CSE 510 - Database Management System Implementation
Phase II
1 Goal
The version of the MiniBase I have distributed to you implements various modules of a relational database management
system. Our goal this semester is to use these modules of MiniBase as building blocks for implementing a Bigtable-like
Please consider the following papers as a starting point of your reading in the area:
Fay Chang, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Wilson C. Hsieh, Deborah
A. Wallach, Mike Burrows, Tushar Chandra, Andrew Fikes, Robert
E. Gruber. Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured
Data.7th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and
Implementation (OSDI), {USENIX} (2006), pp. 205-218.
2 Project Description
The following is the list of tasks that you need to perform for this phase of the project. Note that getting these working
may involve other changes to various modules not described below.
Create a new package called BigT, with three classes
– BigT.bigt, which creates and maintains all the relevant heapfiles (and index files of your choice to organize
the data),
– BigT.Map Minibase stores data in the form of tuples. Bigtable on the other hand stores data in the form of
(row : string, column : string, time : int)→ string.
Therefore, the first task to extendMinibase with a new map construct. The map construct will be similar to the
tuple, but with a fixed structure; a tuple can have any arbitrary length (as long as it is bounded by max size)
and any arbitrary fields, but a map will have 4 fixed fields:
Spring 2023
Due Date: Midnight, March 19th
– BigT.Stream This supports the getNext() interface which will retrieve maps from the big table in some
specified order.
These classes will provide the following constructors and methods:
– BigT.bigt:
bigt(java.lang.String name, int type): Initialize the big table. type is an integer be-
tween 1 and 5 and the different types will correspond to different clustering and indexing strategies you
will use for the bigtable.
void deleteBigt(): Delete the bigtable from the database.
int getMapCnt(): Return number of maps in the bigtable.
int getRowCnt(): Return number of distinct row labels in the bigtable.
int getColumnCnt(): Return number of distinct column labels in the bigtable.
MID insertMap(byte[] mapPtr) Insert map into the big table, return its Mid. The
insertMap() method ensures that there are at most three maps with the same row and column la-
bels, but different timestamps, in the bigtable. When a fourth is inserted, the one with the oldest label is
dropped from the big table.
Stream openStream(int orderType, java.lang.String rowFilter,
java.lang.String columnFilter, java.lang.String valueFilter): Initialize a
stream of maps where row label matching rowFilter, column label matching columnFilter, and
value label matching valueFilter. If any of the filter are null strings, then that filter is not considered
(e.g., if rowFilter is null, then all row labels are OK). If orderType is
· 1, then results are first ordered in row label, then column label, then time stamp
· 2, then results are first ordered in column label, then row label, then time stamp
· 3, then results are first ordered in row label, then time stamp
· 4, then results are first ordered in column label, then time stamp
· 6, then results are ordered in time stamp
– BigT.Map: You will need to create a class BigT.Map, similar to heap.Tuple but having a fixed structure
(and thus a fixed header) as described above. Thus, the constructor and get/set methods associated with the
BigT.Map should be adapted as appropriate:
Map(): Class constructor create a new map with the appropriate size.
Map(byte[] amap, int offset): Construct a map from a byte array.
Map(Map fromMap): Construct a map from another map through copy.
java.lang.String getRowLabel(): Returns the row label.
java.lang.String getColumnLabel(): Returns the column label.
int getTimeStamp(): Returns the timestamp.
java.lang.String getValue(): Returns the value.
Map setRowLabel(java.lang.String val): Set the row label.
Map setColumnLabel(java.lang.String val): Set the column label.
Map setTimeStamp(int val): Set the timestamp.
Map setValue(java.lang.String val): Set the value.
byte[] getMapByteArray(): Copy the map to byte array out.
void print(): Print out the map.
size(): Get the length of the tuple
mapCopy(Map fromMap): Copy the given map
mapInit(byte[] amap, int offset): This is used when you don’t want to use the constructor
mapSet(byte[] frommap, int offset): Set a map with the given byte array and offset.
After creating this map construct, remove the heap.Tuple completely from the minibase and modify all
related code to use BigT.Map instead; that is, your version of minibase will not store tuples anymore.
– BigT.Stream: This class will be similar to heap.Scan, however, will provide different types of accesses
to the bigtable:
Stream(bigt bigtable, int orderType, java.lang.String rowFilter,
java.lang.String columnFilter, java.lang.String valueFilter): Initialize a
stream of maps on bigtable.
void closestream(): Closes the stream object.
Map getNext(MID mid): Retrieve the next map in the stream.
