the assignment information
Peer evaluations are due on March 9 (9am) via Quercus
TAs will ensure that the peer evaluations are consistent and fair, and TAs will
determine your final grade
CCT110: Rhetoric and Media. Winter 2023. Assignment #3
Late podcast assignments: 10% deduction per day to a maximum of one week from the due
Late peer evaluations: Students who do not submit a peer evaluation will not receive a grade
on their podcast. Late peer evaluations will result in 10% per day deducted from your
Checklist: 3-minute podcast completed
Show notes written with all requirements met
URL to podcast included in show notes and double-checked to ensure it
Podcast rubric reviewed to ensure your podcast meets all requirements
Show notes with URL submitted via Quercus
Peer evaluation completed and submitted on time
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