Note that the above methods use a map id class, MID, that needs to be declared in a global.MID, similar to
Minibase stores tuples in tables which are encoded in Heapfiles (heap.Heapfile). Each heapfile corresponds
to a data table in a relational database. Tuples are inserted into and deleted from the heap file using insertRecord()
and deleteRecord() methods. In the BigTable, each record will correspond to a map instead of a tuple. Modify the
heap package, and the classes within, accordingly. For example, the HeapFile class is modified as follows:
– Heapfile(java.lang.String name): Initialize.
– void deleteFile(): Delete the file from the database.
– boolean deleteMap(MID mid): Delete map from file with given mid.
– int getMapCnt(): Return number of maps in the file.
– Map getMap(MID mid): Read the map from file.
– MID insertMap(byte[] mapPtr) Insert map into file, return its Mid.
– Scan openScan(): Initiate a sequential scan.
– boolean updateMap(MID mid, Map newmap): Updates the specified map in the heapfile.
Note that the above methods replace global.RID with global.MID; therefore, global.RID is redundant
and will be eliminated. Therefore, all classes that refer to RID, will need to be modified to use MID instead.
Create the class iterator.MapUtils by modifying the class iterator.TupleUtils. For example,
– static int CompareMapWithMap(Map m1, Map m2, int map fld no): This function com-
pares a map with another map in respective field, and returns: 0 if the two are equal, 1 if m1 is greater, -1 if
m2 is smaller
– static boolean Equal(Map m1, Map m2): This function Compares two maps in all fields
Other methods of iterator.MapUtils and classes (e.g., global.TupleOrder or iterator.Sort) referring
to tuples are also adapted accordingly.
Under the diskmgr package, create a new class called bigDB by modifyingdiskmgr.DB. This class creates and
maintains all the relevant files and btree based index files to organize the data. In addition to the existing methods
of the diskmgr.DB, the diskmgr.bigDB also contains the following classes and methods:
– bigDB(int type): Constructor for the big table database. type is an integer denoting the different
Modify Minibase disk manager in such a way that counts the number of reads and writes. One way to do this is as
– First create add pcounter.java, where
package diskmgr;
public class PCounter {
public static int rcounter;
public static int wcounter;
public static void initialize() {
rcounter =0;
wcounter =0;
public static void readIncrement() {
Note that each big table database may contain any number of indexes. For this project we want you to create 5 different types of indexes
of your choice, you need to mention in your report why you chose to create an index on a specific attribute. Below are the examples for
the types of indexes you can create
Type 1:
· one btree to index row labels
Type 2:
· one btree to index column labels
Type 3:
· one btree to index column label and row label (combined key) and
· one btree to index timestamps
Type 4:
· one btree to index row label and value (combined key) and
· one btree to index timestamps
clustering and indexing strategies you will use for the graph database.
}public static void writeIncrement() {
into your code.
– Then, modify the read page() and write page()methods of the diskmgr to increment the appropri-
ate counter upon a disk read and write request.
Implement a program batchinsert. Given the command line invocation
where DATAFILENAME and BIGTABLENAME are strings and TYPE is an integer (between 1 and 5), the program
will store all the maps in a bigtable.
The format of the data file will be as follows:
rowlabel1 columnlabel1 timestamp1 value1
rowlabel2 columnlabel2 timestamp2 value2
Given these maps, the name of the bigtable that will be created in the database will be BIGTABLENAME TYPE. If
this bigtable already exists in the database, the tuples will be inserted into the existing bigtable.
At the end of the batch insertion process, the program should also output the number of disk pages that were read
and written (separately).
? Implement a program query. Given the command line invocation
the program will access the database and printout the matching maps in the requested order.
Each filter canbe
– “*”: meaning unspecified (need to be returned),
– a single value, or
– a range specified by two column seperated values in square brackets (e.g. “[56, 78]”)
Minibase will use at most NUMBUF buffer pages to run the query (see the Class BufMgr).
At the end of the query, the program should also output the number of disk pages that were read and written
IMPORTANT: If you need to process large amounts of data (for example to sort a file), do not use the memory. Do
everything on the disk using the tools and methods provided by minibase.
3 Deliverables
You have to return the following before the deadline:
Your source code properly commented, tared and ziped.
The output of your program with the provided test data and the driver.
A report following the given report document structure. As part of your work, I expect that you will develop 5
different storage (clustering and indexing) schemes. The report should experimentally analyze the read and write
performance of different clustering and indexing alternatives for batch insertions and for different query types.
The report should also describe who did what. This will be taken very seriously! So, be honest. Be prepared to
explain on demand (not only your part) but the entire set of modifications. See the report specifications.
A confidential document (individually submitted by each group member) which rates groupmembers’ contributions
out of 10 (10 best; 0 worst). Please provide a brief explanation for each group member.
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